2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 49
Nurma Khusna Khanifa

<p>Abstract<br />The World Health Organization (WHO) has indeed adopted the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) in the 56th World Health Assembly in 2003. The FCTC provides reference to the importance of worldwide tobacco control. The impact of this resistance is the tobacco farmers of Temanggung Regency. Tobacco planted on the slopes of Sindoro and Sumbing mountains, Temanggung Regency, is the number one tobacco producer of tobacco srinthil. Srinthil Tobacco has been listed as Geographical Indication No. ID G 000 000 027 at the Directorate General of Intellectual Property. Srinthil is located in the village of Legokari Tlogomulyo District has a high quality has placed it as a green gold title. Cultural heritage has left the custom of ritual in obtaining the quality of tobacco. But behind the success of tobacco as one of the commodities that have a large contribution to state revenues, the government actually issued several policies against the development of marketing. The government’s appreciation of the tobacco leaf lately seems half-hearted. For farmers, tobacco is not just a commodity. Tobacco is an important part of the spiritual life. Elements of tobacco in the form of chopping, clove or cigarettes in offerings that symbolize fire, water, air and soil. Thus tobacco is considered as a balance between man and nature. The way to see the tobacco issue from a health standpoint by negating this other perspective is not only inappropriate but rather misleading. The reason is that tobacco is a legal and superior commodity that has a vital role with the linkage of economic, social and cultural interests. Therefore, the government can not yet accommodate the human rights of economic, social and cultural rights.<br /><br /></p><p>Abstrak<br />World Health Organization (WHO) memang telah mengadopsi Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) dalam Sidang Kesehatan Dunia (World Health Assembly) ke-56 pada 2003. FCTC ini memberikan rujukan tentang betapa pentingnya pengendalian tembakau di seluruh dunia. Dampak yang dirasakan adanya resistensi ini ialah petani tembakau Kabupaten Temanggung. Tembakau yang ditanam di lereng gunung Sindoro dan Sumbing, Kabupaten Temanggung, sebagian adalah penghasil tembakau kualitas nomor satu, yakni tembakau srinthil. Tembakau Srinthil telah terdaftar sebagai Indikasi Geografis No. ID G 000 000 027 di Direktorat Jenderal Kekayaan Intelektual. Srinthil berada di Desa Legoksari Kecamatan Tlogomulyo ini memiliki berkualitas tinggi telah menempatkannya sebagai sebutan emas hijau. Warisan budaya telah meninggalkan adat berupa ritual dalam mendapatkan mutu tembakau. Tetapi dibalik kesuksesan tembakau sebagai salah satu komoditas yang memiliki sumbangsih besar terhadap penerimaan negara, pemerintah justru mengeluarkan beberapa kebijakan yang menentang terhadap perkembangan pemasaran. Apresiasi pemerintah terhadap daun tembakau belakangan nampak setengah hati. Bagi para petani, tembakau memang tak sekedar komoditi. Tembakau menjadi bagian penting dari kehidupan spiritual. Unsur tembakau berupa rajang, kretek atau rokok dalam sesaji yang melambangkan api, air, udara dan tanahal. Dengan demikian tembakau dianggap sebagai penyeimbang antara manusia dan alam. Cara melihat persoalan tembakau dari sudut pandang kesehatan dengan meniadakan perspektif lainnya ini bukan hanya tidak tepat melainkan justru menyesatkan. Alasannya, tembakau adalah barang legal dan komoditi unggulan yang mempunyai peran vital dengan pertautan kepentingan ekonomi, sosial dan budaya. Oleh sebab itu pemerintah belum bisa menjadi mengakomodir hak-hak manusia (human rights) hak-hak ekonomi, sosial dan budaya.<br /><br /></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (12) ◽  
pp. 1458-1464
Sweta Kamboj ◽  
Rohit Kamboj ◽  
Shikha Kamboj ◽  
Kumar Guarve ◽  
Rohit Dutt

Background: In the 1960s, the human coronavirus was designated, which is responsible for the upper respiratory tract disease in children. Back in 2003, mainly 5 new coronaviruses were recognized. This study directly pursues to govern knowledge, attitude and practice of viral and droplet infection isolation safeguard among the researchers during the outbreak of the COVID-19. Introduction: Coronavirus is a proteinaceous and infectious pathogen. It is an etiological agent of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). Coronavirus, appeared in China from the seafood and poultry market last year, which has spread in various countries, and has caused several deaths. Methods: The literature data has been taken from different search platforms like PubMed, Science Direct, Embase, Web of Science, portal and complied. Results: Corona virology study will be more advanced and outstanding in recent years. COVID-19 epidemic is a threatening reminder not solely for one country but all over the universe. Conclusion: In this review article, we encapsulated the pathogenesis, geographical spread of coronavirus worldwide, also discussed the perspective of diagnosis, effective treatment, and primary recommendations by the World Health Organization, and guidelines of the government to slow down the impact of the virus are also optimistic, efficacious and obliging for the public health. However, it will take a prolonged time in the future to overcome this epidemic.

2011 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 290-297 ◽  

“I want my leadership to be judged by the impact of our work on the health of two populations: women and the people of Africa.” This is how Dr. Margaret Chan, the current Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), described her leadership mission. The reason behind this mission is evident. Women and girls constitute 70% of the world’s poor and 80% of the world’s refugees. Gender violence against women aged 15–44 is responsible for more deaths and disability than cancer, malaria, traffic accidents, and war. An estimated 350,000 to 500,000 women still die in childbirth every year. The negative health implications of absolute poverty are worst in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. Hence, Chan aims to have the biggest impact on the world’s poorest people.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-27
Yen-Fu Chen

Despite being one of Asia’s major economies with a population of over 23 million, Taiwan has been mostly excluded from the World Health Assembly/World Health Organization (wha/who) since 1972, due to China’s objection. While this has not stopped Taiwan from developing a comprehensive healthcare system and being an active member of international health community, the lack of membership in the world’s leading health authority undermines global health and presents perverse, and yet often neglected, inequality faced by Taiwanese people. This article aims to provide contextual information concerning the impacts of Taiwan’s exclusion from wha/who by: (1) enumerating health-related areas where Taiwan has rich knowledge and experiences that would have been cascaded much more widely and efficiently to those in need around the world had it been allowed to participate; and (2) highlighting difficulties faced by Taiwanese people and potential threats to international health arising from the exclusion.

2019 ◽  
Vol 69 (12) ◽  
pp. 2101-2108 ◽  
Lisa A Ronald ◽  
Jonathon R Campbell ◽  
Caren Rose ◽  
Robert Balshaw ◽  
Kamila Romanowski ◽  

Abstract Background Latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) screening and treatment is a key component of the World Health Organization (WHO) EndTB Strategy, but the impact of LTBI screening and treatment at a population level is unclear. We aimed to estimate the impact of LTBI screening and treatment in a population of migrants to British Columbia (BC), Canada. Methods This retrospective cohort included all individuals (N = 1 080 908) who immigrated to Canada as permanent residents between 1985 and 2012 and were residents in BC at any time up to 2013. Multiple administrative databases were linked to identify people with risk factors who met the WHO strong recommendations for screening: people with tuberculosis (TB) contact, with human immunodeficiency virus, on dialysis, with tumor necrosis factor-alpha inhibitors, who had an organ/haematological transplant, or with silicosis. Additional TB risk factors included immunosuppressive medications, cancer, diabetes, and migration from a country with a high TB burden. We defined active TB as preventable if diagnosed ≥6 months after a risk factor diagnosis. We estimated the number of preventable TB cases, given optimal LTBI screening and treatment, based on these risk factors. Results There were 16 085 people (1.5%) identified with WHO strong risk factors. Of the 2814 people with active TB, 118 (4.2%) were considered preventable through screening with WHO risk factors. Less than half (49.4%) were considered preventable with expanded screening to include people migrating from countries with high TB burdens, people who had been prescribed immunosuppressive medications, or people with diabetes or cancer. Conclusions The application of WHO LTBI strong recommendations for screening would have minimally impacted the TB incidence in this population. Further high-risk groups must be identified to develop an effective LTBI screening and treatment strategy for low-incidence regions.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (5-6) ◽  
pp. 1086-1089
Andrew J. Bouland ◽  
Jordan Selzer ◽  
Madi Yogman ◽  
David W. Callaway

ABSTRACTOn September 1, 2019, Hurricane Dorian made landfall as a category 5 hurricane on Great Abaco Island, Bahamas. Hurricane Dorian matched the “Labor Day” hurricane of 1935 as the strongest recorded Atlantic hurricane to make landfall with maximum sustained winds of 185 miles/h.1 At the request of the Government of the Bahamas, Team Rubicon activated a World Health Organization Type 1 Mobile Emergency Medical Team and responded to Great Abaco Island. The team provided medical care and reconnaissance of medical clinics on the island and surrounding cays…

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-88 ◽  
Kiran Sapkota ◽  
Ganesh Dangal ◽  
Madhu Koirala ◽  
Kalyan Sapkota ◽  
Asmita Poudel ◽  

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, caused by the most recently discovered coronavirus, is currently affecting a large population across the globe. World health organization (WHO) has already declared COVID-19, a pandemic, and the world is fighting to contain the COVID-19 outbreak. Nepal has taken several preventive measures to control the coronavirus outbreak. However, some additional steps are needed to prevent community transmission of the disease. This brief communication discusses the government of Nepal actions and provides recommendations for the prevention and control of COVID-19 infection in Nepal.

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