2018 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 432
Zulkarnen Mora ◽  
Abdul Latief ◽  
Zainuddin Zainuddin

AbstrakTujuan Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) Pelatihan tenun dari limbah lidi kelapa sawit dengan menggunakan Alat Tenun Bukan Mesin (ATBM) bagi remaja di Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang ini adalah untuk melatih naluri kewirausahaan (entrepreneurship) dengan berbasis kepedulian lingkungan para remaja putri yang putus sekolah dan yang aktif sekolah yang berdomisili sekitar kawasan perkebunan kelapa sawit. Lokasi pelatihan dipilih berdasarkan pertimbangan kawasan tempat tinggal yang berdekatan dengan kebun kelapa sawit PT. Mapoli Raya Aceh Tamiang dan juga kebun milik warga yang terdapat di Kampung Paya Bedi, Kecamatan Rantau-Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang. Jumlah peserta yang telibat dalam kegiatan ini adalah 10 orang di mana 6 remaja putri yang tidak melanjukan lagi sekolah dan ditambah 4 orang yang masih sekolah yang memiliki minat untuk ambil bagian dalam pelatihan tenun ini. Metode pelatihan yang diterapkan dalam pelatihan tenun ini apprenticeship yaitu dengan cara memberikan bimbingan dan langsung mengerjakan, melakukan pendampingan dalam jangka mono tahun serta membantu kelompok karya muda untuk melakukan chanelling pemasaran (marketing chanell). Tahapan kegiatan pelatihan dibagi kedalam empat tahap, dengan jadwal yang telah disepakati oleh peserta, pemateri dan mitra dalam hal ini kelompok karya muda kampung Paya Bedi. Kegiatan dimulai dengan sosialisasi kepada warga, perangkat kampung dan peserta yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 4 Agustus 2017. Selanjutnya pelatihan perdana dijalankan pada tanggal 5 Agustus 2017 dengan materi optimalisasi penggunaan ATBM kelompok yang dilatih oleh Zulkarnen Mora; pelatihan kedua dilaksanakan pada tanggal 6 Agustus 2017 dengan materi Pelatihan tenun limbah lidi kelapa sawit dengan menggunakan ATBM yang diampaikan oleh Abdul Latief; serta diakhiri kegiatan pada tanggal 7 Agustus 2017 dengan materi Penguatan manajemen organisasi dan keuangan kelompok perempuan karya muda yang disajikan oleh Zainuddin sekaligus melakukan closing ceremony dengan peserta dan mitra. Hasil yang dicapai di mana peserta yang notabenenya adalah remaja putri telah mampu dan memahami arti penting manfaat lingkungan bagi peningkatan pendapatan keluarga dengan menghasilkan aneka ragam produk yang diolah dari limbah lidi kelapa sawit menjadi sovenir yang bernilai jual dan artistik seperti dompet wanita, kotak stationery, kotak tisu dan lain sebagainya. Simpulannya, pelatihan ini sangat membantu remaja dalam membuka cakrawala berpikir dan sense of belonging mereka terhadap keberadaan lingkungan (limbah lidi kelapa sawit) dalam menciptakan peluang usaha yang terintegrasi dengan minat wirausaha yang perlu ditanam sejak dini untuk mencapai kesejahteraan yang lebih baik dalam menghadapi tantangan global di masa yang akan datang.Kata Kunci : Pelatihan Tenun, Limbah Kelapa Sawit, remaja putri, kelompok karya mudaAbstract The purpose of Community Service Activities (PKM) Training of weaving from palm oil palm waste using Non-Engine Weaving Tool (ATBM) for adolescents in Aceh Tamiang District is to train entrepreneurial instinct (entrepreneurship) with environmental-based awareness of girls dropping out of school and an active school domiciled around the oil palm plantation area. The training location was chosen based on consideration of the residential area adjacent to the oil palm plantation of PT. Mapoli Raya Aceh Tamiang and also owned by residents garden in Kampung Paya Bedi, District of Rantau-Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang. The number of participants involved in this activity is 10 people where 6 teenage girls are no longer school and plus 4 people still in school who have an interest to take part in this weaving training. The training method applied in this weaving training is apprenticeship by providing guidance and direct work, perform mentoring in mono-year and help young work group to do marketing chanelling. The stages of the training activities are divided into four stages, with the schedule agreed by the participants, the presenters and partners in this case the young work group of Paya Bedi village. The activity began with socialization to the villagers, villagers and participants held on August 4, 2017. Furthermore, the initial training was conducted on 5 August 2017 with material optimization of the use of ATBM group trained by Zulkarnen Mora; the second training was conducted on August 6, 2017 with training material of palm oil palm waste weaving using ATBM delivered by Abdul Latief; and ended the activity on August 7, 2017 with material Strengthening management organization and financial group of young women works presented by Zainuddin as well as closing ceremony with participants and partners. The results achieved in which participants who are notabenenya young women have been able and understand the importance of environmental benefits for the increase in family income by producing a variety of products processed from palm oil palm waste into souvenirs worth selling and artistic such as women's wallets, stationery boxes, boxes tissues and so forth. In conclusion, this training helps teenagers to open their horizons of thinking and sense of belonging to the existence of the environment (palm oil palm waste) in creating business opportunities integrated with entrepreneurial interests that need to be planted early to achieve better prosperity in facing global challenges at future. Keywords: Weaving Training, Palm Oil Waste, Young Women, Young Working Group

Ivan Daniel ◽  
Rini Selly ◽  
Jasmidi Jasmidi

The aim of this study Industri is to reduce ammonia concentration in tannery waswater using Oil Palm waste. Palm oil is one of the strategic industry that is engaged in agriculture (agro-based industry) that many develop in tropical countries such as Indonesia. Palm oil plantations produce solid waste, one of which is an empty bunch. and the palm oil processing industry produces the liquid waste of one of them ammonia. By looking at the opportunity how to cope with the waste of ammonia derived from the processing of palm oil by making biosorbents from solid waste of empty palm plants that utilization of empty waste plants is still not maximal. With some treatment and tested with BET to see the surface area and total volume of pores after and before the treatment of activated carbon.

2018 ◽  
Vol 26 (10) ◽  
pp. 4063-4072 ◽  
N. L. M. Suraya ◽  
F. A. T. Owolabi ◽  
H. P. S. Abdul Khalil ◽  
Chaturbhuj K. Saurabh ◽  
M. T. Paridah ◽  

Nuruly Myzabella ◽  
Lin Fritschi ◽  
Nick Merdith ◽  
Sonia El-Zaemey ◽  
HuiJun Chih ◽  

Background: The palm oil industry is the largest contributor to global production of oils and fats. Indonesia and Malaysia are the largest producers of palm oil. More than a million workers are employed in this industry, yet there is a lack of information on their occupational health and safety. Objective: To identify and summarize occupational hazards among oil palm plantation workers. Methods: A search was carried out in June 2018 in PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, and Ovid. Relevant publications were identified by a systematic search of four databases and relevant journals. Publications were included if they examined occupational hazards in oil palm plantation workers. Results: 941 publications were identified; of these, 25 studies were found eligible to be included in the final review. Of the 25 studies examined, 19 were conducted in Malaysia, 2 in Costa Rica, and one each in Ghana, Indonesia, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, and Cameroon. Oil palm plantation workers were found to be at risk of musculoskeletal conditions, injuries, psychosocial disorders, and infectious diseases such as malaria and leptospirosis. In addition, they have potential exposure to paraquat and other pesticides. Conclusion: In light of the potential of palm oil for use as a biofuel, this is an industry with strong growth potential. The workers are exposed to various occupational hazards. Further research and interventions are necessary to improve the working conditions of this already vast and growing workforce.

Palm Oil ◽  
2018 ◽  
Paridah Md. Tahir ◽  
Folahan Abdulwahab Taiwo Owolabi ◽  
Abdul Khalil H.P. Shawkataly ◽  
Abbas F. Mubarak Alkarkhi ◽  
Elemo Gloria Nwakaego ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
Simone Almeida Pena ◽  
Ana Cristina Mendes-Oliveira

Abstract: In this study we described the diet of Hylaeamys megacephalus (G. Fisher, 1814) and investigated the degree of individual variation in the diet of this species among the Amazon Forest and the oil palm plantation. We analyzed the stomach contents of 36 individuals, of whom 11 were collected in the forest and 25 captured in the palm oil palm plantation. The H. megacephalus diet consisted of 18 food items, of which 12 were animal composition and eight were vegetable composition. The niche amplitude of the species was narrower in the forest area (Baforest = 0.013) compared to the palm tree plantation area (Bapalm = 0.478). This shows that individuals have greater niche overlap in forest areas, while in the plantation areas the animals expand their food niche. In addition, the values of the mean of the individual diet in relation to the diet of the entire population were lower in the palm oil palm plantation environment (ISpalm = 0.164) than in the Forest environment (ISforest = 0.357), indicating a high specialization in the palm oil plantation. These results indicate a population mechanism to reduce intraspecific competition in response to scarce resources.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. 324-334 ◽  
O.B. Olafisoye ◽  
O.S. Fatoki ◽  
O.O. Oguntibeju ◽  
O.A. Osibote

2019 ◽  
Vol 30 (5) ◽  
pp. 1072-1094 ◽  
Almasdi Syahza

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to develop strategies for potential environmental impacts as a result of institutional arrangement and development of oil palm downstream industry both regionally and nationally. Design/methodology/approach The research location is in the areas potential for oil palm plantation development, either by plasma through BUMN and BUMS or self-supporting by the society. The research location will be divided into two parts, namely, the land area and the coastal area. The Riau land areas are Regency of Kampar, Rokan Hulu, and Kuantan Singingi, while Riau coastal areas are Regency of Pelalawan, Siak, Bengkalis, Indragiri Hilir, Indragiri Hulu and Rokan Hilir. Both research areas have different productivity due to the different soil fertility levels. The sustainability level of oil palm plantation from the socio-economic and environmental aspects is analyzed using the multi-dimensional scaling approach modified into Rapid Appraisal-Index Sustainability of Palm Oil Management. Findings In Riau Province, the development of oil palm is quite rapid. This is reasonable for several reasons which include the following supporting factors: the geographical condition of the Riau region is very supportive; the high demand for palm oil derivative products; the existence of market guarantee for oil palm farmers; the higher income oil palm generates than other plantation crops; and the relatively flat area. Most of the problems faced by oil palm farmers are the use of less good seeds, the length of the fruit laying at the location of the plantation, the inadequate production road, the relatively far distance to palm oil mill (POM) (National Agency of Drug and Food Control), the tendency of determining the unilateral revenue of the POM, the collectively measurement of revenue and the general revenue information. The development of oil palm plantations has created an entrepreneurial capability for farmers who are able to capture business opportunities in the agricultural sector, especially the plantation sub-sector. Originality/value The originality of this paper shows the comprehensively control strategy, potential of environmental impact and palm oil plantation. The method used for data collection was rapid rural appraisal method because accurate information is needed in a limited time as it relates to decisions related to village development that must be taken immediately. The study area was conducted in Riau Province because Riau Province is one of the biggest palm oil producers in Indonesia. The study sites will be divided into two, namely, the land area and the coastal area.

Pastura ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 104
Ida Indrayani ◽  
James Hellyward ◽  
Yozil Alveni

This study was to determine the carrying capacity of palm oil plantation and oil palm industry waste could be used as beef cattle feed in West Sumatra. This study used a desk study method, it was the activity that searched secondary data such as the results of other relevant studies, official documents and other important records in several government agencies and other relevant institutions. The analysis showed people carrying capacity of palm oil plantations folk in West Sumatra with the utilization of forage, leaves no stick and palm frond as cattle feed as a whole can accommodate about 390 913 head of cattle. While carrying capacity of byproduct of palm oil processing wastes amounted to 465 812 head of cattle. Overall, therefore, the palm oil plantation folk, the state and the private sector is able to provide beef cattle feed to 856 725 head of cattle. It concluded that beef cattle still have a chancethe to be developed by use oil palm plantation and byproducts as a substitute for forages.Key words: oil palm plantation, carrying capacity, oil palm industry waste, beef cattle feed

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