Section Six: Confucius' Religious Theory of Fate and "Pragmatic" Theory of Spirits

1978 ◽  
Vol 9 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 85-98
2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-50
I Gusti Ayu Nilawati

ABSTRAK Agama Hindu memiliki tiga kerangka dasar yaitu tattwa, etika dan upacara. Ketiganya tidak berdiri sendiri, tetapi suatu kesatuan yang dilaksanakan oleh umat Hindu. Jika hanya filsafat agama yang diketahui tanpa melaksanakan ajaran-ajaran susila dan upacara, tidaklah sempurna. Dalam melaksanakan yadnya umat Hindu tidak dapat lepas dari tiga kerangka dasar tersebut. Yadnya yang berarti memuja, menghormati,berkorban tulus iklas, mengabdi, berbuat baik berupa apa yang dimiliki demi kesejahteraan dan kesempurnaan hidup bersama dan kemahamuliaan Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa. Dengan melaksanakan yadnya, umat Hindu di Bali percaya dapat mendekatkan diri dengan Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa sebagai kepercayaan skala-niskala dan juga adanya hutang yaitu Rna. Ada tiga jenis hutang yaitu dewa rna yaitu hutang hidup kepada Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa, pitra rna yaitu hutang jasa kepada leluhur dan rsi rna yaitu hutang suci kepada rsi. Dengan adanya rasa berhutang itulah sudah sewajarnya hutang tersebut dibayar, diwujudkan kedalam upacara yadnya. Dengan melaksanakan yadnya dapat menghubungkan diri dengan Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa. Melalui sarana-sarana inilah dapat tertanam rasa terimakasih kehadapan Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa. Upacara Aci Penaung Bayu termasuk dalam upacara Dewa Yadnya khususnya pemujaan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa dalam manifestasi beliau sebagai Dewa Wisnu, Dewa pemelihara alam semesta beserta segala isinya. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan untuk menjawab permasalahan: (1) bagaimana proses pelaksanaan upacara aci penaung bayu?, (2) apakah fungsi upacara aci penaung bayu?, (3) nilai-nilai pendidikan apa saja yang terkandung dalam upacara aci penaung bayu?. Teori yang digunakan untuk memecahkan masalah penelitian ini adalah teori fungsional struktural , teori religi, dan teori nilai.  Penelitian ini berbentuk rancangan kualitatif denga pendekatan fenomologis. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan teknik observasi, tknik wawancara, teknik kepustakaan, dan teknik dokumentasi. Setenah data terkumpul, data dianalisis dengan pengecekan keabsahan data. Berdasarkan analisis tersebut, diperoleh simpulan sebagai hasil penelitian, sebagai berikut: (1) proses pelaksanaan upacara aci penaung bayu dimulai dengan upacara nedunang Ida Bhatara dari tempat penyimpanan (penataran agung), setelah itu puncak upacara aci penaung bayu, dan terakhir upacara nyineb Ida Bhatara (disimpan ke tempat penyimpanan kembali) (2) Fungsi dari pelaksanaan upacara Aci Penaung Bayu ini adalah fungsi religius, fungsi integrasi sosial, fungsi memberi tenaga. (3) Nilai-nilai pendidikan agama Hindu yang terkandung dalam upacara Aci Penaung Bayu adalah nilai pendidikan Tri Hita Karana.  ABSTRACT Hinduism has three basic frameworks, namely tattwa, ethics and ceremonies. All three do not stand alone, but a unity carried out by Hindus. If only the philosophy of religion is known without carrying out moral teachings and ceremonies, it is not perfect. In implementing the yadnya Hindus cannot escape the three basic frameworks. Yadnya which means worshiping, respecting, sacrificing sincerely, serving, doing good in the form of what is owned for the welfare and perfection of living together and the glory of Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa. By implementing yadnya, Hindus in Bali believe that they can get closer to Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa as a belief in scales and also the existence of debt, namely Rna. There are three types of debts, namely the God of Rna, namely the debt of life to Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa, the pitra rna, which is service debt to the ancestors and the rna, namely the sacred debt to rsi. With this feeling of debt, it is only natural that the debt be paid, manifested in the yad ceremony. By implementing yad it can connect itself with Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa. Through these facilities can be embedded a sense of gratitude to Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa. The ceremony of Aci Penaung Bayu is included in the ceremony of Dewa Yadnya, especially the worship of the Almighty God in his manifestation as Lord Vishnu, the god who cares for the universe and all its contents. This research was conducted to answer the following problems: (1) how is the process of carrying out the ceremony of acu pening bayu ?, (2) what is the function of the ceremony of acu pening bayu ?, (3) what educational values ​​are contained in the aci penung bayu ceremony ?. The theories used to solve this research problem are structural functional theory, religious theory, and value theory.  This research is in the form of a qualitative design with a phenomological approach. Data was collected using observation techniques, interview techniques, library techniques, and documentation techniques. After the data is collected, the data is analyzed by checking the validity of the data. Based on the analysis, conclusions were obtained as a result of the study, as follows: (1) the process of carrying out the aci penung bayu ceremony began with the nedunang ceremony of Ida Bhatara from the storage area (penataran agung), after which the ceremony of aci penung bayu, and finally the nyineb ceremony Ida Bhatara (stored to return storage) (2) Function of carrying out the Bayu Aci Penaung ceremony is a religious function, social integration function, energizing function. (3) The values ​​of Hinduism education contained in the ceremony of Aci Penaung Bayu are the educational value of Tri Hita Karana.

Muhammad Yunis

Pasambahan a Minangkabau society how to speak, the speech full of philosophy which delivery indirectly. This turned out to be complicated understood by some people who did not understand the pasambahan. In the present study, the authors sought to express the values of the philosophy contained in pasambahan as how to speak the traditional Minang community. As time goes, these traditions are disappearing from everyday society, for it needs a way to preserve it back. Pariaman is one area that has always practiced this tradition. In this study, the authors attempted to peel pasambahan text in a manner which according to the author deconstruction approach is one approach that is very controversial in the social sciences today. The process of data analysis by using some theories of social science (eclectic). Among the pragmatic theory and semiotics. The method used in the form of qualitative observation, the authors go directly spaciousness and interact with competent informants. From the discussion, the authors found ten diplomatic elementscontained in tradition and pasamabahan text. These elements in them, '' opener, apology, positioning/element of certainty, stringsattached, request (permission), receipt, delivery destination, contracts/agreements/agreements, offers, and resolver ''.

Michael E. Bratman

In a series of essays—in particular, his 1994 essay “Assure and Threaten”—David Gauthier develops a two-tier pragmatic theory of practical rationality and argues, within that theory, for a distinctive account of the rationality of following through with prior assurances or threats. His discussion suggests that certain kinds of temporally extended agency play a special role in one’s temporally extended life going well. I argue that a related idea about diachronic self-governance helps explain a sense in which an accepted deliberative standard can be self-reinforcing. And this gives us resources to adjust Gauthier’s theory in response to a threat of what Kieran Setiya has called a “fragmentation of practical reason.”

Rebecca Skreslet Hernandez

In addition to his views on ijtihād and tajdīd, al-Suyūṭī’s lasting influence in Islamic legal thought lies in the area of legal precepts (pithy maxims or questions that sum up areas of the law). Al-Suyūṭī’s al-Ashbāh wa-l-naẓāʾir stands as a core work in this genre of legal literature and is still a popular textbook for students at Egypt’s premier institution of religious learning, al-Azhar. Using the pragmatic theory of Grice and others, I argue that legal precepts fulfill a number of key discursive functions for the jurist. It is with al-Suyūṭī’s Ashbāh that he is most successful in asserting his authority as an aggregator, abstractor, and framer of the law. The power of framing lies in the ability to distill key universal principles from the vast corpus of Islamic substantive law and to assert that these principles represent the essence and spirit of the Sharīʿa.

Paul Portner

The category of mood is widely used in the description of languages and the formal analysis of their grammatical properties. It typically refers to features of a sentence’s form (or a class of sentences which share such features), either individual morphemes or grammatical patterns, which reflect how the sentence contributes to the modal meaning of a larger phrase or which indicates the type of fundamental pragmatic function it has in conversation. The first subtype, verbal mood, includes the categories of indicative and subjunctive subordinate clauses; the second sentence mood, encompasses declaratives, interrogatives, and imperatives. This work presents the essential background for understanding semantic theories of mood and discusses the most significant theories of both types. It evaluates those theories, compares them, draws connections between seemingly disparate approaches, and with the goal of drawing out their most important insights, it formalizes some of the literature’s most important ideas in new ways. Ultimately, this work shows that there are important connections between verbal mood and sentence mood which point the way towards a more general understanding of how mood works and its relation to other topics in linguistics, and it outlines the type of semantic and pragmatic theory which will make it possible to explain these relations.

1991 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 121-132
Peter Byrne

2015 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Attila L. Nemesi

AbstractOn the basis of examples drawn from seven classic Hungarian film comedies, I argue in this article that the place of humor within the Gricean–Leechian model needs to be revisited and extended towards social psychological pragmatics to account for a wider range of humorous material. Scrutinizing the relevant controversial details of Grice’s conceptual framework, my concern is to find a practical way of fitting the various forms of humor into an adequate (and not an idealistic) pragmatic theory. I propose to differentiate between two levels and five types of breaking the maxims, introducing the Self-interest Principle (SiP) supposed to be in constant tension with, and as rational as, Grice’s Cooperative Principle. Politeness and self-presentational phenomena are subsumed under the operation of the SiP which embraces and coordinates the speaker’s own personal and interpersonal purposes.

2021 ◽  
Mark Amsler

The Medieval Life of Language: Grammar and Pragmatics from Bacon to Kempe explores the complex history of medieval pragmatic theory and ideas and metapragmatic awareness across social discourses. Pragmatic thinking about language and communication are revealed in grammar, semiotics, philosophy, and literature. Part historical reconstruction, part social history, part language theory, Amsler supplements the usual materials for the history of medieval linguistics and discusses the pragmatic implications of grammatical treatises on the interjection, Bacon's sign theory, logic texts, Chaucer's poetry, inquisitors' accounts of heretic speech, and life writing by William Thorpe and Margery Kempe. Medieval and contemporary pragmatic theory are contrasted in terms of their philosophical and linguistic orientations. Aspects of medieval pragmatic theory and practice, especially polysemy, equivocation, affective speech, and recontextualization, show how pragmatic discourse informed social controversies and attitudes toward sincere, vague, and heretical speech. Relying on Bakhtinian dialogism, critical discourse analysis, and conversation analysis, Amsler situates a key period in the history of linguistics within broader social and discursive fields of practice.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-20
Hesti Nurlaeli

A speech can also lead to a description of the principles of conversation. This also happened in Las Day Production's video “Cara Kodein Cowok Biar Cepet Merid”. This research aims to find out and describe the female characters’ utterances or the implicit forms of the in the video "Cara Kodein Cowok Biar Cepet Merid" by Last Day Production. The approach in this research uses pragmatic and qualitative descriptive. The data collection technique in this study was using the note-taking technique. The data analysis techniques used in this study were data triangulation, theory triangulation, and source triangulation. Triangulation of data was generated by recording the speech of a female character in the video "Cara Kodein Cowok Biar Cepet Merid" by Last Day Production. The theory triangulation refers to pragmatic theory, while the source triangulation is the video "Cara Kodein Cowok Biar Cepet Merid" by Last Day Production, which is downloaded on YouTube. The research results in the video "Cara Kodein Cowok Biar Cepet Merid” have 8 stories of female characters that contain implicatures.

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