scholarly journals Pengembangan Instrumen Kematangan Emosi Sebagai Alat Ukur Kesiapan Menjadi Guru Profesional Pada Mahasiswa Prodi PG-PAUD

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-76
Eka Oktavianingsih ◽  
Siti Fadjryana Fitroh

Perubahan yang terjadi setiap saat menjadikan tantangan menjadi seorang guru pada jenjang Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini yang profesional semakin hari semakin bertambah. Kematangan emosi diperlukan guru PAUD dalam menghadapi beragam tantangan dan perubahan agar tidak mengalami berbagai masalah seperti stress, kelelahan, kebosanan, dan permasalahan psikologis lainnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan instrumen yang valid dan reliabel dengan mengukur kematangan emosi sebagai standar alat ukur menilai kesiapan mahasiswa PG-PAUD sebagai guru profesional. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan (research and development) dengan mengadaptasi model Borg and Gall. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa skala kematangan emosi yang dikembangkan telah dinyatakan valid serta reliabel. Skala kematangan emosi tersebut diharapkan dapat mengukur kematangan emosi calon guru sehingga programstudi PG-PAUD kedepannya dapat memberikan intervensi yang sesuai untuk meningkatkan kematangan emosi mahasiswanya. Validitas isi dinilai oleh 3 orang ahli dan didapat melalui indeks Aiken dengan skor minimal 0,8. Reliabilitas skala diperoleh dari uji coba skala terhadap 60 mahasiswa semester 7 yang sudah melakukan PLP II (Pengalaman Lapangan Persekolahan). Hasil reliabilitas menunjukkan bahwa koefisien koefisien Cronbach’s Alpha sebesar 0.82 yang berarti memiliki reliabilitas yang tinggi.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Tomoliyus Tomoliyus ◽  
R. Sunardianta

Instrumen pengukuran reaktif agility sangat diperlukan oleh beberapa cabang olaharga termasuk tenis meja, tetapi kenyataan belum ada instrument pengukuran reaktif agility untuk olahraga tenis meja. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji validitas Aiken’s dan menguji reliabilitas antar rater instrumen pengukuran reaktif agility olaharaga khusus tenis meja.  Metode research and development yang dipergunakan  dalam penelitian ini yaitu model 3D yang merupakan modifikasi model dari Thiagarajan yaitu Develop, dengan pendekatan campuran kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Partisipan adalah dokumen dan seoarang ahli. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik literature reviews dengan tipe narrative review, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan FGD dan teknik delphi. Instrumen penelitian menggunaka koesioner dengan skala rating 1 sampai 4. Analisis data menggunakan formula Aiken’s untuk uji konten validitas dan  Cronbach's Alpha maupun intraclass correlation  coefficients (ICC) untuk uji reliabilitas antar rater. Hasil penelitian menunujukkan nilai koefisien Aiken’s V di atas 0,76, maka dapat dikatakan bahwa semua aspek valid. Selain itu, juga dihasilkan nilai Cronbach's Alpha dan ICC sebesar 0,875, maka dapat dikatakan bahwa instrument ini cukup andal. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa instrument pengukuran reaktif agility olahraga khusus tenis meja memiliki validitas Aiken cukup tinggi, dan reliabilitas antar rater cukup kuat. Aiken’s Validity of test instrument for measuring the reactive agility of table tennis AbstractThe reactive agility measurement instrument is strongly needed by several sports, including table tennis. Nevertheless, there has no reactive agility measurement instrument used in table tennis. This research is aimed at testing the Aiken’s validity and the inter-rater reliability of the reactive agility measurement instrument in table tennis. The research and development (R&D) method used in this study refers to the 3D model, which is a modification model from Thiagarajan, including Develop, using a mixed approach of qualitative and quantitative. The participants were documents and an expert. Data were collected using a literature review technique with a narrative review, then proceeded with FGD and Delphi technique. The research instrument used was a questionnaire with a rating scale of 1 to 4. Data were analyzed using Aiken’s formula to test the content validity and Cronbach’s Alpha as well as intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) to test the inter-rater reliability. The research result shows that the Aiken’s V coefficient value is above 0.76, indicating that all aspects are valid. Furthermore, Cronbach’s Alpha and ICC value are 0.875, indicating that the instrument is quite reliable. Therefore, it is concluded that the reactive agility measurement instrument for table tennis has a quite high Aiken validity and a quite strong inter-rater reliability.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 115
Ni Komang Shintia Agustini Purnama Sari ◽  
Ni Ketut Suarni ◽  
Nyoman Dantes

This research is a type of research and development. Measurement of personality consistency was carried out by testing the validity of the instrument items by applying the product moment correlation formula and testing the reliability of the questionnaire with Cronbach's Alpha coefficient. Based on the VC calculation on the content validation test with the Gregory formula, the results are 1 or > 0, it is stated that the personality consistency character instrument is very valid. The results of data analysis conducted to determine the validity of items using the product moment formula obtained 39 items declared valid or very good. Based on these results, it is expected that students are able to develop personality consistency so that they have goals and efforts or continuous development, this is still needed even though they have succeeded in achieving their goals in life.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-60
Rizki Mustikasari

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan instrument pengukuran kepuasan mahasiswa dalam peningkatan mutu layanan perguruan tinggi. Pengembangan instrument ini dimaksudkan agar institusi perguruan tinggi memiliki instrument pengukuran kepuasan mahasiswa yang valid dan reliable dalam mengukur kepuasan mahasiswa terhadap layanan administrative, dan kepuasan mahasiswa terhadap layanan proses pembelajaran. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Research and Development atau penelitian pengembangan. Proses pengembangan dilakukan dalam lima tahap, yaitu: analisis potensi dan masalah, perencanaan desain produk, uji coba produk, uji validitas dan reliabilitas produk, dan produksi masal. Pada instrument pengukuran kepuasan mahasiswa terhadap layanan administrative, scree plot menunjukan adanya perbedaan atau selisish yang sangat besar antara nilai igen faktor pertama dengan efaktor kedua. Sehingga instrument pengukuran kepuasan mahasiswa terhadap layanan administrative dinyatakan valid. Pada instrument pengukuran kepuasan mahasiswa terhadap layanan proses pembelajaran, diperoleh satu faktor yang memiliki nilai eigen di atas 1,00 (>1,00). Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa seluruh butir dalam instrumen pengukuran kepuasan mahasiswa terhadap proses pembelajaran hanya membentuk satu faktor bersama, yaitu faktor kepuasan terhadap proses pembelajaran. Sehingga isntrumen pengukuran kepuasan mahasiswa terhadap layanan proses pembelajaran dinyatakan valid. Uji reliabilitas instrument pengukuran kepuasan terhadap layanan administrative diperoleh nilai Cronbach’s Alpha sebesar 0,843. Sehingga instrumen pengukuran kepuasan mahasiswa terhadap layanan administratif dinyatakan reliable. Uji reliabilitas instrument pengukuran kepuasan terhadap layanan proses pembelajaran diperoleh nilai Cronbach’s Alpha sebesar 0,777. Dengan demikian instrumen pengukuran kegiatan ekstra dapat dinyatakan reliabel.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 3349-3354
Elanchezhian Chinnavan ◽  
Swarna kumari P

The purpose of the study is to check the perception of mothers of cerebral palsy children with disabilities in Tamil Nadu. Data, from India, on perceptions about Cerebral palsy disability are scant. This study explored mother’s knowledge, social well-being and awareness of treatment rendered. During the development of the questionnaire, review of the literature has been primarily made; during developing the questionnaire personal and social values were considered. The questionnaire was emerged with 9 themes, Knowledge of disability condition, Parental stress, Community support, Child ability, Mothers Confidence, Improvement, Health status, Benefits & Belief. Data were collected from mothers of both male and female children with cerebral palsy aged between 1 to 18 years. 220 mothers, averaged 33.44 + 6.14years, of children with CP were randomly selected for this study. Data was collected from mothers attending rehabilitation centers from different institution and special schools in Tamil Nadu. Mothers can hold both a fatalistic view of disability and a belief in the course of disability.The raw data was tabulated and analyzed by using SPSS 17 version software. Cronbach’s Alpha was calculated, the results showed that its Cronbach’s Alpha was extremely good (r=0.96). Our results suggest that there is significance difference with in the mother’s perception towards types of disability in Parental stress, child’s ability, mother’s confidence, improvement, health status, benefits and belief.Mothers should be motivated to maximize rehabilitation services in order to improve their children’s functional capacity. The appreciation of this phenomenon could move towards a model for the delivery of rehabilitation that integrates and harmonizes such beliefs.

2019 ◽  
Vol 118 (10) ◽  
pp. 216-223
Nguyen Thi Ngan ◽  
Bui Huy Khoi

The purpose of the paper was to investigate the factors that influenced the intention to use coffee by using Adanco software. Survey data was collected from 284 consumers living in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The research model was proposed from the studies of the behavioral intention. The reliability and validity of the scale were tested by Cronbach's Alpha, Average Variance Extracted (Pvc) and Composite Reliability (Pc). PLS-SEM showed that intention to use coffee was affected by some components of the intention to use coffee.

2020 ◽  
Ha Nam Khanh Giao

The research investigates how the factors affect Vietnamese consumers attitude on television advertisement of skin care, by intervewing 280 consumers. The method of Cronbach’s Alpha analysis, EFA analysis and multiple regression analysis were used with the SPSS program.The result shows that the affects of the factors on Vietnamese buyer’s behavior about TV commercial of skin care increasingly: Entertaiment, Informativeness, Celebrity, In-irritation, Credibility. The research also suggests some solutions to the television advertisers to enhance capability of serving consumers.attitude on television advertisement, Vietnamese consumers, skin care

2020 ◽  
Ha Nam Khanh Giao

The paper examines relation between Vietnam Airline Domestic service quality and customer satisfaction by gathering opinions from 402 passengers employing Skytrax scale with some modification along with Cronbach’s alpha, EFA and multiple regression analysis. Results show that Vietnam Airline Domestic service quality can be measured by the following six determinants in order of decreasing importance: (1) boarding/deplaning/baggage; (2) check in; (3) in-flight services; (4) reservation; (5) aircraft; and (6) flight crew. All of them are directly proportional effect to customer satisfaction. The paper also offers some suggestions to improve the service quality thereby enhancing the customer satisfaction.

2020 ◽  
Lidya Agusti

The purpose of this study are: 1. To explain the presence or absence of influence of leadership style, work motivation and work discipline on the performance of employees Public Works Department and Spatial Planning Padang City. 2. Measuring the magnitude of the influence of leadership style, organizational culture and organizational commitment to the performance of employees of Public Works and Spatial Planning Padang City. This research was conducted in August 2017 at Public Works Department and Spatial Planning of Padang City The samples used in this study were 83 respondents. The independent variable in this research is Leadership Style (X1), Work Motivation (X2) and Work Discipline (X3). The dependent variable is Employee Performance (Y) Data collection techniques are questionnaires. Data analysis techniques using Descriptive Analysis and Inferential Analysis. To know the influence of independent variable to dependent variable partially, used t test. While to know the influence of independent variable to dependent variable simultaneously, used F test. The assumption used in validity test is if R-count> R-table item declared valid. The R-arithmetic shown in the table above, from each item indicates that R-arithmetic> R-table so the item is declared valid. Leadership Style (X1), Work Motivation (X2), Work Discipline (X3) and Performance (Y) Valid. All of the research variables had Cronbach's alpha values above 0.70 and thus expressed reliably or reliably. The value of Cronbach's alpha variable Leadership Style (X1) is 0.857, Job Motivation (X2) is 0.813, Job Discipline (X3) is 0.736, and the performance variable (Y) is 0.844. In the hypothesis testing of the study found the result that the significance value of leadership style variable (X1) is with the value (sign β = 0,049, p <0,05), Work Motivation variable (X2) with value (sign β = 0.001 p <0.05) , and Work Discipline variable (Y) with value (sign β = 0,041 p <0,05). With the finding of sign β above mentioned, it is stated that Leadership Style (X1), Work Motivation (X2) and Work Discipline (X3) have a significant effect on performance (Y) of Public Works and Spatial Planning Official of Padang City. The magnitude of the influence of the three variables on the performance of employees of Public Works Department and Spatial Planning Padang City is 27.8% (R2 = 0.278).

2020 ◽  
Sarah Jane Charles

The Psychology of Religion has had a tradition measuring things that are seemingly difficult to measure, such as one’s level of religiosity or spirituality – concepts that are polysemantic, so do not have a simple definition. In doing so, researchers have developed scales to measure such constructs. This trend in Psychology of Religion research will continue as researchers start to conduct studies in non-Western Educated Industrialized Rich Democratic (WEIRD) populations, as they will require new scales that are appropriate for the way that these populations conceptualize religiosity and spirituality. Scale construction takes multiple steps, which most researchers are well-acquainted with. One important step is to demonstrate both validity and reliability. In the Psychology of Religion, an overwhelming majority of researchers use Cronbach’s alpha to estimate scale reliability. However, alpha has multiple preconditions that can easily be violated in psychology research that are rarely tested for, let alone adjusted for. Much like with using parametric statistical analyses when parametric assumptions are violated, this approach may be leading to inaccurate reporting. This article will discuss; (1) whether alpha should be used at all in Psychology of Religion research and, if so, when it is appropriate; (2) introduce another estimate of scale reliability, Omega, and show how and it might be calculated; (3) provide examples of how these techniques might be taught to students studying Psychology of Religion at undergraduate and higher levels. In doing so, I hope to move the entire field of Psychology of Religion forward in terms of methodological rigor.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-43
Stephanie Dwi Guna ◽  
Yureya Nita

Integrasi Teknologi Informasi (TI) di bidang kesehatan terbukti meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan kesehatan dengan meningkatkan patient safety serta mempercepat waktu layanan. Salah satu inovasi TI di bidang kesehatan yaitu rekam medik elektronik (electronic health record). Rekam medik jenis ini sudah umum digunakan di negara maju namun masih jarang digunakan di negara berkembang termasuk Indonesia. Sebelum pengimplementasian suatu sistem informasi baru di pelayanan kesehatan, perlu dipastikan bahwa user dapat mengoperasikannya dengan baik sehingga hasil dari sistem tersebut optimal. Perawat sebagai tenaga kesehatan dengan jumlah paling banyak di suatu pelayanan kesehatan seperti Rumah Sakit merupakan user terbesar bila rekam medik elektronik ini diterapkan.  Oleh karena itu diperlukan suatu alat untuk mengukur kemampuan atau literasi sistem informasi keperawatan (SIK). Salah satu alat ukur kompetensi SIK yaitu NICAT (Nursing Informatics Competency Assessment Tool) yang memiliki 3 bagian serta 30 item pertanyaan. Penulis melakukan alih bahasa pada kuesioner ini, kemudian melakukan uji validitas dan reliabilitas. Jumlah sampel pada penelitian ini yaitu 233 perawat di salah satu Rumah Sakit Pemerintah di Pekanbaru, Indonesia. Hasil uji validitas pada 30 item dengan r tabel 0.128 menunjukkan r hitung diatas nilai tersebut dengan Cronbach’s Alpha 0,975. Dapat disimpulkan kuesioner pengukuran kemampuan SIK (NICAT versi Bahasa Indonesia) telah valid dan reliabel sehingga dapat digunakan mengukur kemampuan SIK perawat Indonesia.

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