The last count – the importance of official statistics to the democratic process

Dennis Trewin
2012 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-107 ◽  
Karen Tracy

This study analyzes public hearings about same-sex marriage to show how the contexts that are established for citizens' and legislators' talk make arguments about the issue being disputed. Situated within the traditions of argument studies and discourse analysis, the article explores different meanings of “context.” The study evidences how two sets of context features created positive (or negative) stances toward the issue of same-sex marriage, and shows that how the controversy was formulated and how participation was designed gave distinct advantages to speakers advocating for (or against) same-sex marriage. The final section draws out implications of these legislative choices for citizen presenters and for the officials themselves as the enactors and guardians of democratic process.

Jack Knight ◽  
James Johnson

Pragmatism and its consequences are central issues in American politics today, yet scholars rarely examine in detail the relationship between pragmatism and politics. This book systematically explores the subject and makes a strong case for adopting a pragmatist approach to democratic politics—and for giving priority to democracy in the process of selecting and reforming political institutions. What is the primary value of democracy? When should we make decisions democratically and when should we rely on markets? And when should we accept the decisions of unelected officials, such as judges or bureaucrats? This book explores how a commitment to pragmatism should affect our answers to such important questions. It concludes that democracy is a good way of determining how these kinds of decisions should be made—even if what the democratic process determines is that not all decisions should be made democratically. So, for example, the democratically elected U.S. Congress may legitimately remove monetary policy from democratic decision-making by putting it under the control of the Federal Reserve. This book argues that pragmatism offers an original and compelling justification of democracy in terms of the unique contributions democratic institutions can make to processes of institutional choice. This focus highlights the important role that democracy plays, not in achieving consensus or commonality, but rather in addressing conflicts. Indeed, the book suggest that democratic politics is perhaps best seen less as a way of reaching consensus or agreement than as a way of structuring the terms of persistent disagreement.

Juan Ramón Tirado Rozúa

RESUMENEl presente artículo trata de poner de manifiesto con motivo del cincuentenario de la muerte de K. Mannheim la actualdiad de su pensamiento del período anglosajón. Se analiza cómo los procesos históricos fruto del desarrollo desproporcionado de las capacidades humanas -moral e instrumental- han abocado en la sociedad masa. También se trata de poner de manifiesto el nuevo sentido de la libertad y la planificación en las sociedades altamente desarrolladas, así como las nuevas posibilidades de democratización que se abren en su seno, tomando como marco de referencia una "democracia militante" cuyo fundamento es la convicción básica de que el proceso democrático no es un mero procedimiento formal.PALABRAS CLAVEMANNHEIM-LIBERTAD-PLANIFICACIONABSTRACTOn the ocassion of the fiftieth anniversary of the death of K. Mannheim, this paper tries to highlight the presnet day validity of his ideas of the last period. i analyze how historic processed caused by disproportionate development of human capacities- both moral and instrumental- have led to a "mass society". I also try to point out the new sense that the concepts of freedom and planning acquire in highly developed societies and also the new posibilities of democratization that emerge in the heart of these, taking as a point of reference a militant democracy" whose foundation is the basic conviction that the democratic process is not a mere formal procedure. KEYWORDSMANNHEIM-FREEDOM-PLANNING

Ruqaya Saeed Khalkhal

The darkness that Europe lived in the shadow of the Church obscured the light that was radiating in other parts, and even put forward the idea of democracy by birth, especially that it emerged from the tent of Greek civilization did not mature in later centuries, especially after the clergy and ideological orientation for Protestants and Catholics at the crossroads Political life, but when the Renaissance emerged and the intellectual movement began to interact both at the level of science and politics, the Europeans in democracy found refuge to get rid of the tyranny of the church, and the fruits of the application of democracy began to appear on the surface of most Western societies, which were at the forefront to be doubtful forms of governece.        Democracy, both in theory and in practice, did not always reflect Western political realities, and even since the Greek proposition, it has not lived up to the idealism that was expected to ensure continuity. Even if there is a perception of the success of the democratic process in Western societies, but it was repulsed unable to apply in Islamic societies, because of the social contradiction added to the nature of the ruling regimes, and it is neither scientific nor realistic to convey perceptions or applications that do not conflict only with our civilized reality The political realization created by certain historical circumstances, and then disguises the different reality that produced them for the purpose of resonance in the ideal application.


This paper is based on a study consisting of two semantic blocks. In the first block, the existing tools for increasing effective demand in the market of new buildings in Moscow are considered. The most popular tools for increasing effective demand are identified. The second block provides an overview of the characteristics of real and potential buyers of residential real estate in Moscow. Identifying the characteristics of real buyers is based on data published by analytical and consulting companies, as well as real estate developers. Identification of the characteristics of potential buyers was carried out on the basis of official statistics and information published by the Recruitment Agency. The analysis of the characteristics of buyers was carried out in the context of economic activities, in the context of specialization and qualifications, and the level of wages. The areas of employment, specialties are identified, and the level of wages of a person who is potentially more accessible to purchase housing is estimated. The number of people who, in accordance with the size of their salary, can buy housing in the property is estimated. As a result of the work, the expediency of analyzing the buyer’s portrait (including potential one) on a regular basis is justified in order to implement more flexible regulation of the housing sector, taking into account the needs of city residents and the socio-economic situation.

2006 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12 ◽  
Vu Pham ◽  
Lauren Emiko Hokoyama ◽  
J.D. Hokoyama

Since 1982, Leadership Education for Asian Pacifics, Inc. (LEAP) has been intent on “growing leaders” within Asian Pacific American (APA) communities across the country. LEAP’s founders had a simple yet powerful idea: In order for APA communities to realize their full potential and to foster robust participation in the larger democratic process, those communities must develop leaders in all sectors who can advocate and speak on their behalf. A national, nonprofit organization, LEAP achieves its mission by: Developing people, because leaders are made, not born; Informing society, because leaders know the issues; and Empowering communities, because leaders are grounded in strong, vibrant communities.

Nadezhda Gryazeva

В статье изложен обзор современного состояния теории и практики предупреждения мошенничеств, совершаемых осужденными с помощью средств мобильной связи из учреждений уголовно-исполнительной системы России. Исследованы и оценены изменения законодательства, регулирующего рассматриваемую сферу правоотношений, предложения ученых относительно повышения эффективности борьбы с указанным видом мошенничеств, практические материалы. Обозначена проблема, связанная с отсутствием в данных официальной статистики о состоянии преступности в России сведений о количестве мошенничеств, совершаемых осужденными с помощью средств мобильной связи, что бывает необходимо для проведения научных и прикладных исследований, выработки мер по предупреждению и оценки их эффективности в борьбе с анализируемым противоправным деянием. Сформулированы рекомендации, направленные на повышение эффективности предупреждения «телефонных» мошенничеств, совершаемых осужденными в период отбывания наказания в исправительных учреждениях, в частности предложение правового характера, регулирующее сферу индивидуальной профилактики правонарушений, совершаемых осужденными, и предложение в области статистического учета преступлений и отчетности.The article presents an overview of the current state of the theory and practice of fraud prevention committed by convicts using mobile communications from institutions of the criminal Executive system of Russia. The changes in the legislation regulating the sphere of legal relations, the proposals of scientists on improving the effectiveness of combating this type of fraud, practical materials are studied and evaluated. There is a problem related to the lack of information in the official statistics on the state of crime in Russia on the number of frauds committed by convicts by means of mobile communication, which is necessary for scientific and applied research, the development of measures to prevent and assess their effectiveness in combating the illegal act in question. Recommendations have been made to improve the prevention of «telephone» fraud committed by convicted persons while serving their sentences in correctional institutions, in particular a legal proposal regulating the scope of individual prevention of offences committed by convicted persons and a proposal in the field of crime statistics and reporting.

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