nypa fruticans
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2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 202-216
Dewi Kresnasari ◽  
Arbi Mei Gitarama ◽  

In coastal areas, mangrove communities have many functions economically, physically, and ecologically. One of the mangrove forest areas that is experiencing rapid decline in area is the Segara Anakan Lagoon, Cilacap. The purpose of this study was to determine the structure and composition of mangrove vegetation. Vegetation data was collected by purposive sampling method and each station was made 9 sampling plots. The results found that there are 12 species consisting of 4 major mangrove families, 1 minor mangrove family and 2 associated mangrove families. In general, the mangrove tree vegetation in the eastern part of Segara Anakan is dominated by Aegiceras corniculatum with an INP ranging from 38.99-67.23%, the middle part is dominated by Nypa fruticans with an INP ranging from 47.80-70.18% and the western part is dominated by Sonneratia alba with an INP of 56.32%. Environmental quality measures include water temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, soil pH, water pH, TSS, total soil N, organic C, soil phosphate still support mangrove life.

2021 ◽  
Vol 57 (6) ◽  
pp. 42-52
Lưu Ngọc Hạnh Cao ◽  
Thị Bích Thuyền Nguyễn ◽  
Huỳnh Vủ Thanh Lương ◽  
Võ Phú Toàn Mai ◽  
Nguyễn Phương Lan Trần

Vật liệu composite nền polyethylen tỷ trọng cao tái chế (r-HDPE) gia cường bằng sợi cuống dừa nước (Nypa fruticans flower stalk - NFFS) được chế tạo bằng phương pháp ép nóng. Đầu tiên, các sợi sau khi tách từ NFFS được xử lý hoá học và ép tạo tấm sợi ngẫu nhiên. Tiếp theo, thùng nhựa từ HDPE được thu gom, rửa sạch, cắt nhỏ, và ép nóng để tạo tấm phẳng mỏng. Cuối cùng, tấm composite được tạo hình từ các lớp nhựa và sợi xen kẽ nhau. Cấu trúc và thành phần sợi NFFS trước và sau xử lý hoá học lần lượt được quan sát qua ảnh SEM và phân tích qua TGA. Ảnh hưởng của tỷ lệ thể tích sợi NFFS đến độ co ngót, độ bền kéo, độ bền uốn, và độ bền va đập cũng được khảo sát. Kết quả là sợi NFFS có hàm lượng cellulose ~34% với các vi sợi xếp song song. Điều thú vị là sợi NFFS không có lỗ rỗng to ở trung tâm đã tạo nên khác biệt lớn về cơ tính so với một số sợi thực vật khác. Cơ tính của vật liệu đạt cao nhất ở tỷ lệ thể tích sợi 60%, có độ bền kéo ~45 MPa, độ bền uốn ~46  MPa, và độ bền va đập ~19 KJ.m-2. Như mong đợi, kết quả này cao hơn gần gấp đôi so với kết quả cơ tính của vật liệu composite từ sợi xơ dừa ở cùng điều kiện.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (9) ◽  
pp. 1653-1660
V.L. Gbosidom ◽  
I.A. Kalagbor ◽  
O.A.F. Wokoma ◽  
J. Akien-Alli

The bioconcentration of Pb, Zn, Cd, Cr and Ni in tissues of Nypa palm (Nypa fruticans) was investigated during wet and dry seasons from selected mangrove forests, using the randomized complete block design. Soil and plant samples were randomly collected from plant dominated growth stations and analyzed for heavy metal content using the Perkin Elmer Analysts 200 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS). The results obtained showed the bio-transfer factors of heavy metals at wet season as Pb (1.08mg/kg), Zn (1.42 mg/kg), Cd (6.14 mg/kg), Cr (0.56 mg/kg) Ni (0.90 mg/kg) and dry season as Pb (0.86 mg/kg), Zn (1.15 mg/kg), Cd (5.44 mg/kg), Cr (0.66 mg/kg), Ni (1.12 mg/kg). The result further showed the bio-translocation factors of the metals at wet seasons as Pb (0.59 mg/kg), Zn (0.76 mg/kg), Cd (3.25 mg/kg), Cr (0.22 mg/kg), Ni (0.54 mg/kg) and dry season as Pb (0.64 mg/kg), Zn (1.03 mg/kg) Cd (3.07 mg/kg), Cr (0.24 mg/kg), Ni (0.61 mg/kg) respectively. Findings indicate the study plant as a hyper accumulator of Ni, Cd and Zn, and non-hyper accumulator of Cr and Pb. It is thus recommended that N. fruticans be utilized for phytoremediation of Ni, Cd and Zn in polluted mangrove ecosystem.

2021 ◽  
Vol 41 (4) ◽  
pp. 354
Risa Nofiani ◽  
Jorion Romengga ◽  
Titin Anita Zaharah

Old nipah fruit endosperms (ONFEs) contain high carbohydrates that have a potency to be applied to make flour. In this study, we made flour from ONFEF and its cookies. This study aimed to characterize the functional properties of unbleached and bleached old nipah fruit endosperm flour (UONFEF and BONFEF) and to assess the consumer acceptability of ONFEF flour and gluten-free cookies made from UONFEF and BONFEF. UONFEF and BONFEF were prepared from the ONFEs. They were cut, dried and ground, and sieved to obtain the UONFEF. TheUONFEF was bleached using Na2S2O5 0.4% for 15 mins then filtered, and the precipitates were dried under the sun. The dried precipitates were sieved to obtain the BONFEF. Both of the flour types were analyzed in terms of their functional properties (bulk density, swelling power, solubility, swelling capacity, water absorption index, and viscosity) and were used to make gluten-free cookies. The following ingredients were prepared to make the the gluten-free cookies: 200 g of flour (each of the UONFEF, BONFEF, and commercial wheat flour (CWF, Segitiga Biru brand) as a control), 100 g of margarine, 60 g egg, 125 g of fine granulated sugar, and 2 g of vanillin. Margarine, egg, and fine granulated sugar were mixed using a hand mixer and added with the flour, blended, molded, then baked. Consumer’s acceptability of each type of flour and cookies from different types of flour was evaluated using semi-trained panelists. The bleached treatment (the BONFEF) caused differences of the flour, particularly in terms of the physical properties (particle size, color, and odor) from the unbleached treatment and rated thehighest score for the overall criteria. Besides, the functional properties of the UONFEF were significantly different (p < 0.05) from those of the BONFEF except for the rendement, SP, and viscosity. The gluten-free cookie made from the UONFEF was the most preferred by the panelists. Therefore, the UONFEF can be successfully used as a substitute flour of wheat flour to make cookies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-112
Ulyarti ◽  
Surhaini ◽  
Adha Farwati

The amount of fibre consumption in Indonesia is lower than recommended by WHO.  The use of nypa flour as wheat substitution in biscuit formulation is able to increase fibre content in biscuit.  The aims of this research were to determine the effect of Nypa fruticans flour to the physicochemical and sensory properties of high-fiber biscuit. This research used a completely randomized design (CRD) with the concentration of Nypa fruticans flour (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60%) as the treatments.  Data was analysed by ANOVA and DnMRT at 95% confidence level. The result showed that Nypa flour had 10% water content , 3,18% crude fiber content and color characteristic L * = 87,57; a * = -3,33; and b * = 20,17. The concentration of Nypa flour significantly affect water and crude fiber content, color characteristic, crispyness and grit, but did not significantly affect hardness, spread ratio, color (sensory), taste, aroma, overall acceptance and multiple comparison.  The concentration of  40% nypa flour  was the best treatment to produce high-fiber biscuit with 2,78% water content, 1,47% crude fiber content, hardness 1301,3 gF, spread ratio 5,15, color characteristic (L * = 75,51; a * = 0,18; b * = 30,00), color description (brownish yellow), slightly crunchy, rough, taste (rather liked), aroma (rather liked), and overall acceptance (rather liked).  Multiple comparison tests showed that the biscuit  favored by panelists similar to the reference biscuit.

2021 ◽  
Vol 912 (1) ◽  
pp. 012094
Taslim ◽  
Iriany ◽  
O Bani ◽  
E Audina ◽  
R Hidayat

Abstract An attempt to synthesize a low-cost carbon-based heterogeneous catalyst from biomass has been explored. The focus of this research was investigating the carbon-based catalyst from nipa palm shell modified with KOH in biodiesel synthesis. Dry nipa palm shell powder was carbonized at 300°C for 1 h to produce carbon. The carbon was then modified by impregnation with potassium hydroxide (KOH) solution. The carbon and modified carbon were analyzed by SEM-EDX. The modified carbon was applied as a heterogeneous catalyst in transesterification of palm oil and methanol. Transesterification was carried out at 60°C and stirred at 300 rpm. Reaction time and catalyst load was observed. Highest biodiesel yield of 95.5% was obtained at 2 h reaction time, 3% catalyst load, and methanol to oil ratio of 12:1. This preliminary study confirmed that KOH-modified carbon may act as a heterogeneous catalyst in biodiesel synthesis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 912 (1) ◽  
pp. 012007
M K Nawar ◽  
M Basyuni ◽  
C Hanum

Abstract The Research about the diversity of mangrove species associated with zonation in Lubuk Kertang Village and Pulau Sembilan, Langkat Regency, North Sumatera was conducted in March – April 2021. This study aims to determine the diversity of mangrove species based on zoning observations in Lubuk Kertang Village and Pulau Sembilan. The research was conducted using the exploration method. The observation zone for the diversity of mangrove species is divided into three zones, namely zone 1 in brackish or almost fresh waters behind the actual green mangroves, zone 2 along the river, brackish to almost fresh, and zone 3 on the part facing the sea. The results of the study were fifteen mangrove species with two different mangrove groups, namely four true mangrove species (Lumnitzera racemosa, L. littorea, Nypa fruticans, and Scyphyphora hydrophyllacea) and eleven associated mangrove species (A. auriculiformis, Barringtonia asiatica, Casuarina equestifolia, Hibiscus tiliaceus, Melastoma candidum, Morinda citrifolia, Pandanus odoratatissima, Pongamia. Pinnata, Sesuvium portulcastrum, Stachytarpheta jamaicensis, and Terminalia catappa). Furthermore, the observations in zone 1 were dominated by mangrove association groups, namely A. auriculiformis, B. asiatica, C. equestifolia, H. tiliaceus, M. candidum, M. citrifolia, P. odoratatissima, P. pinnata, S. portulcastrum, S. jamaicensis, and T. catappa, in zone 2, namely L. littorea and L. racemosa and in zone 3, namely N. fruticans and S. hydrophyllacea, zones 2 and 3 are dominated by true mangrove groups. This shows that data on the diversity of mangrove species is very necessary to preserve mangrove species in Lubuk Kertang Village and Pulau Sembilan and the growing zone of mangrove species is natural zoning of mangrove forests.

2021 ◽  
Vol 912 (1) ◽  
pp. 012028
R Syahbana ◽  
M Basyuni ◽  
L A M Siregar

Abstract Mangroves are a collection of several species of trees or shrubs that distribute around the coastline and can survive in high salinity environments. Around 60% of mangrove forests in North Sumatra are reported to have been damaged, the main factors of this damage being the mangrove forests conversion into ponds and the expansion of oil palm plantations. Identification of mangrove species is very important in protecting and applying the biodiversity of mangrove forests. Identification of living things has evolved from morphological charcetrization to molecular identification. This study aims to explain the DNA isolation and PCR methods to identify mangrove species in North Sumatra. The results suggested that the rbcL primer used can detect mangrove species that were visualized in the form of DNA bands. The length of DNA fragments of mangrove species Acrosticum aureum ranged 632.0-619.6 bp, species Rhizophora apiculata 619.6-585.8 bp, species Nypa fruticans 600- 592.9 bp, species Avicennia alba 549.1-533.5 bp, species Hibiscus tiliaceus was not detected, and mangrove species Acanthus ilicifolius 480.3 bp.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 192
Riski Maulida ◽  
Hardiansyah Hardiansyah ◽  
Mahrudin Mahrudin

Handouts are part of learning resources with all forms of material used to assist educators in carrying out learning activities. The development of locally based teaching materials is carried out to improve student understanding and learning outcomes. One of the environmental uses is to assess the local potential in the school environment. The diversity of plants in the mangrove area is quite large and one of them is Nipah. The research and development aim to analyze the development of the Wurmb Nypa fruticans Handout. (Nipah) in the Sungai Rasau Mangrove Area as an ingredient for enriching biodiversity for high school students. The development model uses Tessmer (1998) to the stage of self-evaluation and expert review. The research and development method used the development steps of the handout, the data analysis of the validity of the Nypa fruticans Wurmb plant handout. by using the validity score formula which includes 3 aspects of feasibility, namely aspects of content feasibility, presentation feasibility and language assessment. The results of the assessment of the validity of the handouts that were developed were stated to be very valid by obtaining an average score on the aspect of content feasibility, namely 91.20%, the average score in the aspect of feasibility of presentation was 95%, and the average score on the aspect of language assessment was 88.46% so that the handouts that have been developed can be used as material for enriching the concept of Biodiversity in SMA.

2021 ◽  
Vol 44 (2) ◽  
Dhina Aprilia Nurani Widyahapsari ◽  
David Yudianto ◽  
Mohammad Jihad Madiabu ◽  
Ricky Wahyudi

Nira nipah sesaat setelah dipanen umumnya memiliki pH mendekati 7 dan akan menurun seiring dengan waktu akibat proses fermentasi. Nilai pH pada nira dapat diasosiasikan dengan aktivitas antioksidan di dalam nira, pH yang tinggi dapat meningkatkan aktivitas antioksidan. Selain pH, suhu merupakan faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap aktivitas antioksidan. Selama proses pemanasan nira menjadi gula merah akan terjadi pembentukan senyawa antioksidan tetapi juga dapat menurunkan jumlah senyawa asam. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh suhu dan lama waktu evaporasi terhadap aktivitas antioksidan dan pH nira nipah selama proses produksi sirup gula merah. Evaporasi dilakukan pada suhu 70, 80, 90 dan 100oC kemudian dilakukan sampling setiap 10 menit dan dilakukan analisis nilai brix, aktivitas antioksidan dan pH. Proses sampling dihentikan ketika brix sirup gula merah telah mencapai 65%. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa pada semua perlakukan suhu, semakin lama proses evaporasi maka nilai IC50 menunjukan penurunan yang artinya semakin lama proses pemanasan maka aktivitas antioksidan meningkat. Sedangkan nilai pH selama pemanasan cenderung konstan pada kisaran nilai pH 6 untuk semua suhu pemanasan.

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