Topical issues of improving working conditions and preserving the health of employees of mining enterprises

Igor V. Bukhtiyarov ◽  
Alaksandr G. Chebotarev ◽  
Nikolay N. Courierov ◽  
Oleg V. Sokur

Working conditions of employees of mining enterprises are characterized by class 3 (harmful) 2–4 degrees, which determine the level of occupational disease. T e highest rate of occupational morbidity (111.2 cases per 10 thousand workers who have undergone periodic medical examinations) occurs in mine workers, and it is signif cantly higher than in quarry workers. In underground workers in the structure of occupational disease, the f rst place is occupied by diseases of the bronchopulmonary system (30.1%), in quarry workers — vibration disease (48.3%). T ese enterprises have shown an increasing trend in recent years of deaths in the workplace, mainly from diseases of the cardiovascular system.

O. Yu. Korotenko ◽  
N. I. Panev ◽  
Yu. S. Korchagina ◽  
R. N. Panev ◽  
I. P. Danilov

Introduction. Adverse working conditions can contribute to the development of not only occupational pathology, but also diseases with complex multifactorial etiology, such as hypertension, coronary heart disease, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, chronic non-specifi c respiratory diseases, as well as the formation of combined pathology, which worsens the course of these diseases and leads to the development of complications.The aim of the study is to study the manifestations of somatic pathology in coal industry workers with vibration disease.Materials and methods. We examined 144 coal mine workers with vibration disease caused by local vibration, and 161 control group miners who have been working in contact with local vibration for a long time (15 years or more) and do not have professional pathology.It was found that employees of coal mines with vibration disease more often (70,8%) than workers of the control group (27,3%) (p<0,001), there is a pathology of internal organs: diseases of the cardiovascular system (mainly arterial hypertension), diseases of the digestive system (functional disorders of the biliary tract and non-alcoholic fatt y liver disease), kidney diseases (mainly chronic pyelonephritis), as well as a combination of these diseases. With a more severe course of vibration disease (II degree), pathology of internal organs is more common (81.2%) than in patients with vibration disease of I degree (46.5%) (p<0.001). Conclusions. In miners with vibration disease, more oft en than in the control group, there is a pathology of internal organs: the cardiovascular system, digestive organs, kidneys, as well as a combination of several somatic diseases. In individuals with grade II vibration disease, internal organ pathology is more common than in patients with grade I vibration disease. Th e results obtained should be considered when developing treatment and rehabilitation measures for medical examinations and conducting preventive medical examinations of coal industry workers. 

A. G. Chebotarev ◽  
O. V. Sokur

Metallurgy is exposed to a complex of production factors, the levels of which often exceed the hygienic standards. Working conditions are characterized by grade 3 (harmful) 2-4 degrees, which determine the level of occupational morbidity (PZ). The PP indicator at ferrous metallurgy plants in recent years has fluctuated from 11.9 to 20.2 cases per 10,000 employees that have passed their MEP. In the structure of PZ 59.5% of cases are respiratory diseases. A trend has been established in these enterprises to increase deaths in the workplace, mainly from diseases of the cardiovascular system.

M. A. Zemlyanova ◽  
Yu. V. Koldibekova ◽  
V. M. Ukhabov

Introduction. The health of workers is determined by both social and individual, as well as production factors, including noise, vibration and dust, characteristic of technological processes in mining enterprises. Industrial noise above 90 dBA and dust in the form of suspended and fine particles causes dysfunction of the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs.The aim of the study is to assess the impact of harmful physical factors and industrial dust on changes in some biochemical and functional indicators of the cardiovascular system and respiratory system of employees of the enterprise for underground mining of ore.Materials and methods. The assessment of working conditions of workers engaged in underground mining and processing of chrome ores, the analysis of industrial dust on the dimension and quantitative content of fine particles PM10 and PM2. 5, the study of biochemical parameters of lipid metabolism, oxidant and antioxidant systems, indicators of respiratory function. Results. Harmful working conditions (class 3.1–3.4) in terms of noise and vibration were revealed at the workplaces of employees of the main specialties observation group. In the air of the working zone, the highest content of fine particles PM2.5 (2.68±0.54 mg/m3) and PM10 (4.64±0.93 mg/m3) was established at the site of drilling operations and cleaning of the bottom-hole space. Deviations of biochemical parameters characterizing intensification of free radical processes and antioxidant protection, imbalance of lipid spectrum parameters, and violation of functional parameters of external respiration were revealed. A high degree of connection with the working conditions of the frequency of increased levels of lipid hydroperoxide and antioxidant activity (EF=60.71–65.84%) was established.Conclusions. In high noise level (more than 94 dBA), general and local vibration (more than 116 and 127 dB respectively) and the content of fine particles PM2. 5 (more of 2.14 mg/m3) and PM10 (over of 3.71 mg/m3) at underground mining of chrome ore workers have identified abnormalities in the form of increase 1.6 times the level of lipid hydroperoxides and total antioxidant activity, reducing to 1.2 times the level of high density lipoprotein, improving 1.2–1.3 times of low-density lipoproteins, triglycerides, and atherogenic index in blood serum, peak expiratory flow. A high degree of professional conditioning have the frequency of increasing the level of lipid hydroperoxide in blood serum and antioxidant activity of blood plasma.

Galina V. Kurenkova ◽  
Natalia A. Sudeikina ◽  
Elizaveta P. Lemeshevskaya

Introduction. Professional groups of railway workers engaged in the repair of wagons are directly responsible for the safety of railway traffic. The analysis of literature testifies to insufficient attention of researchers to the hygienic problems associated with labor activity of workers of wagon-repair production.The aim of the study is to assess the occupational risk to the health of wagon repair workers, due to the impact on them of factors of the working environment and the labor process.Materials and methods. The study used comprehensive hygienic studies using the methodology of occupational risk to worker’s health.Results. The leading factors of the working environment (class of working conditions 3.2–3.4), which are exposed to workers depending on the specifics of the work performed. Identified professional groups with medium (significant) high (unbearable) and very high (intolerable) category of a priori occupational risk: in wagon meintenance workshop — 17 groups (94% of jobs), in a wagon assembly workshop — 11 groups (80% jobs), in wagon wheel workshop — 3 group (100% jobs). At the same time, according to the request for medical care, employees were diagnosed with isolated cases of occupational diseases.The levels of morbidity with temporary disability of employees of the main workshops are statistically significant (p<0.05) higher than those of the control group in 1.4–1.9 times. The influence of the complex of chemical factors of low and medium intensity on the levels of morbidity of respiratory diseases in the group of workers of the wagon wheel workshop, which were 1.7–2.0 times higher than in the control group, is confirmed by the average degree of causation of the production condition of this pathology (RR=1.7; EF=42.0%).The combined effect of vibration and severity of the labor process forms a high level of temporary disability of employees of the main workshops in connection with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, which was 2.7–4.4 times higher than in the control group, and also determines the prevalence of this pathology in the structure of diseases detected on medical examinations (23.2%). Diseases of the musculoskeletal system are caused by the production of employees of the wagon meintenance workshop (RR=3,9; EF=74,9%), as the most unfavorable in terms of hygiene on these factors.The stressful influence of the complex of harmful production factors on the health of wagon repair workers is manifested by the high risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, neurological disorders, violation of adaptation of the cardiovascular system in 97% of the examined, as well as the predominance of diseases of the digestive system and circulatory system detected on periodic medical examinations.Conclusions. Harmful working conditions (class 3.1–3.4) cause the suspected occupational risk from small (moderate) to very high (intolerable) to 100% of the jobs of wagon repair workers. The results of the study of morbidity and risk of pathology indicate a significant risk of damage to the health of workers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 100 (10) ◽  
pp. 1157-1162
Galina A. Bezrukova ◽  
Mikhail V. Pozdnyakov ◽  
Tamara A. Novikova

Introduction. To increase the effectiveness of social and hygienic monitoring of the health status of workers in harmful and/or dangerous occupation conditions by objectifying the analysis of the health status of workers and timely detection of premorbid forms of pathology, an informational medical advisory and diagnostic system is proposed that ensures the efficiency of using the previously developed methodological recommendations MR “Assessment of the risk of developing states of distress in workers in harmful working conditions”. Materials and methods. The design of the developed computer program is based on the principles of critical assessment of the employee’s health status; multiparametric characteristics of the functional reserves of the body; unity of the information base; the possibility of dynamic monitoring of the health status of employees; automation of data storage and analysis; protection of personal data. Results. The method used by the information system is based on a comprehensive assessment of the functional reserves of the body, correlated by the degree of adaptive stress, including the ranking of the employee health status according to the group of dispensary records, the indicator of adaptive compliance and the level of adaptive immunity. To facilitate the operator’s information support system integrated the List of harmful and (or) hazardous occupation factors, the presence of which is a mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations (surveys) and reference weight values, heart rate and blood pressure corresponding to the physiological norm concerning gender and age of the employee. Conclusion. The proposed information system can be used during periodic medical examinations to form risk groups for the development of occupational and production-related morbidity, as well as to assess the effectiveness of hygienic and therapeutic and preventive measures aimed at improving the health of workers in harmful occupation conditions.

E.E. Konnikova ◽  
A.G. Popova ◽  
N.I. Slugrov ◽  

Abstract: A statistical analysis of stabilometric study results of 50 male patients with vibration disease (VD) from the effects of general vibration (GV) (average work experience 26,7±6,2) has been carried out. The control group (CG) included 50 men who have not been exposed to the general vibration. The compared groups were comparable by age: the average age of patients with vibration disease was 56.34+5.15, patients of the control group-58.22+-7.05. The study of the support symmetry and equilibrium function was carried out using the Romberg test on the St-150 stabiloplatform (Biomera, Moscow) in a vertical stand with European installation of feet in the positions of open (OE) and closed eyes (CE). A comparative analysis of the parameters of support symmetry in patients with VD from GV revealed a statistically significant sagittal asymmetry in the phases of OE and CE than in individuals of CG. Among the balancing parameters, the most informative parameters of computer stabilometry in patients with VD from GV were: an increase in the area of the statokinesiogram, a decrease in energy efficiency in both phases of the study, and an increase in the speed of the statokinesiogram in phase with CE. Computer stabilometry can be recommended as an additional objective research method in the diagnosis of early stages of VD from GV to improve the quality of periodic medical examinations.

T. A. Suvidova ◽  
A. M. Oleshchenko ◽  
V. V. Kislitsyna

Introduction.High levels of occupational incidence in coal miners of the Kemerovo Region determine the need to optimize the State Committ ee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Oversight for in-depth study of risk factors and planning of medical and preventive measures.The aim of the studyis to optimize the activities of the State Committ ee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Oversight in the planning of supervisory and sanitary measures aimed at reducing the level of OD in the coal industry.Materials and methods.On the basis of a sample of materials from the database of the Department of State Committ ee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Oversight in the Kemerovo Region on the occupational morbidity of miners for 2008–2016, the analysis of data on working conditions, age, experience, dynamics of occupational morbidity. Th e information on 7515 cases of occupational diseases in workers of coal mining enterprises is analyzed.Results.Indicators of occupational disease in the miners of the Kemerovo Region are higher than the national level, amounting to 13.23 per 10 thousand of the employed population. Employees of the main professions of the coal industry are particularly susceptible to occupational diseases: sinkers, miners of treatment faces, machinists of mining excavation machines, underground electric locksmiths, drivers of heavy vehicles, drivers of excavators and bulldozers. The reasons for the formation of occupational diseases in miners are unfavorable working conditions: physical overload, dust and gas contamination, noise and vibration, high humidity of the working area at low temperatures. Occupational diseases are more commonly diagnosed in workers aged 41 to 50 years (28.01%) and 51 to 60 years (69.23%). Th e most at risk of occupational disease are those working in contact with the harmful production factor for 21–30 years (60.5%) and from 31 to 40 years (26.1%).Conclusions. The results of the study are necessary for the rational planning of control measures and reasoned conclusions in the preparation of sanitary and hygienic characteristics of working conditions with suspicion of occupational diseases.

II Khisamiev ◽  
NKh Sharafutdinova ◽  
MA Sharafutdinov

Background: Improvement of working conditions at enterprises of various sectors of economy can be achieved by solving comprehensive organizational, social, legal and other tasks. The purpose of the research was to study working conditions and occupational morbidity of workers of various industries in the Republic of Bashkortostan in 2000–2019. Materials and methods: We analyzed working conditions of the population employed at the enterprises of the republic and occupational disease rates. Results: Most occupational risk factors were attributed to imperfection of technological processes, equipment and design flaws of machines, mechanisms, equipment, devices and tools. More than a third of cases of occupational disorders were diseases of the musculoskeletal system while every fifth case was that of a respiratory disease; radiculopathy and vibration disease prevailed among nosological forms. Men exposed to general vibration were most at risk of developing occupational diseases, including those induced by other occupational risk factors. At enterprises of mining, construction, and manufacturing industry, working conditions usually failed to meet sanitary and hygienic requirements for physical work heaviness, noise and chemical exposures, in agriculture – for physical work heaviness, and in transport and communications – for work heaviness and intensity. Conclusion: We observed a steady increase in the proportion of employees exposed to occupational risk factors and/or hazards and a simultaneous decrease in registered occupational disease incidence rates.

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