Serhii Fedorovich Lehenchuk ◽  
Iryna Mykolayivna Vygivska ◽  
Tatiana Petrivna Barchak

Urgency of the research. In today's economic environment uncertainty and risk overwhelm any business. A large number of risks are inherent in socially responsible business, which necessitates the need for enhanced monitoring and management, the effectiveness of the risk management system and requires finding new directions for its development. Target setting. Satisfaction of stakeholders' information interests necessitates research of the current state of the risk management system of large companies, their standardization, disclosure of risks in the reporting of socially responsible business. Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. The research of problematic issues regarding risk management of the activity of economic entities was carried out by such scientists as A. P. Algin, P. Y. Atamas, I. T. Balabanov, I. A. Blank, V. V. Vitlinskyy, L. V. Hnylytska, B. A. Zasadnyi, A. B. Kaminsky, T. M. Korolyuk, G. V. Savitska, A. E. Shevelev, O. V. Sheveleva, A. D. Sheremet, O. I. Yastremskii. Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. Comprehensive research requires the standardization of risk management as well as the creation of an information resource on risk management of socially responsible business for stakeholders. The research objective. Analysis of the annual reports of socially responsible companies (on the example of enterprises of agro-industrial complex) will enable to identify the risks inherent in their activities, methods of managing them as well as to establish the extent to which the issue of quantifying the negative effects of risks and opportunities can be identified. The statement of basic materials. This article analyzes the state and trends of risk management development of socially responsible business, establishes an insufficient level of presenting information on risk in the reporting of agribusiness companies and low degree of communicating information to stakeholders on quantifying the impact of risks and opportunities. Conclusions. Suggestions to increase the effectiveness of the risk management system of socially responsible companies through international risk management certification are made. The directions of development of the risk management system in terms of quantitative measurement of the consequences of risks and opportunities with the purpose of meeting the information needs of stakeholders have been identified.

Anom Bowolaksono ◽  
Fatma Lestari ◽  
Saraswati Andani Satyawardhani ◽  
Abdul Kadir ◽  
Cynthia Febrina Maharani ◽  

Developing countries face various challenges in implementing bio-risk management systems in the laboratory. In addition, educational settings are considered as workplaces with biohazard risks. Every activity in a laboratory facility carries many potential hazards that can impact human health and the environment and may cause laboratory incidents, including Laboratory Acquired Infections (LAIs). In an effort to minimize the impact and occurrence of these incidents, it is necessary to evaluate the implementation of a bio-risk management system in every activity that involves handling biological agents. This study was conducted in an Indonesian higher-education institution, herein coded as University Y. This is a descriptive, semi-quantitative study aimed at analysing and evaluating the implementation of the bio-risk management systems used in laboratories by analysing the achievements obtained by each laboratory. The study used primary data that were collected using a checklist which referred to ISO 35001: 2019 on Laboratory Bio-risk Management. The checklist consisted of 202 items forming seven main elements. In addition, secondary data obtained from literature and document review were also used. The results show that out of 11 laboratories examined, only 2 laboratories met 50% of the requirements, which were Laboratory A and B, achieving good performance. Regarding the clauses of standards, a gap analysis identified leadership, performance evaluation, and support as elements with the lowest achievement. Therefore, corrective action should be developed by enhancing the commitment from management as well as improving documentation, policy, education and training.

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 93-97 ◽  
Гульнара Валиева ◽  
Gulnara Valieva ◽  
Ленар Хазеев ◽  
Lenar Khazeev

The process of assessing the financial stability of an agricultural enterprise and the possible introduction of elements of a risk management system is illustrated by the example of the agricultural organization JSC “Alabuga Sote” (the Republic of Tatarstan). In order to consider the financial stability of the enterprise, the following indicators were calculated: absolute liquidity ratio, current liquidity ratio, profitability on equity and profitability of sales. Based on these calculations, the company’s financial stability was assessed and possible measures were proposed to improve it. In addition to quantitative methods for assessing financial sustainability (calculations), there are also qualitative methods that are aimed at previously forecasting company risks such as SWOT analysis, PEST analysis, active monitoring of threat, threat matrix generation, Michael Porter model, mathematical modeling, construction of scenarios, the involvement of expert opinion and so on. The development and implementation of a risk management system is one of the most important directions for the development of the enterprise (including the agro-industrial complex). This mechanism is able to provide both financial stability and investment attractiveness of the organization.

Hamed Rashed Sayed Abdullah Alnuaimi ◽  

Modern processes in a society increasingly began to take on the character of emergencies, namely, the situation in a certain territory, which developed as a result of an accident, a dangerous natural phenomenon, a catastrophe, the spread of a disease, a natural or other disasters that may or did entail human casualties, damage to health people or the environment, significant material losses and disruption of the living conditions of people. At the current time, such a situation is the COVID-19 pandemic, which has already claimed the lives of many people and brought significant economic consequences, including a complete shutdown of the activities of business structures. In this regard, the purpose of the study is to develop a conceptual framework for a risk management system for emergency situations, which can ensure the normal operation of a business structure and prevent its death in the event of an emergency event of any nature. The author analyzed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on society and the activities of business structures as one of the latest and most striking examples of emergencies. The analysis revealed that this event could completely destroy the business; therefore, the primary and indispensable criterion for the normal viability of a modern business structure is the ability of top management, based on a strictly scientific basis, to predict, carry out prevention, rationally control and effectively manage risks. Based on the analysis, the author proposed conceptual risk management of emergencies for business structures in the context of global informatization of digitalization. The proposed system is based on the fact that modern processes in society are a symbiosis of two concepts - emergency situations and "black swan", i.e. this is difficult to predict an event that has significant financial and material losses and a violation of the living conditions of an economic entity up to its complete dysfunction. The proposed comprehensive emergency risk management system will allow neutralizing two main and most ambitious consequences: catastrophic losses (financial, labour) and suddenness of the event.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (6) ◽  
pp. 145-149
E. Erlygina

In conditions of high competition, the problem of risk management at the enterprises of the agro-industrial complex becomes particularly relevant. Risks are interrelated and have a direct impact on the company’s operations. For the timely detection of threats and rapid response to them, enterprises need to create a risk management system aimed at reducing the probability of occurrence or impact of risk.

2021 ◽  
pp. 22-25
Oksana KOVALYK ◽  

In modern conditions, when changes in the external environment occur quite often, the probability of risks increases, there is a need to study and develop a risk management system for each enterprise separately, depending on its specifics. The article considers the main definitions of risk, its impact on the company's activities. The main types of risks that arise in any direction of business activity are considered. The impact of these risks on the company's activities is determined. It is determined that each risk can be considered as a negative financial result of activity or the probability of loss of profit, as well as a positive result of activity in the form of additional unplanned profit. The article considers risk management at the enterprise as an integrated system. Each stage of the risk management process is considered as a separate element and as one component of the whole process. There are three approaches to risk management: adaptive, integrated, and preventive. One of the methods of risk management the article considers the preventive method, the mechanism of its implementation. Preventive management is considered from the point of view of a scientific approach as a process of developing and implementing coordinated preventive actions aimed at preventing and minimizing losses from the impact of possible risks on the enterprise. The main task of preventive management is defined, which is to identify and eliminate possible causes of risk. The use of the preventive method and its impact on the interrelation of each activity process are prescribed. It also describes the need to introduce preventive analysis and assess the impact of internal and external factors on business activities. It is determined that the active application of the risk management system using the preventive method, provided that it quickly responds to changes that occur during the company's activities, forms a risk prevention system that allows you to work continuously and covers all areas of activity of all structural divisions of the enterprise, changing the general principles and generally accepted management culture.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Zainal Putra ◽  
Syafruddin Chan ◽  
Moenawar IHA

<p>Regional Water Company (PDAM) Tirta Meulaboh is the only state- ownedof West Aceh district that provides clean water for the residents of West Aceh, especially the residents of the city of Meulaboh and its surroundings. But in its operation the company has not yet to have a risk management system, so it has the impact on the company's survival and not optimal service to its customers. The study aims to identify risk, risk analysis and risk evaluation, in order to do prevention and mitigation of the impact of risk on each section in PDAM Tirta Meulaboh using risk management system standard ISO 31000. The process steps of risk management based on ISO 31000, starting from risk identification to methods Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS), risk analysis using matrix risk quantification and Risk Priority Number (RPN), and the evaluation of risks by using risk map. The results showed that in PDAM Tirta Meulaboh there were 43 risk events that have the potential business problems, which if they were not solved immediately it could affect the performance of the company, even the survival of the company. Of the 43 potential risks that were logged to the red zone, there were 5 potential risks which occupies the first rank is on productions departement: the defective of production water meter, the defective of distribution water meter and retrieval water by tank car without through the water meter. Branch Kaway XVI: customers are reluctant to pay the water bill and in IKK Rantau Panjang: water meter of raw water was damaged. The Efforts to mitigate against the risk of those 43 events which were logged in the red zone has not been planned and done yet by the management of PDAM Tirta Meulaboh.</p><p><br />Keywords: ISO 31000, PDAM Tirta Meulaboh, Risk Management</p>

Taleb Abdullah Mohammed Ali Alhammadi ◽  

In economics, the decision-making process at all levels of government takes place in conditions of constant uncertainty of the final results of activities. The growing tendency of process uncertainty and global consequences, which was clearly seen in the example of the coronavirus pandemic, forces all businesses to pay attention to the risk management system as an effective tool to counter the impact of emergencies that affect all aspects of a business. One of the "weaknesses" of the business structure is its personnel component. Risk management, an important management tool at all levels and a risk-oriented approach, provide many methods and ways to make decisions more consciously and reasonably. The theoretical and methodological analysis allowed the author to develop recommendations for improving personnel security in the risk management system of emergencies of business structures. The peculiarity of the proposed guidance is that it allows taking into account modern phenomena, namely emergencies that occur in the contemporary world and tend to increase in size, scale and damage. Ignoring the quality of human resources management of business structures, the level of professional development of workers, mechanisms for reproduction and implementation of their business qualities, protection of the interests of professionals and safety of society from non- professionals poses a real threat the security of all humanity. Crisis phenomena create additional obstacles for business structures on the way to their sustainable development. The risk management system has always been able to protect the organization from harmful influences, the effectiveness of which depended on how modern this system is, i.e. able to meet everyday challenges. Today, the most acute problem is emergencies: pandemics, fires, earthquakes, etc.; all this forces businesses to move to remote work. Thus, when creating a modern system of business management risk, it is necessary to focus on its personnel component through the prism of the impact of emergencies.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 132-135
Ленар Хазеев ◽  
Lenar Khazeev

The article considers the system of risk management at the enterprise, its interrelation, as well as the need for its development and introduction into the general management system of the organization (including at the agro-industrial enterprises). A practical example of an estimation of financial stability of agrarian and industrial complex enterprises of the Republic of Tatarstan JSC “Alabuga Sote” is given and possible methods of risk management are offered.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (01) ◽  
pp. 21
Zainal Putra ◽  
Syafruddin Chan ◽  
Moenawar IHA

<p>Regional Water Company (PDAM) Tirta Meulaboh is the only state- ownedof West Aceh district that provides clean water for the residents of West Aceh, especially the residents of the city of Meulaboh and its surroundings. But in its operation the company has not yet to have a risk management system, so it has the impact on the company's survival and not optimal service to its customers. The study aims to identify risk, risk analysis and risk evaluation, in order to do prevention and mitigation of the impact of risk on each section in PDAM Tirta Meulaboh using risk management system standard ISO 31000. The process steps of risk management based on ISO 31000, starting from risk identification to methods Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS), risk analysis using matrix risk quantification and Risk Priority Number (RPN), and the evaluation of risks by using risk map. The results showed that in PDAM Tirta Meulaboh there were 43 risk events that have the potential business problems, which if they were not solved immediately it could affect the performance of the company, even the survival of the company. Of the 43 potential risks that were logged to the red zone, there were 5 potential risks which occupies the first rank is on productions departement: the defective of production water meter, the defective of distribution water meter and retrieval water by tank car without through the water meter. Branch Kaway XVI: customers are reluctant to pay the water bill and in IKK Rantau Panjang: water meter of raw water was damaged. The Efforts to mitigate against the risk of those 43 events which were logged in the red zone has not been planned and done yet by the management of PDAM Tirta Meulaboh.</p><p><br />Keywords: ISO 31000, PDAM Tirta Meulaboh, Risk Management</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (7) ◽  
pp. 1661-1679
S.A. Cherkashin ◽  
V.S. Cherkashina

Subject. The availability and adequacy of the risk management system of any company is taken into account by government regulation, rating agencies, auditors, and company owners and shareholders. Therefore, companies make arrangements for risk management in some form or other. However, the assessment of event risk and creation of a transparent and effective event assessment system raise many questions. Objectives. We focus on solving the problem of attaining an objective assessment of event risk for company's units, creating an effective risk management system for companies operating in a rapidly changing environment. Methods. The methodology of the study draws on the use of parallel work of departments on assessing event risk and adopting measures to mitigate it. Results. We offer a solution for creating an effective system for event risk assessment. The system also deals with events that simultaneously affect different departments. Conclusions. Organization of simultaneous work of units on assessment of events, their classification as event risk, and taking measures to minimize the impact on company's activities will reduce the time for the analysis of events and increase the objectivity of event risk assessment.

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