scholarly journals Three decades History of Tuberculosis Control in Kerbala/Iraq

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Ali Al Mousawi

Objective: To assess tuberculosis control between 1988 and 2017 and evaluate the outcomes of treatment among the October patients put on DOTS in Karbala governorate since the initiation of DOTS strategy in 2000. Material and methods: Data on tuberculosis incidence between 1988 and 2017 were assessed. In addition, all quarterly reports were collected in addition to the annual reports to estimate the outcome indices of DOTS in the governorate. Evaluation indices included the incidence and death rates; case detection rate for smear positive and total tuberculosis patients; cure rate; treatment success rate; default rates; treatment failure rates; drug resistance rates; contact tracing during the study period between 2005 and 2014. These indices were compared to the available national indices in the whole country. The indices of treatment success and failure rates were compared to the available previous reported rates in the governorate and in Iraq. Analysis used SPSS-20 and Excel data sheet. Discussion with experts working for decades in TB control programs revealed some defect in determining these indices. Results: Between 1988 and 2017 there was a total of 8665 TB patients, while between 2005 and 2017 the total was 4055: 2592 pulmonary TB patients (62%) and 1541 extra-pulmonary tuberculosis patients (38%). Gender distribution showed male predilection (60.3%) and a mean age of patients was 41.88±19.74 year and one half of the patients were above 44 year of age, but the most frequent age group was 25-34 year. Positive smear Case Detection rates were below the WHO planned goals ranging from 11.5% and 29.1%. The total reported deaths during the study period were 78 deaths. Defaulters were 97 patients at a rate of 2.39, while treatment failure cases amounted to 33 patients (a rate of 0.81%). Drug sensitivity test was introduced to country in 2010 and was done only in Baghdad till the introduction of Genexpert MTB/RIF test in January 2014 and a total of 72 patients were MDR cases. Case detection rate among contacts was 0.31%. Conclusions: The success in DOTS in Karbala is similar to the results in the whole country and in most developing countries and approaching the WHO set goals, while the case detection rates were behind. However, some defect areas need further support to prevent failure and aid continuous tuberculosis control and stop TB.

2015 ◽  
Vol 49 (0) ◽  
Lorena Dias Monteiro ◽  
Francisco Rogerlândio Martins-Melo ◽  
Aline Lima Brito ◽  
Carlos Henrique Alencar ◽  
Jorg Heukelbach

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To describe the spatial patterns of leprosy in the Brazilian state of Tocantins. METHODS This study was based on morbidity data obtained from the Sistema de Informações de Agravos de Notificação (SINAN – Brazilian Notifiable Diseases Information System), of the Ministry of Health. All new leprosy cases in individuals residing in the state of Tocantins, between 2001 and 2012, were included. In addition to the description of general disease indicators, a descriptive spatial analysis, empirical Bayesian analysis and spatial dependence analysis were performed by means of global and local Moran’s indexes. RESULTS A total of 14,542 new cases were recorded during the period under study. Based on the annual case detection rate, 77.0% of the municipalities were classified as hyperendemic (> 40 cases/100,000 inhabitants). Regarding the annual case detection rate in < 15 years-olds, 65.4% of the municipalities were hyperendemic (10.0 to 19.9 cases/100,000 inhabitants); 26.6% had a detection rate of grade 2 disability cases between 5.0 and 9.9 cases/100,000 inhabitants. There was a geographical overlap of clusters of municipalities with high detection rates in hyperendemic areas. Clusters with high disease risk (global Moran’s index: 0.51; p < 0.001), ongoing transmission (0.47; p < 0.001) and late diagnosis (0.44; p < 0.001) were identified mainly in the central-north and southwestern regions of Tocantins. CONCLUSIONS We identified high-risk clusters for transmission and late diagnosis of leprosy in the Brazilian state of Tocantins. Surveillance and control measures should be prioritized in these high-risk municipalities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 381-388
Muhammad Arifki Zainaro ◽  
Ahmad Gunawan

Adherence to anti-tuberculosis treatment and  quality of outpatient health servicesBackground: The were 23 lung tuberculosis patients registered at Sragi Health Center. Actually, the Case Detection Rate of Tuberculosis in Lampung Selatan Regency was 60%, below the 70% national target. How ever, specifically in some health centers in the regency, there were some health centers which Case Detection Rate (CDR) is higher than national achievement like Bakauheni Health Center (116%) while the lowest CDR found at Bumidaya Health Center. In this study, Sragi Health Center obtained 41% placing the fourth lowest achievement. On the following year, 2017, Sragi Health Center’s lung tuberculosis patients increased into 38 resulting the second lowest CDR achieve in Lampung Selatan regency.Purpose: To identify the correlation between empathy of health practitioner and the adherence to anti-tuberculosis treatment.Methods: A quantitative study with cross sectional research approach, by total sampling and population was 49 patients with lung tuberculosis. Study was done on 23 March to 25 July 2019 at Sragi Health Center (Puskesmas). The variables are quality of outpatient health services in domain an empathy and the adherence to anti-tuberculosis treatment.Result: Finding that there were of 29 patients (59,2%) acknowledging the health practitioners having good empathy while the other twenty (40,8%) stating the health practitioners exhibiting poor empathy. There was a correlation between empathy of health practitioners and the adherence of taking medicine on lung tuberculosis patients (p value = 0,009 and OR 6,545).Conclusion: There was a correlation between empathy of health practitioners and the adherence to anti-tuberculosis treatment. The health practitioners especially the nurses should show their empathy to the patients in order to build trust to healthcare.Keywords: Adherence; Anti-Tuberculosis Treatment; Quality; Outpatient Health Services; Empathy Pendahuluan: Puskesmas Sragi sebanyak 23 penderita. CDR (Case Detection Rate) Kabupaten Lampung Selatan tahun 2016 sebesar 60% masih dibawah target nasional sebesar 70%, tetapi bila ditilik terdapat beberapa Puskesmas yang mempunyai capaian nilai CDR diatas nasional seperti Puskesmas RI Bakauheni (116%), sedangkan Puskesmas dengan CDR terendah adalah RI Bumidaya (30%) dan Puskesmas Sragi sebesar 41% merupakan urutan yang ke empat terendah. Tahun 2017 Puskesmas Sragi kembali mengalami peningkatan penderita TB paru menjadi sebanyak 38 orang dengan CDR urutan kedua terendah di Kabupaten Lampung Selatan. Tujuan: Diketahui empati petugas kesehatan dengan kepatuhan minum obat penderita tuberculosis paru. Metode: Penelitian kuantitatif, jenis penelitian crossectional. Populasi penelitian seluruh penderita TB paru, jumlah sampel 49 orang, pengambilan sampel secara total sampling dilakukan di UPT Puskesmas Rawat Inap Sragi Kabupaten Lampung Selatan, tanggal 23 Maret – 25 Juli 2019. Variabel penelitian empatidan kepatuhan minum obat penderita tuberculosis paru. Analisis data secara univariat dan bivariat (chi square).Hasil: Diketahui sebanyak 29 (59,2%) memiliki empati baik dan sebanyak 20 (40,8%) memiliki rasa empati yang buruk. Ada hubungan antara empati petugas kesehatan terhadap kepatuhan minum obat tuberculosis paru(p-value=0,009 dan OR 6,545).Simpulan: Ada hubungan antara empati petugas kesehatan terhadap kepatuhan minum obat tuberculosis paru. Saran: Perawat dan petugas kesehatan supaya bersikap empati agar pasien lebih nyaman dan merasa dilindungi dan dibantu sehingga dapat menciptakan kondisi yang terapeutik. Pasien akan selalu kontrol dan patuh dalam minum obat tuberculosis paru hingga dosisnya sesuai anjuran yang ditetapkan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Austin Bertilova Carmelita

  Penyakit TB salah satu penyakit yang diketahui sejak 120 tahun yang lalu sudah ditemukan kuman penyebab Mycobacterium tuberculosis oleh Dr. Robert Koch. Tuberkulosis (TB) adalah penyakit menular yang masih menjadi perhatian dunia. Hingga saat ini, belum ada satu negara pun yang bebas TB. Angka kematian dan kesakitan akibat kuman Mycobacterium tuberculosis  ini pun tinggi. Tahun 2009, 1,7 juta orang meninggal karena TB (600.000 diantaranya perempuan) sementara ada 9,4 juta kasus baru TB (3,3 juta diantaranya perempuan). Sepertiga daripopulasiduniasudahtertulardenganTBdimanasebagianbesarpenderitaTBadalahusia produktif (15-55tahun).1   Berdasarkan laporan WHO dalam Global Report 2009, pada tahun 2008 Indonesia berada pada peringkat 5 dunia penderita TB terbanyak setelah India, China, Afrika Selatan dan Nigeria. Peringkat ini turun dibandingkan tahun 2007 yang menempatkan Indonesia pada posisi ke-3 kasus TB terbanyak setelah India dan China.1,2 Data tersebut berdasarkan laporan WHO Global Tuberculosis Control, Short Update to the 2009 report. Artinya insiden/kasus baru penyakit TB mengalami penurunan yang signifikan, tahun 2007 total kasus TB 528.000 dan tahun 2008 sebanyak 429.730kasus.3   Dunia telah menempatkan TB sebagai salah satu indikator keberhasilan pencapaian MDGs. Secara umum ada 4 indikator yang diukur, yaitu Prevalensi, Mortalitas, Penemuan kasus dan Keberhasilan pengobatan. Dari ke-4 indikator tersebut 3 indikator sudah dicapai oleh Indonesia, angka kematian yang harus turun separuhnya pada tahun 2015 dibandingkan dengan data dasar (baseline data) tahun 1990, dari 92/100.000 penduduk menjadi 46/100.000 penduduk. Indonesia telah mencapai angka 39/100.000 penduduk pada tahun 2009. Angka Penemuan kasus (case detection rate) kasus TB BTA positif mencapai lebih 70%. Indonesia telah mencapai angka 73,1% pada tahun 2009 dan mencapai 77,3% pada tahun 2010. Angka ini akan terus ditingkatkan agarmencapai90%padatahun2015sesuaitargetRJPMN.Angkakeberhasilanpengobatan (successrate)telahmencapailebihdari85%,yaitu91%padatahun2009.1Satuindikatoryang   belum terpenuhi adalah prevalensi TB di Indonesia mencapai 253 per 100.000 penduduk pada tahun 2008, sedangkan target MDGs pada tahun 2015 adalah 222 per 100.000penduduk.4,5   Sementara itu, situasi TB di Indonesia (Global Tuberculosis Control : WHO Report 2010) sbb : 6   Insidens semua kasus TB adalah 430.000 orang = 189/100.000 penduduk (menurun dibandingkan tahun 1990 : 626.867 orang atau 343/ 100.000 penduduk, artinya di tahun 2010 turun 45% dari tahun1990). Prevalens semua kasus TB adalah 660.000 orang = 285/100.000 penduduk (menurun dibandingkan 1990 : 809.592 orang = 443/100.000 penduduk, artinya di tahun 2010 turun 36 % dari tahun1990).   Jumlah kematian akibat TB adalah 61.000 orang = 27/100.000 penduduk, (menurun dibandingkan tahun 1990 : 168.956 orang per tahun, atau 92/100.000, artinya di tahun 2010 turun 70% dari tahun1990).   Untuk Kalimantan Tengah, angka penemuan kasus (case detection rate) adalah 5,6% lebih rendah dari target nasional tahun 2010 yaitu 17,5%. Angka keberhasilan pengobatan adalah 87,7% namun angka kesembuhan hanya 71,8%. Angka kegagalan pengobatan Kalimantan Tengah1,1%.7 Menurut Prof. Tjandra  Yoga, Ditjen Pengendalian Penyakit dan Penyehatan   Lingkungan   (P2PL) Kementerian Kesehatan, sedikitnya ada 3 faktor yang menyebabkan tingginya kasus TB di Indonesia. Waktu pengobatan TB yang relatif lama (6 – 8 bulan) menjadi penyebab penderita TB sulit sembuh karena pasien TB berhenti berobat (drop) setelah merasa sehat meski proses pengobatan belum selesai. Selain itu, masalah TB diperberat dengan adanya peningkatan infeksi HIV/AIDS yang berkembang cepat dan munculnya permasalahan TB-MDR (Multi Drugs Resistant = kebal terhadap bermacam obat). Masalah lain adalah adanya penderita TB laten, dimana  penderita  tidak  sakit  namun  akibat  daya  tahan  tubuh  menurun,  penyakit  TB  akan muncul.1   Penyakit TB juga berkaitan dengan economic lost yaitu kehilangan pendapatan rumah tangga. Menurut WHO, seseorang yang menderita TB diperkirakan akan kehilangan pendapatan rumah tangganya sekitar 3 – 4 bulan. Bila meninggal akan kehilangan pendapatan rumah tangganya                                     sekitar          15                                                       tahun. Sehingga dapat dihitung kerugian ekonomi yang diakibatkan oleh TB. TB sangat erat dengan programpengentasankemiskinan.Orangyangmiskinakanmenyebabkankekurangangizidan   penurunan daya tahan tubuh sehingga rentan tertular dan sakit TB, begitu sebaliknya orang terkena TB akan mengurangipendapatannya.1 Rencana global penanggulangan TB didukung oleh 6 komponen dari Strategi Penanggulangan TB baru yang dikembangkan WHO, yaitu mengejar peningkatan dan perluasan DOTS yang berkualitas tinggi, menangani kasus ko-infeksi TB-HIV, kekebalan ganda terhadap obat anti TB dan tantangan lainnya, berkontribusi dalam penguatan sistem kesehatan, menyamakanpersepsisemuapenyediapelayanan,memberdayakanpasienTBdanmasyarakat serta mewujudkan dan  mempromosikanpenelitian.1   Dari dasar di atas, adalah tepat ditarik permasalahan penyakit TB dipandang dari segi bagaimana peranan masyarakat (individu, keluarga, kelompok dan mitra kerja) dalam penanggulangan penyakitTB.

2015 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 288-294 ◽  
K. K. Avilov ◽  
A. A. Romanyukha ◽  
S. E. Borisov ◽  
E. M. Belilovsky ◽  
O. B. Nechaeva ◽  

2021 ◽  
Memory Chimsimbe ◽  
Pride Mucheto ◽  
Tsitsi Patience Juru ◽  
Addmore Chadambuka ◽  
Emmanuel Govha ◽  

Abstract Background Childhood tuberculosis (TB) is a major global public health concern contributing to significant child morbidity and mortality. A records review of the TB notification for Chegutu District Health Information System 2 (DHIS2) showed a low childhood TB case detection rate. For 2018 and 2019, childhood TB notifications were 4% and 7% respectively against the national 12% case detection rate. We evaluated the performance of the childhood TB program in Chegutu. Methods We conducted a descriptive cross-sectional study. Sixty-six health workers (HW) participated in the study. Interviewer-administered questionnaires and checklists were used to collect data on reasons for low TB case detection, HW childhood TB knowledge, program inputs, processes and outputs. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats analysis was used to assess the childhood TB processes. We analyzed the data using Epi Info 7TM to generate frequencies, proportions and means. A Likert scale was used to assess health worker knowledge. Results The majority 51/66(77%) of HW were nurses and 51/66(67%) of respondents were females. Reasons for the low childhood TB case detection were lack of HW confidence in collecting gastric aspirates 55/66(83%) and HW’s negative attitudes towards gastric aspirate collection 23/66(35%). HW 24/66 (37%) had a fair childhood TB notification knowledge. The district had only one functional X-ray machine for 34 health facilities. Only 6/18 motorcycles were functional with inadequate fuel supply. No desk guide for the management of TB in children for HW (2018) was available in 34 health facilities. Ethambutol 400mg was out of stock and adult 800mg tablets were used. Funds allocated for motor vehicle and motorcycles service ($1612USD/year) were inadequate. The district failed to perform planned quarterly TB review meetings, contact tracing and childhood TB training due to funding and COVID-19 lockdown restrictions. Conclusion The childhood TB program failed to meet its targets due to inadequate inputs and suboptimal HW childhood TB knowledge. Case detection and notification can be improved through on-job training, mentorship, support and supervision and adequate resources.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 196-205
Muchti Yuda Pratama ◽  
Fitriani Pramita Gurning ◽  
Suharto Suharto

This study aims to determine the implementation of tuberculosis control policies at Puskesmas Glugur Darat. This research design uses quantitative and qualitative approaches, where the method is a qualitative approach. The results showed that the implementation of the tuberculosis control policy at the Glugur Darat Community Health Center had not run as well as possible. The cure rate for tuberculosis patients at Puskesmas Glugur Darat was 46.15% and less than the national target of> 85% and the treatment success rate of 65.38% was also less than the national target of 85%. In conclusion, the head of the puskesmas, tuberculosis officers, and cadres have used the national tuberculosis guidelines and the DOTS strategy well, but implementation has not gone well because there are still people who do not participate in health promotion activities.   Keywords: Land Glug, Implementation, Countermeasures for Tuberculosis Policy

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (7) ◽  
pp. e0009577
Miriam Glennie ◽  
Karen Gardner ◽  
Michelle Dowden ◽  
Bart J. Currie

Background Crusted scabies is endemic in some remote Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory (NT) of Australia and carries a high mortality risk. Improvement in active case detection (ACD) for crusted scabies is hampered by a lack of evidence about best practice. We therefore conducted a systematic review of ACD methods for leprosy, a condition with similar ACD requirements, to consider how findings could be informative to crusted scabies detection. Methods and principle findings We conducted systematic searches in MEDLINE, CINAHL, Scopus and the Cochrane Database for Systematic Reviews for studies published since 1999 that reported at least one comparison rate (detection or prevalence rate) against which the yield of the ACD method could be assessed. The search yielded 15 eligible studies from 511. Study heterogeneity precluded meta-analysis. Contact tracing and community screening of marginalised ethnic groups yielded the highest new case detection rates. Rapid community screening campaigns, and those using less experienced screening personnel, were associated with lower suspect confirmation rates. There is insufficient data to assess whether ACD campaigns improve treatment outcomes or disease control. Conclusion This review demonstrates the importance of ACD campaigns in communities facing the highest barriers to healthcare access and within neighbourhoods of index cases. The potential benefit of ACD for crusted scabies is not quantified, however, lessons from leprosy suggest value in follow-up with previously identified cases and their close contacts to support for scabies control and to reduce the likelihood of reinfection in the crusted scabies case. Skilled screening personnel and appropriate community engagement strategies are needed to maximise screening uptake. More research is needed to assess ACD cost effectiveness, impact on disease control, and to explore ACD methods capable of capturing the homeless and highly mobile who may be missed in household centric models.

Epidemics ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 18 ◽  
pp. 92-100 ◽  
David J. Blok ◽  
Ronald E. Crump ◽  
Ram Sundaresh ◽  
Martial Ndeffo-Mbah ◽  
Alison P. Galvani ◽  

BMJ Open ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (11) ◽  
pp. e013633 ◽  
Tanja Barth-Jaeggi ◽  
Peter Steinmann ◽  
Liesbeth Mieras ◽  
Wim van Brakel ◽  
Jan Hendrik Richardus ◽  

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