scholarly journals Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Fisika Berbasis Masalah Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis

Siti Idiatul Hasanah ◽  
Susilawati Susilawati ◽  
Joni Rokhmat

This study aims to develop problem-based learning tools to improve critical thinking skills that are valid, efficient, and effective for use in learning on harmonious vibration material. This research is a type of research and development (R&D) with a 4D model. At the define stage, is the initial stage for defining the problem. The design stage, designing learning device products in the form of syllabus, lesson plans, student worksheet, critical thinking skills test instruments, and learning videos. The develop stage is the development of the device from the results of the validity of the learning tools obtained from the validation results of 6 validators consisting of 3 expert validators and 3 on validators. The practicality or efficiency of the learning device is obtained from the responses of students and the learning implementation sheet. Increased critical thinking ability of students to analyze by determining the standard acquisition of the results before and after learning. The results of the validation show that the learning device components are in the very valid category for the syllabus and valid enough for lesson plans, student worksheet, critical instrument test skills, and video learning which means that they are good enough to be used in learning Reliability of the syllabus, lesson plans, student worksheet, critical thinking ability test instruments, and learning videos above 75% show all components that are in the reliable category. The results of student responses, as well as the implementation of learning are in the very practical category. Student learning outcomes have increased with a acquisition value of 0.66 which is in the medium category. Based on these results, it can change valid, efficient and effective problem-based learning tools used to improve students' thinking skills. The last stage is to disseminate the dissemination stage of the device where at this stage it is done by making journals to send

Siti Idiatul Hasanah ◽  
Susilawati Susilawati ◽  
Joni Rokhmat

Abstract:  This study aims to develop problem-based learning tools to improve critical thinking skills that are valid, efficient, and effective for use in learning on harmonious vibration material. This research is a type of research and development (R&D) with a 4D model. At the define stage, is the initial stage for defining the problem. The design stage, designing learning device products in the form of syllabus, lesson plans, student worksheet, critical thinking skills test instruments, and learning videos. The develop stage is the development of the device from the results of the validity of the learning tools obtained from the validation results of 6 validators consisting of 3 expert validators and 3 on validators. The practicality or efficiency of the learning device is obtained from the responses of students and the learning implementation sheet. Increased critical thinking ability of students to analyze by determining the standard acquisition of the results before and after learning. The results of the validation show that the learning device components are in the very valid category for the syllabus and valid enough for lesson plans, student worksheet, critical instrument test skills, and video learning which means that they are good enough to be used in learning Reliability of the syllabus, lesson plans, student worksheet, critical thinking ability test instruments, and learning videos above 75% show all components that are in the reliable category. The results of student responses, as well as the implementation of learning are in the very practical category. Student learning outcomes have increased with a acquisition value of 0.66 which is in the medium category. Based on these results, it can be learned that problem-based learning tools are valid, efficient and effective for use in learning and problem-based learning models that affect students’ critical thinking skills. The last stage is to disseminate the dissemination stage of the device where at this stage it is done by making journals to send. Keywords: Development of problem-based learning tools, critical thinking skills, harmonious vibration

Saut Lamhot Sitanggang ◽  
Edi Syahputra ◽  
Anita Yus

This study aims to determine the effect of the Problem-Based Learning model on students' mathematical critical thinking skills and Adversity Quotient. In addition, this study was also to see the interaction between learning and gender on students' mathematical critical thinking skills and Adversity Quotient. This research is a quasi-experimental research. The population in this study were all students at SMP N 4 LubukPakam for the 2020/2021 academic year, totaling 384 students. The research sample was 60 students, namely 30 students in class VII-1 and 30 students in class VII-2. The sample was selected by cluster random sampling. The instruments used were the mathematical critical thinking ability test and the Adversity Quotient attitude scale. The data obtained were analyzed using ANAVA in the Spss 20 program. The results showed that: 1) there was an effect of the Problem-Based Learning model on students' mathematical critical thinking skills with a significance value of 0.001 <0.05. 2) there is an effect of the Problem-Based Learning model on students' Adversity Quotient with a significance value of 0.00 <0.05. 3) there is no interaction between learning and gender on students' mathematical critical thinking skills with a significance value of 0.750> 0.05. 4) there is an interaction between learning and gender on students' Adversity Quotient with a significance value of 0.013 <0.05.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 114
Oktariani Oktariani ◽  
Asyti Febliza ◽  
Nurul Fauziah

This research was conducted to identify and describe prospective teachers’ critical thinking skills profile as readiness to face the industrial revolution 4.0. This research was a descriptive research. Research subjects were  chemistry education students who are prospective chemistry teachers. The instruments used in this study were the Critical Thinking Ability Test and Critical Thinking Ability Questionnaire. The instrument used is valid and reliable. The results of the study showed that the critical thinking skills of prospective chemistry teacher students are still in sufficient criteria with average score 46,7. It was also found that students' critical thinking skills in 5th  semester  were better than those in semester 3rd and 1st with average score 57,46 and 41. This result was also supported by differences in student performance for each indicator of critical thinking skills. Chemistry students show better performance on indicators of building basic skills compared to other critical thinking skills indicators. Meanwhile, the indicators on building strategies and tactics of chemistry education students still showed  poor performance than other indicators. This needs to be improved immediately in order to prepare prospective chemistry teachers who are ready to compete in facing the industrial revolition 4.0. Improvements can be made by designing learning methods, teaching materials and evaluation tools that can improve students' critical thinking skills.Keywords: critical thinking skill, education 4.0., prospective chemistry teachers, revolutioanl industry 4.0ABSTRAK.Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mendeskripsikan profil keterampilan berpikir kritis calon guru kimia sebagai kesiapan dalam menghadapi revolusi industri 4.0. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif. Subjek penelitian merupakan mahasiswa pendidikan kimia yang merupakan calon guru kimia. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tes keterampilan berpikir kritis dan kuisioner keterampilan berpikir kritis. Instrumen yang digunakan sudah valid dan reliabel.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keterampilan berpikir kritis calon guru kimia masih berada pada kriteria cukup yaitu dengan skor rata-rata 46,7. Selain itu juga ditemukan bahwa keterampilan berpikir kritis mahasiswa semester 5 lebih baik dibandingkan semester 3 dan semester 1 dengan skor rata-rata masing-masingnya yaitu 57, 46 dan 41.  Hasil ini juga didukung dengan adanya perbedaan performa mahasiswa untuk masing-masing indikator keterampilan berpikir kritis. Calon guru kimia menunjukkan  performa yang lebih baik pada indikator membangun keterampilan dasar dibandingkan dengan indikator keterampilan berpikir kritis lainnya. Sementara itu, pada indikator membangun strategi dan taktik calon guru kimia masih menunjukkan performa yang kurang baik dibandingkan dengan indikator yang lainnya. Hal ini perlu segera diperbaiki guna mempersiapkan calon guru kimia yang siap bersaing menghadapi era revolusi industri 4.0. Perbaikan dapat dilakukan dengan cara merancang metode pembelajaran, bahan ajar dan alat evaluasi yang dapat mengasah keterampilan berpikir kritis peserta didik. Kata kunci: calon guru kimia, keterampilan berpikir kritis, pendidikan 4.0, revolusi industri 4.0

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 124-132
Mesia Dewi Hasanah ◽  
Heffi Alberida ◽  
Yosi Laila Rahmi

Implementation of Curriculum 2013 requires students to learn actively, independently, and critical thinking. Critical thinking is an activity through thinking about ideas related to concepts or problems. The efforts to improve critical thinking skills of learners can be done by using the appropriate learning model. One of the learning models that can be used to improve the ability of critical thinking is a problem-based learning model. This type of research is quasi experiment with randomized control-group pretest posttest design. The sample of this research choosed by used purposive sampling method. Class VIII6 as experimental class and class VIII4 as control class. Data of this research result are quantitative data of critical thinking ability. Data were analyzed by using t test. The results showed that the mean difference of posttest value with pretest value of critical thinking ability of experimental class learners is higher than control class. Hypothesis testing with t-test obtained tcalculate=2,94>ttable= 1,67, then H1 accepted. Based on these results the authors conclude that the implementation of problem-based learning model has a positive effect on the ability to think critically learners on the material additives and addictive substances.

Deviana Yulianti

<p><em>The demands of the 2013 curriculum ideally are that learning is able to develop 4C skills, one of which is critical thinking and problem-solving skills (Critical-Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills), namely being able to think critically, laterally, and systematically, especially in the context of problem solving. In fact, students' critical thinking skills have not been maximally developed, especially in elementary schools. The learning process in elementary schools currently requires problem-based learning that requires students to actively carry out investigations in solving problems and the teacher acting as a facilitator or learning guide will be able to shape the ability of students to think critically. The purpose of this research is to describe the concept of Problem Based Learning (PBL), the concept of critical thinking ability, and the relationship between Problem Based Learning (PBL) and critical thinking ability. The results of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model improve critical thinking ability.</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 200
Teuku Fakhrizal ◽  
Uswatun Hasanah

The aims of this study to determine the improvement of students' critical thinking skills through the application of learning model the Problem Based Learning in Biology subjects in class X SMA Negeri 1 Kluet Tengah. The subjects in this study were students of class X SMA Negeri 1 Kluet Tengah, with total of 31 students, with focus of this research critical thinking skills ability in Biology subjects. The research design used was classroom action research, which was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consists of four stages, namely: planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. In the pre-cycle, the students 'critical thinking ability was 37.81% in the less critical category, since implementation of the first cycle the students' critical thinking ability became 51.80% with the fairly critical category. In cycle II, the average achievement of students' critical thinking skills has increased to 76.90% in the critical category. Thus the results of this study indicate that the application of learning model the Problem Based Learning can improve students' critical thinking skills in Biology subjects in Class X SMA Negeri 1 Kluet Tengah.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-61
Desi Enersy ◽  
Bhakti Karyadi ◽  
Endang Widi Winarni

This study aims to inventory the type of necton, knowing the structure of the necton community and measuring the critical thinking skills of students of class VII.1 SMPN 1 Ujan Mas Kepahiang. The results showed that the necton obtained from the Taman Pintar pond amounted to 7 species and Pipi Putih Pond totaling 4 species. The necton species in the Taman Pintar pond  with the highest KP, KS, and FK values are tin head fish with KP, KR, and FK values respectively  0.102 idv / m2, 75.71% and 83%. While on the Pipi Putih Pond is local catfish species with the value of KP, KR, FK of 0.01 idv / m2, 39.29% and 25%. Then dominance index (H ') in the Taman Pintar pond is 0.61 and C' Pipi Putih pond  = 0.76. While the index of diversity of necton species in both ponds also belonged to very low category with H’ value of Taman Pintar Pond = 0.28 and H' of Pipi Putih pond  = 0.17. The result of Percentage Of Agreement test showed that  environment-based learning tools developed are included in the category highly feasible to be tested. Students’ critical thinking ability on the perpormance aspect shows 33 ,3 % percentage including critically critical criteria and 66,7 % including critical criteria. While Students’ critical thinking ability on the cognitive aspect shows four criteria, that are very critical as 26 %, crittical criteria 40 %, criteria critical enough 27 % and  criteria less 7 %

U H Thohari ◽  
Madlazim Madlazim ◽  
Y S Rahayu

This research is aimed to develop learning device of Guided Discovery model with PhET simulation to trill students critical thinking skill. This research uses 4D development model and tested on 15 students of class XII IPA with test design using one group pretest-posttest design. Learning tools developed include: (a) syllabus (b) RPP, (c) student books, (d) LKS, and (e) tests students' critical thinking skills. Research data obtained through validation method, observation, test, and questionnaire. The results are analyzed descriptively quantitative and qualitative. The students' critical thinking ability is analyzed by n-gain. The result of the research shows that (a) learning device developed categorized is very valid, (b) learning activity is done very well, (c) critical thinking ability of students have moderate improvement, and (d) students respond very positively to learning which has been implemented. Based on the results of the analysis and discussion, it was concluded that the learning device of Guided Discovery with PhET simulation model developed is feasible to be used for trained critical thinking skills of high school students.

Mirunnisa Mirunnisa ◽  
Zulfa Razi

The ability to think critically in mathematics, especially high-level mathematical critical thinking, is needed by students so that students are able to face changing circumstances or challenges that exist in life that is always developing. Graded response models (GRM) are used in order to display the estimated item parameters and students' abilities. This research is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. Subjects in this study using SMA Simpang Tiga in terms of their mathematical critical thinking skills. Subjects were taken using a mathematical critical thinking ability test, then processed through Microsoft Excel to obtain a Graded Response Models (GRM) graph.Based on data analysis Students can be categorized as highly skilled, in general students can determine the concept of the problem correctly, are able to formulate problems in solving problems, are able to provide reasons and arguments clearly, but students are less able to evaluate problems in solving problems. Students who are categorized as having moderate ability, students can determine the concept of the problem correctly, are able to formulate problems, but students are less clear in providing reasons and arguments clearly, and are less able to evaluate the problems contained in solving problems. Students who are categorized as low, students are able to determine the concept correctly, but students are less able to formulate problems, and students are unable to provide clear reasons.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 156
Wiyana Pertiwi ◽  
Yenita Roza ◽  
Putri Yuanita

The ability of students to think critically in mathematics is is still low. The lack of learning tools that are considered to facilitate students' mathematical critical thinking skills is one of the cause it. The purpose of this study was to develop a mathematics learning tool with a quality problem-based learning (PBM) model to facilitate students' mathematical critical thinking skills. The learning tools developed consisted of a syllabus, lesson plans (RPP) and student worksheets (LKPD) on the matrix material for class X SMK. This research was a development research using the Borg and Gall model. The development consists of six stages, namely: 1) research and data collection; 2) planning; 3) development of the initial product draft; 4) initial field trials; 5) revised trial results; and 6) dissemination and implementation. The subject of this research trial was the students of SMK Nurul Falah Pekanbaru. The instrument used was validation instrument for the syllabus, lesson plans, and student worksheet. Based on the results of the validation data analysis, it shows that the learning tools developed were very valid. The results of the validation of the syllabus were 85.11; the average RPP score was 86.02; and the average LKPD score was 86.40. The average student response questionnaire to the initial field trial was 85.93 with the very practical category. The learning device developed was valid and practical for use by class X SMK students.

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