2009 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 345-367
Aam Slamet Rusydiana

The transmission mechanism of monetary policy has been an area of abundant economic researchin many countries. The financial system links monetary policy and the real economy. Thus, events ortrends that affect the financial system can also change the monetary transmission mechanism. This studytries to analyze shariah transmission mechanism in Indonesian dual monetary system, using Vector AutoRegression (VAR) and Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) methods.Results show that the relationship between SWBI (SBI Shariah) and shariah financing (LNFINCG) isnegative. It means, when SWBI be higher, the quantity of shariah financing would be lower. And so do SBI and inflation (LNIHK). When the total of shariah financing be increase, it will gives positive contributionfor reducing inflation rate in Indonesia, because with this system possibility to make equal growth among monetary and real sectors appears. Therefore, it will be strategic action for monetary authority to grow up shariah banking share in Indonesia, for minimizing "bad inflation" in economy. Other recommendation, SWBI as shariah monetary instrument should be reconsidered to achieve positive impact for real sector.

Lien Phuong Hoang

This study analyzes the relationship between retail trade and economic growth in Ho Chi Minh City. The research employed Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) method for the time series data collected from the period 1995 – 2015. The result shows that retail sales enhances economic growth and changes in growth has a positive impact on retail trade in Ho Chí Minh City. That not only confirms Keynes's Keynesian Growth Theory, but also evaluates the importance of retail trade in the economy of Ho Chi Minh City.

Sheereen Fauzel ◽  
Boopen Seetanah

Many African states are relying on or have identified tourism to accelerate their growth and the continent has become the world’s second fastest growing tourist industry. However, African states have also not been spared by increasing terrorism attacks during the past decades, probably hindering the growth of this sector to certain extent. This study examines the relationship between terrorism and tourism for a sample of selected African countries over the period 1995 to 2017. Given the dynamic nature of tourism demand and the possibility of endogenous relationships in the terrorism-tourism nexus, dynamic panel data analysis, namely a Panel vector error correction model (PVECM) is employed. The results confirm that terrorism negatively affects tourism demand in Africa and this can be explained by the reactive psychology of tourists to the various aggravated terrorist attacks in the countries. Moreover, the findings show that an increase in tourism may have resulted in an increase in terrorist attacks, hence confirming a bi directional causality between tourism and terrorism.

Vladimír Pícha

This paper observes effect of money supply on the stock market through the portfolio balance channel as a transmission mechanism of monetary policy. National flow of funds accounts, specifically assets from US households’ portfolios, represent a key data source. Johansen’s cointegration methodology is employed in the empirical part of the paper to analyze both short term and long term relationships among researched variables. Estimates of vector error correction model help to reliably quantify intensity of the effect. Results show money supply excercises influence on valuation of S&P 500 index with 6 months lag. The impact is also distinguishable in the long run, whereas all observed asset classes can positively influence price of S&P 500. Findings are then contextualized in the concluding part of the paper using a monetary policy framework.

Marko Skreb ◽  
Kostiantyn Khvedchuk

The National Bank of Ukraine stepped on the track to a cashless economy aiming at reforming the financial system, improvement of the transmission mechanism, and reduction of the underground economy and corruption. A substantial part of money in the Ukrainian economy is estimated to be foreign cash in circulation. This article underlines the importance of considering it while conducting monetary policy. Negative consequences of high dollarization and proliferation of cash are emphasized. We discuss measures that are helpful in decreasing usage of cash in general and foreign cash in particular.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (11) ◽  
pp. 194
Rami Obeid ◽  
Bassam Awad

The global financial crisis emphasized the important role of the prudent monetary policy in supporting economic growth through maintaining price stability. The monetary policy operational framework that was designed in 2008 was updated to include more instruments for managing monetary policy learning from the crisis lessons. Several studies analyzed various dimensions related to economic growth in Jordan such as Abdul-Khaliq, Soufan, and Abu Shihab (2013) and Assaf (2014), there were no studies that investigated the effect of monetary policy on economic growth in Jordan, at least recently, however. The study aims at measuring the effect of monetary policy instruments on the performance of Jordanian economy. Using quarterly data covering the period (2005-2015), an econometric model was examined using Vector Error Correction Model to assess the impact of monetary policy instruments on economic growth. The foremost advantage of VECM is that it has a nice interpretation of long-term and short-term equations. The results showed the existence of positive long-term and short-term effects of monetary policy instruments on the growth of real GDP. The model included three monetary policy instruments besides money supply. They are required reserve ratio, rediscount rate and overnight interbank loan rates as independent variables, and the real GDP growth as a dependent variable. The stationarity of the model time series was addressed. In addition, the stability of the model was tested using stability diagnostics tools. The results showed also an existence of inverse relationship between rediscount rate and economic growth in Jordan over both long and short terms.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 164
Kagiso Molefe ◽  
Ireen Choga

Previous studies generally find mixed empirical evidence on the relationship between government spending and economic growth. This study re-examine the relationship between government expenditure and economic growth in South Africa for the period of 1990 to 2015 using the Vector Error Correction Model and Granger Causality techniques. The time series data included in the model were gross domestic Product (GDP), government expenditure, national savings, government debt and consumer price index or inflation. Results obtained from the analysis showed a negative long-run relationship between government expenditure and economic growth in South Africa. Furthermore, the estimate of the speed of adjustment coefficient found in this study has revealed that 49 per cent of the variation in GDP from its equilibrium level is corrected within of a year. Furthermore, the study discovered that the causality relationship run from economic growth to government expenditure. This implied that the Wagner’s law is applicable to South Africa since government expenditure is an effect rather than a cause of economic growth. The results presented in this study are similar to those in the literature and are also sustained by preceding studies.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (3(J)) ◽  
pp. 152-162
Kunofiwa Tsaurai

This paper seeks to investigate the relationship between savings and financial development in Zimbabwe using both autoregressive distributive lag (ARDL) and vector error correction model (VECM) approaches for comparison purposes with monthly time series data from January 2009 to August 2015. Four distinct hypotheses emerged from the literature and these are the savings-led financial development, financial development-led savings, feedback effect and the insignificant/no relationship hypothesis. The existence of diverging and contradicting views in empirical literature on the subject matter is evidence that the linkage between savings and financial development is still far from being concluded. Both F-Bounds and Johansen co-integration tests observed that there is a long run relationship between savings and financial development in Zimbabwe. What is even more unique about this study is that both ARDL and VECM noted the presence of a bi-directional causality relationship between savings and financial development in the short and long run in Zimbabwe. The implication of this study is that in order to increase economic growth, Zimbabwe authorities should increase savings mobilization efforts in order to boost financial development, which in turn attracts more savings inflow into the formal financial system.

Anthony N. Rezitis ◽  
Andreas Rokopanos

Abstract The 2003 CAP Reform commenced a liberal shift on the policies designed to protect farmers across Europe. The CAP Health Check of 2008 and the 2013 CAP Reform confirmed this change, adopting measures including the further decoupling of production, the abolishment of set-aside and the phasing-out of milk quotas. It is therefore expected that price transmission has been affected radically. This study investigates the price transmission mechanism along the European food supply chain, based on an asymmetric panel vector error correction model (VECM). Panel data on agricultural commodity (farmer), producer (processor) and consumer (retailer) prices from nineteen European countries are considered. The sample is split into two sub-periods, before and after the CAP Health Check, to examine how the price transmission mechanism has been affected. Cointegration is confirmed among the price series through the Pedroni tests and the long-run relationship is obtained with two estimation methods (i. e. fully modified OLS and dynamic OLS). Prior to the CAP Health Check, positive asymmetry is detected from farmer to processor and from processor to retailer. However, after the CAP Health Check price transmission becomes symmetric, thus suggesting that decreased support has resulted in a more efficient price transmission mechanism.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Zulkefly Abdul Karim ◽  
Danie Eirieswanty Kamal Basa ◽  
Bakri Abdul Karim

Purpose This paper aims to investigate the relationship between financial development (FD) and monetary policy effectiveness (MPE) on output and inflation in ASEAN-3 countries (Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines). Design/methodology/approach This study uses an open economy structural vector autoregressive model to generate MPE. Then, an autoregressive distributed lagged (ARDL) model is used to analyze the effect of FD on MPE across countries. Findings The findings revealed that FD plays a different role in MPE across countries. In Malaysia, a more developed financial system tends to reduce the MPE on output, whereas in Singapore, results show that the more developed financial system (stock market capitalization) tends to increase MPE on output. However, in the Philippines, the main results show that the effect of FD (liquid liabilities) upon MPE on output is depending on the policy variable (interest rates or money supply). Originality/value This paper fills this gap by providing the first study of ASEAN-3 countries in examining how effective is a monetary policy in response to the development of the financial market across the country. Second, this paper considers two FD indicators, namely, the banking sector and capital market development in investigating its effect on MPE on output and inflation. Third, the authors construct the MPE in each country using a structural (identified) VAR model by aggregating the response of output growth and inflation rate on monetary policy changes (interest rate and money supply) using impulse–response function. Regarding this, the results of this study provide new empirical evidence and insight into the long debate on the relationship between FD and the MPE.

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