scholarly journals Avifaunal Diversity and Community Structure in Universitas Brawijaya Forest, East Java, Indonesia

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 58335
Agus Nurrofik ◽  
Muhammad Fathoni ◽  
Agung Sih Kurnianto ◽  
Luhur Septiadi ◽  
Nia Kurniawan

Avifauna inhabiting the mountainous forest ecosystem is severely threatened by anthropogenic disturbances, especially in the Java island of ­­Indonesia. Yet, efforts to monitor the avifauna diversity are lacking, including in one of the mountainous forest areas, Universitas Brawijaya Forest (UBF). In this study, information about diversity, community structure, feeding specialization, and conservation status of avifauna is presented. Observations were conducted from December 2019 to February 2020 on two designated tracks with different degree of disturbances. Data were analyzed based on their conservation status, local distribution, feeding specialization (Jaccard similarity index), species richness, total abundance, species diversity (Shannon-Wiener diversity index), and importance value index (IVI). A total of 51 species from 27 families were identified. Two species at risk (one Near Threatened and one Endangered) and 9 protected avifauna were noted. This study can be used as the baseline data for future conservation management in the UBF.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 184
Farid Kuswantoro ◽  
I Nyoman Lugrayasa ◽  
Wawan Sujarwo

Penelitian ekologi kuantitatif diperlukan sebagai baseline dalam proses pembangunan dan pengembangan kebun raya di masa mendatang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan data vegetasi di kawasan hutan yang akan dibangun kebun raya dan menganalisisnya secara kuantitatif. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode petak kuadrat (PU), dengan petak ukur 20 m x 20 m untuk pengamatan tingkat pohon dan tiang, serta 2 mx 2 m untuk pengamatan tingkat tumbuhan bawah. Analisis data dilakukan mengunakan indeks nilai penting, indeks keanekaragaman ShannonWiener, indeks similaritas, analisis kluster, dan analisis komponen utama (PCA). Komunitas tumbuhan di hutan Pilan didominasi oleh Magnolia montana (Blume) Figlar dan Arenga pinnata (Wurmb) Merr. pada tingkat pohon serta Daemonorops sp. pada tingkat tumbuhan bawah. Indeks keanekaragaman pada tingkat pohon dan tiang menunjukan nilai sedang dan rendah pada tingkat tumbuhan bawah, sementara indeks similaritas mayoritas kombinasi PU adalah rendah. Hasil kluster menunjukan terbentuknya dua subset pada kedua tingkat pertumbuhan, dimana PU VI berada di luar kluster sedangkan PCA menunjukan setiap PU mendukung jenis tumbuhan yang berbeda-beda. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa komposisi vegetasi hutan Pilan mendekati klimaks yang disebabkan karena statusnya sebagai hutan keramat sehingga relatif bebas dari gangguan. Faktor-faktor yang diduga mempengaruhi perbedaan komposisi tumbuhan di setiap PU adalah pH tanah, intensitas sinar matahari, jenis pohon yang dominan, efek tepi, dan persebaran bijioleh hewan.Quantitative Ecological Study of Pilan Forest as a Baseline for Development of Gianyar Botanic GardenAbstractQuantitative ecological research is needed as a baseline in the future construction and development of botanic gardens. This study aims to acquired the vegetation data in the forest area where a botanic garden will be established and analyse it quantitatively. The study was conducted using the quadrat plot (PU) method, with a plot measuring 20 m x 20 m for observation and tagging of all trees and saplings, as well as 2 mx2 m for observation of the understorey level. Data analysis was performed by utilising the importance value index, Shannon-Wiener diversity index, similarity index, cluster analysis, and principal component analysis (PCA). Plant communities in Pilan Forest were dominated by Magnolia montana(Blume) Figlar and Arenga pinnata(Wurmb) Merr. at the canopy level and Daemonorops sp. in the understorey level. The diversity index was moderate and low respectively, while the similarity index was mostly low. The clustering results showed the formation of two subsets in both growth rate as the PU VI was outside the cluster and the PCA indicated that each plot supports different plant species. The study results concluded that the composition of vegetation at Pilan forest is approaching the maximum diversity, and is relatively undisturbed due to its status as a sacred forest. Factors thought to affect the different composition of plants in each plot was the pH of the soil, the intensity of sunlight, dominant tree species, edge effects and distribution of seeds by animals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (11) ◽  
Adhy widya Setiawan ◽  

Abstract. Setiawan AW, Tjiu A, Meididit A, Iswinanto, Ginanjar A, Atut Y, Agusti R. 2021. Plant diversity in logged over forest in Mahakam Ulu, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 22: 4829-4838. A study of flora was conducted in the Ratah Timber concession area. Objectives of this study was to calculate the Importance Value Index (IVI) and identify species diversity in Mahakam Ulu, East Kalimantan. A survey was carried out in 128 plots within 13 transects placed purposively. Vegetation sampling was conducted using line transect and a quadrat method. As many as 530 species belonging to 79 families were found. Of these species, 420 species were found in observation plots with 374 of the species being tree. The most dominant tree species were Endertia spectabilis, Shorea pinanga and Shorea leprosula with IVI of 10.24%, 8.25%, and 6.96%, respectively. In total, 114 species or 21.5% are endemic species of Borneo. The Shannon-Wiener diversity index at tree level was 5.51 and at seedling level was 4.95. The highest Similarity Index was found between transects 23 and 21, meanwhile the lowest was between transects 05 and 15. This study found 61 species which are classified on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List (2020-1) as critically endangered (16), endangered (11), and vulnerable (34) species.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Ida Ardiyaningrum ◽  

Abstract. Ardiyaningrum I, Budiastuti MTS, Komariah. 2021. Short Communication: Species composition and diversity of vegetation in dryland agricultural landscape. Biodiversitas 22: 65-71. Drylands are a part of the terrestrial ecosystems with a relatively larger area compared to wetlands. Selo has dryland with steep slopes and high rainfall, resulting in relatively high soil erosion. The land use in this sub-district is dominated by plantations and agriculture, with conditions that have not been fully balanced by trees as a means of controlling erosion and supporting vegetation diversity. Therefore, studies on biodiversity are important as an indicator of dryland sustainability, especially in terms of soil and water conservations. This research aimed to study the species composition and diversity of vegetation in the dryland agricultural landscape in Selo Sub-district, Boyolali District, Central Java Province, Indonesia. Vegetation analysis was performed by using the quadratic sampling technique for tree category, pole category, sapling category, and seedling categories. The results indicated that Fabaceae had the highest number of species. Tree species with the highest Importance Value Index were Toona sureni, Artocarpus heterophyllus, and Casuarina junghuhniana, respectively. The Shanon-Wiener Diversity Index showed that the vegetation at tree, pole, and sapling stages had a moderate diversity, and seedling-stage vegetation had a low diversity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
Slamet Isworo ◽  

Abstract. Isworo S, Oetari PS. 2020. Mangrove vegetation and bird communities around Tegal Port, Central Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 21: 1551-1560. The ecological balance in Tegal harbor area needs to get serious attention due to the impacts of Tegal Port activities. For this purpose, the diversity of mangrove and avifauna (bird) can be used as bio-indicators of the ecological stability of the area. This study aimed to assess and analyze the diversity of plants and avifauna (birds) that live in mangrove and coastal zones around Tegal Port development area. Data collection was conducted using purposive random sampling method on two sites for vegetation and three sites for avifauna. The importance value index, Shannon-Wiener diversity index and Sorensen’s similarity index was calculated for the vegetation. For birds, we calculated the diversity and similarity index as well as identified their conservation status based on the IUCN Red List, CITES and government regulations. In terms of vegetation, Rhizophora mucronata and Avicennia marina dominate Site 2 (Tegalsari) while Casuarina equisetifolia and R. mucronata dominate Site 3 (Alam Indah Beach). Overall, the vegetation has low biodiversity index and similarity between sites is also low. For bird, there are 37 species from 18 families. Site 1 (Muara Reja) has the highest number of species with 29 species, followed by Site 2 (Tegalsari) with 25 species, and Site 3 (Alam Indah Beach) with 22 species. The three sites have moderate diversity index and there is high similarity index between sites. All bird species found in the study sites are listed as Least Concern under IUCN Red List, while there are two species protected under national protection law, i.e. Ardea alba and Glareola maldivarum. In general, the condition of mangrove vegetation around Tegal Port has low diversity. This suggests that the pressure on the environment is quite high, causing only few plant species to be able to live and dominate the ecosystem. The limited vegetation also causes birds community, especially the protected A. alba and G. maldivarum in Site 2, becomes increasingly difficult to find, because places to find food, breeding places and places to rest are disturbed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 181
Sukirman Rahim ◽  
Dewi Wahyuni K Baderan

Hutan mangrove Langge yang terdapat di Kecamatan Anggrek Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara memiliki keunikan dari pola zonasi dan keanekaragaman jenis. Hal ini yang menjadikan hutan mangrove di kawasan tersebut sebagai objek wisata tracking mangrove yang dikenal dengan nama “mangrove in love. Hutan mangrove memiliki berbagai fungsi ekologis yang sangat kompleks yakni sebagai daerah pemijahan  (spawing ground), tempat asuhan (nursery ground), dan tempat mencari makan (feeding ground) biota laut yang beraneka jenis dan memiliki fungsi ekonomis diantaranya buah mangrove dapat diolah menjadi berbagai produk kue dan sumber pangan alternatif pengganti beras. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : 1) untuk mengetahui komposisi jenis mangrove asosiasi; 2) untuk mengetahui struktur komunitas dari hutan mangrove Langge; dan 3) nilai Indeks Keanekaragaman. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode jalur berpetak (kombinasi plot dan transek). Jumlah spesies yang ditemukan akan dilihat untuk menjadi dasar penentuan komposisi jenis. Untuk pengkuran struktur komunitas mangrove dengan melakukan perhitungan terhadap Kerapatan Relatif (KR) dan Frekuensi Relatif (FR). Selanjutnya data yang didapatkan ditabulasikan untuk memperoleh nilai Indeks Nilai Penting (INP). Perhitungan keanekaragaman jenis menggunakan rumus (Sannon-wienner). Hasil penelitian menemukan 12 spesies tumbuhan mangrove asosiasi yakni Acanthus spinosus, Chromolaena odorata, Crassocephalum sp, Calotropis gigantean, Ipomea pes-caprae, Ricinus communis Excoecaria agallocha, Scaevola taccada, Spinifex littoreus, Terminalia catappa, Derris trifoliate dan Nypa fruticans. Struktur komunitas menunjukkan Chromolaena odorata memiliki nilai INP sebesar 33,2%, Kerapatan Relatif sebesar 24,91%, dan Frekuensi Relatif sebesar 8,33%.  Spesies dengan nilai INP terendah dimiliki oleh Nypa fruticans yaitu sebesar 9,14%, Kerapatan Relatif sebesar 0,81%, dan Frekuensi Relatif sebesar 8,33%. Nilai Indeks Keanekaragaman (H’) mangrove asosiasi sebesar 2,175 dan termasuk dalam kriteria tingkat keanekaragaman sedang. Data yang diperoleh ini dapat digunakan dalam pengelolaan hutan mangrove di Gorontalo Utara serta dapat menjadi database dalam usaha konservasi mangrove guna mengurangi efek pemanasan global.Langge mangrove forest located in the District of North Gorontalo District Orchid has a uniqueness of zoning patterns and keanekragaman types. This is what makes the mangrove forests in the region as a tourist attraction tracking mangrove known as the "mangrove in love. Mangrove forests have a variety of ecological functions is very complex which is a spawning area (spawing ground), point of care (nursery grounds), and foraging (feeding ground) various types of marine life and has the economic function of which pieces of mangrove can be processed into various products cake and alternative food sources instead of rice. This study aims to: 1) to determine the association of mangrove species composition; 2) to determine the community structure of mangrove forests Langge; and 3) the value of diversity index. The method used in this study is a terraced path method (combination of plots and transects). The composition of the types of views based on the number of species found. For sizing mangrove community structure by calculating the Relative Density (KR) and Relative Frequency (FR). Then the data obtained are tabulated to get the value of Importance Value Index (IVI). Calculation of species diversity using the formula (Sannon-wienner). The study found an association of twelve species of mangrove plants and the relative dominance (DR), then the data obtained are tabulated to get the value of Importance Value Index (IVI). Calculation of species diversity using the formula (Sannon-wienner). The study found an association of eight species of mangrove plants and the relative dominance (DR), then the data obtained are tabulated to get the value of Importance Value Index (IVI). Calculation of species diversity using the formula (Sannon-wienner). The study found an association of twelve species of mangrove plantsnamely Acanthus spinosus, Chromolaena odorata, Crassocephalum sp, Calotropis gigantean, Ipomea pes-caprae, Ricinus communis Excoecaria agallocha, Scaevola taccada, Spinifex littoreus, Terminalia catappa, Derris trifoliate dan Nypa fruticans. Community structure showed Chromolaena odorata has a value of IVI of 33,2%, amounting to 24,91% Relative Density and Relative Frequency of 8,33%. The species with the lowest IVI owned by Nypa fruticans that is equal to 9,14%, 0,81% Relative Density and Relative Frequency of 8,33%. Values Diversity Index (H ') at 2.175 and mangrove associates included in the criteria for a medium level of diversity. The data obtained can be used in the management of mangrove forests in North Gorontalo and can be a database of mangrove conservation efforts to reduce the effects of global warming.

2018 ◽  
Vol 66 (4) ◽  
Carlos Gerardo Valdez Marroquín ◽  
Marco Antonio Guzmán ◽  
Arcadio Valdés ◽  
Rahim Forougbakhch ◽  
Marco Antonio Alvarado ◽  

Tamaulipan scrubland is a type of shrub vegetation endemic to Northeastern Mexico and Southern Texas in the U.S.The structure of the Tamaulipan scrubland was evaluated in the study, establishing the minimum area with plots of 256 m2 by determining the species-area curve, valuing the composition and diversity of the strata of the plant species (arboreal, shrub, low forest, semi shrubby, herbaceous and epiphytes); three sampling sites of 16 × 16 m were established. Dasometric information such as height, diameter and cup coverage was recorded to determine the structural variables of coverage, density, relative density, dominance, relative dominance, frequency, relative frequency and Importance Value Index, as well as estimation of the Margalef richness index, Shannon-Wiener diversity index, Menhinick, Simpson and Pielou’s evenness index. The floristic richness was of 33 species distributed in 30 genera and 19 families, leaving the predominance value of the highest species of Leguminosae (Fabaceae). Six strata were recognized for the studied vegetation from which the highest IVI was Helietta parvifolia with 17.68 % for the shrubby stratum with 14 species and within the plant community of the MET the IVI was 8.53 %; for the low forest stratum with 8 species, the one with the highest IVI was Bernardia myricifolia with 39.20 %; and within the vegetal community 7.74 % for the semi shrubby there were 7 species where Lantana canescens has an IVI of 60.38 % and of 13.09 % inside the community. For the herbaceous stratum with 2 species, Wissadula sp. dominates with 54.20 % and 2.06 % for the community. In the arboreal stratum, the species with the highest IVI was Celtis laevigata with 100.00 % and when integrated to the plant community, it presented a value of 1.98 %. For the stratum formed by the epiphytes, the species Adiantum capillus-veneris had an IVI of 100 % and inside the plant community presented an IVI of 1.55 %. For the MET plant community studied, an H' value of 2.42 and a DMg value of 4.34 was obtained.

2015 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
Vinicius Costa Cysneiros ◽  
Joaquim de Oliveira Mendonça-Junior ◽  
Tatiana Dias Gaui ◽  
Denise Monte Braz

The State of Rio de Janeiro still holds unknown portions of the Atlantic Forest, which represent gaps in the knowledge of this ecosystem. Paracambi and neighbor municipal districts comprise a vast stretch of virtually unknown forest that makes up part of the Serra do Mar biodiversity corridor. The following study describes the tree community structure in a stretch of the ombrophilous Atlantic Forest, in the Parque Natural Municipal do Curió (Curio MNP), Paracambi, Rio de Janeiro, which serves as the basis to evaluate species diversity and conservation status. The altitudes in the area ranges from 100 to 690 m and the climate varies from mild subtropical to tropical hot and humid. Forty plots (10x10m) were randomly placed along the area, where all the stems equal to or greater than five centimeters (5 cm) diameter at breast high from ground level were measured. A total of 749 individuals, pertaining to 128 genera and 210 species were recorded, eight of which are listed as threatened of extinction in the Brazilian flora. The Shannon-Weaver diversity index (H′) was 4.7 nat.ind.-1 and the species with greater importance value was Pseudopiptadenia contorta (1.6460 m2; 18 individuals) while the most common species wereSenefeldera vertcilata (48) and Actinostemon verticilatus (47 individuals). Despite the sample area being a little smaller than that commonly adopted in tropical studies, data pointed to a richness hitherto not registered in any other study for the State of Rio de Janeiro, no matter the inclusion criteria used, and also confirmed by the two estimator indices used, which have revealed very similar results. The vertical forest structure, the values associated to the successional stage of the species and other aspects of community structure indicate that the Curio MNP encompasses forest stretches in advanced stages of ecological succession. Besides its key location for the connectivity of forest fragments in the region, the results emphasize the ecological importance of this forest remnant and the need for its conservation.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 58
Laouali Abdou ◽  
Boubé Morou ◽  
Tougiani Abasse ◽  
Ali Mahamane

All parts of <em>Prosopis africana</em> are used by rural people in Niger, and this exposes it to degradation and a regeneration problems. The objective of this study was to determine the structure and regeneration of <em>P. africana</em> stands in the southern regions of Maradi and Zinder, Niger. Data were collected in plots, following transects after stratified sampling. Trunk diameter of all woody species was recorded in 126 plots. The diversity was analyzed and diameter structure and regeneration rates were determined. <em>P. africana </em>was the predominant species in both Maradi and Zinder: frequency = 40.35% and 43.95% of all species, respectively in Maradi and Zinder; importance value index = 40.57% in Maradi and 48.60% in Zinder. The Shannon diversity index was 2.82 in Maradi and 2.40 in Zinder and the Sorensen similarity index between the two regions was 0.73. According to the diameter structure, the stands were degraded in Zinder but regenerating in Maradi. The density of <em>P. africana </em>per hectare for trees with trunk diameter <span style="text-decoration: underline;">&gt;</span> 5 cm and &lt; 5 cm, respectively was 16 and 51 in Maradi, and 30 and 12 in Zinder. The regeneration rate of <em>P. africana</em> was low compared with the general woody population. These results show the need for reforestation operations, using appropriate techniques, to avoid local extinction of the species.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 68-82
Rajeev Joshi ◽  
Ramesh Chhetri ◽  
Karan Yadav

This paper deals with the study of vegetation analysis of tree species in Ganesh and Ramnagar community forests (CF) of the Terai region.  For the study, altogether 63 concentric sample plots (each plot of 500 m2) were laid using systematic sampling with a sampling intensity of 0.5%.  A total of 967 individual trees representing 16 different tree species were identified. Both CF was dominated by monospecies such as Mallotus philippensis (Ganesh CF) and Shorea robusta (Ramnagar CF) based on the Importance Value Index (I.V.I). Likewise, the Shannon-Wiener diversity index was higher in Ganesh CF whereas the dominance index was low. Similarly, the index of evenness and richness was also slightly higher in Ganesh CF than Ramnagar CF. The study provided information about the structure, composition, and dominance of tree species which is essential for conservation and sustainable management of community forests. Therefore, this article serves as an example of establishing community forests so as to initiate the conservation and preservation of local biodiversity.

2019 ◽  
Vol 37 ◽  

ABSTRACT: Weeds constitute the main constraint on the productivity of sugarcane agroecosystems in Argentina. This work aimed to analyze the floristic and phytosociological composition of sugarcane weed communities in different agroecological areas in Tucumán. Fifteen plots from each area were sampled 60 to 90 days after crop shooting, by throwing a 0.5 m x 0.5 m quadrat metallic frame six times in random directions in each of the plots. Species found within the frame were identified. Later, fresh and dry biomass weight were calculated per quadrat sample and species. Frequency, density, dominance, importance value index, Shannon-Wiener and Simpson species diversity index and Jaccard similarity index were calculated. The unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) was used to interpret similarity. Overall, 35 species were identified, 24 of which were dicotyledons and 11 monocotyledons. Eighteen of them were annual species, versus 17 which were perennial. Considering IVI, the most outstanding families were Poaceae, Cyperaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Amaranthaceae and Asteraceae. The results obtained in all the areas revealed the importance of the species Panicum maximum, Sorghum halepense, Cyperus rotundus, Cynodon dactylon and Euphorbia hyssopifolia. The areas with greater and less diversity were the Depressed Plain-Non-Saline Depressed Plain Subregion and the Subhumid-Humid Chaco-Pampean Plain, respectively. There was a 53% similarity between the Depressed Plain-Saline Depressed Plain and the Depressed Plain-Non-Saline Depressed Plain, and a 47% similarity between the Humid and Perhumid Foothills and the Subhumid-Humid Chaco-Pampean Plain. Hierarchical clustering and Jaccard index led to similar results.

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