Introduction. The mechanism of legal regulation of consumer protection in general, and consumer rights in the field of medical services in particular, has passed certain historical stages of formation and development. Of particular importance in the system of organizing consumer protection at the international level was the creation in 1960 of the International Organization of Consumers - Consumers International, which is a world federation of consumer groups. The activities of international and national organizations have a common goal of "consumer protection" by consolidating the efforts of consumer groups and relevant organizations and protecting their rights, including interests, before the relevant state and international bodies and organizations. Summary of the main research results. The legal status of the patient is a complex theoretical and legal phenomenon, including the legal personality of the patient, basic rights, duties, responsibilities, guarantees for the realization of his rights and freedoms, and the like. The content of the legal status of the patient consists of his rights, obligations and legal responsibility. Conclusions. The entire system of patients’ rights - consumers of medical services can be conditionally divided into the following groups: 1) general medical rights - this group of rights is enshrined in the basic regulatory legal acts. General health rights include: the right to health care; the right to consent to or refuse medical care; the right to information; the right to confidentiality and protection of personal data; 2) special medical rights; 3) the rights of persons who forcibly acquired the legal status of a patient; 4) the rights of persons who participate in medical and biological experiments and tests.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (Extra-A) ◽  
pp. 502-508
Vitaly V. Goncharov ◽  
Hussein Vakhaevich Idrisov ◽  
Sukhinina Sukhinina

This study analyses the impact of legal regulation that ensures the realization of the right to health care and medical care on the state of the health system. This study examines the concept and content of the right to health care and paid and free medical care, reveals the concepts of categories of quality and accessibility of medical services, and draws attention to their various aspects. The analysis of the current state of the health system is carried out. Some features of the provision of medical services to citizens are characterized, and the problems of violation of the right of citizens to medical care, the availability and quality of medical care are analysed. The study examines the varieties of health care management models existing in the world practice and reveals their advantages and disadvantages. The conclusion is made about the possibility of using individual elements of the studied models in Russian health care management.

Lex Russica ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 127-136
A. Zh. Stepanyan ◽  
T. S. Zaplatina

We are currently experiencing a new revolution, which is related to the Internet, nanotechnology, biotechnology and robotics. Artificial intelligence is based on intelligent algorithms or learning algorithms similar to human intelligence, technologies make it possible for computer systems to acquire independence, self-adaptive reconfiguration. The greater the autonomy of AI, robots, and androids, the less they depend on manufacturers, owners, and users.The fact that the new generation of robots will coexist with humans should be taken into account in legislation, it should adapt and regulate issues of great legal significance, namely: who takes responsibility for the actions or inaction of intelligent robots? What is their legal status? Should they have a special regime of rights and obligations? How to resolve ethical conflicts related to their behavior?The analysis of legislation and doctrine in Latin America has revealed some trends in the use of AI.1. The use of AI in various spheres of public life causes legal problems in terms of guaranteeing human rights, as evidenced by the analysis of the constitutions of Brazil, Mexico and Argentina. For example, article 8 of the American Convention on Human Rights states: "Everyone has the right to have his case heard, with appropriate guarantees and within a reasonable period of time, before a competent, independent and impartial court convened in advance by law in support of any criminal charge brought against him or to determine his rights or obligations of a civil, labour, financial or any other nature."2. The similarity of AI and human intelligence raises the question of legal personality of AI, granting AI rights. The civil and commercial code of Argentina departs from the category of "human person" and establishes the term "legal persons": "all persons to whom the legal system grants the ability to acquire rights are legal persons for the purpose of fulfilling their purpose and obligations".The line between things and people is becoming more blurred, technology and a more sensitive view of other living beings lead to doubt whether man is the sole subject of law.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11/1 (-) ◽  
pp. 31-36
Volodymyr TSIUPRYK

Introduction. Nowadays, the issue of determining the legal status of the company's share in the own authorized capital of LLC and TDV has become quite acute, as evidenced by the adoption on July 28, 2021 by the Commercial Court of Cassation in Case № 904/1112/20, in which the Court established a new approach legal nature of such a phenomenon and expressed his own position on the understanding of the legislation concerning the legal status of the share of LLC and TDV in its own authorized capital. Given that a limited liability company is the most popular type of legal entity that is chosen to conduct business in Ukraine, the analysis of this issue is relevant. Some scientific value for the development of the transfer of the participant's share are the works of individual authors devoted to the study of the legal nature of the share in the authorized capital but the problems arising around the legal status of the company. in their own authorized capital in these works were only mentioned along with others, but did not receive a detailed separate study. The purpose of the paper is to analyze the normative regulation of the legal status of the company's share in the own authorized capital of LLCs and ALCs, identification of shortcomings in their legal regulation and implementation, as well as the search for ways to eliminate them. Results. One of the most relevant decisions concerning the subject of this article is the Judgment of the Commercial Court of Cassation in case № 904/1112/20 of July 28, 2021. The court in this case found that the votes attributable to the share belonging to the company itself are not taken into account when determining the results of voting at the general meeting of participants on any issues. However, Ukrainian legislation does not contain any direct norms that would prohibit the exercise of the right to manage a company in relation to itself on the basis of a share in its own authorized capital. That is why the company cannot be a participant in relation to itself, although they seem logical, but do not have sufficient regulatory support, and therefore do not allow to be firmly convinced of their compliance with the law. In view of this, it can be stated that there is a significant gap in the national legislation on this issue, which, in our opinion, the Court failed to “fill” with this decision in the case. Conclusion. In the Ukrainian legislation at the level of the Law of Ukraine “On Limited and Additional Liability Companies” Article 25 defines the possibility for a company to acquire a share in its own authorized capital. However, the regulation of the legal status of such a share cannot be called sufficient, due to which in practice there are certain problems in the implementation of the provisions of the legislation concerning the share of the company in its own authorized capital. The solution of these legal problems is necessary to ensure the highest quality and clarity of the law, as well as to form case law with common approaches to understanding a single rule.

Boris Krivokapić

The paper deals with international legal status of multinational (transnational) companies. The first part gives an overview of this entities and the specifics of their role in the modern world.In the second part, the author deals with the elements of international legal personality of multinational (transnational) companies. Such as international legal regulation of the position of these entities, their specific rights and obligations under international law, international responsibility, process subjectivity before certain international judicial bodies and the special relationship (partnership) with international organizations. It should be added that not only that international law acknowledges their existence, but also multinational companies themselves at least in part influence the development of that law.In the concluding remarks the author notes that multinational (transnational) companies do not have all the elements of a full international personality, the one that is inherent to states. However, even if not complete their personality is beyond doubt. Although between them, depending on the case, there are major differences, there is no dispute that, from the perspective of international law, at least some multinational companies have the legal capacity (the ability to be the holder of a larger or smaller circle of rights and obligations established by international law), legal capacity (the ability to conclude international agreements, create international custom, etc.), tort capacity (the ability to provide for the legal bears responsibility for violating the norms of international law), process capability (active and passive legitimacy before some international courts), etc. In all likelihood, along with the expected further strengthening of the economic, but also political and every other power and role of the companies themselves, their international personality will also become more and more developed, At one point this will require global (universal) agreement which would precisely define rights, but, in particular, the duties and responsibilities of these entities.

Sergey V. Vedyashkin ◽  
Daria V. Sennikova ◽  
Elman S. Yusubov ◽  

The article deals with the problems of administrative responsibility for violations of the election legislation; the issue is studied in the context of the legal status of electoral commis-sions. The authors assess the administrative-tort and constitutional-legal provisions, mediating issues and the implementation of administrative responsibility for violations of the election legislation. Attention is drawn to the peculiarities of the legal status of electoral commissions and the functions of their activities. The content of certain issues related to the jurisdiction of election commissions in terms of the implementation of their administrative and tort powers is studied in the article; the analysis of their content is carried out, the problems of practical importance, including an assessment of the legal status of election commissions, are pointed out. When writing the article, the authors used the following methods when writing: system analysis, dialectical, logical, comparative-legal, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction. As a result of the study, the following results were obtained: – the inconsistency of election and administrative legislation and the practice of their enforcement are also expressed in bringing to justice by corpus delicti, which does neither involve the payment of a fairly significant fine, nor significantly affects the maintenance of law and order; – municipal election commissions as well as other election commissions that do not func-tion outside the election campaigns may additionally need material technical and methodological support in fixing administrative offenses; – legal responsibility in the electoral process needs to be transformed according to the principles of the work of election commissions, expressed in the capacious category of “effec-tive care” for the implementation of passive and active suffrage; – the measures of administrative responsibility, first of all, penalties addressed to candi-dates and electoral associations, cannot exceed the amount of funds spent on average for the election campaign at the lowest level, a spontaneous increase in the size of this sanction is not permissible and needs to be revised, taking into account the proposed indicators; – when updating the institution of responsibility in the electoral process, the principle of federalism should also be taken into account. In this regard, it seems possible to delegate to the legislative (representative) bodies of the subject the right to fix in the legislation on administrative offences the constituent elements of crimes used in the course of municipal elections.

Valeriy Aveskulov ◽  
Yuliia Deresh ◽  
Albina Romanchuk ◽  

This article is devoted to the study of the right to lockout, the legal status and procedure of which are not regulated in the labor legislation of Ukraine. The article considers the experience of foreign countries and options for legislative consolidation of the right to lockout. It is established that there are two types of lockout - defensive and offensive, the first of which acts as a reaction of the employer to the strike. The offensive does not require such a precondition as a workers' strike and is a means for the employer to impose its working conditions. Based on this, it was determined that most countries allow the employer to resort to such a measure if the lockout is defensive, but the procedure for its implementation contains a number of restrictions. The article analyzes the provisions of the European Social Charter, the Law of Ukraine "On the Procedure for Resolving Collective Labor Disputes (Conflicts)", the Draft Labor Code of Ukraine dated 04.12.2007 № 1108, the Draft Labor Code of Ukraine dated 27.12.2014 № 1658, the Draft Labor Code of Ukraine 08.11.2019 № 2410-1, Draft Labor Code of Ukraine dated 08.11.2019 № 2410, Draft Law on Strikes and Lockouts dated 27.12.2019 № 2682. The article considers the views of domestic scholars on the feasibility of enshrining in Ukrainian law the employer's right to lockout, some of which consider it appropriate to allow the right to lockout as a protective action of the employer in response to workers' strike, but with some restrictions. Other scholars advocate a direct ban, as such an employer's right may violate workers' right to strike. Based on the positions of scientists, foreign experience and analysis of numerous legislative attempts to determine the legal status and procedure of the right to lockout, a variant of its enshrinement in the labor legislation of Ukraine is proposed to balance the rights and interests of employees and employers and avoid economic pressure on employees. The authors consider it appropriate to consolidate the right to lockout if it is defensive, following the example of European experience.

V. Kantsir ◽  
V. Kushpit ◽  
A. Palyukh ◽  
I. Tsylyuryk ◽  
I. Kantsir

Abstract. The article is devoted to analysis of the effectiveness of the main procedural legal and financial (banking) mechanisms designed to ensure the protection of property rights’ immunity. The legally regulated procedures of such protection are analyzed on platforms — both procedural and legal as well as financial and economic. There is no doubt that only in a state where the immunity of property is declared and guaranteed to the person can be provided the development of economic, intellectual, socially oriented activities. The effect of the principle of immunity of property rights is not absolute, but its restrictions are possible only on the grounds and in the manner prescribed by law. The topicality of the inviolability of property rights is due to the role of law as a platform for citizens’ property independence and their participation in the processes of social reproduction. The guarantee of property independence is the right of ownership of property and non-property rights, which is realized by giving a person the right to freely, unimpededly, and fully exercise the rights of the owner of personal property. The compliance of the inviolability of property rights during criminal proceedings is not properly ensured in the current CPC (The Criminal Procedure Code) of Ukraine; in particular, the movement of confiscated property is not regulated, which questions the novelty of inviolability. To improve the procedure for the protection of property rights, this is necessary to regulate at the legislative level the mechanism of protection and restoration of property rights of persons victimized by criminal offenses. The etymology of «inviolability» guarantees by law the protection of the status of the person from any encroachment. Inviolability in the economic and legal context is mainly understood as a person’s legal status, which is an unalterable guarantee against unauthorized restrictions by the state institutions — law enforcement, financial, court, and individuals and legal entities. An attempt is made to accumulate most of the latest achievements (both legislative, theoretically investigative and applied) on the issues of legal regulation of the studied financial and legal relations, based on which scientific views are substantiated, and proposals are developed to improve regulations in this area. The main vectors of economic and legal mechanisms for the protection of the inviolability of property rights, which would correlate with generally accepted European and world standards, have been identified. Keywords: the inviolability of property rights, property rights, principles of proceedings, judicial protection, seizure of property, financial guarantee, financial risks. JEL Classification G28; К14 Formulas: 0; fig.: 0; tabl.: 0; bibl.: 12.

2019 ◽  
Vol 72 (7) ◽  
pp. 1337-1342
Yuliya Nazarko ◽  
Oleksandr Iliashko ◽  
Natalіa Kaminska

Introduction: The right to health is exercised through a complex system of state and social measures of legal, economic, social, scientific, cultural, educational, organizational, technical, sanitary and hygienic nature, aimed at preserving and improving the health of people , lengthening the life expectancy and working capacity, creating good living and working conditions, providing physical and mental development for children and young people, and preventing and managing illnesses and their treatment. The aim: Investigate the international legal and constitutional legal regulation of the right to health care in the countries of the European Union. Materials and methods: The article analyzes the Constitution of the European Union, a number of international legal acts and judgments of the European Court of Human Rights. Review: Each country defines the conditions for realizing the right to health care, according to which people should be healthy, the state itself assumes the obligations of the controller and the protection of this right. These provisions should primarily be enshrined in the Basic Laws - the constitutions. The main direction of state policy in reforming social relations is the achievement of European international legal standards in all spheres of public life. These standards fix the principles, guarantees of norms that determine the scope of human rights, in particular the right to health care. Conclusions: The main problem of ensuring and realizing the right to health in the European Union, as in many countries, is the financing of this industry, because in general, it is impossible to talk about free medical care in the European Union. There are also problems in the field of investment in health care. The urgent issues of primary health care and public health and the elderly dependence period.

2019 ◽  
pp. 113-125
Iryna Boiko ◽  
Olha Soloviova

Corruption remains one of the largest political and socio-economic problems in Ukraine, which hinders the development of state and civil society, deepens social crisis phenomena and in general undermines the image of Ukraine on the world stage. The development and implementation of anticorruption measures, in particular legal responsibility, in practice require the strict observance of the procedures for their application in order to prevent violations of the rights of those concerned. It is a question of ensuring a balance between the inevitability of the punishment of a person who committed an offense related to corruption and its rights and freedoms guaranteed by current legislation. Achievement of the formulated goal is carried out with the help of complex and consistent application of the corresponding scientific tool presented by such methods of scientific knowledge as logic-semantic, systemic, structural-logical, methods of analysis and synthesis, etc. The purpose of the paper is to study the problems of legal regulation of proceedings in prosecution for violations related to corruption and to formulate proposals for their solution. The stated goal is achieved through the complex and consistent application of appropriate scientific tools, presented by such methods of scientific cognition as logical-semantic, systemic, structural-logical, methods of analysis and synthesis, etc. Results. The article analyzes the issue of administrative liability for corruption offenses. The gaps in the legal regulation of liability for offenses related to corruption are revealed, ways of solving the above problems are offered. The attention is focused on the necessity of observing the guarantees of a fair court in bringing the person to administrative liability for offenses related to corruption. Conclusions. Since the norms of Code of Ukraine on administrative offenses do not allow to fully ensure the right to a fair trial, the urgent need is to develop and adopt a law on amendments to the Code of Criminal Procedure or its new edition, which would take into account the practice of the European Court of Human Rights, including in cases of offenses related to with corruption.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (12) ◽  
pp. 212-220
D. V. Kocheva,

Prosecutors outside the criminal law sphere have the power to identify violations of the law, such as the right to demand that the heads and other officials “supervised” by the prosecutor’s office assign specialists to clarify the issues that have arisen. The conclusions of knowledgeable persons, clothed in material form, are in demand among law enforcement officers in various spheres of public life. At the same time, scientists and practicing lawyers have accumulated a number of issues concerning the legal status of a specialist in the Russian legislation, which also affect prosecutorial activities. In the paper, the author attempts to call interested researchers to a scientific discussion about the need for improvement of the legal regulation of the relevant legal relationship. Thus, the author outlines the results of the analysis of the legal regulation of the mechanism of cooperation between specialists and prosecutors in the course of the latter’s supervision over the implementation of laws, the observance of human and civil rights and freedoms, existing theoretical developments, personal experience of work in the prosecutor’s office.

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