law enforcement officials
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Андрей Петрович Тюнь

В статье рассматриваются основные принципы формирования и трансформации общественного мнения о полиции в гражданской среде, связанные с участием сотрудников правоохранительных органов в мероприятиях, направленных на предотвращение негативных последствий чрезвычайных ситуаций. Рассматриваются объективные риски, возникающие вследствие некорректной трактовки служебных действий сотрудников правоохранительных органов представителями гражданской сферы в условиях ограничения их возможностей с целью минимизации ущерба от чрезвычайной ситуации. Отмечается, что в условиях действия ограничительных мер на период объявления чрезвычайной ситуации усиливается негативное восприятие деятельности сотрудников органов внутренних дел. Оцениваются перспективы, связанные с улучшением социального восприятия полиции в результате освещения самоотверженности и высоких личных качеств сотрудников полиции, с риском для жизни и здоровья участвующих в борьбе с последствиями чрезвычайной ситуации и в спасении гражданского населения. Делается вывод о необходимости использования средств массовой информации как инструмента формирования общественного мнения в целях объективного отражения в общественном сознании россиян профессиональной деятельности работников правоохранительной системы. The paper examines the principles of the formation and transformation of public opinion about the police in the civilian environment, associated with the participation of law enforcement officers in measures aimed at preventing the negative consequences of emergencies. The publication considers the risks associated with the incorrect interpretation of the official actions of law enforcement officials by representatives of the civilian sphere in the context of limiting their capabilities in order to minimize damage from an emergency. The author evaluates the prospects related to improving the social perception of the police through highlighting the disregard of self and high personal qualities of police officers at risk to life and health of those involved in combating the consequences of an emergency and rescuing the civilian population. It is concluded that the media should be used as an instrument for the formation of public opinion in order to objectively reflect the professional activities of law enforcement officials in the public consciousness of Russians.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-105
Natalya Yu. Akinina ◽  
Valery Filippovich Anisimov ◽  
Valeriy T. Galkin

The subject of the study is the problems of application of the norms of criminal law stipulating responsibility for environmental crimes against representatives of persons of small indigenous minorities of the North, the essence of which is the conflict between the positive law and the customary law of these peoples. The purpose of the study is to analyze the causes of this conflict, as well as to substantiate the necessity of applying the norms of customary law of indigenous peoples of the North in their criminal prosecution for environmental crimes. As a result of the study, the assumption is made that knowledge of the norms of customary law by law enforcement officials will allow to relieve social tension between the indigenous peoples of the North and the law enforcement agencies. That is why it is necessary to begin work on the formation of a code of customary law, as well as recommendations for its application, which could become a document to be used as a recommendation for law enforcement bodies in their decision-making.

Юлия Николаевна Корепанова

Статья посвящена рассмотрению феномена страха смерти в психологии так называемых трансцендентных убийц («некрофильского типа личности»). На сегодняшний момент не существует единого мнения относительно факторов надежно детерминирующих преступную участь человека, вопрос по-прежнему составляет предмет научных дискуссий. В психолого-криминологических типологиях не представлена рассматриваемая категория убийц, несмотря на то что многие отечественные и зарубежные исследователи описывали подобный тип личности, широко использовали термин «социальный некрофил» и ему подобные. В статье раскрывается психологическая основа преступного поведения. Описывается роль тревоги в механизме формирования бессознательных насильственных установок. Объясняется психологический смысл убийств, совершаемых социальными некрофилами. Автор акцентирует внимание на парадоксальности, специфичности отношения убийц с трансцендентными влечениями к смерти: страх перед ней и одновременное стремление к ней на основе душевного сродства (особой формы личностных смыслов) для реализации как осознаваемых, так и бессознательных целей. Подчеркивает принципиальную важность самопознания в жизни каждого индивида, образующего смысл жизни, дающего ощущение полноты и радости. Задается вопросом о роли внутриутробного периода развития плода в механизме «психологического рождения» в момент появления на свет. В представленном аналитическом материале, преимущественно благодаря трудам Ю. М. Антоняна и открытиям психоаналитического направления в науке, уточняется и предлагается определение исследуемой категории убийц. В дискуссионном стиле проводится обзор различных теорий, гипотез, научных воззрений, исследующих истоки и значение страха смерти в механизме преступного поведения убийц с трансцендентными влечениями. Приводятся авторские умозаключения по исследуемому в статье вопросу. Статья поможет представителям правоохранительных органов глубже понимать психологические механизмы и причины преступного поведения, использовать полученные знания при раскрытии преступлений, эффективнее выстраивать линию коммуникативного взаимодействия с описанным типом личности в ходе производства следственных действий. The article is devoted to the consideration of the phenomenon of death anxiety in the psychology of the so-called transcendental murderers («necrophilic personality type»). At the moment, there is no consensus regarding the factors that reliably determine the criminal fate of a person; the issue is still the subject of scientific discussions. In psychological and criminological typologies, the considered category of murderers is not represented, despite the fact that many domestic and foreign researchers described this type of personality, widely used the term «ocial necrophile» and the like. The article reveals the psychological basis of criminal behavior. The role of anxiety in the mechanism of the formation of unconscious violent attitudes is described. The psychological meaning of the murders committed by social necrophiles is explained. The author focuses on the paradoxicality, specificity of the relationship of murderers with transcendental drives to death: fear of it and the simultaneous striving for it on the basis of emotional affinity (a special form of personal meanings) for the realization of both conscious and unconscious goals. Emphasizes the fundamental importance of self-knowledge in the life of each individual, forming the meaning of life, giving a feeling of fullness and joy. Asks the question about the role of the prenatal period of fetal development in the mechanism of "psychological birth" at the time of birth. In the presented analytical material, mainly thanks to the works of Yu. M. Antonyan and the discoveries of the psychoanalytic direction in science, the definition of the investigated category of murderers is specified and proposed. In a discussion style, a review of various theories, hypotheses, scientific views, exploring the origins and significance of the fear of death in the mechanism of the criminal behavior of murderers with transcendental drives, is carried out. The author's conclusions on the issue investigated in the article are given. The article will help law enforcement officials to better understand the psychological mechanisms and causes of criminal behavior, use the knowledge gained in solving crimes, and more effectively build a line of communicative interaction with the described personality type during the production of investigative actions.

2021 ◽  
Vladimir Duyunov

The monograph continues the study of the phenomenon of criminal law as a purposeful special state activity carried out in the order of the state's reaction to criminal behavior and crime. Proceeding from the key value of goal-setting and the goals of activities in the field of combating crime, the author attempted an in-depth study of this problem through the prism of the goals of the state policy of combating crime, the goals of criminal law impact, an analysis of the debatable problem of punishment and the problem of goal-setting in the criminal legislation of the Russian Federation. The monograph is intended for students, graduate students, researchers, teachers of law schools, law enforcement officials and all persons interested in the problems of criminal law.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (12) ◽  
pp. 167-176
L. V. Glazkova

To successfully counter extremist and terrorist crime in the virtual space, it is important to implement measures for improving legislation (clarification of extremism features, the introduction of a list of extremist crimes into the law, etc.), as well as measures to improve the training of law enforcement officials, wider involvement of specialists and experts in the investigation of cases, establishing cooperation with providers in order to timely identify extremist and terrorist crimes, a deeper study of the personality of criminals who specialize in committing extremist crimes using the field of telecommunications and computer information. The use of telecommunications and computer information in the commission of extremist crimes indicates a high intellectual level of the criminal, which helps him not only to commit high-tech crimes, but also to hinder the investigation of his actions using the same knowledge and experience. In this regard, the social danger of both the criminal and the offence committed by him increases, which should be taken into account when solving and investigating crimes. In addition, the professionalism of criminals makes increased demands on law enforcement officers investigating crimes of this type, which means that it is necessary to constantly improve their training in the field of computer information and telecommunication technologies. The paper discusses some issues of classification of extremism using computer and telecommunication networks, gives a definition of extremism, and suggests ways to solve problems in the qualification and organization of the investigation of the crimes in question.

2021 ◽  
pp. 686-701
Joëlle Webb

The present chapter argues that, to harness the benefits of technology in the digital age, while mitigating the inherent security risks, it has become more pressing than ever to break down siloes between expert communities. Top-down governance alone cannot address all the security risks. Greater attention needs to be paid to horizontal governance mechanisms that bring together policymakers, the private sector, communities of users, law enforcement officials, and scientists. A holistic approach calls for an equal focus on anticipating the risks, seeking to prevent their occurrence, and building systemic capacities to recover from them. The chapter starts by discussing two illustrative security dilemmas—the first is about publishing scientific knowledge in the digital age and the second is the challenge posed by additive manufacturing. It then examines the limits of regulatory approaches to the proliferation of technologies of concern. Next, it presents an argument for an adaptation of norms, policy instruments, and governance institutions to enable societies to continue to enjoy the benefits of science and technology, while mitigating their risks. It concludes by giving examples of horizontal governance mechanisms that bring together policymakers, communities of users, law enforcement officials, and scientists, and by suggesting that such models should become more commonplace to inform government policies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 487-504
Ivan Muhammad Fakhrizy

Corruption has been regarded as commonplace, under the pretext of "being in line with procedures". Corruptors no longer have a sense of shame and fear, instead of showing off their demonstrative corruption results. A crime corruption is a violation of social rights and economic rights of society, so that crime corruption can no longer be classified as ordinary crimes but has become a crime extra-ordinary crimes. So in the effort to eradicate it seems still require the struggle is heavy and can no longer be done "as usual", but it takes "extraordinary ways" (extraordinary crimes). Given the actions by law enforcement officials, it is hoped that the crime of corruption is not increasing expanding. If law enforcement is not as good as it is today, crime is growing, corruption more rampant, bribery cases happening everywhere, abuse of narcotics, and so can only be controlled from a penitentiary. Finally, as well as any existing legislation on ultimately depending on law enforcement officers.

2021 ◽  
pp. 122-135
S. О. Bukhonskyi

Counteracting domestic violence is today one of the most important areas of social development. It is seen not only as a social problem, but primarily as a problem of protecting human rights and, above all, the rights of women, requires the development of appropriate legal means of solving it. When violence is committed in the family, the rights and freedoms of a particular person are violated, and through the capabilities of the aggressor and the victim, the latter’s self-defense is complicated, which requires intervention from the state and society. According to the data provided by the World Health Organization, one in six women has experienced domestic violence. According to the same data, this problem is more acute for economically underdeveloped countries, while women in these countries are more likely to recognize such violence against themselves as justified. Thus, the percentage of women who reported that they had been subjected to violence by their family members at least once in their life varies from 15% in Japan to 71% in Ethiopia. According to other sources, the level of domestic violence against women is about 23% in Sweden, 4% in Japan and Serbia, 30–54% in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Peru and Tanzania. In the United States, a woman suffers from physical violence every 18 minutes. According to statistics, 62% of the murders of women were committed by their husbands. In Peru, 70% of all reported crimes are domestic violence. Sexual violence is widespread – in Canada, New Zealand, the United States and the United Kingdom, every sixth woman has been raped. The adoption of special legislation and its introduction into the practice of the activities of authorized state bodies makes it possible to gradually eradicate these negative social traditions. International information exchange between scientists, law enforcement officials, social workers contributes to the spread of international experience in the Ukrainian legal system. In addition, Ukraine, in the course of the formation of national legislation, studies and adapts the provisions of international human rights standards, including on combating domestic violence.

2021 ◽  
Vladislav Antonov

The textbook examines the theoretical aspects of the qualification of crimes, highlights the problems of practical application of the norms and institutions of criminal legislation. The paper analyzes the concepts and categories of criminal law, reveals the organizational and methodological aspects of the legal assessment of criminal encroachments. When preparing the manual, materials of judicial and investigative practice, guiding explanations of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the USSR, the Russian Federation were used. The manual is addressed to law enforcement officials, lawyers, investigators, law students and anyone interested in the qualification of crimes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 73
Indra Wijayanti ◽  
Elsa Rina Maya Toule ◽  
Sherly Adam

Introductioan: Cases of criminal abuse with child offenders, the form of settlement is a restorative justice approach through diversion, which is an initial step in the settlement process before proceeding to the next legal process.Purposes of the Research: This study aims to analyze and discuss the form of settlement of cases of criminal abuse with child offenders according to Law Number 11 of 2012.Methods of the Research: The type of research used in this research is Normative Juridical. Approach the problem using a statutory approach (statute approach), conceptual approach (conceptual approach) and a case approach (Case approach). Sources of legal materials include primary legal materials and secondary legal materials. The technique of collecting legal materials through documentation studies and analysis of legal materials uses qualitative analysis.Results of the Research: The research results show In if the settlement of a criminal case of persecution through diversion is successful in peace between the parties, the report will be withdrawn because there has been a mutual agreement in the settlement that has been carried out. Not all of these settlement processes with diversion can run smoothly and have succeeded in reaching a peace agreement between the parties. If in the event that the diversion process does not result in a peace agreement or the diversion agreement is not implemented, the juvenile criminal justice process will proceed to the Court and the settlement of cases of criminal abuse with child perpetrators is in accordance with Law No. 11 of 2012. However, in the settlement of cases of criminal abuse with child offenders there are still obstacles faced by law enforcement officials and the parties in litigation.

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