transformation model
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Symmetry ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 152
Tao Ning ◽  
Changcheng Wang ◽  
Yumeng Han

Within the context of large-scale symmetry, a study on deep vision servo hand-eye coordination planning for sorting robots was conducted according to the problems of low recognition-sorting accuracy and efficiency in existing sorting robots. In order to maintain the symmetry of the picking robot, a small telescopic sorting robot with RealSense depth vision servo embedded in the manipulator was developed. The workspace and posture of picking parcels were analyzed, and the coordinate transformation model of hand-eye coordination was established for the “Eye-in-hand” mode. The hand-eye coordinated sorting test shows that the average positioning accuracy of the end in the X, Y and Z directions is 3.49 mm, 2.76 mm and 3.32 mm respectively, and the average time is 19.19 s. Among them, the average time for the mechanical arm to pick up the package from the initial position is 12.02 s, the average time for intermediate identification and calculation is 3.79 s, and the average time for placing the package is 6.9 s. The time consumed by robot arm’s action accounts for 79.8% of the whole cycle. The robot structure and the hand-eye coordination strategy with RealSense depth vision servo embedded in the robot can meet picking operation requirements, and the design of a picking robot proposed in this paper can greatly improve the coordination symmetry of fruit target recognition, detection, and picking.

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 58-69
Stefanus Rachmad Budiman ◽  
Alfredo Lamborgini Elya ◽  
Dewi Juliati Bate'e

Terkoneksinya antara dunia fisik dengan dunia digital sebagai ciri dari Masyarakat 5.0 memicu perubahan-perubahan kultur dalam kehidupan masyarakat. Hal ini memerlukan respons Gereja yang berbeda, baik pada konteks teologi maupun praksis transformasi. Upaya transformasi terlihat cenderung bersifat parsial, di antara pengutamaan pemberitaan Injil atau tanggungjawab sosial. Hal ini terjadi karena adanya tarik menarik pengaruh teologi yang bersifat membedakan (polarization) ataupun  menyamakan (equalization) diantara keduanya, sehingga dampak transformasi kurang optimal. Dibutuhkan model upaya transformasi yang bersifat integratif dan relevan. Penelitian mencoba mengkaji kehadiran Kristus dalam menyatakan Kerajaan Allah tidak sebatas berita pertobatan juga melibatkan diri-Nya dalam pergumulan sosial masyarakat. Praksis-Nya  melampaui upaya ekualisasi ataupun polarisasi tetapi menekankan urgensi integrasi keduanya. Praksis ini akan ditawarkan menjadi  model transformasi masyarakat di Indonesia. Penelitian dilakukan melalui metode hermeneutika dengan memberi tekanan pada analisis historis dan sosial terhadap beberapa bagian teks tertentu dalam Injil berkenaan dengan kehadiran Kerajaan Allah yang digagas Yesus.The connection between the physical world and the digital world as a characteristic of Society 5.0 has triggered cultural changes in the lives of society. These cultural changes will require a different Church response, be it in theological context as well as transformation praxis. The existing transformation efforts is often seen as partial, between prioritizing the preaching of the gospel or social responsibility. This is due to the tug-of-war effect between the two theological influences with differentiating nature (polarization) or equalizing nature (equalization), so that the transformation impact is perceived as nonoptimal. A model of transformative effort that is integrative and relevant is needed. The research tries to examine the presence of Christ in proclaiming the Kingdom of God which was not only limited to conveying the message of repentance but also involved Himself in the social struggles of society. His praxis go beyond equalization or polarization and instead emphasize the urgency of the integration of the two. This praxis will be offered as a society transformation model in Indonesia. This research is conducted by hermeneutic method with emphasize on historical and social analysis towards certain texts of the Bible regarding the presence of the Kingdom of God initiated by Jesus.

2021 ◽  
Meiguang Zheng ◽  
Yi Li ◽  
Zhengfang He ◽  
Yu Hu ◽  
Jie Li ◽  

Abstract With the rapid development of mobile communication technology, there is a growing demand for high-quality point of interest(POI) recommendation. The POIs visited by users only account for a very small proportion. Thus traditional POI recommendation method is vulnerable to data sparsity and lacks a clear and effective explanation for POI ranking result. The POI selection made by the user is influenced by various contextual attributes. The challenge lies in representing accurately and aggregating multiple contextual information efficiently. We transform the POI recommendation into a contextual multi-attribute decision problem based on the neutrosophic set (NS) which is suitable for representing fuzzy decision information. We establish a unified framework of contextual information. Firstly, we propose a contextual multi-attribute NS transformation model of POI, including the NS model for single-dimensional attributes and the NS model for multi-dimensional attributes. And then through the aggregation of multi attribute NS, the POI that best conforms to user's preferences is recommended. Finally, the experimental results based on the Yelp dataset show that the proposed strategy performs better than the typical POI recommendation method in NDCG, accuracy, and recall rate.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 27
Valérie Rocchi ◽  
Daniel Brissaud

Industry 4.0 is a promising concept that allows industries to meet customers’ demands with flexible and resilient processes, and highly personalised products. This concept is made up of different dimensions. For a long time, innovative digital technology has been thought of as the only dimension to succeed in digital transformation projects. Other dimensions have been identified such as organisation, strategy, and human resources as key while rolling out digital technology in factories. From these findings, researchers have designed industry 4.0 theoretical models and then built readiness models that allow for analysing the gap between the company initial situation and the theoretical model. Nevertheless, this purely deductive approach does not take into consideration a company’s background and context, and eventually favours one single digital transformation model. This article aims at analysing four actual digital transformation projects and demonstrating that the digital transformation’s success or failure depends on the combination of two variables related to a company’s background and context. This research is based on a double approach: deductive and inductive. First, a literature review has been carried out to define industry 4.0 concept and its main dimensions and digital transformation success factors, as well as barriers, have been investigated. Second, a qualitative survey has been designed to study in-depth four actual industry digital transformation projects, their genesis as well as their execution, to analyse the key variables in succeeding or failing. 46 semi-structured interviews were carried out with projects’ members; interviews have been analysed with thematic content analysis. Then, each digital transformation project has been modelled regarding the key variables and analysed with regards to succeeding or failing. Investigated projects have consolidated the models of digital transformation. Finally, nine digital transformation types have been identified.

2021 ◽  
Neil Bailey ◽  
Yung C. Shin

Abstract Using an efficient hybrid Cellular Automata/Phase Field (CA-PF) dendrite growth modeling in combination with a solid phase transformation model, microstructure evolution and solid-phase transformation were predicted during laser direct deposition (LDD) of H13 tool steel powder across multiple tracks and layers. Temperature and surface geometry data were provided by a comprehensive physics-based laser deposition model. The computational efficiency of the CA-PF model allows for simulating domains large enough to capture dendrite growth across an entire molten pool and into neighboring LDD tracks. The microstructure of the target track is strongly affected by heat from neighboring tracks including re-melting and re-solidification, and martensite tempering. Dendrite size and growth direction across the entire fusion zone, as well as predicted hardness values, are found to be in good agreement with experimental results.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (23) ◽  
pp. 4836
Chunjing Yao ◽  
Hongchao Ma ◽  
Wenjun Luo ◽  
Haichi Ma

The registration of optical imagery and 3D Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) point data continues to be a challenge for various applications in photogrammetry and remote sensing. In this paper, the framework employs a new registration primitive called virtual point (VP) that can be generated from the linear features within a LiDAR dataset including straight lines (SL) and curved lines (CL). By using an auxiliary parameter (λ), it is easy to take advantage of the accurate and fast calculation of the one-step registration transformation model. The transformation model parameters and λs can be calculated simultaneously by applying the least square method recursively. In urban areas, there are many buildings with different shapes. Therefore, the boundaries of buildings provide a large number of SL and CL features and selecting properly linear features and transforming into VPs can reduce the errors caused by the semi-discrete random characteristics of the LiDAR points. According to the result shown in the paper, the registration precision can reach the 1~2 pixels level of the optical images.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (E) ◽  
pp. 1316-1321
Aslinda Aslinda ◽  
Muhammad Akmal Ibrahim ◽  
Sukri Palutturi

BACKGROUND: Various policies have been issued by the government regarding task force to accelerate coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) handling, ranging from presidential decrees, ministerial decrees, governor decrees, followed by decisions from the implementing agencies regarding the policy outputs, and compliance of the target groups. AIM: This study aimed to identify and analyze changes in task force policies as well as strategies used in handling the COVID-19 pandemic through the Tourism Ambassador program in South Sulawesi which is considered as an effective model for handling COVID-19. METHODS: This research was conducted by applying qualitative method that emphasizes interpretation and phenomena holistically. The analysis used was the model of government policy transformation in the task force through the COVID-19 pandemic handling strategy in the COVID tourism ambassador program in South Sulawesi. This study was participated by informants (participants) who were involved in the COVID Ambassador Tourism Program in South Sulawesi. RESULTS: The Provincial Government of South Sulawesi has made policy changes, especially regarding the COVID-19 handling acceleration task force. There were various changes in the government regulatory policies related to the Regulation of the Minister of Health (Permenkes) of the Republic of Indonesia No. 09 of 2020 to Presidential Decree (Kepres) No. 11 of 2020 regarding regulations for Large-Scale Social Restrictions to accelerate the handling of COVID-19 in South Sulawesi. CONCLUSION: Changes in policy related to the acceleration of COVID-19 control and handling in South Sulawesi resulted in a policy output that showed a decrease in the number of COVID-19 positive cases. Implementing the strategy through the COVID-19 Tourism Ambassador program as a model for handling COVID-19 in South Sulawesi is the right strategy.

Manipa Saha ◽  
Neha Deshpande ◽  
Abhinav Dubey ◽  
Debnath Pal ◽  
Hanudatta S. Atreya ◽  

Attachment to the matrix is critical for the survival of adherent cells, whereas detachment triggers death by apoptosis. Therefore, solid tumors must acquire the ability to survive the stress of matrix-detachment to transit through circulation and seed metastases. Although a central role for energy metabolism in cancer progression is well established, what distinguishes its role in the cellular state of the matrix-deprived form compared to the matrix-attached form is not fully understood yet. Using an in vitro transformation model dependent on simian virus 40 (SV40) small t (ST) antigen for cellular survival and proliferation in matrix-deprived conditions, we demonstrate that 5′-adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) activity is elevated and sustained under matrix-deprived conditions in ST-expressing fibroblasts. Additionally, these cells display elevated energy (ATP) levels under matrix-deprived conditions in contrast to cells lacking ST expression. The elevated ATP levels are coupled to increased levels of proline in ST-expressing cells, as revealed by metabolomics studies. The AMPK-dependent upregulation of proline oxidase, an enzyme of proline degradation, is a key link for elevated ATP levels. This functional link is further established by proline supplementation concomitant with AMPK activation in matrix-deprived cells lacking ST antigen, yielding ATP and enhancing survival. Thus, our data establishes a key role for AMPK-dependent regulation of proline metabolism in mediating energy homeostasis and promoting survival of matrix-deprived cells. These findings identify key markers that distinguish the metabolic states of matrix-detached and matrix-attached transformed cells and have implications in developing novel therapeutic strategies for specifically targeting matrix-detached metastasizing cancer cells.

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