scholarly journals In-Between Discourse and Genre: Doctor-Patient Interaction in Online Communication.

2012 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 78-90 ◽  
Marianna Lya Zummo

Abstract This paper presents the results of a corpus-based study which investigates the genre of medical eexchanges between doctors and medical website users. Three conversational routines (greetings, politeness, formal and informal linguistic features) are analyzed. The framework of the study is what some researchers refer to as net linguistics (Posteguillo 2003), consisting of the linguistic study of Computer Mediated Communication (CMC). The findings indicate that health posts are a relatively informal type of d/p interaction which is largely influenced by e-mails and chat conventions.

2012 ◽  
pp. 1088-1095
Kumi Ishii ◽  
Brittany R. Black

With the diffusion of networked technology in our society, online communication has become an integral part of daily life, and conflict no longer occurs only in face-to-face (FtF) contexts. Many people experience cyber conflict (i.e., a perceived incompatibility of goals among two or more cyber parties over computer-mediated communication (CMC) or online communication) and manages it online. While research in this significant and emerged topic is scattered across contexts and disciplines, this chapter provides preliminary knowledge by discussing the antecedents and outcomes of cyber conflict as well as factors that affect cyber conflict management. The chapter also offers future research directions.

Michael G. Hughes ◽  
Jennifer A. Griffith ◽  
Cristina Byrne ◽  
Darin S. Nei ◽  
Lauren Harkrider Beechly ◽  

Methods of individual communication continue to expand through online media. Given the dynamic nature of online communications, traditional methods for studying communications may not suffice. A hybridized content analytic approach that combines qualitative and quantitative methods offers a unique methodological tool to researchers who seek to better understand computer-mediated communications and the psychological characteristics of those who communicate online by evaluating qualitative information using quantitative methods. This means of measurement allows researchers to statistically evaluate whether investigated phenomena are occurring in combination with the richness that qualitative assessment provides. As with any approach to computer-mediated communication, various ethical considerations must be borne in mind, and, thus, are discussed in concert with this hybridized approach to content analysis.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 237-257 ◽  
Erika Darics ◽  
Maria Cristina Gatti

Digital communication technologies led to a revolution in how people interact at work: relying on computer-mediated communication technologies is now a must, rather than an alternative. This empirical study investigates how colleagues in a virtual team use synchronous online communication platform in the workplace. Inspired by the conceptualisation of web-based communication platforms as tool, place or context of social construction, we explore the discursive strategies that contribute to the construction of the team’s shared sense of purpose and identity, a collegial atmosphere and consequently lead to effective collaboration. The close analyses of real-life data from a multinational workplace provide insights into the everyday communication practices of virtual team members. Our findings supplement organisational literature based on etic observations of the effectiveness of virtual work and provide a basis for further theorisations about how communication technologies affect the ecology of and discourse practices in computer-mediated communication at work.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 107-126 ◽  
Timothy Jay

Abstract This paper addresses problems with swearing on the internet. The opening section of the paper defines swearing (uttering offensive emotional speech) as a ubiquitous form of impolite human behavior. Swearing can occur wherever humans communicate with each other and that it appears in computer-mediated communication (CMC) is not surprising. The second section documents how swearwords appear in email, blogs, Twitter, MySpace, Facebook, and YouTube and in other practices and sites (trolling, 4chan). Swearword use is situated in the context of emerging research on impoliteness and moral order (politeness norms and standards that govern internet behavior). Online swearword use is a function of moral order, as well as users’ interpersonal characteristics such as age (younger more likely than older users), gender (men more likely than women), the time of day (later in the day and evening), and a website’s social composition (adversarial and male dominated more than homogeneous friendly sites). The paper concludes with suggestions for dealing with internet swearword use where regulation is desirable and feasible. Websites and communities should develop moral order norms that at a minimum restrict illegal forms of speech (e.g., credible threats of violence, workplace sexual harassment).

Communication ◽  
2015 ◽  
Eun-Ju Lee ◽  
Soo Youn Oh

Computer-mediated communication (CMC) is an umbrella term that encompasses various forms of human communication through networked computers, which can be synchronous or asynchronous and involve one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many exchanges of text, audio, and/or video messages. Early research has focused largely on how mediation by technology alters the processes and outcomes of social interaction and group processes, addressing issues such as how people express and construe self-identity, form and manage impressions, develop and maintain relationships, build communities, collaborate at a distance and make collective decisions, mostly in contrast to non-mediated, face-to-face communication. As such, core theories that guided earlier studies highlight the dearth of socio-contextual information as the defining characteristic of CMC working to its disadvantage. However, they were soon challenged by alternative models underscoring individual users’ active accommodation to the limited channel capacity and even more strategic appropriation of the constraints of the medium. In a similar vein, the dichotomous view that differentiates the “real” from the “virtual” gradually was replaced by the perspective that underscores the blurring boundary and the fluid interaction between the two. At the same time, researchers have also investigated who turns to online communication as opposed to offline, face-to-face interaction, and with what consequences. Going beyond dyadic interaction between unacquainted individuals, social and psychological implications of CMC have also been examined in various contexts, such as distributed workgroups (computer-supported cooperative work: CSCW), social network sites (SNSs), and online games.

10.29007/gln9 ◽  
2018 ◽  
Rosana Villares-Maldonado

Linguistic deviations from the standard use of English in computer-mediated communication have been described by the literature as distinctive Netspeak features. Using corpus linguistics and register theory, I examine those linguistic deviations in a corpus extracted from the microblogging platform Tumblr to describe how language use is shaped by the Internet medium. The sample of grammatical, discourse and style features analysed included the use of personal pronouns, idiomatic expressions, abbreviations, examples, quotations, repetitions, intensifiers, emotional and offensive language, as well as other features such as break and run-on-sentences, typography, punctuation, and multimodal elements. The corpus analysis reveals that these texts are characterised as being mainly short written messages combining typical features of the written mode of communication and features of extemporaneous, spoken discourse. Findings also show a non-standard use of punctuation and typography, the inclusion of multimedia elements that helps to overcome the lack of immediate feedback and the use of non-segmental phonology in the conversation. The results of the analysis suggest that Netspeak (non-standard) linguistic features are determined by context and are thus more likely to appear in digital spheres such as social networks, blogs and chats, among users who engage in one-to-one conversations or users who belong to the same in-group, and in communicative situations in which hobbies and personal experiences are the most frequently discussed topics.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 405-415
I. Darginavičienė ◽  
I. Ignotaitė

Most authors admit that code-switching is the process of switching different languages, their varieties, speaking styles, etc. Today the majority of people in the world are multilingual and often mix languages in different ways, which makes code-switching a quite common global phenomenon. Code-switching incorporates government, cultural, religious and network contexts, and the frequency of code-switching in such multilingual conversations is an indicator of the global dominance of multilingualism. Online communication fosters social communicative practices consisting of code-switching and marks the development of verbal behaviour of multilingual communities. Code-switching also affects language visuality, its images are tools for the social construction of reality. The developed verbal practices support effective communication and affect the expression of new meanings. The article aims at presenting the features of code-switching in digital communication with 8 examples of different length, topic and author, in which the native Lithuanians code-switched to English and used elements of the Internet language. These examples were taken from the social networks Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter, and the authors analyzed the grammar, spelling and punctuation of both Lithuanian and the English words, the type and use of the code-switched English elements, special characters, abbreviations, emoji and other features of the Internet language. The results show that online communication is not entirely textual, with various means of text composition communicators make their code-switched English elements more visible and alter the appearance of messages. Such practices correspond to the features of social networks and seem to follow the popular Internet culture trends.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
Gideon Rambaya Magwaro ◽  
Elizabeth Odhiambo ◽  
Silas Owala

Facebook (FB) is one of the social networks that allow its users to interact freely by posting short messages, pictures and videos. FB has a forum where people write and post their opinions, pictures and videos to see their friends’ reactions. FB also allows anonymity thus giving users the freedom to use a language of their choice without restrictions. Given the fact that FB is an informal context, users employ certain patterns of language in their interactions. This paper endeavors to examine the manner in which these patterns of language are used on FB with special focus on Kiswahili language. Kiswahili is now an official language in Kenya and there is a paradigm shift concerning patterns of texts that are sent on FB interaction. The objective of the study was to analyze the linguistic features used in selected social interactions on FB (SSIFB). The units of analysis in this study were texts that were sent as reactions to the news and pictures that were posted on the FB forums such as those collected from pages like Citizen TV Kenya, KTN Kenya and Mpasho News. The data of this study was analyzed qualitatively by coding every text based on its content. The study employed the use of Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) as proposed by Hiltz and Turoff (1978) to interpret and give inferences about the texts that were sent. The study revealed that FB users used the language of their choice creatively to communicate. Various linguistic features were used to communicate intended messages.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-16
Наталія Акімова

У статті розглянуто елементи мовленнєвого коду сайтів новин, реалізовані засобами презентативності та персоналізації. Для цього використані методи аналізу та синтезу; описового, лінгвокультурного та концептуальнного аналізу тексту, моделювання, метод семантичних і прагматичних інтерпретацій, контекстне спостереження та порівняльний аналіз. Надано дефініції презентативності та персоналізації, наведено приклади з найбільш популярних новинних сайтів укрнету (Корреспондент.net, та рунету (РосБизнесКонсалтинг, РИА Новости). Висвітлено питання, яким чином ці риси ускладнюють розуміння текстів новин, які вони зумовлюють психологічні та нейролінгвістичні труднощі, які психолінгвістичні механізми залучено в процесі розуміння таких новинних анонсів. Зазначено, що при цьому порушується традиційний комунікативний кодекс та відбувається маніпулювання свідомістю читачів. Користувач несвідомо звертає увагу на такі тексти, мимовільно їх запам’ятовує і потім використовує як кліше або моделі у власному мовленні. У свою чергу, зміна мовленнєвої поведінки призводить до зміни способу мислення і розуміння реальності. Дослідження здійснюється в контексті теорії девіантних мовленнєвих одиниць, досягнень сучасної лінгвістики, когнітивістики, психології та нейронауки. References Akіmova, N. Movlennevі devіacії u movі ukraїns’kih іnternet-ZMІ: tendencіja movy epohi chi zasіb manіpuljuvannja [Speech deviation in the language of Ukrainian online media: the tendency of epoch’s language or means of manipulation]. Retrieved from  Kompantseva, L. (2007) Іnternet-Komunіkacіya: Kognіtyvno-Prahmatychnyi ta lіngvokul’turologіchnyi Aspekty [Internet Communication: Cognitive Pragmatic and Linguistic and Cultural Aspects] Extended Abstract of Doctoral dissertation. Kyiv. Filatova, O. G. (2004) Internet kak mass-media [Internet as a media]. Aktual’nye Problemy Teorii Kommunikacii, 232-240. Shchipitsyna, L. (2011). Kompleksnaya Lingvisticheskaya Kharakteristika KompyuternoOposredovannoy Kommunikacii (Na Materiale Nemetskogo Yazyka) [Complex Linguistic Features of Computer-Mediated Communication (Based on the German Language)]. Extended abstract of Doctoral dissertation. Voronezh. Sources Великий тлумачний словник сучасної української мови / В. Т. Бусел. Київ, Ірпінь: Перун, 2005. Velykyi Tlumachnyi Slovnyk Suchasnoї Ukraїns’koї Movy [Big Explanatory Dictionary of Contemporary Ukrainian]. (2005). V. Busel, Ed. Kyiv; Irpin: Perun. БТСРЯ – Большой толковый словарь русского языка / Гл. ред. С. А. Кузнецов. СПб. : Норинт, 2009. BTSRYA Bol’shoj Tolkovyj Slovar’ RusskogoYazyka [Big Explanatory Dictionary of Russian]. (2009). S. Kuznetsov, (Ed.). S.-Petersburg: Norint. – Новини України від оперативна аналітика української політики, економіки, новини культури та спорту. Retrieved from: Корреспондент.net – Останні новини України та світу. Корреспондент.net – свіжі новини дня. Retrieved from: РБК – РосБизнесКонсалтинг – новости, акции, курсы валют, погода, доллар, евро. Retrieved from: РИА – Главные новости часа. Лента новостей «РИА Новости». Retrieved from:

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