Indirect Perception and Sense Data

1981 ◽  
Vol 31 (125) ◽  
pp. 330 ◽  
E. J. Lowe
2020 ◽  
pp. 123-150
Julia Saviello

Smell and taste – of the five senses these are the two most strongly stimulated by smoking tobacco. The article presents an in-depth analysis of the reflection of both these forms of sensory perception in textual and visual sources concerning the early consumption of the herb. In a first step, tobacco’s changing reception, first as medicine and then as stimulant, is traced through the years of its increasing distribution in Europe, starting in the middle of the 16th century. As this overview reveals, at that time the still little known substance gave rise to new forms of sense perception. Following recent studies on smell and gustation, which have stressed the need to take into account the interactions between these senses, the article probes the manifold stimulation of the senses by tobacco with reference to allegorical representations and genre scenes addressing the five senses. The smoking of tobacco was thematized in both of these art forms as a means of visualizing either smell or taste. Yet, these depictions show no indication of any deliberate engagement with the exchange of sense data between mouth and nose. The question posed at the end of this paper is whether this holds true also for early smoker’s still lifes. In the so-called toebakjes or rookertjes, a subgenre of stilllife painting that, like tobacco, was still a novelty at the beginning of the 17th century, various smoking paraphernalia – such as rolled or cut tobacco, pipes and tins – are arrayed with various kinds of foods and drinks. Finally, the article addresses a selection of such smoker’s still lifes, using the toebakje by Pieter Claesz., probably the first of its kind, as a starting point and the work by Georg Flegel as a comparative example. Through their selection of objects, both offer a complex image of how tobacco engages different senses.

1951 ◽  
Vol 48 (2) ◽  
pp. 34
Virginia Presson

Mind ◽  
1957 ◽  
Vol LXVI (262) ◽  
pp. 173-194

1998 ◽  
Vol 01 (02n03) ◽  
pp. 221-236 ◽  
Diana Richards ◽  
Brendan D. McKay ◽  
Whitman A. Richards

The conditions under which the aggregation of information from interacting agents results in a stable or an unstable collective outcome is an important puzzle in the study of complex systems. We show that if a complex system of aggregated choice respects a mutual knowledge structure, then the prospects of a stable collective outcome are considerably improved. Our domain-independent results apply to collective choice ranging from perception, where an interpretation of sense data is made by a collection of perceptual modules, to social choice, where a group decision is made from a set of preferences held by individuals.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-89
Roberto Augusto Castellanos Pfeiffer

Big data has a very important role in the digital economy, because firms have accurate tools to collect, store, analyse, treat, monetise and disseminate voluminous amounts of data. Companies have been improving their revenues with information about the behaviour, preferences, needs, expectations, desires and evaluations of their consumers. In this sense, data could be considered as a productive input. The article focuses on the current discussion regarding the possible use of competition law and policy to address privacy concerns related to big data companies. The most traditional and powerful tool to deal with privacy concerns is personal data protection law. Notwithstanding, the article examines whether competition law should play an important role in data-driven markets where privacy is a key factor. The article suggests a new approach to the following antitrust concepts in cases related to big data platforms: assessment of market power, merger notification thresholds, measurement of merger effects on consumer privacy, and investigation of abuse of dominant position. In this context, the article analyses decisions of competition agencies which reviewed mergers in big data-driven markets, such as Google/DoubleClick, Facebook/ WhatsApp and Microsoft/LinkedIn. It also reviews investigations of alleged abuse of dominant position associated with big data, in particular the proceeding opened by the Bundeskartellamt against Facebook, in which the German antitrust authority prohibited the data processing policy imposed by Facebook on its users. The article concludes that it is important to harmonise the enforcement of competition, consumer and data protection polices in order to choose the proper way to protect the users of dominant platforms, maximising the benefits of the data-driven economy.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 166-179 ◽  
Gabrielly Araújo Cordeiro ◽  
Robert Eduardo Cooper Ordóñez ◽  
Rodrigo Ferro

Goal: The purpose of this paper is to present a proposal of steps for the implementation of Industry 4.0 in the industrial context, considering management and operational aspects. The reason is to discuss that technological change is accompanied by many organizational implications, in which it is perceivable that some companies already experience strategic and operational turbulence due to the lack of understanding of the this structure’s complexity. Design / Methodology / Approach: This study assumes an exploratory character because the subject of analysis is still in the knowledge-structuring phase. In this sense, data was collected from the literature review. Results: A theoretical proposal for the Industry 4.0 implementation framework is presented in flow format. It is organized in steps that cover the strategic and operational aspects during the implementation flow. Limitations of the investigation: The limitations of this study are directly related to its theoretical nature and the difficulty of finding tools that help in the execution of each proposed stage. Practical implications: However, based on theoretical insights, a trajectory of a transformation model is proposed, thus this research intends to show clearly and direct how companies can introduce the aspects of Industry 4.0 to their own benefit. Originality / Value: In this study, a conceptual model is structured, and it indicates a potential of application because it contributes to support and encourage the adoption of technologies and concepts indicated in the Industry 4.0 literature in a structured way.

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 757-782
Ruhama Bezerra Fernandes ◽  
Adilson de Lima Tavares ◽  
Yuri Gomes Paiva Azevedo

Resumo: Neste estudo teve-se por objetivo analisar a relação do valor adicionado das principais atividades econômicas (agropecuária, indústria, serviços e administração pública) relativamente ao Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) do Rio Grande do Norte, durante o período de 2010 a 2013. Nesse sentido, foram coletados dados relativos ao valor adicionado, ao PIB e à população no sítio do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), bem como referentes ao Índice Firjan de Desenvolvimento Municipal (IFDM), por meio do sítio do Sistema Firjan. A amostra compreendeu 166 municípios, de uma totalidade de 167. Para a realização das análises, além da estatística descritiva, foi estimado um modelo de regressão por mínimos quadrados ordinários com dados dispostos em painel, tendo o PIB como variável dependente e as demais variáveis como independentes. Com base nos resultados encontrados, verifica-se que os valores adicionados pelas atividades econômicas apresentam relação positiva e estatisticamente significante, enquanto que as variáveis população e IFDM se relacionam de forma negativa, trazendo à tona questionamentos sobre a distribuição de renda, as políticas socioeconômicas relativas à transição demográfica e a diferença dos conceitos de crescimento e desenvolvimento econômico, corroborando para a hipótese de que o PIB não mede qualidade de vida. Por fim, a partir dos resultados mensurados, conclui-se que os valores adicionados pelas atividades econômicas do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte possuem relação estatisticamente significante com o PIB no período investigado.Palavras-chave: Produto Interno Bruto. Demonstração do Valor Adicionado. Rio Grande do Norte. Relationship between the added value of the economic activities and the Gross Domestic Product of Rio Grande do Norte Abstract: The study aims to analyze the relation of the value added of the main economic activities (agriculture, industry, services and public administration) regarding the Gross Domestic Product of Rio Grande do Norte during the period from 2010 to 2013. In this sense, data on value added, GDP and population were collected on the website of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), as well as on the Firjan Municipal Development Index (IFDM), through the Firjan System website. The sample comprised 166 municipalities, out of a total of 167. In addition to the descriptive statistics, a regression model was estimated by ordinary least squares with data arranged in a panel, with GDP as a dependent variable and the other variables as independently. Based on the results found, it can be seen that the values added by economic activities have a positive and statistically significant relationship, while the variables population and IFDM were related in a negative way, raising questions about income distribution, socioeconomic policies related to the demographic transition and the difference of the concepts of growth and economic development, corroborating the hypothesis that GDP does not measure quality of life. Finally, from the results measured, it can be concluded that the added values by the economic activities of the State of Rio Grande do Norte have a statistically significant relation with the GDP in the period investigated.Keywords: Gross Domestic Product. Added Value Statements. Rio Grande do Norte.

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