VIABEL Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian
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Published By Center Of Language And Culture Studies

2527-3345, 1978-5259

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 58-67
Lintar Brillian Pintakami ◽  
Eko Wahyu Budiman

This study aims to describe the agribusiness partnership process that takes place in Kampung Kucai, analyze the income of chives farming, and the perception of chives farmers on the partnership process in Garum District, Blitar Regency. This research uses a qualitative approach in the form of a case study. Informants in this study were partner chives farmers in Kampung Kucai. Determination of the sample of plasma partner farmers was carried out by purposive sampling method. Informants were selected based on secondary data from the core and information from farmers. So the sample used for Kucai Mitra farmers is 20 people. In addition, there are also 5 key informants. The methods of data collection carried out in this study are of several types, namely structured interviews, in-depth interviews, participatory observations, and documentation. The data analysis method used in this researchis descriptive analysis,  income analysis, and Likert analysis. The results showed that the type of partnership between the Financial Institution "Bank BRI" and the partner chives farmers was classified as a nucleus-plasma partnership pattern. In the mechanism of the partnership pattern of the Financial Institution "BRI Bank" with the Kucai Farmer Group, it is carried out based on a partnership agreement. The agreement letter contains the identities of the two partnering parties and the rules given by "Bank BRI" as well as the location or planting area. The total income from chives farming is Rp. 242,000, -. The income of chives farming can be taken by women farmers once a month at the monthly member meeting in the Women Farmers Group or can be saved in advance. If they are saved, usually the women farmers in the research location will take the income before the Eid al-Fitr. The perception of partner chives farmers on the planning of partnership implementation is 80% or very good, the perception of partner chives farmers on the partnership process is 78% or quite good, and the perception of the evaluation of the partnership is very good with 85% results. So that the results of the Likert analysis on the average perception of partner chives farmers on the partnership process with financial institutions "Bank BRI" have a very good category with a percentage of 80% where the total score is 483.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 49-57
Yuhanin Zamrodah

The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of consumers of organic rice and to identify the factors that influence consumers to purchase organic rice in Selopuro District. The implementation of this research activity will be carried out in April 2021 - June 2021 in Selopuro District, Blitar Regency. The data analysis method used in this research is descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. The independent variables in this study include the price of organic rice, the price of non-organic rice, income, education, employment status, consumer tastes, consumer lifestyle, health and access to buy organic rice. While the dependent variable in this study is the number of consumer demand for organic rice. The results of data analysis found that the X2 (non-organic rice) variable was 0.042, X4 (Education) was 0.054, X7 (lifestyle) was 0.042 and X8 (health) was 0.038 very influential on the purchase of organic rice. The results of the t test show that some variables have positive numbers and some variables have negative numbers, while the F test simultaneously shows that the calculated F value is 2,951 which is greater than the F table of 2,420. This indicates that the independent variables have a significant influence on purchasing decisions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 11-16
Dyah Pitaloka ◽  
Sudiarso Sudiarso ◽  
Setyono Yudo Triasmoro ◽  
Cahyo Prayogo

Combine between fertilizer vermicompos, inorganic fertilizer and PGPR is a breakthrough in the development of agricultural technology to increase the growth of persistent vegetative state and the results of production plant cane.  This researsh aims to determine the effect of a combination of organic fertilizers (vermicompost), inorganic and PGPR on the growth of the length and diameter of plant cane. Vegetative growth studycondukted in screenhouse Brawijaya university poor starts in August 2019 until january 2020. Treatment such as 1). PGPR 5 ml per liter or 10 ml per liter combined with fertilizer inorganic 100% (7 kw ZA + 3 kw SP 36 + 3 kw kcl 2). PGPR 5ml per liter or 10 ml per liter combined with vermikompos 10 ton/ha mixed with 50% inorganic fertilizer the research was compiled using random design comlplete factorial. Repeated three times result showing that the PGPR 10 ml per liter proved to be able to increase long stalks of, the provision of a mixture of fertilizer and inorganic vermikompos 50% able to ancrease growth of plant in the trunk dameter, sugar cane, a combination pgpr and vermikompos mixed inorganic fertilizers able to enlarge the diameter of a plant stem sugar cane.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Tri Rahayu ◽  
Mohamad Ihsan ◽  
Tri Pamujiasih

The research titled "Modification of Planting Media to Improve the Quality of Handeuleum (Graptophyllum Pictum L.) Seedling from Several Kinds of Cuttings Source", was conducted in Sukoharjo, Central of Java. The first treatment was the kind of cuttings source, namely: cuttings from the shoot (S1), cuttings from the second section (S2), and cuttings from the third section (S3). The second treatment factor is the kind of media: sandy soil media (M1), rockwool media (M2), and cocopeat media (M3). The data obtained were analyzed by using the F test at 5% and 1% significantly levels, while the follow-up test was carried out using Duncan's multiple range test at the 5% significantly level. The results obtained indicated that the S treatment (kind of cuttings source) had a significant effect on the variables of the number of branches, number of leaves, and leaf area of ​​each seedling. The highest number of branches and leaves was achieved in the S3 treatment (third section cuttings), followed by S2 (second section cuttings) and S1 (shoot cuttings) treatments. There were a significant difference between the treatments. In leaf area variables, the highest yield was achieved at S1 (shoot cuttings), followed by S2 and S3 which were significantly different between each other. Treatment S showed no significant effect on variables the appearance time of the buds, fresh weight of leaves and dry weight of leaves. The treatment of various media had a significant effect on the leaf area variables of each seedling. Cocopeat media (M3) produced the highest leaf area, followed by M1 (sand media), and M2 (rockwool media) treatments. There was no interaction between treatments of kind of cuttings source and types of media for all observed variables.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 17-32
Ari Wijayanti ◽  
Wiwin Windriyanti ◽  
Noni Rahmadhini

Rice is basic neet for Indonesia people. East Java experienced decrease rice production 2% in 2014, the problem was insect pest. Insecticides are dangerous that replaced use refugia attracting biological agens. Purpose of the research to discover the role of refugia as conservation medium in suppressing pets attacks and increasing the diversity arthropod populations in rice fields.  This study uses a direct insect sampling method and uses traps such as sweep nets, yellow traps, pitfall traps and light traps. Identification of insects using an introduction to the study insect and iNaturalist. Analysis of the observational data quantitatively by calculating the species diversity index (H’), evenness index (E), Richness index (R) and dominance index (C) then tabulated using excel. observations indicate the number of insects found on land A (rice with refugia) was 5661 individuals consisting of 12 ordo, 61 family and 94 species. Meanwhile on land B (rice without refugia) was 3,198 individuals consisting of 11 ordo, 43 family and 56 species. Refugia affected the population of biological agens more on land A was 2707 individuals than on land B was 1215 individuals. While the pest population on land A much less as 364 individuals than on land B as 763 individuals. Tabulation from the calculation of the species diversity index as 0.142 and 0.118, the species evenness index as 0.030  and 0.025, the dominance index of 0.0004 and 0.0013 is classified as low, while the species richness index of 10.76 and 6.82 is classified as high.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 40-48
Livia windiana ◽  
Desiana Nuriza Putri ◽  
Dina Amalia ◽  
Annisa' Melliana Rahmah

Urban farming is one of the strategies that can shape family food security in urban areas. The aquaponic system is one of the urban farming activities. Small-scale aquaponics can be used for household scale. Maximum care is needed in aquaponic cultivation so that the growth and yield of vegetables and fish are good. Aquaponic can be an IRT solution that does not manage daily food expenditure by getting fish and vegetable crops that are harvested per day. The purpose of this community service is to: (1) analyze the frequency of household vegetable consumption, (2) analyze household income (savings) from the application of aquaponics. This study uses a qualitative approach and survey methods and uses income analysis. The results showed: (1) There was an increase in the frequency of eating vegetables in respondents by 9.5%. Before the socialization, the frequency of eating vegetables for households was 90.5%, while after the activity was carried out, the frequency of eating vegetables was 100%. Respondents consume vegetables every day so that they have fulfilled the minimum amount of vegetable and fruit consumption per household member is three portions of fruit and two portions of vegetables or vice versa every day (2) Household food income or saving by applying aquaculture is Rp. 126.000/month obtained from the harvest of vegetables and catfish.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 33-39
Afik Yasintasari Yasintasari ◽  
Pramono Hadi ◽  
Shalahudin Mukti Prabowo

ABSTRACT This studypaimsptopdeterminepthe appropriate dosepand time ofxadministration ofxTrichoderma sp to control Fusarium oxysporum disease in shallot plants. Thepresearch waspconductedpfrompSeptemberp2020ptoxDecemberx2020 in Karangasem Hamlet, Guli Village, Nogosari District, Boyolali Regency. Thispstudypusedpapfactorialpcompletely randomizedpdesign (RAL) methodpwhich consisted ofp2pfactors. Thepfirst treatmentpfactor was thepdose ofpTrichoderma sp (D) which consisted of 3 g, 5g, 7g and the time of administration (T) which was one week before planting, during planting and a week after planting. Parameterspobservedpwerepnumberpof leaves, number ofptubers, weightpof fresh stover, weight of dry stover and intensity of disease attack. The results showed that the treatment with the best Trichoderma sp (D) dose was obtained in the D3 treatment with a dose of 7 grams / liter of solution had a very significant effect on the number of leaves, fresh stover, dry stover, intensity of disease attack and not significantly different on the number of tubers. The best time treatment  for giving Trichoderma sp (T) was obtained in T1 treatment, namely the time of administration one week before planting had a significant effect on the number of leaves, fresh stover, and was not significantly different on the number of tubers, dry stover, intensity of disease attack. Meanwhile, the best combination of dosage and time of administration of Trichoderma sp was obtained in the (D3T1) treatment, namely the administration of a dose of 7 grams / liter of solution and the time of administration one week before planting had a significant effect on dry stover and had no significant effect on other parameters.   Keywords : Trichoderma sp, fusarium oxysporum, shallot.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 72-82
Ni Made Astuti Wahyu Utami

Porang tubers have enormous potential in the field of production. Bali plans to export 5,000 tons of porang tubers to China this year. This need cannot be fulfilled because in Indonesia porang has not been cultivated intensively. Star fruit village is an area located at an altitude of 500 - 600 masl. Most of the people in this village work as farmers / planters. At the time of the Covid-19 pandemic, most of the villagers experienced layoffs (PHK). The objectives of this study were to identify porang cultivation at the research location; and know economic prospects of porang plant cultivation at the research location. Porang cultivation is carried out under the shade of coffee, clove, durian and mangosteen plants which are in accordance with the characteristics of the porang plant. Porang tubers are sold to pegepul in the local village for Rp. 11,000 with a tuber weight of 2-3 kg. Porang cultivation is carried out between annual crops such as coffee, cloves, mangosteen and durian. Porang is a shade tolerant plant up to 60%. So it is suitable to be cultivated in Belimbing Village which has an altitude of 500-600 meters above sea level. Porang plants have economic prospects because they have many benefits and are processed plants that are exported to various countries.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-44
Desy Rachmatullah ◽  
Desiana Nuriza Putri ◽  
Fiki Herianto ◽  
Noor Harini

Proses pengolahan biji kakao sangat menentukan mutu biji kakao kering yang dihasilkan. Proses fermentasi mempunyai peran yang sangat penting dalam pengolahan biji kakao yaitu pembentukan cita rasa dan aroma biji kakao yang dihasilkan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memberikan gambaran fermentasi yang ideal dan mencari wadah fermentasi yang bisa digunakan dalam skala produksi kecil dan sederhana. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan melakukan fermentasi menggunakan dua ukuran wadah yang berbeda, yaitu kotak kayu besar dan kotak kayu kecil. Biji kakao difermentasi selama 3 hari (3x24 jam) dengan pembalikan dan pemantauan suhu setiap hari. Biji kakao hasil fermentasi dikeringkan dengan cara sun drying dan pengeringan mekanis (cocoa dryer) selama ±7 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan fermentasi dengan kotak kayu besar mempunyai efektifitas lebih baik dibandingkan kotak kayu kecil. Biji kakao yang dihasilkan dari fermentasi kotak kayu kecil juga dapat terfermentasi dengan baik sehingga kotak kayu kecil dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif untuk petani yang mempunyai hasil produksi tidak banyak.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-71
Darsan Darsan ◽  
Moh Yusuf Dawud

The research objective is to want to know what strategies are used for marketing rice in the agro-industry in Bojonegoro district. The hypothesis of this research is that it is assumed that rice marketing must have a marketing strategy for planning, pricing, and distributing. This research method using purposive sampling method. The research population taken as respondents is the agro-industry which sells rice throughout the year. In accordance with the criteria, the population is less than 100 people, so the sample is taken at 10% - 15%. Based on these opinions, the samples of this study were 5 rice agro-industries. The analysis used in this research is the SWOT analysis, which is a qualitative analysis carried out by examining internal and external factors. The conclusion from the calculation results of the SWOT analysis. Internal factors that affect the rice agro-industry business are utilizing the quality of the product with a good taste image and strategic location and adding packaging variants to develop rice marketing. External factors affecting agro-industry business are replacing manual technology with efficient technology to improve the quality of rice production. A good alternative strategy that can be done for the development of rice marketing in the rice agro-industry is the strength of opportunity strategy (Aggressive), which takes advantage of existing strengths to take advantage of opportunities. Keywords: Rice Agrindustry, Bojonegoro Regency, SWOT Analysis.

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