2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 74
Amalia Noviyanty ◽  
Chitra Anggriani Salingkat

One of the recommended concepts of organic agriculture is the use of organic fertilizers and minimizing the use of inorganic fertilizers in farming activities or crop cultivation. Manure is one of the organic fertilizers that are often used as fertilizer, one of which is goat manure. In addition, there are several types of household waste that can be used as liquid organic fertilizers such as the waste rice washing water that can be applied to plants. The research objective were to determine the effect of giving rice washing water waste and manure to the growth and yield of mustard plants. This research was conducted from February to April 2017. This study used a randomized block design with two factors consisting of 16 treatments and repeated three times. The first factor isto control rice washing waterwith a concentration of 10, 20 and 30 ml/liter of water and the second factor is manure consisting of control, manure 5, 10 and 15 grams. This study uses quantitative data analysis techniques. Analysis of quantitative descriptive data used is plant height and number of leaves.Observation results of plant height showed that the highest average of plant height was experienced by 20 ml/liter rice washing water and 15 goat manure treatment. Likewise, the average number of leaves of mustard plants was not significantly different from the treatment of rice washing water, but the number of leaves in mustard plants was not significant. The results showed there were no significant interactions between the concentration of rice washing water and manure doses on growth and yield of mustard greens The rice washing water did not have a significant effect on plant height and number of leaves. The difference in the results of this study was thought to be caused by differences in the types of rice used.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-32
Musadia Afa

A field experiment was aimed at investigating the effect of natural guano organic fertilizers on growth and yield of Spring Onion (Allium fistulosum L.). The experiment was conducted from September to Nopember, 2014 in Unamendaa Village, Kolaka District. It was prepared by using a randomized block design  (RBD) with single factor namely doses of natural guano organic fertilizers. The treatments consisted of 4 levels were : (1) G0 = control or no treatment, (2) G1 = dose of 6 kg unit-1 (equivalent to 5 t. ha-1), (3) G2 = dose of 12 kg unit-1 (equivalent to 10 t. ha-1) and (4) G3 = dose of 18 kg unit-1 (equivalent to 15 t. ha-1), respectively. Every treatment was replicated 3 times, therefore overall there were 12 experimental units. Data was collected on growth and yield parameters of Spring Onion : (1) plant height, (2) number of leaves, (3) number of tillers, (4) diameters of stem and (5) yield (plant fresh weight unit-1). Data obtained were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (Anova) and followed by Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at the 1 % level. The result of experiments showed that fertilizations using natural guano organic was significantly affected on : plant height, number of leaves, number of tillers, diameter of stem and plant fresh weight, respectively. Untill fertilization of 18 kg unit-1 (G3) were able to increased the growth and yield of Spring Onion, hence it was showed better performance on all parameters

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 76-82
Deno Okalia ◽  
Tri Nopsagiarti ◽  
Gusti Marlina

Growing vegetable crops such as lettuce, on Ultisol soil has several obstacles, such as insufficient organic matter and nutrients in the soil. The provision of biochar and POC leri or organic fertilizer from rice washing liquid is expected to be a long-term and sustainable solution. This study was intended to test the addition of biochar to the growing media and the application of leri on lettuce cultivation. This study used a factorial Randomized Block Design (RAK) method. The first factor was the application of biochar to the planting medium (M), which consisted of M1: Ultisol without biochar and M2: Ultisol + 30 g biochar. The second factor was the administration of liquid organic fertilizer (LOF) leri (P), with 5 treatments consisting of P0: without giving LOF leri, P1: giving LOF leri without fermentation once a week, P2: giving LOF leri without fermentation twice a week, P3: giving fermented LOF leri once a week, P4: giving fermented LOF leri twice a week. The results of this study were tested statistically by analysis of variance, with the F test; if there was a significant difference, it was continued with the BNJ test (Honest Significant Difference) at a 0.05 level. The results showed that the best treatment of LOF leri in increasing lettuce growth and yield was 25% fermented LOF leri given 2 times a week, at 250 mL per lettuce plant. As a single treatment the best growing media was M2 (Ultisol soil + 30 g of biochar) with a plant height of 25.80 cm and the leaf number of 12.83; whereas the best LOF leri treatment was P4 (fermented LOF leri given twice a week), with a plant height of 30.27 cm and leaf number of 14.42. Based on whole plant fresh weight, the best treatment was the M2P4 (Ultisol + biochar growing medium and fermented LOF leri given week), which was 185.99 g per plant. Keywords: household waste, lettuce, POC leri, rice washing liquid   ABSTRAK Melakukan budidaya tanaman sayuran, seperti selada, pada tanah Ultisol memiliki beberapa kendala, seperti kurangnya bahan organik dan unsur hara pada tanah tersebut. Pemberian biochar dan POC leri atau pupuk organik dari cairan cucian beras diharapkan dapat menjadi solusi yang bersifat jangka panjang dan berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menguji penambahan biochar pada media tanam dan pemberian leri pada budidaya selada. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) faktorial. Faktor pertama adalah pemberian biochar pada media tanam (M), yang terdiri dari M1: Ultisol tanpa biochar dan M2: Ultisol + 30 g biochar. Faktor kedua adalah pemberian pupuk organic cair (POC) leri (P), dengan sebanyak 5 perlakuan yang terdiri dari adalah P0: tanpa pemberian POC leri, P1: pemberian POC leri tanpa fermentasi 1 kali seminggu, P2: pemberian POC leri tanpa fermentasi 2 kali seminggu, P3: pemberian POC leri fermentasi 1 kali seminggu, P4: pemberian POC leri fermentasi 2 kali seminggu. Hasil penelitian ini diuji secara statistik dengan analisis ragam, dengan uji F; bila terdapat perbedaan nyata dilanjutkan dengan uji BNJ (Beda Nyata Jujur) pada taraf 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perlakuan POC leri yang terbaik dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan produksi selada adalah 25% POC leri fermentasi yang diberikan 2 kali seminggu, sebanyak 250 mL per tanaman selada. Secara tunggal perlakuan media tanam terbaik adalah M2 (tanah Ultisol+ 30 g biochar) dengan tinggi tanaman 25,80 cm dan jumlah daun 12, 83 helai; sedangkan perlakuan POC leri terbaik adalah P4 (POC leri fermentasi yang diberikan 2 kali seminggu), dengan tinggi tanaman 30,27 cm dan jumlah daun 14,42 helai. Berdasarkan berat basah tanaman, yang terbaik adalah pada perlakuan M2P4 (media tanam Ultisol + biochar dan POC leri fermentasi yang diberikan 2 kali seminggu), yaitu 185,99 g per tanaman. Kata kunci: cairan cucian beras, limbah rumah tangga, POC leri, selada

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 94-102
Dessy A Ralahalu ◽  
Rhony E Ririhena ◽  
Abdul K Kilkoda

This study aims to examine the effect of concentration of liquid organic fertilizer supermes on various spacing to the growth and yield of onion. The experiment was conducted in Dusun Telaga Kodok, Hitu Lama Village, Leihitu Barat District, Central Maluku District, from March to April 2017. The experiment used was a Randomized Block Design with three replications. The concentration of liquid organic fertilizer supermes consists of: 0, 2, 4, 6 mL/L water. Plant ing distance consists of: 10 × 15 cm, 15 × 15 cm and 20 × 15 cm. Varieties used were varieties of Bima Brebes. Parameters measured were plant height, number of leaves, number of tubers, root length, wet weight and dry weight of tubers. During the experiment, rainfall and rainy days were quite high at the research location. This condition causes the crop to be harvested at 41 HST because it is attacked by ground caterpillar, mosaic disease and purple spots. The application of liquid organic fertilizer has not shown any significant effect to the growth and yield parameters of shallot crop. Planting distance of 15 × 15 cm shows the effect on plant height and number of leaves at 35 HST, tuber weight and tuber dry weight and there is a significant interaction on the leaf number at 35 HST with concentration of 4 mL/L water and Planting Distance 15 × 15 cm. Keywords: liquid organic fertilizer, planting distance, red onion   ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh konsentrasi pupuk organik cair supermes pada berbagai jarak tanam terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil bawang merah. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Dusun Telaga Kodok, Desa Hitu Lama Kecamatan Leihitu Barat, Kabupaten Maluku Tengah, dari bulan Maret sampai dengan April 2017. Percobaan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan tiga ulangan. Konsentrasi pupuk organik cair Supermes terdiri dari 0, 2, 4, 6 mL/L air. Jarak tanam terdiri dari 10 ×15 cm, 15 × 15 cm, dan 20 × 15 cm. Varietas yang digunakan adalah varietas Bima Brebes. Paramater yang diukur adalah tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, jumlah umbi, panjang akar, bobot basah dan bobot kering umbi. Selama percobaan berlangsung curah hujan dan hari hujan cukup tinggi terjadi di lokasi penelitian. Kondisi ini menyebabkan tanaman dipanen pada umur 41 HST karena diserang oleh hama ulat tanah, penyakit mozaik dan bercak ungu. Pemberian pupuk organik cair belum memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap parameter pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman bawang merah. Jarak tanaman 15 × 15 cm berpengaruh terhadap tinggi tanaman dan jumlah daun pada 35 HST, bobot basah umbi dan bobot kering umbi serta adanya interaksi perlakuan yang nyata terhadap jumlah daun pada umur 35 HST dengan konsentrasi 4 mL/L air dan jarak tanam 15 × 15 cm. Kata kunci: bawang merah, jarak tanam, pupuk organik cair

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-67
Murdaningsih Murdaningsih

Research on Application of Liquid Organic Fertilizer from Market Waste in Chinese Mustard Plants (Brasica juncea L.). The production of mustard greens in Ende Regency is still low compared to the production of mustard greens. This condition is caused by fertilization that has not been optimal. Efforts to increase mustard production through the application of technology, especially the use of fertilizers, including using liquid organic fertilizer Market waste that can provide nutrients for plants.This study aims to determine the application dose of liquid organic fertilizer from market waste and the response of growth and yield of mustard plants. The study was conducted in the experimental garden of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Flores in Ende, using a Randomized Block Design consisting of five treatments using Liquid organic fertilizer (POC) from Market Waste namely L0 (without POC), L1 (10 liters of POC), L2 (20 liters POC), L3 (30 liters of POC), L4 (40 liters of POC), repeated four times. The results showed that the application of POC from market waste significantly affected plant height, number of leaves, fresh weight of mustard greens, fresh weight of mustard ha-1 and dose of 40 liters ha-1 showed the best growth, which was an average plant height of 24.68 cm, number of leaves 9.25 strands, fresh weight of mustard 147.40 g and production of mustard 23.58 tons ha-1

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-56
Adi Taufiq Nurrohman

This study aims to 1) To determine the interaction of organic fertilizers and plant spacing on the growth and production of okra plants. 2) To determine the best dose of organic fertilizer on the growth and production of okra plants. 3) To determine the appropriate planting spacing for the growth and production of okra plants. This research was conducted using factorial randomized block design (RBD) with 2 factors, the first factor was plant spacing (A) consisting of 3 levels, namely: 60x40 cm (A1), 60x50 cm (A2), 60x60 cm (A3) . The second factor was the dose of organic fertilizer (J) which consists of 3 levels, namely 5 tons / ha-1 (J1), 10 tons ha-1 (J2), 15 kg ha-1 (J3). The variables observed included plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves, total pods, total pod weight and pod quality. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) level of 5% and further testing with Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The results showed that: There was no significant interaction between organic fertilizer dosage and plant spacing on the growth and production of okra plants. Dosage treatment of organic fertilizer Bio slurry 15 Ton ha-1 (A3) significantly affected plant height, stem diameter, the highest plant height of 55.6411, 72.5322 and 77.0889 at the age of 6.7 and 8 MST. The highest stem diameter is 0.8689, 1.7844, 2.1289, 2, 0789 at the age of 3,6,7 and 8 MST. the best number of leaves is 27,706 age 8 MST. The treatment of plant spacing of 60x40 cm (A1) had a significant effect on the total number of pods and total pod weight, the total number of pods was 23.8569 and the total pod weight was 275.85 g in all harvests

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 566-571
Tuti Setyaningrum ◽  
Dyah Arbiwati

To produce optimally good quality shallots, proper cultivation techniques are required. Efforts that can be made include modifying the environment in which plants grow. Alternative efforts to increase the quantity and quality of agricultural products, especially shallots can be done by using organic fertilizers and the use of Trichoderma sp. as a plant growth promoting agent, as well as improving the quality of organic fertilizers. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of Trichoderma in increasing the ability of plants to absorb nutrients from the growing media and to determine the best type of organic fertilizer to increase the growth and yield of shallots. The research was conducted at the experimental field of the Faculty of Agriculture, UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta, Wedomartani, Sleman, Yogyakarta Special Region, at an altitude of approximately 104 meters above sea level. The time of the research is from May to July 2021. This study was arranged in a factorial Completely Randomized Block Design with 3 replications. The first factor is the type of manure (P1: without manure, P2: cow manure and P3: goat manure). The second factor was inoculation of Trichoderma sp isolates (I0: without inoculation of Trichoderma sp. isolates. and I1: by inoculation of Trichoderma sp. isolates). Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the addition of cow and goat manure was able to produce more leaves and plant height than without the addition of manure, although it did not show a significant effect on the yield of shallot bulbs. There is no significant difference between cow manure and goat manure. Trichoderma inoculation has not had a significant effect on the growth and yield of shallots

2021 ◽  
Vol 883 (1) ◽  
pp. 012051
M Rizwan ◽  
M Dalimunthe ◽  
I A Pasaribu ◽  
H Satriawan

Abstract This study aims to analyse the effect of three types of organic fertilizers on the vegetative growth several varieties of soybeans. This study used a factorial randomized block design with two treatment factors, namely organic fertilizers and varieties. The first factor is: organic fertilizer from 3 levels, namely: K1 (1.5 kg of compost), K2 (1.5 kg of goat manure), and K3 (1.5 kg of chicken manure). The second factor is: soybean plant varieties consist of 4 levels, namely: V1 (Dena 1), V2 (Devon 1), V3 (Anjasmoro) and V4 (Derap 1). The parameters observed were plant height, number of branches, number of leaves, amount of chlorophyll, leaf area, and flowering age. The results of our research is organic fertilizers have a significant effect and are able to increase the growth of soybean plants except for leaf area and flowering age. Types of varieties had a significant effect and were able to increase plant height, number of branches, leaf area, and flowering age, but had no significant effect on the parameters of the number of leaves and the amount of chlorophyll. Moreover, there isn't interaction effect between the two treatments for all parameters.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 136-147
Murdaningsih Murdaningsih ◽  
Josina Irene Brigetha Hutubessy ◽  
Albertus M.T Hurint

This study aims to determine the application dose of liquid organic fertilizer from black rice wastewater on the growth and yield of mustard greens. The research was carried out at the Experimental Garden of the Faculty of Agriculture, the University of Flores for 6 months from June to November. The research was carried out using a randomized block design consisting of 6 doses of black rice liquid waste (Liquid Organic Fertilizer: LOF), namely: P0 = without LOF, P1 = 2,400 ltr/ha = 750 ml/plot; P2: 4800 ltr/ha = 1500 ml/plot; P3: 7200 ltr/ha = 2250 ml/plot; P4: 9600 ltr/ha = 3000 ml/plot; P5: 1200 ltr/ha = 3750 ml/plot; which was repeated 4 times, so there were 24 experimental experiments. The application of liquid organic fertilizer from black rice liquid waste to mustard greens showed an average response to an increase in plant height of 5.08%, leaf number of 7.95% and leaf area of 17.59%. The yield uptake variable was 11.51%, and the application dose of 9600 ltr/ha gave a plant height of 46.41 cm, a number of leaves 8.25, leaf area 1691.35 cm2, and fresh weight of mustard greens tan-1 of 153.65 and the weight of mustard ha-1 was 24.58 tonnes, but not significantly different from P3 (7200 ltr/ha).

Nani Herawati ◽  
Ai Rosah Aisah ◽  
Baiq Nurul Hidayah

Soybean is one of the most important food crops in Indonesia after rice and corn, due to its protein content reaches 40%. Rainfed lowland can be used as expansion planting area in hopes of obtaining high productivity with efficient inputs. In order to increase yield, it is necessary to apply the Bio-Detas input package that priorities the use of adaptive improved varieties, organic fertilizers and biological pesticides. This research aim to investigate the response of four Indonesian improved soybean varieties based on the application of Bio-Detas input package in rainfed lowland. The experiment was conducted from March to July 2018 in Pengembur Village, Central Lombok Regency of West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. The experiment was conducted using a non-factorial randomized block design with varieties as treatments, namely Argomulyo, Burangrang, Dega-1, and Dena-1. Each treatment was repeated three times therefore there were 12 experimental plots in total. Parameters observed during the vegetative and generative phases including plant height, number of branches, number of leaves, number of nodus, number of flowers and number of pods. Data were collected from five plants for each replication. Results showed that varieties had a significant influence on the number of leaves, number of nodus and number of flowers during the vegetative phase. While during the generative phase there were a significant effect of varieties on plant height, number of leaves and number of nodus. Due to dry season occurred earlier in April, yield on Bio-Detas input package was reached 578 kg/ha compared to farmer’s existing technology was 393 kg/ha.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-43
Sugianto Sugianto ◽  
Kamelia Dwi Jayanti

Shallot production in Central Sulawesi recorded a decline from 8.651-8.362 tons, between 2017-2018. However, the use of an accurate composition of the planting medium serves as a possible alternative to boost the yield. Also, the introduction of organic matter tends to increase the nutrient content, influence the aeration, and subsequently leads to drainage. This study is aimed at determining the effect of plant media composition on shallot growth and yield. A randomized block design comprising 4 treatments, termed soil composition, husk charcoal, and goat manure. Each treatment was repeated at 5 times to achieve 20 experimental units. The results showed that the plant media composition indicated a significant effect on the parameters of plant height at age 4 and 6 Weeks After Plantings (WAP), quantities of leaves aged 4 WAP, tillers aged 6 WAP as well as tubers per clump. Similar impacts were also reported on plant height at 2 WAP, the number of leaves aged 2 and 6 WAP, fresh tuber weight, tuber diameter, accumulated weight loss, root length, and available moisture content. Furthermore, the addition of husk charcoal and manure at a volume ratio of soil: husk charcoal: manures = 2:1:1, tends to increase the quantities of leaves, tillers, tubers per clump, as well as plant height, fresh tuber weight, and shallot bulb diameter.

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