scholarly journals 577 Strawberry Runner Plant Root Pruning and Subsequent Growth and Yield in California

HortScience ◽  
1999 ◽  
Vol 34 (3) ◽  
pp. 546B-546
Kirk D. Larson

Each year, 500,000,000 bare-root plants (crowns) are used to establish strawberry plantings in California. Careful placement of plants in the planting holes is a critical determinant of plant growth and productivity, but large-rooted crowns are difficult to plant correctly. Use of uniform plant material would facilitate proper planting. I conducted a study in 1997–98 to determine the influence of three root pruning treatments on performance of `Camarosa' bare-root strawberry plants. Crowns were machine-dug from a nursery on 27 Oct. 1997. Two-hundred-forty plants were selected for uniformity of size, and root systems of all selected plants were >12.7 cm in length. Root systems of individual plants were randomly subjected to three pruning treatments: nonpruned (NP), pruned to 8.9 cm in length (P1), or pruned to 4.45 cm in length (P2). Twenty plants were randomly selected from each pruning treatment, washed, divided into excised and intact root tissues, and dried at 70 °C for 6 days. Pruning resulted in the removal of 23% and 78% of root dry mass for plants in the P1 and P2 treatments, respectively. For each treatment, the 60 remaining plants were established in raised beds at the Univ. of California South Coast R.E.C. in Irvine on 1 Nov. 1997. Experimental design was a RCB, with one 20-plant plot per treatment in each of three replicate blocks. There was no plant mortality and no difference among treatments in plant canopy diameter in March (mean diam. = 36.7 cm). Fruit yields were determined for each plot at weekly intervals from 1 Feb. to 18 Apr. 1998. There was no effect of pruning on yield or fruit size, suggesting that strawberry root systems have considerable regenerative ability.

1994 ◽  
Vol 30 (3) ◽  
pp. 329-336 ◽  
M. V. K. Sivakumar ◽  
S. A. Salaam

SUMMARYRoot/shoot relations of two cultivars of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) were studied on a sandy soil at Sadore in Niger using a wet excavation method. For the first 10 days after emergence (DAE), the length of the seminal root showed an exponential growth rate while plant height increased more or less linearly. The maximum rooting depth for millet was 168 cm and the maximum number of root axes and primary laterals, 172 per plant. Root length continued to increase up to 75 DAE, the maximum length exceeding 5000 cm per plant. The proportion of total day matter accumulated in the roots decreased from 30% in the early stages to less than 20% by maturity. The wet excavation method is a promising technique for the rapid removal of intact root systems of pearl millet from the sandy soils of the Sahel.

1998 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 127-129
J. Roger Harris ◽  
Jody Fanelli

Abstract Root pruning field-grown trees during production can increase harvested root length, but it is a time consuming and expensive practice. Root pruning before lining out instead of during production is much faster and cheaper. This study tested the effect of root pruning red maple (Acer rubrum L.) and Washington hawthorn (Crataegus phaenopyrum (L.f.) Medic.) trees. Bare-root liners were root pruned before planting in nursery rows, and top growth, shoot: root ratios, and harvested root length within rootballs were measured after two years of field growth. Pruning root systems back 25%, 50%, or 75% had little effect on top growth or shoot:root ratios for either species.

Agronomy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 491
Kazuki Kano ◽  
Hiroaki Kitazawa ◽  
Keitaro Suzuki ◽  
Ani Widiastuti ◽  
Hiromitsu Odani ◽  

Effects of corn steep liquor (organic fertilizer, OF) and conventional chemical fertilizer (CF) on the growth and yield of bok choy (Brassica rapa var. chinensis) in summer and autumn hydroponic growing systems were compared. When OF and CF were applied with the same amount of total nitrogen in summer cultivation, there was no significant difference between yields; however, the growth rate in OF was slower than in CF. When OF was applied with twice the amount of nitrogen in CF (OF2), bok choy growth and yield were significantly inhibited in summer cultivation, likely owing to dissolved oxygen deficiency and different rates of nitrification and nitrogen absorbance by the plant root. Although the contents of potassium, calcium, and magnesium in bok choy showed no difference among the three treatments in both cultivation seasons, the carbon/nitrogen ratio tended to be higher in OF and OF2 than in CF. Lower nitric acid and higher ascorbic acid content was found in OF and OF2 than in CF. Overall, our results suggest that a comparable yield is expected by using the same nitrogen amount with a conventional recipe of chemical fertilization in autumn cultivation. However, further improvement of hydroponic management is needed in summer cultivation.

2007 ◽  
Vol 64 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-29
José Geraldo de Araújo Carneiro ◽  
Deborah Guerra Barroso ◽  
Luis Maurício da Silva Soares

Seedlings compete for nutrients, water and light. The available area for each seedling affects their behavior related to requirements for these resources. This experiment evaluated the influence of five plant densities on the growth of bare root Pinus taeda, L. seedlings in a nursery after outplanting. The analyzed characteristics were: height (H), root collar diameter (D), H/D ratio, and dry matter weight. Higher densities stimulated H growth and the lowest densities increased D average and dry matter weight and lowered the H/D ratio. Seedlings were distributed by H, D and H/D classes. Higher densities had a larger number of seedlings in larger H classes. Larger numbers of seedlings with larger D and lower H/D ratios were found in lower densities. Ten months after outplanting the seedlings grown in lower densities had higher survival percentages and growth. Some saplings of standardized heights were uprooted with the objective of studying their root systems. The lowest densities stimulated higher numbers of first and second order roots as well as fresh and dry matter weights of thin roots with mycorrhizae presence. In both parts of the experiment, the density of 278 seedlings m-2 yielded equivalent averages as compared to the lowest densities.

2017 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
pp. 103-110 ◽  
Roberto BF Branco ◽  
Sally F Blat ◽  
Tais GS Gimenes ◽  
Rodrigo HD Nowaki ◽  
Humberto S Araújo ◽  

ABSTRACT The production of horticultural crops in no-tillage and in rotation with cover crops reduces the dependency in nitrogen fertilizer, due to increased soil organic matter and by biological fixation performed by legumes. Thus, the aim of this work was to study rates of nitrogen fertilization and cover crops in the agronomic performance of tomato and broccoli grown under no-tillage. The experiment was conducted in a split plot design with four replications. Treatments consisted of cover crops, sunn hemp and millet, and four rates of nitrogen fertilization (0, 50, 100 and 200 kg/ha of nitrogen), for both the tomato and broccoli crops. All soil management was performed in no-tillage. For tomato crops we evaluated the plant growth, the nitrate concentration of sprouts and fruits and yield of commercial and non commercial fruits. For broccoli we evaluated plant growth and yield. There was an interaction effect between cover crop and nitrogen rates to tomato growth measured at 100 days after transplanting, for plant height, number of fruit bunches, dry mass of leaves and diameter of the stalk. The tomato commercial fruit number and yield showed maximum values with 137 and 134 kg/ha of N respectively, on the sunn hemp straw. The nitrate concentration of the tomato sprouts was linearly increasing with the increase of nitrogen rates, when grown on the millet straw. For broccoli production, the maximum fresh mass of commercial inflorescence was with 96 kg/ha of N, when grown on the millet straw.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2018 ◽  
pp. 1-12
Hengxing Wang ◽  
Yulong He ◽  
Zufeng Shang ◽  
Chunpeng Han ◽  
Yilu Wang

We present the results of the reinforcement of plant root systems in surface soil in a model test to simulate actual precipitation conditions. In the test, Eleusine indica was selected as herbage to reinforce the soil. Based on the various moisture contents of plant roots in a pull-out test, a fitting formula describing the interfacial friction strength between the roots and soil and soil moisture content was obtained to explain the amount of slippage of the side slope during the process of rainfall. The experimental results showed that the root systems of plants successfully reinforced soil and stabilized the water content in the surface soil of a slope and that the occurrence time of landslides was delayed significantly in the grass-planting slope model. After the simulated rainfall started, the reinforcement effect of the plant roots changed. As the rainfall increased, the interfacial friction between the roots and the soil exhibited a negative power function relationship with the water content. These conclusions can be used as a reference for the design of plant slope protection and reinforcement.

2008 ◽  
Vol 88 (1) ◽  
pp. 165-174 ◽  
J. A. Cline ◽  
C. G. Embree ◽  
J. Hebb ◽  
D. S. Nichols

Vegetative growth control of apples (Malus × domestica Borkh.) is necessary to maintain a balance between growth and cropping. Pruning is a labour-intensive management practice to achieve this and intrinsically stimulates new growth. Prohexadione-calcium (PC) is a plant bio-regulator that effectively regulat es the shoot extension growth of apples and other tree fruits. Previous research has demonstrated that its efficacy can vary based on the use of spray surfactants and adjuvants. This study investigated the efficacy of two rates of Apogee™, the commercial form of PC, used in combination with the spray surfactants Sylgard 309 and LI 700, on extension shoot growth and yield parameters. Experiments were conducted in Ontario on Empire and Nova Scotia on Royal Court™ Cortland apples. Treatments of 0, 75 or 125 mg L-1 PC, with and without either 0.5% (vol/vol.) LI 700 surfactant or 0.05% (vol/vol) Sylgard 309 surfactant were applied to Empire trees, and 75 or 125 mg L-1 PC, with or without 0.5% (vol/vol) LI 700, were applied to Royal Court™ trees. An untreated control treatment was also included for comparison purposes. A total of two sprays were applied to the Empire trees and a total of three sprays were applied to the Royal Court™ trees. PC significantly decreased the vegetative growth of Empire and Royal Court™ trees by approximately 18 to 44%, respectively, and the efficacy of PC was enhanced when combined with either Sylgard 309 or LI 700 surfactant. No additional benefit in vegetative growth control was gained when using Apogee™ at rates of 125 mg L-1 PC, relative to 75 mg L-1 PC. The rate of Apogee™ did not influence the number of fruit or yield per tree or mean fruit size of either cultivar. For Empire, LI 700 and Sylgard 309 significantly reduced the number of fruit per tree, resulting in lower yields and crop densities. In addition, higher mean fruit weights, and a greater distribution of fruit in the larger size categories were observed for LI 700. Fruit from Royal Court trees treated with the highest rate of Apogee™ had higher crop densities, poorer coloured fruit, and a higher percentage of fruit less than 60 mm in diameter. These data provide support for the use of alternative surfactants with Apogee™ other than those listed on the US and Canadian product labels. Key words: Apogee™, Empire, Cortland, Regalis, calcium 3-oxido-5-oxo-4-propionylcyclohex-3-enecarboxylate, surfactant

1991 ◽  
Vol 116 (2) ◽  
pp. 195-200 ◽  
D.C. Elfving ◽  
E.C. Lougheed ◽  
R.A. Cline

A midsummer foliar daminozide (DZ) application (750 mg a.i./liter) to `Macspur McIntosh'/M.7 apple trees (Malus domestics Borkh.) reduced preharvest drop and retarded flesh firmness loss and starch hydrolysis when tested at harvest; DZ also reduced fruit ethylene production at harvest and after 19 weeks of storage at 0.5C. Root pruning at full bloom (May) resulted in increased soluble solids concentration (SSC) and firmer flesh and less starch hydrolysis at harvest, but not consistently each year. Full-bloom root pruning reduced the incidence of stem-cavity browning and brown core, but again not each year. Full-bloom root pruning did not influence ethylene evolution at harvest but did reduce post-storage ethylene evolution in two of three seasons. Full-bloom root pruning generally was less effective than DZ in altering fruit behavior, while root pruning later than full bloom had virtually no effect. Trunk scoring or ringing increased SSC and retarded loss of flesh firmness before harvest and following storage, but had little effect on starch hydrolysis. Scoring or ringing decreased incidence of some disorders and reduced post-storage ethylene evolution, although these treatments had little effect on ethylene production at harvest. Trunk scoring influenced some fruit characteristics more strongly than DZ. Fruit size was not affected by any treatment in any year. Chemical name used: butanedioic acid mono (2,2 -dimethylhydrazide) (daminozide).

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