scholarly journals Pembelajaran Daring di Sekolah Dasar Pada Era Pandemi Covid 19

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 60
Muhammad Iqbal Al Ghozali ◽  
Sri Fatmawati

The Covid-19 pandemic has affected all sectors of human activity, including the education sector. The pandemic forced learning activities to be carried out online (online). Of course this is a new habit especially at the elementary school level where the learning process is carried out face-to-face in full. In overcoming these problems, various distance learning media in the form of applications were introduced to students and parents. However, there is an application that is familiarly used by students and parents of students that can be used for the online learning process, namely the Whatsapp application. The purpose of this study is to look at the online learning process in elementary schools during the Covid-19 pandemic era. This study uses a qualitative approach with survey research methods. The research subjects were teachers of SDN 1 Kalipasung in Cirebon Regency as well as research informants. The data collection technique was carried out by conducting in-depth interviews related to the process of implementing online learning for elementary school teachers during the Covid-19 pandemic. The activity of analyzing and presenting research data is carried out descriptively. The results of this study are Online Learning in Elementary Schools During the Covid 19 Pandemic Era, especially at SDN Kalipasung 1 when viewed from the learning process, it is only used as a means of sending assignments, but the learning process does not involve WhatsApp media completely. In the aspect of supervision, the teacher is also not fully able to monitor the student learning process, as a result, the teacher must cooperate with parents in conducting supervision. The responses of parents and students related to the online learning process stated that they wanted to return to carrying out normal learning (face to face) as usual because they felt they were not used to online learning. Abstrak Pendemi Covid-19 telah mempengaruhi segala sektor aktifitas kegiatan manusia, termasuk sektor pendidikan. Pandemi tersebut memaksa kegiatan pembelajaran dilakukan secara dalam jaringan (daring). Tentu ini menjadi kebiasan baru apalagi di jenjang sekolah dasar yang mana proses pembelajaran dilakukan secara tatap muka secara penuh. Dalam mengatasi permasalah tersebut, berbagai media pembelajaran jarak jauh dalam bentuk aplikasi mulai diperkenalkan kepada siswa maupun orangtua siswa. Namun ada aplikasi yang familiar digunakan oleh siswa maupun orang tua siswa yang dapat digunakan untuk proses pembelajaran daring yakni aplikasi Whatsapp. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yakni untuk melihat proses pembelajaran daring di sekolah dasar pada era panedemi Covid – 19. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode penelitian survei. Subjek penelitian ialah guru-guru SDN 1 Kalipasung yang ada di Kabupaten Cirebon sekaligus menjadi informan penelitian. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan melakukan wawancara mendalam (In-depth Interview) terkait proses pelaksanaan pembelajaran daring guru Sekolah Dasar selama pandemik Covid-19. Kegiatan analisis dan penyajian data hasil penelitian dilakukan secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini yakni Pembelajaran Daring di Sekolah Dasar  Pada Era Pandemi Covid 19 khususnya di SDN Kalipasung 1 jika ditinjau dari proses pembelajarannya hanya dijadikan sebagai sarana pengiriman tugas, tetapi proses pembelajaran tidak melibatkan media whatsapp sepenuhnya. Dalam aspek pengawasan juga tidak sepenuhnya guru dapat memantau proses belajar siswa, alhasil guru harus bekerjasama dengan orang tua dalam melakukan pengawasan. Adapun respon orangtua siswa dan siswa terkait dengan proses pembelajaran daring menyatakan ingin kembali melaksanakan pembelajaran secara normal (tatap muka) seperti biasa karena merasa belum terbiasa dengan pembelajaran daring.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 43-50
Aniar Setyaningrum ◽  
Fatahillah Fatahillah ◽  
Afri Mardicko

This research was conducted to determine the use of instructional video media in the online learning  process by elementary  school teachers in  Pagelaran  Utara  sub - district. The use of video media is the theme in this study because it has an important meaning in online learning. The covid-19 virus has an impact on teaching and learningactivities. Learning that should be done directly now can only be done indirectly or what is commonly called online learning. Then an educator is required to try to use video media as a solution in online learning. In this study, there were 58 respondents from 10 elementary schools in the North Pagelaran sub-district. The research results obtained show that 96.6% of teachers who teach in primary schools in the utata performance sub - district or around 55 teachers out of 58 have used instructional video media in the online learning process during the pandemic. It can be concluded that the video media has been used optimally.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (02) ◽  
pp. 50
Octaviany Widyangsih

Abstract: Pandemic Covid-19 made government implemented the regulation of education that learning process only conduct by distance education, thus one of the method in this programme was by online learning. The objective of this research was to digging information about the online learning process by elementary teachers. Using the descriptive qualitative method with subjects of 37 teachers in Bogor City. Data was collected by survey with 2 type of questions (open and closed questions). The results shows, that before pandemic Covid-19 the implementation of online learning in elementary schools were very low, but after pandemic the readiness of teachers regarding the goverment regulation is well accomodated even though teachers still have shortcoming with the authenticity of learning outcomes from assignments. Furthermore, teachers still cannot fully conduct evaluation by online assessment particularly to evaluate the affective and social aspects. Keywords: elementary school, instructional, online, implementation

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
Lintang Nimas Primaningtyas ◽  
Muhlasin Amrullah

The study aims to analyze the learning process in the (online) network, supportive factors and teacher inhibitory factors in carrying out online learning during the covid-19 pandemic. The study was carried out at muhammadiyah elementary school 2 the estimated shidoarjo city of sidoarjo in April. The study USES descriptive qualitative methods. The subject used in this study was an elementary school teacher at 2 tulangan elementary elementary school. The data-collection techniques used in this study include interviews, documentation and field notes. The result of this study is that the covid-19 pandemic has hada profound impact on the learning process, learning that is normally executed directly is now being transferred to online learning. Learners are bored and bored during learning. Online education done for primary-age children is less effective. A number of teacher factors in the online learning process are the availability of cell phones, quotas and a steady Internet network. In addition to supporting factors in online learning, there are several teacher inhibitors in online learning. These inhibiting factors include the fact that they are still at the elementary school level, so only a few students have cellphones, therefore this can make learning ineffective. Through online there are also obstacles that occur for teachers, namely many students who deliberately do not participate in online learning because they do not have an internet quota to access learning so that students are left behind. And there is also a learning strategy carried out by SD Muhammadiyah 2 Tulangan. On the other hand, face-to-face online learning through applications is the most beneficial thing to break the spread of Covid-19 and maintain the mental health of teachers and students from exposure to the Covid-19 virus.

Setyo Maqbul Raharjo ◽  
Suhartono Suhartono ◽  
Siti Mas'ula

Abstract: This research was conducted with the aim of describing teacher mastery in operating online learning applications in grade 5 elementary schools, students' perceptions of online learning services provided by grade 5 elementary school teachers, the relationship of teacher mastery in operating online learning applications to student learning outcomes in elementary schools. 5th grade elementary school. The method used is quantitative with a correlational approach. Based on the data obtained, the significant value between teacher mastery and student learning outcomes shows 0.000, meaning that because the significant value is less than 0.05, it can be concluded that there is a relationship between teacher mastery in operating online learning applications and student learning outcomes. The results of this study are that there is a significant relationship between teacher mastery in operating online learning applications on student learning outcomes in grade 5 elementary school. Abstrak: Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penguasaan guru dalam mengoperasikan aplikasi belajar online di kelas 5 sekolah dasar, persepsi siswa terhadap pelayanan pembelajaran online yang diberikan oleh guru kelas 5 sekolah dasar, hubungan penguasaan guru dalam mengoperasikan aplikasi belajar online terhadap hasil belajar siswa di kelas 5 sekolah dasar. Metode yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan pendekatan korelasional. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh, nilai signifikan antara penguasaan guru terhadap hasil belajar siswa menunjukkan 0,000, artinya karena nilai signifikan lebih kecil daripada 0,05, maka dapat diputuskan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara penguasaan guru dalam mengoperasikan aplikasi belajar online terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara penguasaan guru dalam mengoperasikan aplikasi belajar online terhadap hasil belajar siswa di kelas 5 sekolah dasar.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 48-54
Nurul Huda

The objectives of this school action research are; To find out the ability of elementary school teachers with a cooperative learning model through clinical supervision at SD Negeri 02 Karan Aur, Kota Pariaman. The research subjects were 8 teachers of SD Negeri 02 Karan Aur. The results of the analysis that has been carried out using clinical supervision in improving the ability of teachers to use cooperative models are very good. At the beginning of the activity the teacher was still hesitant to use this model, but because of the guidance of researchers through clinical supervision, the teacher was able to use the cooperative model. 87% of teachers are able to use cooperative models in the learning process and this also affects the potential of students.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. 86-97
Ikhya Ulumudin ◽  
Asma Aisha ◽  
Ferdi Widiputera

The purpose of this study was to determine the understanding and implementation of the knowledge assessment carried out by teachers at the elementary school level starting from planning, implementing, processing results, utilizing results and identifying problems in implementing knowledge assessment. This study used a qualitative approach. Research took place in Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Province. The research subjects were public and private elementary school teachers who had taught in classes applying Curriculum 2013. The research instruments consisted of questionnaires and FGD (focus group discussion) guidelines. The results showed that on the assessment planning, teachers lack understanding in the formulation of instrument outlines, especially in describing the Basic Competency into the question indicators, making questions about the aspects of knowledge based on the indicator, and making scoring guidelines. In the implementation of the assessment, some teachers did not understand the use of various assessment techniques for knowledge aspect. The frequency of carrying out daily knowledge assessments varies, including for every KD (basic competency), every day, for every sub-theme, for several sub-themes, and for every theme. In assessment result processing, some elementary school teachers still lack understanding about processing and reporting in knowledge assessment whether in the form of numeric scores, predicates, and descriptions. In the utilization of the assessment, all elementary school teachers in Sleman Regency have applied the assessment of learning function as each daily assessment result is used by the teacher to review student achievement in each KD. In the aspect of assessment for learning, some teachers have made use of assessments for remedial activities and lesson enrichment and to evaluate the learning process. Lastly, regarding the use of assessment as learning, some teachers have provided results of student assessment and used it to provide guidance and advice to students.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 222-233
Ina Magdalena ◽  
Tiara Safitri ◽  
Nurlaili Maghfiroh ◽  
Niken Nur Yolawati

Regulation of the Minister of National Education No. 41 of 2007 hinted at the use of thematic approach in the learning of grade 1 to grade 3 of elementary school (SD). Even today after the implementation of the 2013 curriculum, the thematic approach must be implemented from class 1 to grade 6 in the learning process. It is important for elementary school teachers to be able to implement thematic approaches as professional responsibilities. This study aims to: 1) analyze elementary school teachers 'understanding of the thematic approach, 2) get the profile of elementary school teachers' ability in implementing thematic approaches, and 3) find out the constraints of teachers in implementing thematic approaches in elementary schools. The research used qualitative descriptive method with research subjects of grade 3 teachers in SD Negeri Tangerang 14. Data is collected by observation and interview. Triangulation is carried out through focus group discussions between researchers, teachers, and principals. The results of the study showed that the teacher understood the thematic approach well, but in practice 1 teachers studied did not carry out the thematic approach to learning. This study also revealed that most teachers experience obstacles in implementing thematic approaches to the learning process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 33-37
Nur Adinda Putri ◽  
Muhlasin Amrullah

The purpose of this research is about various aspects in it, including methods, processes, strategies and learning breakthroughs during a pandemic. In the process of this research using descriptive qualitative research methods and data collection techniques with interviews, observations and photos when the research process is carried out. This study aims to reveal the methods used in learning and conclude how the learning strategies during the pandemic in elementary schools. Like schools in general, strategies are carried out online using the Google Meet application and sometimes offline in the learning process. In addition, there are breakthroughs in online learning by teachers, there are several challenges in implementing learning strategies. But even so, elementary school teachers continue to carry out the learning process through the google meet application with the hope that students can continue to study even in pandemic conditions. Parents here play an important role in the success of online learning strategies. Because in the learning process parents do not monitor or accompany their children, so they may not pay attention, so when the teacher gives homework, they cannot answer it. If students cannot answer the questions that have been given, then the learning objectives still cannot be achieved. Because there are students who still do not understand the material presented. This strategy is carried out to prevent and break the spread of the Covid-19 virus that is currently in Indonesia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 648
Mayang Afriani ◽  
Zaka Hadikusuma Ramadan

Students also experience the impact of Covid-19 by limiting social interaction. However, social interaction is needed for a child to build character and social skills in interacting with other people. This study aimed to analyze patterns of social interaction in the fourth grade COVID-19 period in elementary school. The research subjects were 3 teachers and 90 students. The research instruments are interviews and questionnaires. The data collection technique used in this study was non-test, namely a questionnaire (questionnaire) and interviews. The results showed that social interaction during the pandemic was less effective. As evidenced by the five indicators, working together has an average score of 82.43%; during a pandemic, it is less effective due to limitations and many obstacles. The openness of the average value of 82.43% is classified as "good," and many students still do not understand technology for online learning and how to use it—empathy, with an average value of 80.95% (good). There is already an awareness in students to empathize with their friends. Giving motivation an average value of 79.70% is classified as "good" when learning students support each other and work together in doing assignments together at home. With a positive sense of the average value of 81.56%, students can develop positive values in the surrounding environment. Similarity with others, the average value is 82.15%, there is an attitude of equality in students to their friends in working on assignments and collecting assignments. It can be concluded that students' social interactions during the current Covid-19 period are not running perfectly compared to face-to-face.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (5) ◽  
pp. 1475
Endriani Endriani ◽  
Fefi Yulita

The principal has an obligation to be able to improve the quality of teacher in the learning process at school. Based on the observations, it was found that the number of learning processes carried out by elementary school teachers at schools were not in accordance with the characteristics of elementary school students, so that improvements were needed to improve the skills of these teachers. The purpose of this study was to determine the improvement of teachers’ skills in the learning process at elementary schools through academic supervision activities. This research was a classroom action research that adapted the design of Mc Taggart and Kemmist's classroom action research. This research consisted of stages of planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The findings stated that there was an increase in the implementation skills of the teacher's learning process by getting an average score of 68.46 in cycle 1 and increased to 86.10 in cycle 2. This proved that there was an increase in teachers’ skills in the learning process at elementary schools through academic supervision activities. The implications of this research was that it could be used as a basis by supervisors to be able to improve teachers’ skills in the learning process at elementary schools.

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