scholarly journals Learning Strategies at SD Muhammadiyah 2 Tulangan during the Covid 19 Pandemic

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
Lintang Nimas Primaningtyas ◽  
Muhlasin Amrullah

The study aims to analyze the learning process in the (online) network, supportive factors and teacher inhibitory factors in carrying out online learning during the covid-19 pandemic. The study was carried out at muhammadiyah elementary school 2 the estimated shidoarjo city of sidoarjo in April. The study USES descriptive qualitative methods. The subject used in this study was an elementary school teacher at 2 tulangan elementary elementary school. The data-collection techniques used in this study include interviews, documentation and field notes. The result of this study is that the covid-19 pandemic has hada profound impact on the learning process, learning that is normally executed directly is now being transferred to online learning. Learners are bored and bored during learning. Online education done for primary-age children is less effective. A number of teacher factors in the online learning process are the availability of cell phones, quotas and a steady Internet network. In addition to supporting factors in online learning, there are several teacher inhibitors in online learning. These inhibiting factors include the fact that they are still at the elementary school level, so only a few students have cellphones, therefore this can make learning ineffective. Through online there are also obstacles that occur for teachers, namely many students who deliberately do not participate in online learning because they do not have an internet quota to access learning so that students are left behind. And there is also a learning strategy carried out by SD Muhammadiyah 2 Tulangan. On the other hand, face-to-face online learning through applications is the most beneficial thing to break the spread of Covid-19 and maintain the mental health of teachers and students from exposure to the Covid-19 virus.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 56
Dian Armanto ◽  
Edy Surya ◽  
Elvi Mailani

The research aims to develop teacher and student handbooks for realistic mathematics lessons for elementary schools. The development of this handbook is based on the reality in the field where the handbook of teachers and students especially the subjects using the 2013 curriculum still do not exist, and in daily learning activities teachers and students still use books that use themes. This research uses development research (Developmental Research). The subjects of this study were grade V students of SD Negeri 163085, H.A Bilal Tebingtinggi City and SD Negeri 106162, Medan Estate District, Deliserdang Regency. In the initial stage, observations were made during the learning process at the two schools and continued with interviews with students and teachers. From the results of these observations and interviews a primary school realistic mathematics teacher and student handbook was prepared. Furthermore, the realistic elementary school mathematics teacher and student handbook is validated by a team that aims to see and assess the quality of the realistic elementary school teacher and student mathematics handbook in order to arrange an effective handbook that will be used by teachers and students in learning. The validation results show that realistic mathematics teacher and student handbooks are developed in both categories and can be used in teaching and learning. The media book test was conducted on grade V students of SD Negeri 163085 Tebingtinggi city and SD Negeri 106162 Medan Estate Deliserdang Regency. The trial results show that the elementary school teacher and student mathematics handbook is effective and can help facilitate understanding of mathematical concepts at the elementary school level. This can be seen from the number of students who can reach the KKM from the two schools is increasing. For SD Negeri 163085 HA Bilal, Tebingtinggi City, if at the time of the pre-test only 1 student (3%) was able to reach the KKM, then after being given the learning process using a teacher and student handbook developed the number of students who could reach the KKM increased to 24 students (82.7%) while those under the KKM were only (17.3%) or 5 students. The same thing was seen in SD Negeri 106162, Medanestate Subdistrict, Deliserdang Regency. If at the time of the Pre-test only 2 students (6.6%) had scored above the KKM, after the post-test there was an increase in students who achieved the KKM score of 25 students (83.3%). An increase of 76.7% when compared to the pre test. Keywords: Handbook, teacher, student, PMR

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 73-75
Jihan Iffa Suroiya ◽  
Muhlasin Amrullah

This study aims to determine learning strategies in elementary schools during the Covid-19 pandemic, especially at Muhammadiyah 2 Tulangan Elementary School. This study applies a descriptive technique, namely knowing social problems and analyzing to find out complex descriptions and qualitative information that comes from information sources around. The results of the research through interviews, documentation and observations on learning strategies carried out at SD Muhammadiyah 2 Tulangan during the Covid-19 pandemic, showed that the learning process through online learning was going well even though there were several challenges faced.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-71
Zahid Zufar At Thaariq ◽  
Lindawati Lindawati ◽  
Ryandini Dwi Puspita

This research aimed to review the professionalism of teachers in the face of the learning characters of elementary school students. In the learning process, a teacher's role was critical. Thus, teachers need to be professional in managing learning in the classroom in terms of media management, models and learning resources. This study used mixed methods approach between qualitative and quantitative. This research used online poll instruments and spread to 24 respondents. Respondents were taken from teachers at the elementary school level. The steps in this study were (1) the formulation of the problem (2) looking for the theory foundation, (3) the poll instrument formulation, (4) the distribution of polls, (5) data presentation and (6) drawing conclusions and suggestions. The results revealed that the elementary school teacher had a variety of methods and action in the learning such as the use of discussion, demonstration, lecturing and problem solving methods with a variety of specific reasons. The character of learners became the first consideration on implementing the variety of methods and action. So, the learning process tended to become more varied. The expectation of this research could capture teacher’s performance and give basis to improve the teachers’ profesionalism in the classrooms teaching and learning process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
Muhlasin Amrullah ◽  
Devi Wulandari

The purpose of this study is to examine several aspects, including: the history of the establishment of SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Pandaan, learning strategies carried out in the midst of the covid 19 pandemic, learning methods, learning challenges, and effectiveness in learning at SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Pandaan. The research process uses descriptive qualitative methods. in the research process using data collection techniques by means of observation, interviews, and photos when the research was conducted. This study aims to determine the learning strategy in SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Pandaan. The strategy used at SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Pandaan in the midst of a pandemic is to use online learning strategies. Learning is carried out using zoom, google meet, wa, and youtube media, this is as an intermediary for learning in the midst of a pandemic, using these strategies can facilitate teaching and learning activities carried out by teachers and students online. SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Pandaan also experienced several challenges in carrying out learning in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic, one of which was that many students did not have the tools to do online learning such as cellphones, laptops, or computers, and some had problems such as having cellphones but many did not. have a quota or it is difficult to reach a signal when online learning is done. Although there are many challenges in carrying out learning activities in the midst of a pandemic like this, it does not eliminate the enthusiasm to keep learning even though you have to be at home online

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 60
Muhammad Iqbal Al Ghozali ◽  
Sri Fatmawati

The Covid-19 pandemic has affected all sectors of human activity, including the education sector. The pandemic forced learning activities to be carried out online (online). Of course this is a new habit especially at the elementary school level where the learning process is carried out face-to-face in full. In overcoming these problems, various distance learning media in the form of applications were introduced to students and parents. However, there is an application that is familiarly used by students and parents of students that can be used for the online learning process, namely the Whatsapp application. The purpose of this study is to look at the online learning process in elementary schools during the Covid-19 pandemic era. This study uses a qualitative approach with survey research methods. The research subjects were teachers of SDN 1 Kalipasung in Cirebon Regency as well as research informants. The data collection technique was carried out by conducting in-depth interviews related to the process of implementing online learning for elementary school teachers during the Covid-19 pandemic. The activity of analyzing and presenting research data is carried out descriptively. The results of this study are Online Learning in Elementary Schools During the Covid 19 Pandemic Era, especially at SDN Kalipasung 1 when viewed from the learning process, it is only used as a means of sending assignments, but the learning process does not involve WhatsApp media completely. In the aspect of supervision, the teacher is also not fully able to monitor the student learning process, as a result, the teacher must cooperate with parents in conducting supervision. The responses of parents and students related to the online learning process stated that they wanted to return to carrying out normal learning (face to face) as usual because they felt they were not used to online learning. Abstrak Pendemi Covid-19 telah mempengaruhi segala sektor aktifitas kegiatan manusia, termasuk sektor pendidikan. Pandemi tersebut memaksa kegiatan pembelajaran dilakukan secara dalam jaringan (daring). Tentu ini menjadi kebiasan baru apalagi di jenjang sekolah dasar yang mana proses pembelajaran dilakukan secara tatap muka secara penuh. Dalam mengatasi permasalah tersebut, berbagai media pembelajaran jarak jauh dalam bentuk aplikasi mulai diperkenalkan kepada siswa maupun orangtua siswa. Namun ada aplikasi yang familiar digunakan oleh siswa maupun orang tua siswa yang dapat digunakan untuk proses pembelajaran daring yakni aplikasi Whatsapp. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yakni untuk melihat proses pembelajaran daring di sekolah dasar pada era panedemi Covid – 19. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode penelitian survei. Subjek penelitian ialah guru-guru SDN 1 Kalipasung yang ada di Kabupaten Cirebon sekaligus menjadi informan penelitian. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan melakukan wawancara mendalam (In-depth Interview) terkait proses pelaksanaan pembelajaran daring guru Sekolah Dasar selama pandemik Covid-19. Kegiatan analisis dan penyajian data hasil penelitian dilakukan secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini yakni Pembelajaran Daring di Sekolah Dasar  Pada Era Pandemi Covid 19 khususnya di SDN Kalipasung 1 jika ditinjau dari proses pembelajarannya hanya dijadikan sebagai sarana pengiriman tugas, tetapi proses pembelajaran tidak melibatkan media whatsapp sepenuhnya. Dalam aspek pengawasan juga tidak sepenuhnya guru dapat memantau proses belajar siswa, alhasil guru harus bekerjasama dengan orang tua dalam melakukan pengawasan. Adapun respon orangtua siswa dan siswa terkait dengan proses pembelajaran daring menyatakan ingin kembali melaksanakan pembelajaran secara normal (tatap muka) seperti biasa karena merasa belum terbiasa dengan pembelajaran daring.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
Muhlasin Amrullah ◽  
Devi Wulandari

The purpose of this study is to examine several aspects, including: the history of the establishment of SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Pandaan, learning strategies carried out in the midst of the covid 19 pandemic, learning methods, learning challenges, and effectiveness in learning at SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Pandaan. The research process uses descriptive qualitative methods. in the research process using data collection techniques by means of observation, interviews, and photos when the research was conducted. This study aims to determine the learning strategy in SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Pandaan. The strategy used at SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Pandaan in the midst of a pandemic is to use online learning strategies. Learning is carried out using zoom, google meet, wa, and youtube media, this is as an intermediary for learning in the midst of a pandemic, using these strategies can facilitate teaching and learning activities carried out by teachers and students online. SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Pandaan also experienced several challenges in carrying out learning in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic, one of which was that many students did not have the tools to do online learning such as cellphones, laptops, or computers, and some had problems such as having cellphones but many did not. have a quota or it is difficult to reach a signal when online learning is done. Although there are many challenges in carrying out learning activities in the midst of a pandemic like this, it does not eliminate the enthusiasm to keep learning even though you have to be at home online.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
Ovi Shinta Asri ◽  
Muhlasin Amrullah

This study was conducted to determine the Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan learning strategies in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic situation which required online learning. In collecting data for this scientific work using methods in the form of interviews and observations during the research process. This study aims to find out how the strategies applied by SD Muhammadiyah 3 Pandaan in learning Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan during online learning take place. The results show that in implementing learning strategies in the midst of a pandemic, SD Muhammadiyah 3 Pandaan school provides fun online learning that does not pressure students so that students feel happy in learning. In learning Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan SD Muhammadiyah 3 Pandaan managed to package memorable online learning by utilizing technological advances such as learning through live streaming, google meet, and learning videos. In the teaching and learning process of Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan learning, the school, especially Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan teachers, also applies rote learning as well as Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan learning when the learning is face to face directly. The difference is when online learning is for memorizing students learn and submit their assignments in the form of videos that are sent to the teacher. The results of the study, Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan teachers more often apply learning through videos containing subject matter so that students can access it freely without being bound by time. The success of online learning at SD Muhammadiyah 3 Pandaan is due to the role of teachers and students who can support each other for communication to continue so that there is reciprocity in the learning process even though distance learning.

Rafida Salsabila ◽  
Murtono Murtono ◽  
Imaniar Purbasari

This research aims to analyze the online learning process in SD Al-Islam Pengkol Jepara and the impact that affects the online learning process. The place of this research was carried out at Al-Islam Elementary School, Pengkol Village, Jepara District, Jepara Regency. This research uses descriptive qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. The object of this research is the online learning process applied in SD Al-Islam, while the subjects are teachers and students. The target of this research is the principal of SD Al-Islam Pengkol, homeroom teacher and students. Data obtained through in-depth interviews, observation, documentation and recording. The data analysis used is qualitative data analysis. The continuity of online learning with the processes in it has an impact and can overcome it so that the online learning process can run smoothly.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
Ovi Shinta Asri ◽  
Muhlasin Amrullah

This study was conducted to determine the Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan learning strategies in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic situation which required online learning. In collecting data for this scientific work using methods in the form of interviews and observations during the research process. This study aims to find out how the strategies applied by SD Muhammadiyah 3 Pandaan in learning Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan during online learning take place. The results show that in implementing learning strategies in the midst of a pandemic, SD Muhammadiyah 3 Pandaan school provides fun online learning that does not pressure students so that students feel happy in learning. In learning Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan SD Muhammadiyah 3 Pandaan managed to package memorable online learning by utilizing technological advances such as learning through live streaming, google meet, and learning videos. In the teaching and learning process of Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan learning, the school, especially Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan teachers, also applies rote learning as well as Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan learning when the learning is face to face directly. The difference is when online learning is for memorizing students learn and submit their assignments in the form of videos that are sent to the teacher. The results of the study, Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan teachers more often apply learning through videos containing subject matter so that students can access it freely without being bound by time. The success of online learning at SD Muhammadiyah 3 Pandaan is due to the role of teachers and students who can support each other for communication to continue so that there is reciprocity in the learning process even though distance learning.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-92
Rifky Rifky

Strategi adalah pendekatan secara keseluruhan yang berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan gagasan,perencanaan,dan eksekusi sebuah aktifitas dalam kurun waktu.Strategi sangat di perlukan guru dalam menumbuhkan kemandirian belajar peserta didik. Strategi pembelajaran merupakan serangkaian kegiatan pembelajaran yang harus dikerjakan guru dan peserta didik agar tujuan pembelajaran dapat dicapai secara efektif dan efisien.Dengan demikian strategi menurupakan alat atau cara yang sangat ekektif dalam menumbuhkan mandiri belajar pada diri seorang peserta didik. Strategi belajar sangat penting bagi guru karena strategi akan mempermudah proses pembelajaran sehingga tujuan pembelajaran dapat di capai.Peserta didik belajar tidak hanya menerima pengetahuan itu begitu saja tetapi peserta didik juga harus mengolah pengetahuan tersebut dengan menggunakan akal pikiran yang mereka miliki.Dengan menggunakan strategi mandiri belajar peserta didik dapat menumbuhkan rasa ingin belajar dengan sendirinya. Strategi Mandiri belajar sendiri merupakan strategi yang bertujuan untuk membangun inisiatif individu, kemandirian, dan peningkatan kemampuan diri peserta didik.Strategi mandiri belajar ini bertujuan agar peserta didik mampu belajar mandiri dengan adanya dorongan dari dalam diri peserta didik untuk belajar dengan kemauan sendiri,pilihanya sendiri dan rasa tanggung jawab yang ada dalam diri peserta didik.Untuk mencapai tujuan dalam menumbuhkan kemandirian belajar peserta didik kita perlu memahami aspek-aspek yang harus diperhatikan. Kata kunci :Strategi guru,Mandiri belajar ABSTRACT Strategy is an overall approach related to the implementation of ideas, planning, and execution of an activity in a period of time. Strategy is really needed by the teacher in growing student learning independence. Learning strategies are a series of learning activities that must be done by teachers and students so that learning objectives can be achieved effectively and efficiently. Thus the strategy is a tool or a very effective way to foster independent learning in a student. Learning strategies are very important for teachers because the strategies will facilitate the learning process so that learning objectives can be achieved. Learners not only accept knowledge just like that but students must also process this knowledge by using the minds they have. By using an independent learning strategy students can foster a sense of learning by themselves. The Self-Study Strategy itself is a strategy that aims to build individual initiative, independence, and improvement of students' self-abilities. This independent learning strategy aims to make students able to learn independently with the encouragement from within the students to learn on their own accord, their own choice and a sense of responsibility that exists within students. To achieve the goal of growing students' learning independence we need to understand the aspects that must be considered. Keywords: Teacher strategy, Independent learning

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