scholarly journals Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Program Kusta Berbasis Geografis di Kabupaten Cirebon Tahun 2005

2006 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 76
Haeria Haeria

Kusta yang disebabkan oleh infeksi Mycobacterium leprae merupakan penyakit menular dengan masalah yang sangat kompleks. Tiga tahun terakhir, Kabupaten Cirebon yang melaporkan 1.207 penderita kusta (Prevalence 1,69/ 10.000 penduduk), belum mencapai tahap eliminas sehinga penularan masuh berlansung. Tujuan penelitian mengembangan sistem informasi kusta berbasis geografis yang dapat dijadikan solusi percepatan eliminasi kusta di Kabupaten Cirebon. Metoda yang digunakan adalah System Development Life Cycle, yaitu planning, analysis, design, implementation, maintenance dan evaluation system. Hai tersebut dilakukan dengan memadukan konsep Data Base Management System dan data spasial. Hasil analisis sistem dapat mengidentifikasi masalah manajemen penanggulangan kusta serta alternatif solusi pada level input, proses dan output. Data dan informasi dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, dan telaah dokumen. Sistem ini didesain untuk kemudahan input data dan otomasi proses pengolahan menjadi informasi. Interpretasi epidemiologis kusta pada visual peta dapat mengetahui model difusi transmisi kasus dan jangkauan pelayanan kesehatan (Puskesmas) dalam penanggula- ngan kusta.Kata Kunci: Sistem informasi geografis, eliminasi, kustaLeprosy caused by Mycobacterium leprae is a contagious disease that generates complex problems. Over the last three years, the District of Cirebon report- ed 1207 leprosy cases (prevalence rate 1.69/10.000 population) and had not yet reach leprosy elimination situation, thus the disease was keep spreading. The purpose of this system development was to develop an application of Leprosy System Information Program Based on geographical information system for leprosy elimination acceleration program in Cirebon. The method used in this study was System Development Life Cycle method (planning, analysis, design, implementation, maintenance, and evaluation), by combining Data Base Management System concept and spatial data. Data and information needed were collected by interview and document observation. The system was designed for facilitating data input and automation of its process mechanism to produce information. Output were in form of regular report, tabulation, graphic, and area endemic mapping information with urban smallest observation unit. Epidemiologic interpretation on leprosy case from visual map can identify case transmission diffusion model and health service (Puskesmas) range capac- ity in leprosy elimination.Keywords: Geographical information system, elimination, leprosy

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 197
Bayu Febriadi ◽  
Ahmad Zamsuri

Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan Kelas II Pekanbaru is a government office that concerns about healthy, especially about environment health. There is a problem in case of saving electronic data, also in analyzing daily data both for internal and external data. The office has some computers and other tools that are useful in saving electronic data. In fact, the data are still saved in available cupboards and it is not efficient for an important data that is analyzed for more than one time. In other words, it is not good for a data is needed to be analyzed continuously. Rational Data Base Management System (RDBMS) application is an online based saving data and it uses System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) method. Hopefully, the application will be very useful for employees Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan Pekanbaru in managing their work.

Novan Zulkarnain

Exports and imports are driving the nation's economy and state revenue sources. Customs as a state agency is assigned to manage the country's income. Customs and its staff are still experiencing difficulties in reporting receipt of export and import of plant or company. One of the policy is issued, each factory or company shall make the information system to determine information about the export of finished goods and raw material imports. The problem is the lack of standardization in the information that must be made by the manufacturer or company. The problem is the lack of standardization in the information that must be made by the manufacturer or company. This study makes the design of information systems based on web-based exports and imports that can be used by all factories or companies in Indonesia, particularly in PT.Windu Eka. The design method used is the SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) Analysis, Design and Testing Prototype. This information system consists of web-based software with PHP programming and MySQL database that aims to provide information online, so the reports more accessible and faster made to be reported to Customs.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (5) ◽  
pp. 1029
Muhammad Darul Husni Santoso ◽  
Ikbal Jamaludin ◽  
Evi Dewi Sri mulyani

<p class="Abstrak">Kabupaten Majalengka merupakan wilayah yang mengalami perkembangan pesat yang memiliki sumber daya alam yang beraneka ragam yang dapat diolah menjadi bentuk berbagai produk. Dengan berkembangnya Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) di Kabupaten Majalengka dapat menggerakan perekonomian masyarakat, khususnya di sektor bawah, yaitu untuk usaha mikro kecil menengah. Pada saat ini, di Kabupaten Majalengka belum memiliki sistem yang mampu memberikan informasi yang ditampilkan secara spasial mengenai persebaran lokasi UMKM, dimana nantinya sistem ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi yang dapat dijadikan bahan pertimbangan yang tepat dalam menentukan kebijakan yang berkaitan dengan pertumbuhan Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) di Kabupaten Majalengka, seperti pengadaan pelatihan usaha, pemberian modal usaha dan lain sebagainya. Maka dari itu untuk membantu mengawasi pertumbuhan UMKM tersebut, diperlukan adanya sebuah sistem yang berbasis geografis yang dapat memberikan informasi lokasi  pertumbuhan UMKM secara spasial bagi Dinas terkait, yang direpresentasikan dengan sistem koordinat ditunjukan melalui penyimpanan titik <em>longitude</em> <em>(long)</em> dan <em>latitude</em> <em>(lat) </em> dalam <em>database </em>pada setiap lokasinya sebagai dasar pertimbangan dalam menentukan kebijakan Pemerintah di Kabupaten Majalengka. Pada penelitian ini, metode yang digunakan dalam pembangunan sistem ini menggunakan <em>System Development Life Cycle (SDLC</em>)<em>, </em>sistem ini akan dirancang dengan berbasis Web Geographic Information System (<em>WebGIS</em>) yang  menggunakan fasilitas dari Google Maps dan sistem ini diuji dengan menggunakan metode <em>blackbox. </em>Dengan dibangunnya sistem ini, maka informasi mengenai titik lokasi serta data UMKM yang sesuai dengan kegiatan usahanya dapat ditampilkan. Hasil penelitian ini berupa sistem informasi geografis, dimana sistem ini dapat memberikan informasi kepada Dinas Koperasi dan UMKM di Kabupaten Majalengka mengenai informasi lokasi penyebaran UMKM secara spasial yang dapat membantu dalam pengelolaan dan pengawasan terhadap pertumbuhan usaha berdasarkan lokasi dan jenis UMKM tersebut<em>.</em></p><p class="Abstrak"> </p><p class="Abstrak"><em><strong>Abstract</strong></em></p><p class="Abstract"><em>Majalengka Regency is a region that is experiencing rapid development that has diverse natural resources that can be processed into various forms of products. With the development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Majalengka Regency, it can move the community's economy, especially in the lower sector, namely for micro small and medium businesses. At present, Majalengka Regency does not yet have a system capable of providing information that is displayed spatially about the distribution of MSME locations, where later this system aims to provide information that can be used as appropriate consideration in determining policies relating to the growth of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises ( MSMEs) in Majalengka Regency, such as procurement of business training, provision of venture capital and so on. Therefore to help oversee the growth of MSMEs, a geographic based system is needed that can provide spatial information on MSME growth locations for the relevant Dinas, represented by a coordinate system shown through storing longitude and latitude points at each location as a basis for consideration in determining Government policy in Majalengka Regency. In this study, the method used in the construction of this system uses the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), this system will be designed with a Web-based Geographic Information System (WebGIS) that uses facilities from Google Maps and the system is tested using the blackbox method. With the construction of this system, information about the location points as well as MSME data in accordance with their business activities can be displayed. The results of this study are in the form of a geographic information system, in which this system can provide information to the Cooperative and MSME Service Offices in Majalengka Regency regarding spatial information on MSME distribution locations that can assist in the management and supervision of business growth based on the location and type of MSME.</em></p><p class="Abstrak"><em><strong><br /></strong></em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 73-80
Fadli Muhlisin ◽  
Safaruddin H. Al Ikhsan ◽  
Fitrah S. Fajar Kusuma

In managing laboratory equipment at SMK Negeri 1 Gunungputri, they still use manual methods and the toolman or head of the workshop does not collect data continuously, causing data and goods in the field to be incompatible, then there is no inventory number that causes lost items cannot be identified, therefore needed an Information System Inventory of Welding Engineering Workshop. This system uses the System Development Life Cycle method with Object Oriented Design modeling, with an Information System Inventory Workshop Welding Techniques can make it easier to identify every item in the field, reduce errors in terms of storage of goods, search for data and can facilitate the search for goods, especially in the Engineering workshop Welding.

Rizki Hardian Sakti ◽  
Elfi Tasrif

In this modern era today, information technology had become a thing where the society have to be cultivated. The development of information technology was currently running very fast and played an important role in various ways. Computers were one of the important parts in improving information technology. This research aimed to design a tool to be able to assist students in obtaining information in an accurate and effective manner. The design of this information system used the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) method which was a common methodology in system development and design. System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) had six phases, are namely: identification, initiation and project design, analysis, design, implementation and maintenance. The design carried out were the design and normalization of the database, Entity Relations Diagram (ERD), and system design. The system design had Data Flow Diagram (DFD), Use Case Diagram, Activity Diagram, Sequence Diagram and Class Diagram.Keywords: Information System, System Development Life Cycle, Electonic

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-13
Rima Puji Lestari ◽  
Nurullah Husufa

Anak jalanan di Jakarta banyak yang tidak dapat merasakan pemenuhan kebutuhan belajar secara penuh dan meninggalkan bangku sekolah dikarenakan anak harus bekerja untuk ikut membantu menunjang ekonomi keluarga. Sekolah Kolong Cikini merupakan organisasi non profit yang memfasilitasi anak jalanan untuk memberikan pendidikan alternatif agar anak jananan tersebut tetap dapat memperoleh haknya dalam pendidikan. Namun adanya keterbatasan media bagi para relawan untuk berbagi informasi menimbulkan informasi yang dibagikan tidak diterima dengan baik oleh anggota komunitas lainnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk merancang aplikasi yang mampu menjadi sarana komunikasi antar anggota komunitas. Alur penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) model Waterfall serta identifikasi masalah dengan menggunakan tahap analisis PIECES. Dengan adanya penelitian ini diharapkan dapat membantu komunitas sekolah kolong cikini dalam mengorganisir kegiatan, berbagi informasi, dan pengetahuan serta menjaga keakuratan data anggota pengajar dan data anak jalanan yang tergabung dalam sekolah kolong cikini.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 48-54
Mahmud Safudin ◽  
Andrian Eko Widodo ◽  
Eko Yulianto ◽  
Supriatiningsih Supriatiningsih

Abstract - In running a medical equipment Inventory report PT. Bumi Permata Medika can still work conventionally, there are have problems in making reports. The number of stocks, the name of the item that must be recorded, causes data to be mixed and the need for a relatively longer time to do it, it must be done carefully. Lack of accurate information causes companies not to know the minimum storage limits and stages of medical equipment inventory for the next period. To overcome the problem at PT. Bumi Permata Medika in the supply of medical devices, the author makes information system inventory of medical devices using the program. To simplify the work in processing data on medical supplies that are useful. The system development method used in designing this information system is the system development life cycle (SDLC) method. Keywords: information System, inventory, SDLC

2014 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
I Gede Adi Saputra Yasa

This study was aimed to (1) describe the problems in the drainage system in MonangManing area, (2) design the waterway of the drainage system based on subak local genius,and (3) implement the design model of drainage system based on subak local genius, especially for the route along Monang Maning area, in West Denpasar district – Denpasarmunicipality, by using the Geography Information System.This research used the software development method called System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), which was divided into 5 cycled phases; Planning, Analysis, Design,Implementation and Maintenance. This study produced some products based on the purposes of the study; (1) thedescription of the problems in the drainage system in Monang Maning which included thewaste disposal into the water, the land exploitation, the utilization of the buildings, the trespassing over the river border sign, sedimentation, the constriction of the river orwaterway, and the constriction or the loss of the water holes on the pavement due to theraising of the street height, (2) the waterway of the drainage system based on subak local genius, which involved the transformation of telabah gede / telabah aya into 9 (nine) primarydrainage waterways, the transformation of telabah pemaron gede into 16 (sixteen) secondarydrainage waterways and the transformation of telabah pemaron cenik into 27 tertiary drainage waterways, in which the division buildings for the drainage waterways based onsubak local genius in Monang Maning were 7 primary inlet-outlet control, 23 secondary inlet- outlet control and 28 tertiary inlet-outlet control, (3) the implementation of software usingMAPINFO, MySQL 5, VB 6 and ODBC 5.3 software. The software presented the primary,secondary and tertiary waterway design, the direction and the connectors on each waterway.

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