retail trade
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2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 1069-1089
Burhanudin Yusuf Hanafi ◽  
Wiwin Priana

The most successful agricultural sub-sectors in Lamongan and Tuban districts are the subjects of this study. In Lamongan and Tuban districts, agriculture is the most significant industry. Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries, as well as energy and gas procurement, clean water, waste management, construction, and wholesale and retail trade, have the potential to become basic industries in Lamongan Regency. Automotive repair, information technology (ICT), military cooperation and manufacturing are some of the other sectors in the area. Lamongan Regency has a population of 200,000 people. Agriculture, forestry and fisheries account for an average of 2.9 percent of basic sector production. Agriculture is one of the fastest growing businesses in the United States, according to shift share data. are in the second or third best quadrant. There are several industries in Tuban Regency that can become the backbone of the economy. These industries include food production and forestry as well as fisheries and mining. Tuban Regency can also be at the forefront in the fields of technology, defense, government administration, and social security. Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries make up the majority of the output of the fundamental sector. By shifting share, agriculture is one of America's fastest growing businesses. They are in the upper quartile, which indicates that they are very good.  Keywords: Location Quotient Analysis, Shift Share, Klassen Typology

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
Nadezhda Novikova

In the current conditions of increased retail trade competition, which include the pandemic, further decrease in consumers’ purchasing power, tougher competition between federal and regional retail chains and digitalization, it is crucial to improve the customer experience quality, ensuring its compliance with new customers’ requirements and the opportunities presented by digital technologies. In this context, the need to solve the problem of improving the validity of the assessment of the customer experience quality, which is considered the most important object of sales management and a factor of competitiveness of trading companies, becomes particularly relevant. The study of various approaches to conducting this assessment made it possible to identify such problems as lack of consensus on the essence of the concept of ‘customer experience quality’, incomplete accounting of factors affecting the customer experience quality, lack of systematization of indicators of its assessment, insufficient development of approaches to assessing the customer experience quality compared to the competitors. The author clarified the definition of ‘customer experience’ from the standpoint of the interests of trade companies interested in assessing the customer experience quality as a tool that provides an increase in the level of sales management and competitiveness. Based on the proposed approach to the systematization of indicators for assessing the customer experience quality, an integrated approach to its assessment is presented, which allows not only calculating integral indicators for assessing the customer experience quality and comparing it with that of competitors, but also private indicators that allow identifying directions of its improvement.

Elena О. Mirgorodskaya ◽  
Sergey А. Sukhinin

The economic interaction of the constituent entities of Russian Federation is manifested in the strengthening of mutual trade contacts between them. An indicator of mutual trade between regions is intraregional trade turnover. The purpose of this article was to identify and substantiate the features of the intraregional trade turnover of Southern Federal District based on data on its levels, dynamics and structure. At the same time, the trade turnover was considered as a result of the development of mutual trade flows and an indicator of the effectiveness of trade and economic relations between regions. In the course of the study, the economic and statistical method prevailed, associated with the calculation, analysis and interpretation of relative statistical indicators, their visualization through graphic-analytical images. Based on the system of statistical indicators, the article examines the specific features of intraregional trade turnover of Southern Federal District in comparison with data from other federal districts of Russia and national levels. Southern Federal District occupies insignificant positions in the ranking of the federal districts of Russia in terms of retail and wholesale turnover, which does not correspond to its resource, production and demographic potential. The authors identified the following features of intraregional trade in Southern Federal District: the predominance of the segment of private trade enterprises in retail trade; a high share of the market and fair trade format in the sale of consumer goods; dominance of stationary outlets in retail turnover; expansion of network retail. The materials of this article have analytical significance and can be used as an information basis for making managerial decisions in the field of regional economic policy to activate mutual trade flows of the regions of Southern Federal District and expand mutual trade contacts between them.

О. T . Prokopchuk ◽  
M. I. Malyovanyi ◽  
Yu. A. Tsymbalyuk

A necessary condition for the development of the economy is an increase in the investment activity of investors in the country, an increase in investment resources and their effective use. Therefore, the study of trends in the development of the investment market is relevant and of great practical importance. Specifically, investments form production potential on the latest scientific and technical basis and determine the competitive positions of states in world markets. The study of the formation of the investment market in Ukraine made it possible to form the following conclusions:  the total volume of foreign direct investment in Ukraine in 2020 amounted to $ 453 million. USA, which is 14 times less than in 2010;  the study of the geographical structure of foreign investment made it possible to determine that in 2020, 453 million dollars were invested in the Ukrainian economy by direct foreign investors from more than 76 countries of the world. US direct investment It should be noted that the main investing countries include Cyprus – 31.1 %, the Netherlands – 20.2 %, the UK – 6.1 %, Switzerland – 6.0 %, Germany – 4.6 %, Austria – 3.3 %;  analysis of the distribution of foreign direct investment in the context of sectors of the economy in Ukraine made it possible to note that the greatest interest among foreign investors in 2020 was aroused by industry - 180.35 million dollars. USA, that is, 39.8 %. The leading spheres of economic activity in terms of the development of direct investments in 2020 remain: wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles – 106.9 million dollars. The United States, accounting for 23.6 %; financial and insurance activities – $ 96.9 million, which is 21.4 %. Thus, Ukraine remains attractive for investments and is not aloof from world processes, is sufficiently integrated into the world economy and the violation of macrostability in foreign markets has its echo in Ukraine. Thus, the investment market is a rather complex phenomenon, with its own internal structural structure, which is sensitive to changes in the external environment. At the present stage, its construction is represented by the classification of structural and infrastructural elements, as well as by supervisory and control bodies, ensuring its functioning thanks to market mechanisms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14(63) (2) ◽  
pp. 129-134
Marius Bălășescu ◽  

This paper proposes an investigation of the trend concerning both to innovation in the field of retail trade and involvement of technology in streamlining the purchasing process, starting from the example given by Amazon- that is, implementing artificial intelligence and sensor-based systems in cashless stores, Amazon Go. The purpose of this scientific approach is to understand the influence of technological developments within the retail field and to analyze the current state of innovation in this industry for a possible shaping of the future buying experience.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (20) ◽  
pp. 8
L. V. Krupa

The article is devoted to the study of the current state of regulatory and legal regulation of trade activities in Ukraine. The problems of the place in the economic legislation of trade, its signs, system and tendencies of formation are considered. The conditionally general and special legislation regulating trade activity is allocated. There is a certain direction in the systematization of legal regulation depending on the object of regulation, namely the organization of the market and commodity affiliation. The analysis of the basic regulations in the field of trade is carried out. Formulation of the problem. One of the factors that influenced the scientific interest was modern sociological research. Among them, it is widely believed that the global economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 virus has brought trade to the forefront of the national economy on the basis of growth in development. Thus, the Razumkov Center’s Annual Survey states: “According to the results of 2019, the share of manufacturing in the structure of GDP by production method was 10.8 %,  wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles – 13.2 %, then according to the results of three quarters of 2020. the corresponding figures were 10.2 % and 14 %. That is, the characteristic of the Ukrainian economy is increasingly not the creation of new modern products, but the repair and resale of obsolete products. In addition, recently there has been systemic uncertainty regarding the management and organization of economic activity by central government, which, accordingly, does not contribute to overcoming the crisis. Analysis of recent research and publications. In the domestic science of economic law there are no modern studies of trade regulation as a kind of economic. Among the scientists who have conducted research in this area in the past can be distinguished G.F. Shershenevich, Ye.O. Krasheninnikov, D.V. Zerkalov, A.A. Popov. In the modern literature, some attention was paid to the legal regulation of trade L. Mikhnevych, N.V. Shigarova, K.I. Krolevetsky. Recognizing the contribution of these researchers, it should be noted that science does not meet the high demand for the formation of legislative policy to regulate trade relations, the creation of a single state ideology in the areas of legal regulation of trade and as a result - high business demand for legislation

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (24) ◽  
pp. 13737
Joanna Zuzanna Popławska

Urban retail systems in Poland have been changing constantly during the last 30 years. When it seemed that the consumption lifestyle of Poles became stable, and likewise the relations within the urban retail system, it was placed under the strain of the shock of the pandemic. The aim of the study is to discuss challenges that the urban retail systems face as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, how the relationships within those systems have changed and how the resilience of entities that create urban retail systems has changed. The article focuses on the case study of Poland, the largest and the fastest growing country in Central and Eastern Europe. To achieve the research goal, a broad and detailed critical literature review was used: literature, scientific articles, reports and daily press with a business profile were analyzed. Complementary to a qualitative approach was an analysis of quantitative data from the Central Statistical Office of Poland and Eurostat regarding the period from 2007 to 2021. The COVID-19 pandemic constitutes a unique occasion in which to conduct a stress-test of the concept of retail resilience in the lively organism of a city; it also delivers a useful framework for analyzing processes occurring in the Polish retail trade. The undertaken research contributes to these concepts by indicating how the shock of COVID-19 could affect components of the urban retail system in ambivalent ways as they express different levels of resilience. Some elements of the system had no problems with adjustments to the shock of the pandemic, whereas others with more rigid structures had problems with adaptation.

Natalia Nikolaevna Kovaleva ◽  
Olga Vasilyevna Dedova ◽  
Andrey Eduardovich Melguy

Pharmacies belong to the category of wholesale and retail trade, but their goods are of high importance for the population, since they allow you to maintain or correct an important quality of a person — health. The implementation of operations for the movement of a wide range of medicines and medical products from suppliers through pharmacies to end-users at the same time differs in its similarity when reflected in the accounting process. Differences are observed in the approaches to setting a trade mark-up for each category of goods, depending on the frequency of purchases, or assigning them to a price segment. The exception to the rules for setting the price is vital medicines, for which the maximum price is set by the state. But the accounting of these pharmacy products also has the same mechanism as the goods without restrictions in the margin. In this case, the object of VAT taxation appears, the accounting of which has its own specifics, depending on the applicable tax regime.

2021 ◽  
pp. 11-17
Polina Alekseevna Zaborina

Today, the process of communication with potential consumers is largely determined by the preferences of the target audience. The article discusses such an approach as the theory of generations, designed to systematize consumer preferences by identifying generations of consumers. Consumer habits of representatives of different generations are considered. A number of recommendations for attracting consumers, based on the identified preferences, are given.

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