scholarly journals An Analysis of Student’s Critical Thinking to Improve the Higher-Order Thinking Skill of Undergraduate Pharmacy Students

Hartini Haritani ◽  
Yuyun Febriani ◽  
Arief Rafsanjani ◽  
Muhlisun Azim
2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-60
Niken Dwiretno Galuh Agrikaltarini ◽  
Susanto Susanto ◽  
Ahmad Munir

This study aims to figure out how students implement their analyzing skill as seen from their activity in examining their peers’ narrative compositions posted in instagram. The researcher collected the data in the form of written expressions (sentences) by observing students’ analyzing skill processes when they examined their peers’ narrative compositions through comment feature in their peers’ captions. The findings showed that the activities of examining peers’ narrative compositions posted in instagram was belong to the real and meaningful transfer learning of near transfer. Next,  two students (middle and high achievers) could fulfill five out of eleven criteria of critical thinking skill. Furthermore, both students solved problems in their own compositions better than in their peers’ compositions. Unfortunately, the low achiever did not give any feedback comments to her peers’ compositions. Thus, she had not applied her analyzing skill yet. In short, the actual evidence of analyzing skill implementation when students analyze their peers’ narrative compositions posted in instagram is possible to justify. Keywords: examine, HOT skills, social media.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-47
Diyas Age Larasati

ABSTRAKPembelajaran IPS SD menjadi pembelajaran yang membosankan, karena guru belum menerapkan model, metode, strategi pembelajaran yang inovatif. Guru juga hanya melatih siswa untuk hafalan-hafalan konsep IPS, belum melatih berpikir kritis. Discovery learning sebagai salah satu model pembelajaran memiliki keunggulan mengaktifkan siswa. Tahapan-tahapan model discovery learning mendukung siswa untuk berpikir kritis. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh model discovery learning berbasis higher order thinking skill terhadap kemampan berpikir kritis. Penelitian ini berjenis eksperimen semu, dengan rancangan Non Equivalent Control Group Design. Kelas eksperimen menerapkan model discovery learning berbasis Higher Order Thinking Skill, sedangkan kelas kontrol menerapkan model penugasan dan diskusi berbasis Higher Order Thinking Skill. Penelitian ini menggunakan populasi kelas V SDN Banyu Urip IX Surabaya. Dua kelas dipilih secara random sampling sebagai sampel penelitian. Kelas V-A berjumlah 32 siswa sebagai kelas eksperimen. Kelas V-B berjumlah 30 siswa sebagai kelas kontrol. Intrumen penelitian ini menggunakan soal (pretest dan posttest) dalam bentuk essai berjumlah 4 butir soal. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan penskoran terhadap hasil pretest dan posttest. Uji T digunakan untuk menguji hasil data penelitian. Hasil data penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata gainscore kelas eksperimen sebesar 5,75 lebih tinggi daripada kelas kontrol sebesar 2,6. Hasil data yang menggunakan uji-t. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari nilai t= 7,986 dan signifikansi dua ekor 0,000, sehingga p< 0,05. Hal tersebut membuktikan bahwa terdapat pengaruh model discovery learning berbasis higher order thinking skill terhadap kemampan berpikir kritis.Kata Kunci : Discovery Learning, Higher Order Thinking Skill, Berpikir kritisABSTRACTElementary school social studies learning becomes boring learning, because teachers have not applied innovative models, methods, and learning strategies. The teacher also only trains students to memorize social science concepts, not to train critical thinking. Discovery learning as one of the learning models has the advantage of activating students. The stages of the discovery learning model support students to think critically. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of discovery learning models based on higher order thinking skills on critical thinking skills. This research is a quasi-experimental type, with a Non Equivalent Control Group Design. The experimental class applies the discovery learning model based on the Higher Order Thinking Skill, while the control class applies the assignment and discussion model based on the Higher Order Thinking Skill. This study uses a population of class V SDN Banyu Urip IX Surabaya. Two classes were chosen by random sampling as a research sample. Class V-A numbered 32 students as an experimental class. Class V-B totaling 30 students as a control class. The instruments of this study used 4 questions (pretest and posttest) in the form of essays. Data collection techniques used scoring of the results of the pretest and posttest. T test is used to test the results of research data. The results of the research data show that the average gaincore of the experimental class was 5.75 higher than the control class of 2.6. The results of data using the t-test. This can be seen from the value of t = 7.986 and the significance of two tails is 0.000, so that p <0.05. This proves that there is an influence of discovery learning model based on higher order thinking skills on critical thinking skills.Keywords: Discovery Learning, Higher Order Thinking Skill, Critical Thinking

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-45
Devi Apriliana Amesa Putri M. ◽  
Maryani Maryani ◽  
Pramudya Dwi Aristya Putra ◽  

Critical thinking students can be improved by making questions in the test instrument categorized as Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS), because students are given HOTS category questions, it will train students in high-level problem-solving. This research develops a test instrument in the category of Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) based on Wondershare Quiz Creator because it can train students to use the development of Science and Technology. The purpose of this development research to developing a test instrument based on Wondershare Quiz Creator to know the completeness of student learning outcomes and the critical thinking of students. This research used Research and Development (R & D) type and the sample as many as 35 students of XII MIPA 4 in SMAN 1 Tanggul. This design research used Plomp and Nieveen’s development style. Product testing is carried out online using the test instrument software that has been developed. The test instrument developed was declared valid and could be used in learning, from 35 students, there are 5 students who have completed their learning outcomes, and there are 2students who have very high critical thinking skills. Keywords: Completeness learning outcomes, Critical thinking skills, Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS), Test instrument

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 228
Clarry Sada

This study focuses on the Teaching Learning (TL) process in developing Higher Order Thinking Skill to SMA Students which is done by the secondary school teachers in Pontianak City. The National Curriculum, namely, Curriculum 2013, well known by its' abbreviation C-13, has got some significant revisions. Among those revisions, the aspect of critical thinking which emphasizes higher order thinking skill (HOTS) became the concern. The curriculum has arranged the procedures and principles of HOTS. As mentioned that the C-13 should be in line with the global competencies, thus, the teachers should understand and implement them in their teaching process. Thus, in this study, the researcher intends to explore the teachers’ knowledge and how the implementation of curriculum 2013 in the teaching-learning process. In exploring these matters, the main instrument used is questionnaires. The questionnaires contained 21 items which were focused on exploring teachers’ current knowledge about curriculum 2013, the implementation of a teaching-learning process and understood the procedures of HOTS. There were 31 English teachers as the subject of this study. The results show that (1) understand vision and mission of C-13 (73%, (2) implementing a process of HOTS (36%), (3) understand characteristics of critical thinking (55%) and (4) understand models of teaching (45%). Thus, the knowledge about C-13 with its principles on HOTS is averagely good.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-55
Nahnu Robid Jiwandono

Abstrak: Dewasa ini, critical thinking atau yang lebih dikenal dengan keterampilan berpikir kritis menjadi topik yang sering dibahas karena merupakan kemampuan yang mutlak dimiliki di era milenial ini. Terlebih pada bidang pendidikan, mulai dari tingkat sekolah dasar, sekolah menengah, sampai di tingkat pendidikan tinggi. Pendidikan sudah tidak relevan lagi jika masih mengajarkan anak dengan sistem menghafal materi-materi sehingga pembelajaran hanya fokus pada mengingat saja. Padahal, yang lebih penting adalah peserta didik memahami, menganalisis, mengevaluasi, atau bahkan menciptakan berbagai macam pemecahan masalah dari berbagai masalah yang ada pada materi-materi pembelajaran. Kreativitas merupakan hal yang sangat penting di sini. Melatih anak untuk berpikir kritis terhadap sesuatu dan menawarkan solusi yang masuk akal perlu dijadikan titik fokus pembelajaran bahkan penilaian. Oleh karena itu, mengingat pentingnya keterampilan berpikir kritis ini, peneliti mencoba untuk memaparkan karakteristik keterampilan berpikir kritis pada pembelajaran Mata Kuliah Fonologi yang dilaksanakan oleh mahasiswa semester II. Karakteristik ini meliputi soal yang digunakan dalam evaluasi pembelajaran dan juga hasil evaluasi yang didapatkan. Dengan demikian, diharapkan dapat menghasilkan gambaran keterampilan berpikir kritis pada pengaplikasian pembelajaran di kelas.  Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan masih rendahnya keterampilan berpikir kritis mahasiswa ketika mengerjakan soal-sal HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills). Kata Kunci: berpikir kritis, evaluasi pembelajaran, HOTS   Abstract: Nowadays, critical thinking or better known as critical thinking skills is a topic that is often discussed because it is an absolute ability to have in this millennial era. Especially in the field of education, starting from the elementary school level, secondary school, up to the level of higher education. Education is no longer relevant if it still teaches children with a system of memorizing materials so learning only focuses on remembering it. In fact, what is more important is students understand, analyze, evaluate, or even create various kinds of problem solving from various problems that exist in learning materials. Creativity is very important here. Train children to think critically about something and offer solutions that make sense need to be the focal point of learning and even assessment. Therefore, given the importance of this critical thinking skill, the researcher tries to explain the characteristics of critical thinking skills in the learning of Phonology Courses conducted by the second semester students. These characteristics include the questions used in the evaluation of learning and also the evaluation results obtained. Thus, it is expected to produce a picture of critical thinking skills in the application of learning in the classroom. The results of this study indicate that students' critical thinking skills are still low when working on HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) questions. Keywords: critical thinking, evaluation of learning, HOTS

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 178-185
Riny Arviana ◽  
Sufyani Prabawanto

Higher order thinking skill is a topic which attracts more attention of researchers in education field. Critical thinking belongs to higher order thinking skills. This kind of thinking should be had by everyone. Critical thinking belongs to 21st century skills Solving real world-mathematical problem regularly is assumed as one of ways encouraging one to grow and to enhance his critical thinking. A person who has good critical thinking skill in solving mathematical problems is considered to also think critically well in living his daily life. This study aims to investigate the critical thinking skill of female students consisting of ability in giving argument, drawing conclusion, and evaluating conclusion. A case study was carried out to four female students who were recruited based on their volunteering. Their critical thinking skills were evaluated by using essay test and interview. Participants’ critical thinking in solving mathematical problems is classified into high, medium, or low level. FS-1 and FS-4 are classified as low-level critical thinker. FS-2 and FS-3 are classified as high-level critical thinker. It is recommended to conduct similar study with larger sample involving both male and female students to compare their critical thinking in solving mathematical problems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 128-134
Mohammad Mulyadi Prasetyo ◽  
Nurhidayah Nurhidayah

This research is a descriptive study where data is collected with the aim of knowing the characteristics and obtaining information about the Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) type of Final Exam questions. The subject of this research is the Biology Final Semester Examination for the 2020/202 Academic Year. This research has two stages, namely: Preparation and implementation stage to obtain documents in the form of school exam questions. Research data were collected through: (1) Problem Analysis, Researchers, biology education lecturers, and biology teachers analyzed each question from 3 characteristics that were fulfilled in each item, namely indicators consisting of stimulus, critical thinking skills, and solving abilities. problem. (2). Carry out FGD (Focus Group Discussion) to determine whether each item is included in the type of stimulus, critical thinking ability, and problem solving ability. (3) Tabulate the data for the results of the analysis of each question number. then the results of the analysis are tabulated on each indicator. The results obtained in this study are almost all HOTS type questions (95%), on the characteristics of almost all items (94.2%) in accordance with the provisions of competency achievement indicators. On the stimulus indicator, all HOTS type questions have a stimulus. Where "half" of the HOTS questions is stimulated by pictures, "less than half" is stimulated by case fragments and a small portion is stimulated by diagrams, tables, and examples. In critical thinking indicators, 91.86% of the "almost all" categories of HOTS questions have critical thinking characteristics, in addition that "a small part" (26.23%) of HOTS questions have problem solving characteristics including problem solving questions with indicators of identifying problems, identifying non-conforming problems, and solving problems based on data.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 151-159
Mieke Miarsyah ◽  
Rizhal Hendi Ristanto

Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan agar guru biologi SMA di Kabupaten Bekasi dapat terampil mengembangkan soal HOTS. Guru sebagai peserta kegiatan pelatihan yang diundang dalam kegiatan merupakan perwakilan dari anggota MGMP Biologi yang tersebar dari beberapa beberapa wilayah di Kabupaten Bekasi yang diwakili oleh guru pada masing-masing Kecamatan. Kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat memberikan manfaat kepada guru tentang pelatihan pengembangan soal HOTS yang sesuai dengan keterampilan abad 21. Model kegiatan pelatihan dilaksanakan melalui 10 (sepuluh) tahap, yaitu: (1) brain storming atau curah pendapat ceramah dan tanya jawab tentang konsep penulisan soal HOTs, (2) mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah berupa 1 soal subyektif dan 1 soal obyektif, (3) pendalaman konsep HOTs, (4) penulisan 1 soal obyektif dan 1 soal subyektif secara individual, (5) pembentukan kelompok yang terdiri dari 5-8 guru dan saling menukarkan soal, (6) masing-masing guru menelaah berdasarkan instrument yang telah disediakan, (7) kelompok memilih soal yang paling HOTs dan meranking mulai HOTs, MOTs, dan LOTs, (8) presentasi oleh masing-masing kelompok berdasarkan hasil telaahnya, (9) kelompok lain memberikan tanggapan berkaitan dengan HOTs atau tidaknya soal, (10) penguatan dari narasumber untuk masing-masing kelompok.Kata kunci: Higher order thinking skill, HOTS, guru biologi, kabupaten Bekasi.

Intan Permata Sari And Indra Hartoyo

This study is aimed at (1) analyzing reading exercises based Bloom’s taxonomy for VIII grade in English on Sky textbook. (2) Found the distribution of the lower and higher order thinking skill in reading exercises. (3) To reason for level reading exercises. After analyzed the data, the result of the data analysis also infers that the six levels of Bloom’s taxonomy in reading exercises weren’t applied totally. The creating skill doesn’t have distribution in reading exercise, and the understanding – remembering level more dominant than another levels. The distribution of the higher order thinking level was lower than the lower order thinking level and the six levels are not appropriate with the proportion for each level of education based Bloom’s taxonomy, such as the distribution of the creating level in the reading exercise must be a concern because no question that belong to the creating level. It was concluded that reading exercises in English on Sky textbook cannot improve students' critical thinking skills for VIII grade.

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