scholarly journals Characterization of an Unusual Cytoplasmic Chimera Detected in Bolting Garlic Clones

2007 ◽  
Vol 132 (5) ◽  
pp. 664-669 ◽  
Meryem Ipek ◽  
Ahmet Ipek ◽  
Douglas Senalik ◽  
Philipp W. Simon

Production of a visible flower stalk, or bolting, has been used as a major trait to categorize garlic (Allium sativum L.) clones. Analysis of mitochondrial genome variation with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) revealed differences between bolting and nonbolting clones of garlic. Screening 333 garlic accessions from diverse geographic origins revealed a 1403-bp mitochondrial DNA marker associated with bolting that the authors call “Bolt Marker” (BltM). Bolt Marker did not amplify in any of the 131 nonbolting clones, whereas amplification of this marker was observed in 127 of 130 (97.7%) garlic clones that bolted completely in Wisconsin. Seventy-two garlic clones bolted incompletely (clones in which some but not all of the plants bolted), and this marker was not amplified in 69 (95.8%) of these clones. Because of the significant association of BltM with bolting, this PCR-based marker can be used to discriminate complete-bolting garlic clones reliably from nonbolting and incomplete-bolting ones. Sequence characterization of this marker revealed that BltM is a chimera involving both mitochondrial and chloroplast DNA. The DNA sequences including and flanking both the 5′ and 3′ ends of this marker are consistent with an ≈4.8-kbp chloroplast DNA fragment having been inserted into the mitochondrial genome downstream from the mitochondrial cox3 gene. Sequence alignment of the chloroplast genes in this chimeric region with the homologous sequences in GenBank indicate the presence of deletions, insertions, and single nucleotide polymorphisms in the coding sequences, resulting in putative, incomplete open reading frames or frame shift mutations. Hence, the authors speculate that this insertion may have occurred long ago in the evolution of garlic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 1832
Eugene Metakovsky ◽  
Laura Pascual ◽  
Patrizia Vaccino ◽  
Viktor Melnik ◽  
Marta Rodriguez-Quijano ◽  

The Gli-B1-encoded γ-gliadins and non-coding γ-gliadin DNA sequences for 15 different alleles of common wheat have been compared using seven tests: electrophoretic mobility (EM) and molecular weight (MW) of the encoded major γ-gliadin, restriction fragment length polymorphism patterns (RFLPs) (three different markers), Gli-B1-γ-gliadin-pseudogene known SNP markers (Single nucleotide polymorphisms) and sequencing the pseudogene GAG56B. It was discovered that encoded γ-gliadins, with contrasting EM, had similar MWs. However, seven allelic variants (designated from I to VII) differed among them in the other six tests: I (alleles Gli-B1i, k, m, o), II (Gli-B1n, q, s), III (Gli-B1b), IV (Gli-B1e, f, g), V (Gli-B1h), VI (Gli-B1d) and VII (Gli-B1a). Allele Gli-B1c (variant VIII) was identical to the alleles from group IV in four of the tests. Some tests might show a fine difference between alleles belonging to the same variant. Our results attest in favor of the independent origin of at least seven variants at the Gli-B1 locus that might originate from deeply diverged genotypes of the donor(s) of the B genome in hexaploid wheat and therefore might be called “heteroallelic”. The donor’s particularities at the Gli-B1 locus might be conserved since that time and decisively contribute to the current high genetic diversity of common wheat.

2015 ◽  
Sanaa Afroz Ahmed ◽  
Chien-Chi Lo ◽  
Po-E Li ◽  
Karen W Davenport ◽  
Patrick S.G. Chain

Next-generation sequencing is increasingly being used to examine closely related organisms. However, while genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) provide an excellent resource for phylogenetic reconstruction, to date evolutionary analyses have been performed using different ad hoc methods that are not often widely applicable across different projects. To facilitate the construction of robust phylogenies, we have developed a method for genome-wide identification/characterization of SNPs from sequencing reads and genome assemblies. Our phylogenetic and molecular evolutionary (PhaME) analysis software is unique in its ability to take reads and draft/complete genome(s) as input, derive core genome alignments, identify SNPs, construct phylogenies and perform evolutionary analyses. Several examples using genomes and read datasets for bacterial, eukaryotic and viral linages demonstrate the broad and robust functionality of PhaME. Furthermore, the ability to incorporate raw metagenomic reads from clinical samples with suspected infectious agents shows promise for the rapid phylogenetic characterization of pathogens within complex samples.

2021 ◽  
Thomas K. F. Wong ◽  
Teng Li ◽  
Louis Ranjard ◽  
Steven Wu ◽  
Jeet Sukumaran ◽  

AbstractA current strategy for obtaining haplotype information from several individuals involves short-read sequencing of pooled amplicons, where fragments from each individual is identified by a unique DNA barcode. In this paper, we report a new method to recover the phylogeny of haplotypes from short-read sequences obtained using pooled amplicons from a mixture of individuals, without barcoding. The method, AFPhyloMix, accepts an alignment of the mixture of reads against a reference sequence, obtains the single-nucleotide-polymorphisms (SNP) patterns along the alignment, and constructs the phylogenetic tree according to the SNP patterns. AFPhyloMix adopts a Bayesian model of inference to estimates the phylogeny of the haplotypes and their relative frequencies, given that the number of haplotypes is known. In our simulations, AFPhyloMix achieved at least 80% accuracy at recovering the phylogenies and frequencies of the constituent haplotypes, for mixtures with up to 15 haplotypes. AFPhyloMix also worked well on a real data set of kangaroo mitochondrial DNA sequences.

Animals ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (11) ◽  
pp. 2073
Nicolás Galarce ◽  
Beatriz Escobar ◽  
Eduard Martínez ◽  
Natalia Alvarado ◽  
Gabriela Peralta ◽  

Canine brucellosis caused by Brucella canis is a zoonotic disease that causes reproductive alterations in dogs, such as infertility, abortion, and epididymitis. This pathogen is especially prevalent in South America, and due to the lack of official control programs and the growing trend of adopting dogs it constitutes a public health risk that must be addressed. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of B. canis infection in kennel, shelter, and household dogs and to characterize the genomic properties of circulating strains, including ure and virB operons and omp25/31 genes. Samples from 771 dogs were obtained, and the infection was detected by blood culture and/or serology in 7.0% of the animals. The complete ure and virB operons and the omp25/31 genes were detected. Interestingly, we found different single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in some of the analyzed genes, which could mean a change in the fitness or virulence of these strains. This study provides further evidence about dogs as a source of B. canis strains that can infect people. This also highlights the need to implement official control programs, including the mandatory testing of dogs, especially stray dogs, before adoption.

2011 ◽  
Vol 4 (6) ◽  
pp. 336-344 ◽  
Miriam Enriqueta Nieves-Ramirez ◽  
Oswaldo Partida-Rodriguez ◽  
Pedro Eduardo Alegre-Crespo ◽  
Maria del Carmen Tapia-Lugo ◽  
Martha Esthela Perez-Rodriguez

2005 ◽  
Vol 119 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 61-74 ◽  
Riddhish Shah ◽  
Brad Rahaman ◽  
Carolyn Katovich Hurley ◽  
Phillip E. Posch

2020 ◽  
Vol 47 (5) ◽  
pp. 425
Mengyu Liu ◽  
Xiaofeng Liu ◽  
Junhua Hu ◽  
Yang Xue ◽  
Xiaochun Zhao

D-limonene is the main component of citrus essential oils. In the monoterpene biosynthetic pathway, geranyl diphosphate reacts with monoterpenes to form the prenyl-carbocation intermediate to produce d-limonene. In this study, d-limonene synthase (FcLS) genes were first isolated from Rongan kumquat (Fortunella crassifolia Swingle). Sequencing analysis revealed that the open reading frames of 18 FcLS genes contain 12 single nucleotide polymorphisms, which resulted in the variation of FcLS proteins, indicating that the limonene synthase genes are a large family in F. crassifolia. This phenomenon has not been reported in Citrus. The predicted FcLS proteins showed a high amino acid sequence identity with other Citrus limonene synthases and also had the typical structures of limonene synthase protein. FcLS1 was validated to be a functional d-limonene synthase by prokaryotic expression.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Weizhuo Zhu ◽  
Yiyi Guo ◽  
Yeke Chen ◽  
Dezhi Wu ◽  
Lixi Jiang

Abstract Background Transcription factors GATAs are involved in plant developmental processes and respond to environmental stresses through binding DNA regulatory regions to regulate their downstream genes. However, little information on the GATA genes in Brassica napus is available. The release of the reference genome of B. napus provides a good opportunity to perform a genome-wide characterization of GATA family genes in rapeseed. Results In this study, 96 GATA genes randomly distributing on 19 chromosomes were identified in B. napus, which were classified into four subfamilies based on phylogenetic analysis and their domain structures. The amino acids of BnGATAs were obvious divergence among four subfamilies in terms of their GATA domains, structures and motif compositions. Gene duplication and synteny between the genomes of B. napus and A. thaliana were also analyzed to provide insights into evolutionary characteristics. Moreover, BnGATAs showed different expression patterns in various tissues and under diverse abiotic stresses. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) distributions of BnGATAs in a core collection germplasm are probably associated with functional disparity under environmental stress condition in different genotypes of B. napus. Conclusion The present study was investigated genomic structures, evolution features, expression patterns and SNP distributions of 96 BnGATAs. The results enrich our understanding of the GATA genes in rapeseed.

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