scholarly journals II-2. Comment: Role of JSFS as a Public Interest Corporation and its activities on public relations and cooperation

2013 ◽  
Vol 79 (3) ◽  
pp. 449-449
2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 74-82
Imam Basofi

Indonesia Manajemen hubungan masyarakat adalah sebuah fungsi manajemen yang didalamnya meliputi perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengorganisasian dan evaluasi terhadap hubungan masyarakat. Hubungan masyarakat sangat penting keberadaannya didalam suatu organisasi. Dengan adanya manajemen yang baik maka humas di perguruan tinggi akan terlaksana secara efektif dan efisien. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini menfokuskan pada dua hal yaitu; 1) Bagaimana fungsi manajemen humas dalam menarik minat masyarakat di IAIN Madura, 2) Bagaimana pola komunikasi humas di IAIN Madura, 3) Bagaimana respon stakeholders terhadap humas di IAIN Madura. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang dilakukan di Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi. Tahapan analisis data dilakukan dengan penyajian data, redusi data, dan menarik kesimpulan. Pengecekan keabsahan data melalui meningkatkan ketekunan dan Member check. Hasil penelitian ini; 1. Fungsi manajemen hubungan masyarakat dalam menarik minat masyarakat. (a) perencanaan meliputi, perencanaan fisik, perencanaan fungsional, perencanaan secara luas, dan perencanaan dikombinasikan, (b) pengorganisasian humas dibagi sesuai dengan tupoksi, (c) pelaksanaan hubungan masyarakat, melakukan kerjasama dengan pihak internal dan eksternal kampus, malakukan promosi melalui media massa dan menggunakan peran alumni, (d) evaluasi hubungan masyarakat dilakukan disetiap akhir kegiatan. 2. Pola komunikasi humas, a) internal, melakukan rapat dan musyawarah, b) eksternal, melalui kerjasama, media massa (cetak dan online). 3. Respon stakeholders terhadap humas IAIN Madura, a) respon dosen, b) respon mahasiswa, c) respon tokoh masyarakat. Kata kunci: Manajemen Humas, Minat Masyarakat.   Inggris Public relations management is a management function which includes planning, implementing, organizing and evaluating public relations.  Public relations is very important presence in an organization.  With good management, public relations at universities will be carried out effectively and efficiently. The purpose of this study focuses on two things namely;  1) How is the function of public relations management in attracting public interest in IAIN Madura, 2) How is the pattern of public relations communicationIAIN Madura, 3) How is the response of stakeholders to public relations IAIN Madura. This study uses a qualitative approach conducted at the Madura State Islamic Institute.  Data collection techniques using interview, observation, documentation.  Stages of data analysis are performed by presenting data, data reduction, and drawing conclusions.  Checking the validity of the data through increasing perseverance and member checking. The results of this study;  1. The function of public relations management in attracting public interest.  (a) planning includes, physical planning, functional planning, broad planning, and combined planning, (b) organizing public relations is divided according to the main tasks and functions, (c) implementing public relations, collaborating with internal and external campus, conducting promotion through media  mass and using the role of alumni, (d) evaluation of public relations is done at the end of each activity.  2. Public relations communication patterns, a) internal, conducting meetings and deliberations, b) external, through cooperation, mass media (print and online).  3. Stakeholder responses to the PR IAIN Madura, a) lecturer responses, b) student responses, c) community leaders' responses. Keywords: Public Relations Management, Society Proclivity

Dorian Pocovnicu

Many agree that PR and marketing are at their best when used together, when it comes to local public administration institutions there is the need for both an individual and symbiotic approach of the two. Taking into consideration that public interest organizations act within public space, PR represents a public communication strategy. Thus they present the role of generating a climate and state of social normality and, especially in democratic societies, PR plays the part of generator of communication flows between public institutions, citizens and stakeholders. In a social-political marketing context, envisaged as an aggregate of processes, with a multiple purpose, the generator which is PR must unfold coherently for each of the processes. It is our purpose in this paper to depict the PR role and management in the case of one local public administration institution (Bacau Prefect Institution), in a socio-political marketing context.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 115-131
Mbuzeni Mathenjwa

The place and role of local government within the structure of government in Africa has attracted much public interest. Prior to and after independence, African countries used local government as the administrative units of central governments without their having any legal status, to the extent that local authorities were under the strict control of central governments. The autonomy of local government is pivotal in the democratisation of a country. The United Nations, European Union and African Union have adopted treaties to promote the recognition and protection of local government in the state parties’ constitutions. Accordingly, this article explains the status of local government in Africa and its impact on strengthening democracy in African states.

2020 ◽  
nurul atika

Abstrak- In general, this study aims to determine and analyze the role of supervision in an education. This research uses the literature study method by collecting literature (material materials) sourced from books, journals, and other sources related to the science of Educational Administration. Supervision comes from the word super and vision, which means to see and review from above or view and assess from above, which is carried out by superiors on the activities, creativity and performance of subordinates. In terms of terms, in Carter's Good Dictionary Education, supervision is all the efforts of school officials in leading teachers and other education personnel to improve teaching. These include stimulating, selecting the growth and development of teachers' positions, selecting and revising educational goals, teaching materials and teaching methods, and evaluating teaching. Educational supervision has very important goals and benefits. The scope of educational supervision includes the following: Managerial supervision of the curriculum, Managerial supervision of student affairs, Managerial supervision of educators and education personnel, Managerial supervision of facilities and infrastructure, Managerial supervision of finance, Managerial supervision of public relations, Managerial supervision of administration, Administration supervision academics about learning, related to methods, sourcing strategies, and evaluations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Priyo Katon Prasetyo ◽  
Rosye Villanova Christine ◽  
Sudibyanung Sudibyanung

Abstract: Based on Law Number 2 of 2012 concerning Land Acquisition for Development in the Public Interest, the Openness Principle is one of the ten principles as the basis of the implementation of development. This principle is significant because its complex role can lead to conflicts and disputes. In this paper, discussions are divided into two parts: 1) how the implementation is expected to be applied according to the acquisition procedure in theory; and 2) the reality that occurs in the field. The first discussion was conducted by reviewing the applicable regulations and the methods or concepts of development of the openness principle. Meanwhile, the second discussion about the reality on the field was conducted by elaborating case studies regarding problems in land acquisition. The results of this study indicate that there are gaps in the implementation of the openness principle between theory and reality in regards of land scarcity, economic inequality, and information asymmetry among the involved parties. In conclusion, the implementation of the openness principle is significant with the role of information in land acquisition.Intisari: Berdasarkan Undang Undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2012 tentang Pengadaan Tanah Bagi Pembangunan Untuk Kepentingan Umum, Asas Keterbukaan adalah salah satu dari sepuluh asas yang menjadi dasar pelaksanaannya. Asas ini menjadi signifikan karena perannya yang kompleks dapat menimbulkan konflik dan sengketa. Artikel ini akan membagi pembahasan menjadi dua bagian: pertama, bagaimana implementasi yang seharusnya diterapkan pada prosedur pengadaan secara harapan, dan kedua, membahas mengenai realita yang terjadi di lapangan. Secara harapan pembahasan dilakukan dengan melakukan library research atau studi terhadap peraturan yang berlaku dan metode-metode atau prinsip perkembangan dari asas keterbukaan. Realitas di lapangan akan dielaborasi dari studi kasus mengenai permasalahan dalam pengadaan tanah. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan ada gap dalam implementasi asas keterbukaan antara harapan dan realitas di lapangan yang bersumber dari kelangkaan sumber daya/tanah, ketimpangan ekonomi dan asimetri informasi di antara para pihak yang terlibat. Tulisan ini menyimpulkan bahwa implementasi asas keterbukaan signifikan dengan peran informasi dalam pengadaan tanah. 

2003 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 257-266 ◽  
Mark H. Taylor ◽  
F. Todd DeZoort ◽  
Edward Munn ◽  
Martha Wetterhall Thomas

This paper introduces an auditor reliability framework that repositions the role of auditor independence in the accounting profession. The framework is motivated in part by widespread confusion about independence and the auditing profession's continuing problems with managing independence and inspiring public confidence. We use philosophical, theoretical, and professional arguments to argue that the public interest will be best served by reprioritizing professional and ethical objectives to establish reliability in fact and appearance as the cornerstone of the profession, rather than relationship-based independence in fact and appearance. This revised framework requires three foundation elements to control subjectivity in auditors' judgments and decisions: independence, integrity, and expertise. Each element is a necessary but not sufficient condition for maximizing objectivity. Objectivity, in turn, is a necessary and sufficient condition for achieving and maintaining reliability in fact and appearance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 139-161
Núria Almiron ◽  
Laura Fernández

In this paper we argue that adopting critical animal studies perspectives in critical public relations can not only be very fruitful, but that it is also a necessity if the aims of the latter are to be achieved. To this end, this text introduces the challenges and opportunities that the field of critical animal studies brings to critical public relations studies. First, a short explanation of what critical animal studies is and why it can contribute to critical public relations studies is provided. Then the main fields of research where this contribution can be most relevant are discussed, including ethics, discourse studies and political economy. The final aim of this theoretical paper is to expand research within the field of critical public relations by including a critical animal studies approach. Eventually, the authors suggest that embracing the animal standpoint in critical public relations is an essential step to furthering the study of power, hegemony, ideology, propaganda or social change and to accomplishing the emancipatory role of research.

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