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2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Tisrin Maulina Dewi ◽  
Muhiri Muhiri ◽  
Julita Sugiarto Simatupang

This study aims to know how the procedure for developing interactive powerpoint learning media and testing the feasibility of interactive powerpoint learning media products for third grade students of SDN 007 Tebing Karimun. This research was a research and development (R & D) that refers to the Borg and gall. Data on quality of product development were collected by questionnaire. Data analyzed with descriptive quantitative and qualitative techniques. The results of this study showed that: (1) the validation of material expert based on eligibility was in the criteria of very feasible (83%); (2) design expert validation was in the criteria very feasible (100%); (3) the response of the third grade teacher to the interactive powerpoint learning media developed was in the very good criteria (83%); (4) the results of the response of student trials to the feasibility of the media carried out were initial field trials with very good criteria (92%), small group field trials with very good criteria (84%) and limited group field trials with very good criteria (86%). This shows that the interactive powerpoint learning media theme 1 subtheme 3 animal growth for third grade students of SDN 007 Tebing Karimun is feasible to be used as learning media in the schools. Keywords: Media Development, Interactive Powerpoint, Animal Growth

2021 ◽  
Diogo Salim ◽  
Michael Thiel ◽  
Beate Nesttun Øyen ◽  
Kong Bakti Tan ◽  
Jean-Michel Denichou ◽  

Abstract The successful drilling of horizontal wells targeting reservoir zones of interest can be challenged by uncertainties in geological interpretation, identification of structure, and properties of reservoirs and fluid distribution. Optimizing the well placement of high-angle wells in order to intercept the sweet spots is crucial for the total hydrocarbon recovery in any development field. Thus, the geosteering domain was implemented to provide in real time a reservoir mapping characterization together with directional control to achieve the key performance objectives. In the past, many innovative technologies have been introduced in geosteering discipline, among them lately the deep EM directional resistivity tool that provides 1D formation resistivity mapping while drilling. However, despite the fact of delivering a multilayer mapping of the reservoir structure up to tens of meters away from wellbore, the real-time interpretation can be limited by this type of inversion. Since it is a 1D approach, these inversions map resistive boundaries on the vertical axis and assume infinite extend in all other directions. Consequently, in a complex geological setting, 1D approximation may fall short of properly describing the reservoir structure. This communication describes how the introduction of the 2D azimuthal resistivity inversions while drilling was conducted and details the various innovations required in the domains of downhole logging while drilling (LWD) measurements transmission in addition to adaptation of inversion methodology for real-time deployment, mainly through the use of high-performance cloud computing. The final enablement was the execution of automated workflows to process and deliver these advanced inversions into an integrated 3D geomodelling software within the turnaround time of drilling operations. This novel technology provides, while drilling, a better understanding of the 3D geological environment and fluid distribution with a deep depth of investigation, as well as the required information to make support for geosteering decisions for optimal well positioning. Initial field deployments were successfully conducted in horizontal wells, and three examples are presented here. Those real cases, executed with wire-drilled-pipe or mud-pulse telemetries, demonstrated the benefits of integrating 2D azimuthal inversions into the current geosteering workflow to provide a complete 3D structural understanding of the reservoir while drilling. This communication documents in detail how such an approach led to operational efficiency improvements in the form of 3D reservoir mapping in real-time, supporting a strategic change in the original well to turn toward the sweet spot, which was located sideways from the planned trajectory.

2021 ◽  
pp. 36-43
V. I Bukhalov ◽  
M. N Perelmuter ◽  
A. L Popov

Numerical simulation of defect healing process in the field of previously created compressive stresses is performed. Isotropic cylinders with small axisymmetrically located defects are used as samples. The pressure created the initial field of compressive stresses inside the cylinder. The defects were modeled as a small blind closed annular cavity or as a through annular cut located around the cylinder axis. In the first case, a numerical three-dimensional solution is considered. For the second defect, the plane stress state model was used. The problems were solved in both elastic and elastoplastic formulations with an ideally elastoplastic behavior of the material. The external pressure was varied from values significantly lower than the yield strength to the yield strength and (for the first problem) for values slightly exceeding it. Based on the results of the numerical solution, the radial displacements of the cavity sides parallel to the cylinder axis are obtained depending on the external pressure. We found the values of pressure at which the cylindrical surfaces of the void defect were in contact. For the blind cavity, at any external pressure, there were unhealed areas. Healing was assessed by the volume of the material filling the initial cavity at the initial residual stresses. The value of the newly formed contact pressure at a certain value of the compressive stresses was determined by the ratio of the height of the healed area to the cavity height. The evaluation of the healing effect for a through cut in the cylinder was performed by varying the size of the gap formed by the cut between the inner cylinder and the outer ring depending on the applied external pressure. When the gap is completely healed, the values of the maximal contact pressure in the notch zone are determined.

2021 ◽  
Luuk C. M. van Dijk ◽  
Olivia C. Kacheyo ◽  
Michiel E. de Vries ◽  
Willemien J. M. Lommen ◽  
Paul C. Struik

AbstractThe technology of hybrid breeding in diploid potatoes creates opportunities to design novel and improved cultivation systems based on hybrid true potato seeds. A promising cultivation pathway to produce seed or ware tubers is by transplanting greenhouse-raised seedlings into the field. This study explored the effects of transplanting date and seedling age on tuber yield, using greenhouse-raised seedlings. Field trials with experimental hybrid genotypes were conducted in three consecutive years. In 2017 and 2018, 4- and 6-week-old seedlings were transplanted at four dates: March, April, May and June. In 2019, transplanting dates included April, May and June and seedling age was 5 weeks. In 2018, the March planting experienced severe frost during the initial field period resulting in crop failure. In 2017 and 2019, plants could withstand shorter and less severe frost events. Seedling age did not significantly affect tuber parameters. Transplanting in June resulted in lower marketable yield (> 28 mm) compared with earlier transplanting dates when crops were harvested in September. At full crop senescence, no differences in marketable yield were observed. The optimal transplanting window, taking into account weather-related risks, is approximately between early April and end May. For some genotypes, crop cycle length was observed to be a more important yield-determining factor than transplanting date.

2021 ◽  
Javier Eusebio Gomez ◽  
Marcelo Robles ◽  
Cristian Di Giuseppe ◽  
Federico Galliano ◽  
Jeronimo Centineo ◽  

Abstract This paper presents the process and results of the application of Data Physics to optimize production of a mature field in the Gulf of San Jorge Basin in Argentina. Data Physics is a novel technology that blends the reservoir physics (black oil) used in traditional numerical simulation with machine learning and advanced optimization techniques. Data Physics was described in detail in a prior paper (Sarma, et al SPE-185507-MS) as a physics-based modeling approach augmented by machine learning. In essence, historical production and injection data are assimilated using an Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) to infer the petrophysical parameters and create a predictive model of the field. This model is then used with Evolutionary Algorithms (EA) to find the pareto front for multiple optimization objectives like production, injection and NPV. Ultimately, the main objective of Data Physics is to enable Closed Loop Optimization. The technology was applied on a small section of a very large field in the Gulf of San Jorge comprised of 134 wells including 83 active producers and 27 active water injectors; up to 12 mandrels per well are used to provide with selective injection, while production is carried out in a comingled manner. Production zonal allocation is calculated using an in-house process based on swabbing tests and recovery factors and is used as input to the Data Physics application, while injection allocation is based on tracer logs performed in each injection well twice a year. This paper describes the modeling and optimization phases as well as the implementation in the field and the results obtained after performing two close loop optimization cycles. The initial model was developed between October and December 2018 and initial field implementation took place between January to March 2019. A second optimization cycle was then executed in January 2020 and results observed for several months.

Dementia ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 147130122110553
Charlotte R Stoner ◽  
Monisha Lakshminarayanan ◽  
Daniel C Mograbi ◽  
Sridhar Vaitheswaran ◽  
Elodie Bertrand ◽  

Background Knowledge of and attitudes towards dementia vary across countries, and for caregivers in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), access to information can be challenging. There is an urgent need for brief, easily accessible and culturally appropriate educational courses for caregivers of persons with dementia, providing much needed information whilst addressing important psychological concepts such as stigma. Methods An international and multidisciplinary team developed Dementia Awareness for Caregivers (DAC) courses in four stages: (1) scoping review and module agreement, (2) development of an International template (DAC-International) containing a standardised process for adding information, (3) development of local DACs using a standardised format and (4) acceptability of courses in Brazil, India and Tanzania. Findings The DAC-International was developed, comprising three modules: ‘What is dementia?’; ‘Positive engagement’ and ‘Caring for someone with dementia’. Three local versions were developed from this (DAC-Brazil, DAC-India and DAC-Tanzania), where additions of country-specific information included prevalent stereotypes and the addition of culturally relevant case studies. An initial field test was conducted in each country ( n = 85), which indicated acceptability to participants. Conclusions The methods used here resulted in culturally valid and acceptable educational courses for carers of people with dementia. Future work will consist of large-scale, formal evaluations and the development of additional local courses.

Businesses ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 196-204
Karel Lehmert ◽  
Eva Ambrozova ◽  
Vratislav Pokorny ◽  
Jiri Kolenak

Abusing psychoactive substances has been a popular sport in the business world since the mid-19th century. First, they were appreciated for their stimulating or tonic effects, but later with psychedelics on the scene, their importance in subculture matured. In the last decade, it has become very popular to use LSD and cocaine in subtle doses, which provides users with a high that is enough to feel their psychoactive potential, but not as high that significant behavioral changes can be seen. Unlike regular use, microdosing is usually sufficient to affect a few without undue finish and withdrawal symptoms. It allows for abuse in the regular mode of the working week with a rest phase on the weekend. The diametric difference between the abuse of standard dosing and micro-dosing is also in the decreasing tolerance of the organism. Over time, an organism permanently exposed to microdosing of stimulants is sufficient to achieve a gradually decreasing dose effect that psychedelics develop resistance to. Case studies of such prolonged use were described and analyzed to show the role of microdosing in the creative world and for business managers. Initial field research, funded by the Newton University internal grant, focused on contamination mapping in office spaces for employees in target positions. Further research continues on the investigation of microdosing in conditions of corporate reality.

Wahyu Kyestiati Sumarno ◽  
Dwi Wahyuningtyas ◽  
Triubaida Maya Ardianti ◽  
Adinda Aulia Rahmawati ◽  
Putri Dian Shafira ◽  

<p class="AbstractText">Proficiency in English academic writing is still a problem for many students. However, there are no such digital learning media that facilitates academic writing practices. Considering these problems, this research tried to develop an M-Write application, a learning media that combine metacognitive and process-genre writing exercises. This study aims to determine the feasibility level of M-Write as a website-based academic essay writing application. The method used in testing the feasibility of this product includes the alpha test and beta test. The alpha test was carried out by three English Education experts; each of them assessed the aspects of the content, language use, and design. While the beta test was carried out by 25 students of the Computer Science Faculty, UPN “Veteran” Jawa Timur. The data collection technique was done by using a questionnaire and interview. Data analysis was carried out using quantitative descriptive techniques. The results of this study indicate that the M-Write application reached appropriate criteria in terms of content, language use, and design aspects. The percentages of each of these aspects are 71.9%, 73.3%, and 71.9%. While the results of the applications usage assessment by students also showed that the application was appropriate to be used with an average percentage of 75.9%.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (23) ◽  
pp. 13377
Jonas Hnatek ◽  
Vaclav Stejskal ◽  
Tomas Vendl ◽  
Radek Aulicky ◽  
Jarmila Malkova ◽  

Recently, the largest bark beetle calamity (Ips typographus) of the last 100 years has erupted in Central Europe, including the Czech Republic. This calamity may threaten the sustainability of growing large areas of monoculture Norway spruce (Picea abies) in this area. Limited economically feasible physical and chemical pest control options are available to prevent the bark beetle spread. However, from these options, only mechanical bark removal or gas-insecticide fumigation result in instant deactivation of all pest stages throughout the entire stack of stored logs. Due to the ban on the use of methyl bromide (MeBr) for the fumigation of log piles under tarpaulin, the adaptation of the phyto-quarantine method EDN to the destruction of I. typographus bark beetles in harvested wood directly in forests was newly proposed in the Czech Republic. The methodical experience with fumigation of the harvested logs, however, was only available for wood fumigation in chambers or in tent-tarps fumigation placed on paved (concrete/asphalt) surfaces mainly in ship harbors. Prior to the introduction of the new EDN fumigation method of bark beetle infested wood stored directly in the forests, it was initially unclear whether it was necessary to use or neglect bottom sheets to optimize exposure and maximize Ct products for the permitted fixed initial dose (50 g·m−3). Therefore, the initial validation pilot trials were aimed at the estimation and comparison of EDN temporal dynamics and Ct products under real forest conditions and two fumigation scenarios: Wooden log pile placed on bottom plastic sheets or directly on soil without the bottom sheets. Field trials were performed under both identical as well as different environmental conditions. In addition, they revealed that the concentration decrease was significantly faster and Ct products were significantly lower in the case of trials without the bottom sheets. The experiments indicated high EDN sorption by the uncovered soil under the tent. Quantitatively, the average Ct product was 4.8 (identical conditions) and 3.7 (different conditions) times lower in EDN trials without the bottom sheets when compared to the use of bottom sheets. The initial field-forest fumigation validation trials indicated a necessity to carry out EDN fumigation under tent-tarps also using bottom sheets, although this fumigation procedure increases the labor-demands to some extent. Based on the presented results and additional data, the Czech authority issued for the EDN plant protection product an authorization for the limited and controlled use of wooden logs. Therefore, this work became the basis of the historically and first officially authorized use of any fumigant for pest control under commercial forest conditions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 1374
Jingyuan Li ◽  
Qinghe Zhang ◽  
Tongqing Chen

A numerical model of internal solitary waves in continuously stratified fluids is developed by introducing a density transport equation to the three-dimensional Navier–Stokes equation and adopting the fully nonlinear models of the Dubreil-Jacotin-Long equation to obtain the initial field of the ISW. The corresponding turbulence model has also been modified to ensure that it considers the variable density field. Comparisons between numerical simulation results and experimental results show that the total resistance, the nondimensional pressure coefficient, and the nondimensional friction coefficient for the standard submarine model proposed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency under different flow field conditions are highly consistent with the experimental results. The model established is used to numerically analyse the forces and moments of the standard submarine model encountering ISWs at different submergence depths. The influence of the rotation centre position on the moment is discussed, and the position range of the optimal rotation centre is proposed.

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