scholarly journals AKIBAT HUKUM TERHADAP PUTUSAN BEBAS (VRIJSPRAAK) BAGI WARGA NEGARA ASING (Studi Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Denpasar Nomor 748/Pid.Sus/2016/PN DPS)

Ida Ayu Nyoman Sri Candra Purnami

The high flow of globalization and the easiness of obtaining visas for foreign citizens can increase the income of a country engaged in tourism. This phenomenon does not always have a positive impact for the country of Indonesia because many foreigners were found residing in the territory of Indonesia without having a valid and legal immigration stay permit. Many of these foreign citizens were convicted legal cases in Indonesia, it is therefore necessary to study the legal consequences of the free judgment for the foreign citizens. This study was conducted to examine the legal basis for the imposition of free judgment against foreign citizens and the implementation of the Denpasar District Court Decision Number 748/Pid.Sus/2016/PN DPS on the free judgment against a foreign citizen. This study is an empirical juridical study that examines the legal consequences caused after the abolition of free judgment on foreigner (Case study of Denpasar District Court No. 748/ Pid.Sus / 2016 / PN DPS). Based on the result of this study, was found that according to Law Number 8 Year 1981 regarding Criminal Procedure Law and law of the republic of Indonesia Number 6 Year 2011 on Immigration, foreigners who live in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia who do not have a valid and legal immigration stay permit can be given immigration administrative action in the form of detention. Whereas foreign citizens who are secured and still hold immigration stay permit until the completion of the judicial process and  given free judgment, the foreigners may remain in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia until the validity period of their stay permit expires. Meanwhile, for foreign citizens who have been subjected to free judgment and still hold immigration permit, the Public Prosecutor may request the Immigration Civil Service Investigator to perform the act of detention to those foreign citizens. Tingginya arus globalisasi dan kemudahan memperoleh visa bagi warga negara asing dapat meningkatkan pendapatan suatu negara yang bergerak dalam bidang kepariwisataan. Fenomena ini tidak selalu berdampak positif bagi negara Indonesia karena banyak ditemukan orang asing yang berada di wilayah Indonesia tidak memiliki izin tinggal keimigrasian yang sah dan masih berlaku. Banyak  diantara warga negara asing tersebut tersandung kasus hukum di Negara Indonesia, sehingga perlu dikaji akibat hukum yang ditimbulkan atas Putusan Bebas bagi warga negara asing tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji dasar hukum penjatuhan putusan bebas terhadap warga negara asing dan pelaksanaan Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Denpasar Nomor 748/Pid.Sus/2016/PN DPS atas putusan bebas terhadap seorang warganegara asing. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yuridis empiris yang mengkaji akibat hukum yang ditimbulkan setelah dijatuhkannya Putusan Bebas terhadap orang asing (Studi kasus terhadap Pengadilan Negeri Denpasar Nomor 748/Pid.Sus/2016/PN DPS). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1981 Tentang Hukum Acara Pidana dan Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 6 Tahun 2011 Tentang Keimigrasian, orang asing yang tinggal di wilayah Negara Republik Indonesia yang tidak memiliki izin tinggal keimigrasian yang sah dan berlaku dapat dilakukan Tindakan Administratif Keimigrasian berupa pendetensian.  Sedangkan warga negara asing yang saat diamankan dan hingga proses peradilan selesai masih memiliki izin tinggal keimigrasian dan dijatuhi putusan bebas, maka orang asing tersebut dapat tetap tinggal di wilayah Negara Republik Indonesia hingga masa berlaku izin tinggalnya habis. Sementara bagi orang warga negara asing yang telah dijatuhi putusan bebas dan masih memiliki izin tinggal keimigrasian namun oleh Penuntut Umum dilakukan upaya hukum kasasi, Penuntut Umum dapat meminta kepada Penyidik Pegawai Negeri Sipil Keimigrasian untuk melakukan tindakan pendetensian atas warga negara asing tersebut.

2021 ◽  
Andi Yusdianti

AbstractThis study describes the basis for the application of material criminal law to criminal acts of drug abuse.This research was conducted in the city of Namlea, namely in the Namlea District Court using primary andsecondary data methods. Data (interview) directly with the parties concerned. Meanwhile, secondary datacollection techniques are carried out by reading documents or regulations and literature books related to thematerial to be presented in the thesis. After all the data is collected, the data is processed and analyzedqualitatively and then presented descriptively, that is, searching for and collecting data related to the object andthe problem under study. Based on the results of research and discussion, it shows that: 1) in Decision No. 5 /Pid.Sus / 2020 / PN Nla, the Public Prosecutor uses the second indictment, namely Article 127 paragraph (1)letter a of the Republic of Indonesia Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics the elements in the indictmenthave been deemed proven by the Public Prosecutor. that is, the acts and elements of the article match eachother, and according to the author, the application of material criminal law in this case is not in accordancewith the applicable criminal law in Indonesia. 2) in Decree No. 5 / Pid.Sus / 2020 / PN Nla, the author does notagree with the Panel of Judges in implementing Article 127 because the elements are not proven and do notmatch each other, the Panel of Judges is wrong in making decisions without looking at Articles 54, 55 and 103of the Republic of Indonesia Constitution No.35 Years 2009 About Narcotics.Keywords: judicial review, criminal, narcotics abuse

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 497
Franky Satrio Darmawan ◽  
Dian Andriawan Daeng Tawang

Gambling is a crime and can be punished for its actions. However, along with the development of the gambling era it was played with electronic media, namely online gambling. The State of the Republic of Indonesia has overcome gambling crimes with evidence such as the existence of laws contained in criminal law and if carried out online there is an Electronic Information and Transaction law. The research entitled The implementation of principle lex specialis derogat legi generalist concerning information and electronic transaction laws in online lottery gambling crimes Case Study Decision of North Jakarta Districts Courted Number 599 / PID.B / 2018 / PN.Jkt Utr, having a problem statement is why the public prosecutor did not apply the principle of lex specialis derogat legi generalist in the online lottery gambling crime Case Study of the Decision of the North Jakarta District Court Number 599 / PID.B / 2018 / PN.Jkt Utr. The purposed paper for the law enforcement officials to appllied the principled of Lex Specialise Derogat Legi Generalits in the case of prosecution of court decisions.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1104-1124
Martin Luter Ndaparoka

The subject matter of the study of the effect of the law on the judge's decision to ignore the litis contestatio in the criminal acts of corruption, with the problem of how the legal position of the indictment in the judicial process against a criminal act of corruption and what the legal consequences if the judge's decision on a crime occurred ignore litis contestatio. Approach of concepts and case approach, the following conclusions are obtained: Legal Status The indictment in a criminal case of corruption which is one of the most fundamental principles in the criminal process is the necessity of making an indictment and the judge may only decide on the basis of the facts, less or more. The indictment is viewed as litis contestation. The indictment is the basis for the judge in examining and adjudicating a criminal case and the Judge's Decision on a case involving STA in a criminal act of corruption in Judge Consideration based solely on facts in the hearing does not comply with the provisions of article 182 paragraph (4) of the Criminal Procedure Code, If the provisions of the articles charged by the Public Prosecutor are not legally and convincingly proven, the Judge shall award the decision or the vrijspraak as determined in Article 191 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Procedure Code, and if not in accordance with Article 197 paragraph (2) of the Criminal Procedure Code then the verdict will be null and void.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 445
Arif Hidayat ◽  
Sri Endah Wahyuningsih

Prosecutor as one of the law enforcement agencies in Indonesia have a role in the prosecution, it is stipulated in Article 2 (1) of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Number 16 of 2004 on the Prosecutor of the Republic of Indonesia. Prosecution is the act of the General Prosecutor for criminal matters delegated authority to the District Court in the case and in the manner set forth in the criminal procedure law to demand that tried and sentenced by the judge at the hearing. Drug abusers are people who use narcotics without authority or unlawfully. This study uses empirical juridical approach with descriptive analytical research specifications, types and sources of data are the primary data by conducting interviews and secondary data by performing a literature study, data analysis method logically and systematically. The results showed that the procedure includes the step prapenuntutan prosecution, prosecution and execution. The role of the public prosecutor in the criminal case handling drug abuse is a public prosecutor. Factors inhibiting the role of the public prosecutor in the prosecution that the case file is not yet complete, the type of drug is not on the list of narcotics, modus operandi vary and calling witnesses when the examination before the court, while the effort to overcome that by making the sharing of information between law enforcement, conduct legal counseling, attended a special training program narcotic crime and Attorney for School.Keywords: Role; Prosecution; Narcotics Abusers.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 66-78
Benny Leonard Saragih ◽  
Ediwarman Ediwarman ◽  
Muaz Zul

Difference in punishment or sentencing disparity is basically a natural thing because it can be said almost no case that is really the same. Disparity becomes a problem when the range of the sentence imposed differences between similar cases so large, giving rise to injustice and can give rise to suspicions in the community. Disparities in the Criminal (disparity of sentencing) is not the same as the application of criminal offenses against the same (same offense) or the criminal acts that are dangerous to be compared (offenses of comparable seriousness) without clear justification. Based on Law No. 16 of 2004 which replaced Law No. 5 of 1991 About the Prosecutor of the Republic of Indonesia is an institution in the field of prosecution of the main authority of the public prosecutor act prosecution about what is meant by the prosecution as well as the reference to the provisions of Article 1 point 7 and Article 137 Law No. 8 of 1981 on the Law of Criminal Procedure Code (Criminal Code). Research Methods in writing this thesis carried out by the method of normative law, namely analyzing and searching for answers to the problems raised by the substantive law / legal norms contained in the rules of law, the Supreme Court Regulation (PERMA), the Supreme Court Circular, and etc. Factors that cause the disparity criminal offense namely Legislation Provisions factors, internal factors and external factors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
Audaraziq Ismail ◽  
Eva Achjani Zulfa ◽  
Yutcesyam Yutcesyam ◽  
Fatiatulo Lazira

Prosecution is basically an action by the public prosecutor to delegate a criminal case to the competent District Court so that it is examined and decided by a judge in a court session. With regard to prosecution, Article 109 of the Criminal Procedure Code states that there are 3 reasons for stopping prosecution, namely that an event is not a criminal act, there is not enough evidence collected by investigators to prove the fulfillment of the elements in a criminal act and for the sake of law. The Criminal Code, First, with regard to the application of the principle of ne bis in idem. Second, if the Defendant dies, Third, Expires, Fourth, Settlement outside the court, Article 82 of the Criminal Code has described if an offense is threatened with a fine only, then prosecution can be avoided by paying the maximum fine directly. Against corporations, prosecution is limited by a number of provisions, in this case also including when the corporation is bankrupt. That as a result, if the entire corporate assets are included in the bankruptcy code, there will be a transfer of corporate licenses and an impact on the liquidation process. Thus, based on the provisions of Article 142 paragraph (1) of Law no. 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies, the corporation is dissolved. Thus, the prosecution of the bankrupt corporation can be dropped.

Rido Rikardo

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan memahami bagaimana Tugas dan Kewenangan Kejaksaan dalam Penerapan Peraturan Mahkamah Agung RI nomor: 02 tahun 2012 tentang penyesuaian batasan tindak pidana ringan dan jumlah denda dalam KUHP dalam kaitannya dengan perkara tindak pidana ringan Harta Kekayaan di dalam KUHP dalam proses Pra Penuntutan (Studi Kasus Perkara Pencurian di Kejaksaan Negeri Kampar) dan Apakah kendala dan hambatan yang dihadapi Jaksa Peneliti dalam Penerapan Peraturan Mahkamah Agung RI Nomor : 02 tahun 2012 tentang penyesuaian batasan tindak pidana ringan dan jumlah denda dalam KUHP dalam Tindak Pidana Ringan lingkup Harta Kekayaan. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara sosiologis yakni berdasarkan fakta fakta yang ada dilapangan. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa Jaksa Penuntut Umum dalam melaksanakan tugasnya dibidang para penuntutan dalam menerima berkas perkara Penyidikan oleh Pihak Kepolisian harus dengan seksama melihat apakah suatu perkara masuk dalam kategori Tindak Pidana Ringan yang dimaksudkan Peraturan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 2 Tahun 2012 atau tidak dengan berbagai pertimbangan yang dapat dipahami oleh Penyidik Kepolisian tentu saja hal ini akan memberikan rasa keadilan baik bagi Tersangka maupun bagi korban tindak pidana dan masyarakat pada umumnya.Kata kunci: kewenangan; penyelesaian; dendaABSTRACTThis study aims to find out and understand how the Duties and Authority of the Prosecutor's Office in Applying the Republic of Indonesia Supreme Court Regulation number: 02 of 2012 concerning the adjustment of minor criminal offenses and the amount of fines in the Criminal Code in relation to cases of minor criminal offenses. (Case Study of Theft Case in the Kampar District Prosecutor's Office) and What are the obstacles and obstacles faced by the Research Prosecutor in Applying the Republic of Indonesia Supreme Court Regulation No. 02/2012 concerning the adjustment of minor criminal offenses and the amount of fines in the Criminal Code in Minor Crimes in the scope of Assets. this is done sociologically, based on facts in the field. The results of the study found that the Public Prosecutor in carrying out his duties in the field of prosecution in receiving case files Investigations by the Police must carefully see whether a case is included in the category of Minor Crimes as intended by Supreme Court Regulation Number 2 of 2012 or not with various considerations that can understood by Police Investigators, of course this will give a sense of justice both to the Suspect and to victims of crime and the community at large.Keywords: authority; settlement; fines

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 327-335
Muhammad Riza Fahmi

Abstract: The Judge’s ruling in the legal decition of the Lamongan District Court No. 164/Pid.B/2013/PN.LMG on the crime of persecution that causes the death of the victim is regarded true since it has been fulfilled all elements as required by Article 351 Paragraph (3) of Criminal Code as indicted by the public prosecutor. In deciding this case, the judge also considered the testimony of witnesses, the information from the defendant, the facts revealed at the hearing as well as the things that burdensome and relieve the defendant. Therefore, the defendant shall be sentenced for 5 months in prison and does not have to go through due to the imposed conditional sentence. In Islamic criminal law, the case is equated with a semi-deliberate murder and sanctioned by diyât and kafârat in the form of ta’zîr. In this case, the defendant can not be punished because of his self-defense. So that the defendant is free from a criminal liability in Islam.Keywords: Persecution, victim died, Islamic law. Abstrak: Putusan hukum hakim Nomor: 164/Pid.B/2013/PN.LMG tentang tindak pidana penganiayaan yang mengakibatkan korban meninggal dunia berdasarkan telah terpenuhinya semua unsur-unsur dari pasal 351 ayat (3) KUHP seperti yang didakwakan oleh jaksa penuntut umum. Dalam memutuskan perkara ini hakim juga mempertimbangkan keterangan saksi, keterangan terdakwa, fakta-fakta yang terungkap di persidangan, serta hal yang memberatkan dan meringankan terdakwa. Oleh karena itu, terdakwa dipidana dengan 5 bulan penjara dan tidak perlu menjalaninya dikarenakan dikenakan hukuman bersyarat. Dalam fiqh jinâyah, perkara ini disamakan dengan pembunuhan semi sengaja. Untuk sanksinya yaitu membayar diyat dan kafârat, sedangkan untuk hukuman penggantinya berupa hukuman ta’zîr. Dalam kasus ini, para terdakwa meskipun telah melakukan perbuatan tersebut, namun tidak bisa dikenakan hukuman tersebut, karena adanya unsur pembelaan diri, sehingga terbebas dari pertanggungjawaban pidana dalam Islam.Kata Kunci: Penganiayaan,  meninggal dunia, Hukum Islam. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 187
Aditya Yuli Sulistyawan

<p>Belakangan ini. kasus Baiq Nuril benar-benar menyita perhatian publik. Kasus hukum ini bermula saat Nuril yang saat itu masih bekerja sebagai pegawai honorer di SMAN 17 Mataram, merekam percakapan telepon Kepala Sekolah kepadanya yang berkonten kesusilaan dan bernada melecehkan dirinya. Singkat cerita, melalui rekannya, rekaman pembicaraan tersebut tersebar. Nuril pun dilaporkan atas sangkaan Pasal 27 (1) Undang-Undang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik (ITE). Proses hukum bergulir, Pengadilan Negeri Mataram memberikan vonis bebas kepada Nuril. Namun, Penuntut Umum mengajukan kasasi dan Mahkamah Agung akhirnya memvonis Nuril bersalah dengan hukuman pidana penjara 6 bulan kurungan dan denda lima ratus juta rupiah. Inilah yang kemudian memunculkan polemik. Masyarakat memprotes putusan yang dianggapnya tidak adil tersebut. Kekecewaan masyarakat kepada hukum sangat terasa melalui berbagai gerakan untuk membela Nuril, baik melalui penggalangan dana maupun aksi demonstrasi. Mereka kecewa kepada hukum yang nyatanya malah memberi hukuman pada seorang korban pelecehan seksual. Berbagai persepsi buruk terhadap hukum bermunculan, masyarakat ramai memberi pandangan awam mereka terhadap kasus ini. Secara ilmiah, kasus ini semestinya dapat diuraikan dengan jelas melalui ilmu hukum, terlebih melalui filsafat hukum. Adalah tugas kita sebagai akademisi untuk menguraikan setiap duduk peristiwa kasus menjadi lebih terang, agar tidak menimbulkan kesesatan berpikir di masyarakat. Berdasarkan uraian ini, penulis akan menjawab permasalahan mengenai bagaimanakah cara berhukum objektif yang diterapkan dalam kasus ini, serta bagaimana telaah filsafat hukum melalui kajian paradigma akan menguraikan persoalan hukum ini. Pembahasan akan dijabarkan dalam paradigma penulis yakni paradigma konstruktivisme dan melalui metode hermenutikal/dialektikal.</p><p><em>Recently, the Baiq Nuril case really caught the public's attention. This legal case began when Nuril, who at that time was still working as a temporary employee at the SMAN 17 Mataram, recorded the principal's telephone conversation with him who was in decency and insulted him. Long story short, through his colleague, the recording of the conversation was spread. Nuril was reported on the suspicion of Article 27 (1) of the Electronic Information and Transaction Law (ITE). The legal process was rolling, the Mataram District Court gave Nuril a free verdict. However, the Public Prosecutor filed an appeal and the Supreme Court finally sentenced Nuril guilty to a sentence of 6 months imprisonment and a fine of five hundred million rupiah. This is what later led to the polemic. The community protested the decision which he considered unfair. The people's disappointment in the law was felt through various movements to defend Nuril, both through fundraising and demonstrations. They are disappointed in the law which in fact actually punishes a victim of sexual abuse. Various bad perceptions of the law have sprung up, people are busy giving their lay views on this case. Scientifically, this case should be clearly explained through legal science, especially through legal philosophy. It is our duty as academics to elaborate on each sitting the case of the case becomes brighter, so as not to cause an error in thinking in society. Based on this description, the author will answer the problem of how the objective legal method applied in this case, and how the study of legal philosophy through the study of paradigms will describe this legal issue. The discussion will be elaborated in the author's paradigm of the constructivism paradigm and through the hermenutical / dialectical method.</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 232-239
Nur Farikha ◽  
M. Ali Syaifudin Zuhri

When a human couple performs a marriage, then both are not blessed with a child. One way for the couple is to adopt a child, the law is fine as long as it fulfills the conditions prescribed by religion. This was done by the Prophet Muhammad. Adoption of children must meet state requirements, namely through court channels. Because something related to the rules certainly has a positive impact on the public, namely maslahah ummah. There are several legal consequences when someone is adopted as a child, one of which is if one of the adoptive parents or the adopted child has died there is an appreciation given by one of them. The author conducted this research to describe the concept of wills for adopted children in the distribution of inheritance according to KHI and Prof. Wahbah Zuhaili. The author in this study uses the analytical approach research method, namely an approach that is carried out by analyzing the thoughts of a character in this case Prof. Zuhaili, and its comparison with KHI. The conclusion found in this study is the wills of the compulsory will be something very new in Islam, especially when it comes to adopted children. Therefore, the concept of inheritance for adopted children is in the form of a mandatory will, which has been stipulated in the Islamic Law Compilation that a will when it is not disclosed by the adoptive parents, the adopted child will still receive a will, at most a third of the assets of the adoptive parents. Meanwhile, Prof. Wahbah Zuhaili stated that the will is obligatory for relatives and parents (people who are related by blood) because they are prevented from inheriting.

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