A review of the coexistence of risks and social changes caused by Artificial Intelligence

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 495-524
Seung-Kyu Kang
Lex Russica ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 63-70
M. A. Zheludkov

Underestimation of the importance of solving problems in law enforcement agencies in the context of the use of new digital technologies by criminals may lead to the situation when high-tech crime does not replace traditional forms of theft, but may result in a sharp hypoxia of preventive activities, which will lack the planned law enforcement resources and means of responding to emerging threats. The relevance of the paper lies in the fact that when assessing the use of modern digital technologies in scientific literature and regulatory support, special emphasis is placed on specific data functions of technologies to automatically analyze a set of data and with the help of a set of algorithms to make decisions on optimization of processes and activities, that is, the ability to simplify human relationships. However, the experience of law enforcement has shown that the lack of law enforcement support for protecting the society from negative use of technology leads to the fact that the response now follows the criminal consequences of their use of technologies. The creation of artificial intelligence (AI) systems has led to serious social changes, there is a kind of transformation of public relations under the influence of the digital economy, which inevitably creates the prerequisites for the emergence of specific criminal behavior. The paper provides for a brief analysis of information from open sources about the possibilities of criminal use of artificial intelligence. The author aims to analyze the various possibilities of creating a new model of protection against cybercrime under the control of law enforcement agencies in the context of new threats caused by criminal use of AI technology and the new industrial revolution.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-38
Ferenc Fazekas

Abstract The military staffs are vital parts of military organizations dealing with the numerous details required for the successful conduct of either the peace-time daily routine tasks or the war-time missions. In NATO’s view the staffs are the bodies of specialists whose main task is to provide advice for the commanders on problems at hand as well as to materialize a bold plan acting upon the commanders’ intent and guidance. Staffs capable of meeting these requirements do not have a long history, although different kind of advisory bodies of selected personnel were accompanied the military leaders throughout the history. The military staff of today can be considered as a step on the evolutionary ladder of staffs, on which the emerging technologies will reveal new steps to be taken. One of the most important technology that will affect, or revolutionize even, the internal work processes and the constitution of a military staff is the artificial intelligence. This paper describes the technological and social changes that led to the emergence of the current NATO staff organization and gives some hints about the possible future effects of artificial intelligence on the staff system.


Laburpena: Globalizazioak eta teknologia bat-batean sartzeak aldaketa azkarrak eragin dituzte, eta horiek jarduera ekonomikoaren sektore guztiei eragiten diete. Horiek horrela, sistema publikoek erronka garrantzitsuei egin beharko diete aurre. Aldaketa horietako batzuek berekin dakartzaten kanpo-efektu negatiboen ondorioz sortzen dira erronketako batzuk, edo, bestela, pertsonen eta gizarteen egonkortasuna, ziurtasuna eta babesa ahal den heinean sustatzeko beharraren ondorioz. Beste erronka batzuek, berriz, egoera berriek berekin dakartzaten aurrera egiteko aukera handiekin dute zerikusia, bai eta horiek baliatze aldera sektore publikoak hartu behar duen lidergo rol ordezkaezinarekin ere. Bi erronka-mota horiek administrazioa behartzen dute muturreko eta anbizio handiko berrikuntza-agenda bere gain hartzera. Agenda horren norainokoaren eraginez, sektore publikoak statu quoaren bereizgarri diren oinarrizko erakunde arteko akordioetako batzuk aztertu eta berriz diseinatu behar ditu. Lan honek aztertzen du zein diren egin beharreko oinarrizko eraldaketak, zer tresna behar diren esku hartzeko, eta zer dilema kudeatu behar diren. Horrez gain, gobernantza-ikuspegi berriaren funtsezko ezaugarriak aurkezten ditu. Eredu horrek aukera emango die gobernuei eta beren erakundeei esplorazioaren eta esperimentazioaren bidean murgiltzeko, eta sistema publikotik at kokatutako eragileekin lankidetzan aritzera irekitzeko, aldi berean gizarteari erantzuteko eta haren aurrean kontu emateko eskakizunen maila handiari eutsiz. Resumen: Las administraciones solamente responderán a su propósito de servir a la sociedad si se adaptan a los cambios sociales impulsados por las tecnologías emergentes. El cuadrilátero que definen la inteligencia artificial y el blockchain, la biotecnología y la nanotecnología va a transformar intensamente la vida de las personas, el mundo del trabajo y la forma cómo se toman las decisiones. Ante ello, las administraciones deben aprender a gestionar una nueva complejidad. Combinar el día a día de los servicios que ofrecen a los ciudadanos con una mayor capacidad de adaptación. Sin adaptación no hay consistencia. Y adaptación supone mayor agilidad y desburocratización, mayor capacidad de innovación y de transformación digital. El artículo explora algunos vectores clave para que las administraciones alcancen este cambio. Abstract: The administrations will only respond to their intention to serve society if they adapt to social changes driven by emerging technologies. The quadrilateral defining artificial intelligence and blockchain, biotechnology and nanotechnology will intensively transform the lives of people, the workplace and the ways in how decisions are made. Administrations must therefore learn to manage this new complexity. This involves combining the day-to-day of the services offered to the public along with a greater ability to adapt. Without adaptation, there is no consistency. And adaptation entails greater agility and cutting red tape, greater capacity for innovation and digital transformation. The article explores some of the key vectors to allow administrations to undertake this change.

2021 ◽  
T.A. Petryaeva ◽  

The article examines in detail the social changes that affect the formation of personality, the influence of artificial intelligence and the media on the life of a modern person and a teenager in the process of socialization, and possible negative consequences. The author examines the problem of moral deformation in adolescents caused by certain features of the digital society, while analyzing the positive experience of using the biographical method in European countries on the example of Germany. The article also describes an experiment conducted on the bases of general education institutions of the city of St. Petersburg, summarizes its results, proving the effectiveness of the use of biographical material in the domestic education system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 63-76
Nóra Jakab ◽  
Zsófia Ráczi ◽  
Laura Berényi

The fundamental value of labour law at all times is that it provides security in the economic sense and thus creates predictability: on the one hand, with rules protecting the worker and, on the other hand, by building a social network on the part of the state in case the worker is unable to work. In addition, it is crucial that labour law regulations can properly adapt to the economic and social changes of the 21st century, to the emergence of new trends. The development of robotics and artificial intelligence will undoubtedly have an impact on the dynamic and static elements of the work environment, the labour market, and the labour relationship, thus generating new challenges.

JAHR ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 209-232
Jeffrey Chan

By 2100, the world may be entirely urbanized with every person living in cities. This imminent reality of planetary urbanization is likely to entail drastic environmental, economic, and social changes, all of which in turn are likely to impact the nature of human relations and their interactions in cities. Urban ethics is, therefore, concerned with the question of what ought to be the proper relations between people flourishing in the city? This question is presently compounded by the rise of the ‘smarter smart cities’, where urban technologies are enabled by artificial intelligence (AI) that can sense, track, learn, predict, and attempt to control human behaviors. The rapid confluence of these three developments, namely, planetary urbanization, urban ethics, and the AI-powered smart city, reveals an under-explored scenario pregnant with new social promises yet laced with many moral hazards. In this article, the following scenario, which is bounded by the following three vectors, will be examined: (i) How does the urban shape the ethical, and in what ways? (ii) What is the AI-powered smart city, and how does it impact the present notion of planetary urbanization? (iii) How does the AI-powered smart city change ethical agencies and in which specific ways? Together, the answers to these questions begin to further prime discussions in urban bioethics in the milieu of AI-powered cities.

David L. Poole ◽  
Alan K. Mackworth

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