scholarly journals La (re)construcción de la identidad en la narrativa juvenil gallega. Entre la épica y la memoria histórica

Isabel Mociño González

En este trabajo se hace un recorrido por el tratamiento que autores gallegos de narrativa juvenil hicieron en sus obras de los elementos de carácter identitario. En un primer momento a través de novelas en las que priman los elementos épicos y mitológicos; más tarde en novelas que se centran en la recuperación de la memoria histórica. Tanto unos como otros se inscriben en paradigmas identitarios y buscan la reflexión de los jóvenes sobre la identidad cultural, tanto individual como colectiva. In this paper we will discuss about how Galician writers deal with elements of character identity in their young adult novels. At first we will study novels containing epic and mythological elements and then we will deal with novels focused on the recovery of historical memory. All writers fit in paradigmatic identity systems and seek youth reflection on cultural identity both individual and collective.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 107-114
Rosa Cecibel Varas Giler ◽  
Sara Esther Aucapiña Sandoval ◽  
Mónica Ruth Ortiz David

Este documento trae al análisis el tema de identidad cultural en estudiantes de quinto, sexto y séptimo año de la Escuela de Educación Básica “Líderes del Futuro”, ubicada en el Cantón Valencia, Provincia de Los Ríos, con respecto a la ciudad del mismo nombre, conocida además como “La Flor de Los Ríos”,  una de las más pujantes ciudades agrícolas con una identidad histórica relevante para el país. Se utilizó un enfoque mixto: cualitativo y cuantitativo para determinar a través de cuestionarios la respuesta de 9 docentes y 30 estudiantes a fin de determinar cuán arraigada está la identidad de los alumnos con respecto a su Cantón, qué conocen de su historia, de sus costumbres y tradiciones. Además, se entrevistó a un funcionario del Departamento de Cultura del I. Municipio de Valencia, con la intensión de confrontar los datos proporcionados por docentes y estudiantes. El análisis de los datos permitió apreciar que si bien los estudiantes y docentes conocen los aspectos principales del Cantón, falta todavía precisar esta información según lo indicado por el funcionario municipal; a fin de afianzar tradiciones y valores que fortalezcan la identidad cultural. Finalmente se concluyó que debe haber mayor difusión a los proyectos que la I. Municipalidad auspicia, a través de un proyecto mediante el cual se rescate, estudie y, promocione los valores culturales más auténticos y originales de la localidad; fomentar el respeto hacia las pasadas generaciones como pilar fundamental de las nuevas generaciones;  preservar la memoria histórica fomentando el sentido de pertenencia auténtico; y resaltar el orgullo de ser quienes somos y hacia a dónde nos dirigimos.  Palabras claves: Identidad cultural, costumbres, pertenencia, historia. ABSTRACT This document made an analysis on what knowledge students of fifth, sixth and seventh year of Basic Education School called “Líderes del Futuro”, located in Valencia Canton, Los Ríos Province, have on cultural identity. Valencia is one of the most vibrant Ecuadorian cities, known as "La Flor de Los Ríos”. This research used a mixed qualitative and quantitative approach to determine through questionnaires the responses of 9 teachers and 30 students on what students know about their Canton, what they know of its history, its customs and its traditions. In addition, an interview with a staff member of the department of culture of the I. Municipality of Valencia was conducted; his answer was confronted with the data provided by teachers and students. The analysis of the data showed that while students and teachers know the main aspects of the Canton, still needed to clarify this statement as indicated by the municipal official to enhance traditions and values that strengthen the cultural identity. Finally, it was concluded that there should be greater dissemination campaign of the projects that I. Municipality hosts to rescue, to study, and to promote the more authentic and original cultural values of the locality; respecting the past generations as a fundamental pillar of the new generations; and to preserve the historical memory by fostering a sense of belonging; and highlight the pride of being who students of “Líderes del Futuro”’ school are and where they are going to.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 30 ◽  
Chunling Yu ◽  
Lily C. Dong

This study explores the segmentation of young adult consumers in the growing market of China by adopting the cultural identity theory about global-local identity beliefs (global citizenship through global brands, nationalism, and consumer ethnocentrism). We use cluster analysis to outline individuals on their integration of three cultural beliefs. Then we examine each cluster for their attitude toward advertisements of global brands with global consumer cultural positioning (GCCP) and local consumer cultural positioning (LCCP). We identified four segments: the glocal citizen (37%), the explorer (26%), the extremely nationalist (19%) and the global-viewed adaptor (18%). All four segments demonstrate different attitudes to GCCP and LCCP advertisements and different purchasing intentions on global brands using GCCP and LCCP strategies.

Dixit ◽  
2015 ◽  
pp. 40
Graciela Rodríguez-Milhomens

Es un apasionado de la documentación audiovisual. Cuando estudiaba comunicación, en la compleja Cali colombiana de los noventa, Alex Gómez comenzó a documentar diferentes realidades, diferentes culturas, diferentes estilos de vida. Los trabajos que realizó con indígenas y comunidades afrocolombianas, varios de los cuales siguen siendo emitidos en la televisión de su país, lo marcaron profundamente. Luego de trabajar en producción televisiva, estudió una maestría en educación en España y desde hace algún tiempo vive en Estados Unidos, país que le ha permitido continuar con su pasión: la comunicación intercultural. Desde su empresa, dirige documentales, con la misma tónica: comunicar la diversidad, comunicar para la diversidad, comunicar para la interculturalidad. Palabras clave: comunicación intercultural, identidad cultural, educación, producción audiovisual, documentales.He is passionate about audiovisual documentaries. Alex Gómez began to record different realities, cultures and lifestyles already when he was a media scholar in the complex city of Cali during the 1990's. He has been deeply influenced by his works on indigenous Afro-Colombian communities, many of which are still being shown on TV in that country. After working for TV in production units he undertook a Master in Education in Spain and he has been living in the United States where he can still develop his passion: intercultural communication. From his company he directs documentaries with the same spirit: communicating diversity, communication for diversity and communication for an intercultural world.Key words: intercultural communication, cultural identity, education, audiovisual production, documentaries. 

Paula Fernanda De Andrade Leite Fernandes ◽  
Alice Fernandes De Andrade ◽  
Leticia Ambrosio ◽  
Clau Fragelli

Contextualização: O artigo analisa a prática profissional terapêutica ocupacional em um Serviço de Acolhimento Institucional Infantojuvenil, em uma cidade no interior de São Paulo. Processo de intervenção: Compreendendo a raça como um marcador social de estereótipos e estigmas na vivência cotidiana dos corpos negros e a racialização das infâncias institucionalizadas, analisamos as experiências infantojuvenis nos processos de institucionalização. Análise crítica da prática: A partir de uma perspectiva decolonial e crítica da Terapia Ocupacional e de uma proposta contra hegemônica de atuação, discutimos a respeito de ações interventivas para valorização e reconhecimento da identidade cultural negra dentro do serviço, como uma possibilidade de prática afrorreferenciada e antirracista na/para Terapia Ocupacional.Palavras-chave: terapia Ocupacional. Prática Profissional. Criança Acolhida. Popoluação Negra AbstractContextualization: This article analyzes the professional practice of occupational therapist in an Institutional Childcare Service in a city of São Paulo state, in Brazil. Intervention / Follow-up process: We analyze children's experiences in institutionalization processes understanding race as a social marker. Critical analysis of the practice: The racialization of institutionalized childhoods causes stereotypes and stigmas in the day life experience of black kids. From a decolonial and critical perspective of Occupational Therapy and a counter-hegemonic proposal of action, we discuss interventional actions for valuing and recognizing black cultural identity within the service as a possibility of afro-referenced and anti-racist practice in/for Occupational Therapy.Keywords: Occupational Therapy. Professional Practice. Foster Child. Black People ResumenContextualización: El artículo analiza la práctica profesional terapéutica ocupacional en un Servicio de Acogida Institucional Infantil en una ciudad del interior de estado de São Paulo, en Brasil. Intervención / Proceso de seguimiento: Entendiendo la raza como un marcador social de estereotipos y estigmas en la vida cotidiana de los cuerpos negros y la racialización de la niñez institucionalizada, analizamos las experiencias de los niños en los procesos de institucionalización. Análisis crítico de la práctica: Desde una perspectiva decolonial y crítica de la Terapia Ocupacional y una propuesta de acción contrahegemónica, discutimos las acciones intervencionistas para la valoración y reconocimiento de la identidad cultural negra dentro del servicio como una posibilidad de práctica afro-referenciada y antirracista en/para la Terapia Ocupacional.Palabras clave: Terapia Ocupacional. Práctica Profesional. Ninõ acogido. Población Negra 

Irmina Jaśkowiak

Identity construction is one of the fundamental human needs. The process takes place in two areas simultaneously: internal, self-reflexive and external, associated with a sense of belonging to a particular group. The Jews, until the beginning of the nineteenth century constituted quite uniform society voluntarily separating themselves from other communities. As a result of emancipation and assimilation processes, various influences affect their identity. As a consequence the Jews faced two difficulties. The first one was the dilemma between own nation and territorial homeland while the other was the progressing deep internal divisions. At present Jewish identity is most of all national and ethnical identity strongly reinforced by historical memory and fight with anti-Semitism. After the period of the twentieth century crisis and in the light of the western world secularization it has become also cultural identity.Identity construction is one of the fundamental human needs. Theprocess takes place in two areas simultaneously: internal, self-reflexiveand external, associated with a sense of belonging to a particulargroup. The Jews, until the beginning of the nineteenth century constitutedquite uniform society voluntarily separating themselves fromother communities. As a result of emancipation and assimilation processes,various influences affect their identity. As a consequence theJews faced two difficulties. The first one was the dilemma betweenown nation and territorial homeland while the other was the progressingdeep internal divisions. At present Jewish identity is most of allnational and ethnical identity strongly reinforced by historical memoryand fight with anti-Semitism. After the period of the twentieth centurycrisis and in the light of the western world secularization it hasbecome also cultural identity.

С.А. Кочетова

Автор представляет опыт культурно-просветительской работы в Горловском институте иностранных языков, направленной на повышение уровня культуры каждого студента, создания культуроразвивающей среды, моды на интеллект и образование в условиях преодоления разрыва между низовой культурой и духовностью русской классической литературы, между ориентацией на переписывание истории и сохранением традиций исторической памяти, между навязыванием в течение десятилетий русскому Донбассу самоощущения маргинальности и отстаиванием права на особый исторический путь жителей Донецкого края. Культурная идентичность студенчества Донбасса отражает процесс единения молодежи в условиях духовных испытаний, создание общности, способной противостоять идее разобщенности и индивидуально-эгоистического, потребительского отношения к окружающим. The article presents the experience of cultural and educational work at the Gorlovka Institute of Foreign Languages that aims at raising students’ level of culture and forming cultural environment, creating a fashion for the intelligence and education. That is to bridge a gap between the grassroots culture and the spirituality of Russian classical literature, between the orientation to rewrite history and the preservation of traditions of historical memory; between imposing for decades on Russian Donbass the feeling of marginality and defending the right to a special historical path of the inhabitants of the Donetsk region. The cultural identity of the Donbass students embodies the reflection of the process of youth unity in the context of spiritual trials, the creation of a community capable of opposing the idea of disunity to individual and selfish consumerism towards others.

Светлана Игоревна Рыжакова

Современный танец – глобальный феномен, однако национальные и этнические аспекты регулярно проявляются и в содержании, и в форме постановок, и в судьбах артистов. Акрам Кхан – один из самых известных и высокооплачиваемых танцоров и хореографов нашего времени: член Ордена Британской Империи за заслуги в области танца с 2005 г., он – создатель множества балетов, представляемых различными труппами, а также автор и исполнитель сольных представлений. Каждое из его выступлений – событие, предлагающее новое видение как формы, так и содержания современного танца. Настоящая статья написана на основе многолетних исследований южноазиатской танцевальной культуры, а также личных бесед Светланы Рыжаковой с Акрамом Кханом в 2017 и 2019 гг. и анализа особенностей его семейной истории, творческого пути и особенности художественной деятельности. Обсуждение проблем этнокультурной идентичности, отношения к языку и к телу, исторической памяти, социальной напряженности, «своего» и «чужого», понятию родины, а также тех путей и способов, с помощью которых современность можно отражать на сцене легли в основу наших разговоров. Contemporary dance is a global phenomenon, but national and ethnic aspects are regularly manifested both in the content and in the form of performances, and in artists’ life-stories. Akram Khan is one of the most famous dancers and choreographers of our time. Member of the Order of the British Empire for Dance Merit since 2005, he is the creator of numerous ballets performed by various troupes and the author and performer of solo programs. Each of his performances is an event that offers a new vision of both the form and the content of contemporary dance. This essay is based on personal conversations of Svetlana Ryzhakova with Akram Khan in 2017 and 2019, as well as observations and analysis of his family history, career and artistic activity. Akram Khan was born and raised in England, but his parents are migrants from Bangladesh, a Muslim, although a very Westernized family. Problems of ethnic and cultural identity, personal attitudes towards language and the body, historical memory, social tension, “friends and foes”, homeland, as well as how modernity can and should be reflected on stage formed the basis of our conversations and reasoning of Akram Khan.

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