underground mining
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N.G. Barnov ◽  
V.V. Shchiptsov

Information on the International Genetic Classification of Noble Corundum is given. The scheme of location of the main deposits and occurrences of ruby-bearing complexes of the world is attached: 1 – magmatic; 2 – metamorphogenic; 3 – sedimentary (residual ancient crusts of chemical weathering, alluvial and dealluvial-alluvial placers). The location of ruby objects is shown, including the largest areas of depleted, currently operating and promising for the near future ruby deposits in 36 countries around the world. The main typological features of rubies are described. It is emphasized that all properties of rubies are determined by their primary indigenous origin. The typology of rubies is based on the principles of the relationship between magmatism and metamorphism in the formation of the groups under consideration. Hydroblasting and selective crushing methods for mining of corundum-bearing complexes are characterised. The trend towards increased research into the commercial exploitation of the primary sources of ruby-bearing complexes is highlighted. In countries with highly developed mining industries, underground mining is the main way to extract gemstones.

N.D. Iliinov ◽  
A.M. Mazhitov ◽  
A.B. Allaberdin ◽  
K.V. Vazhdaev

Currently, many underground mines are revising their design solutions to increase their production capacity. This tendency is explained by the decreasing ore grades, as well as by the extensive introduction of mechanization in underground mining operations that has improved the output of mobile equipment by increasing the box capacity and engine power. Dieselpowered mobile vehicles are the most common in underground mining practice. The advantages of such engines are obvious as they generate more power than other types of engines. However, the high air demand for mine ventilation limits their application. This is associated with the need to increase the cross-sections of permanent mine workings in order to comply with the standard air flow rate with account of the increased ventilation capacity along with an increase in the inventory of mobile equipment in order to ensure the specified output of the mine. The specific features of mining operations are defined by the stage-wise character of commissioning various blocks of the deposit. Managing of production and development works provides an opportunity to ventilate the mine sections due to their consecutive commissioning, locally, with an isolated stream of air by means of mine workings that do not have the intersection of air streams. This provides a reduction of critical path of air travel up to 30% and reduction of the general mine ventilating pressure drop by at least 20% at constant air flow rate. The results of the work can be used in designing the ventilation system of underground mines both under construction and in operation.

Energies ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 576
Amir Ehsan Kianfar ◽  
Mrityunjaya Sherikar ◽  
Andre Gilerson ◽  
Marcin Skora ◽  
Krzysztof Stankiewicz ◽  

Suspended monorails are a common mode of transportation for materials and personnel in underground mines. The goal of the EU-funded project “Innovative High Efficiency Power System for Machines and Devices, Increasing the Level of Work Safety in Underground Mining Excavations (HEETII)” is to introduce a single-wire energy transmission system combined with a capacitive-coupling-based wireless transmission system to power the suspended tractor, along with a monitoring system that will monitor the energy network and additional environmental parameters of the mine. Additionally, the monitoring system acts as the wireless communication backbone, allowing for data transmission to surface headquarters, where the data are processed and logged in a central database. This enables operators to detect and take preemptive measures to prevent potential hazards in the mine, improving the overall efficiency of the energy transmission system. This paper describes the additional considerations required for electrical systems in underground mines with potentially explosive atmospheres, as well as the design of the energy transmission system and the monitoring system.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Si-Tong Ren ◽  
Yang Liu ◽  
Xin-Yi Yang ◽  
Ding-Gui Tong ◽  
Gao-Feng Ren

The transition from surface mining to underground is a critical issue for metal mines. The commonly cited procedure cored by ultimate-pit-limit (UPL) methodology is restricted to maximize the profit from both surface and underground mining, due to the absence of the integration of the profit from either of them. Under the target for such maximization, this study proposes a new optimization approach, which directly relates the design of open-pit limit and underground stopes, by equalizing the marginal profit from either surface or underground mining. The variation of the crown pillar size is involved in this approach. The proposed approach is applied to the Dagushan iron mine, and results show the total profit increased from 3.79 billion CNYs (original design by conventional UPL methodology) to 4.17 billion CNYs (optimal design by the proposed approach), by 9.91%. Moreover, the marginal profit from surface and underground mining, as well as total profit, of all possible designs of surface-to-underground mining transition in Dagushan iron mine is calculated to validate the proposed approach. When the marginal profits satisfy the criterion of the proposed approach, the maximum value of the total profit appears, and this demonstrates the proposed approach is robust to maximize the total profit in surface-to-underground mining transition. This work contributes to existing literature studies primarily from practical aspect, by providing a unified approach to optimize the transition from surface to underground mining.

Xiaoyan Zhang ◽  
Qiang Wu ◽  
Yingwang Zhao ◽  
Shouqiang Liu ◽  
Hua Xu

Abstract Water inrush accidents seriously threaten underground mining production, so the accurate prediction of the spreading process of water inrush is essential for the formulation of water-inrush-control plans and rescue schemes. This paper proposes a spatiotemporal model based on pipe-flow theory to simulate the spreading process of water inrush in mine roadway networks. The energy-loss term is added to this model to improve the simulation accuracy in bifurcated roadways, and pumps and water-blocking equipment are considered in controlling the spreading process of water inrush. Through experimental case studies, the simulation results and the function of the energy-loss term are verified. A sensitivity analysis is then carried out to assess the impact of the model parameters. The results show that the model outputs are most sensitive to the roadway length, cross-section width, and energy-loss coefficient. The model exhibited maximal sensitivity to the geometric parameters compared with the hydraulic parameters. Furthermore, the spreading process of a real water inrush in a coal mine in North China is simulated, and the water-inrush-control measures are evaluated. The overall results indicate that the proposed spatiotemporal model accurately predicts the spreading process of water inrush and is thus applicable to large-scale mine roadway networks.

Processes ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 110
Wankui Bu ◽  
Hui Xu ◽  
Ming Ji

In the process of underground mining, steeply inclined rocks or coal seams are often encountered, forming the openings of right-angle trapezoid. According to the geological conditions of a mining project in China, an analytical elastic solution of stress and displacement around right-angle trapezoidal opening in a homogeneous, isotropic, and linear elastic geomaterial is presented, which is based on the evaluation of the conformal mapping representation by an appropriate numerical calculation and the complex potential functions. The different results from other shaped openings are shown as follows. In a right-angle trapezoidal opening, the maximum displacements of roof falling occur on the low side, while the most horizontal displacements on the low side are around the roof and the most horizontal displacements on the high side are around the middle of the high side in this opening. These results are also compared with the numerical calculations in FLAC software, illustrating that the solution may be easily applied to rock mechanics or rock engineering for understanding the deformation of floor heave and roof falling down. The solution is also suitable for optimum design of bolt supporting in a right-angle trapezoidal opening, which is different from the traditional concept of symmetrical bolt supporting. Finally, a methodology is proposed for the estimation of conformal mapping coefficients for a given cross-sectional shape of an opening without symmetrical axis.

Mathematics ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 162
Shengli Yang ◽  
Junjie Wang ◽  
Ming Li ◽  
Hao Yue

The optimization of an integrated coal gangue system of mining, dressing, and backfilling in deep underground mining is a multi-objective and complex decision-making process, and the factors such as spatial layout, node location, and transportation equipment need to be considered comprehensively. In order to realize the intellectualized location of the nodes for the logistics and transportation system of underground mining and dressing coal and gangue, this paper establishes the model of the logistics and transportation system of underground mining and dressing coal gangue, and analyzes the key factors of the intellectualized location for the logistics and transportation system of coal and gangue, and the objective function of the node transportation model is deduced. The PSO–QNMs algorithm is proposed for the solution of the objective function, which improves the accuracy and stability of the location selection and effectively avoids the shortcomings of the PSO algorithm with its poor local detailed search ability and the quasi-Newton algorithm with its sensitivity to the initial value. Comparison of the particle swarm and PSO–QNMs algorithm outputs for the specific conditions of the New Julong coal mine, as an example, shows that the PSO–QNMs algorithm reduces the complexity of the calculation, increases the calculation efficiency by eight times, saves 42.8% of the cost value, and improves the efficiency of the node selection of mining–dressing–backfilling systems in a complex underground mining environment. The results confirm that the method has high convergence speed and solution accuracy, and provides a fundamental basis for optimizing the underground coal mine logistics system. Based on the research results, a node siting system for an integrated underground mining, dressing, and backfilling system in coal mines (referred to as MSBPS) was developed.

Energies ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 327
Jarosław Szrek ◽  
Janusz Jakubiak ◽  
Radoslaw Zimroz

Mechanical systems (as belt conveyors) used in the mining industry, especially in deep underground mines, must be supervised on a regular basis. Unfortunately, they require high power and are spatially distributed over a large area. Till now, some elements of the conveyor (drive units) have been monitored 24 h/day using SCADA systems. The rest of the conveyor is inspected by maintenance staff. To minimize the presence of humans in harsh environments, we propose a mobile inspection platform based on autonomous UGV. It is equipped with various sensors, and in practice it is capable of collecting almost the same information as maintenance inspectors (RGB image, sound, gas sensor, etc.). Till now such experiments have been performed in the lab or in the mine, but the robot was controlled by the operator. In such a scenario the robot is able to record data, process them and detect, for example, an overheated idler. In this paper we will introduce the general concept of an automatic robot-based inspection for underground mining applications. A framework of how to deploy the inspection robot for automatic inspection (3D model of the tunnel, path planing, etc.) are defined and some first results from automatic inspection tested in lab conditions are presented. Differences between the planned and actual path are evaluated. We also point out some challenges for further research.

2022 ◽  
Vol 32 (3) ◽  
pp. 1843-1854
D. Palanikkumar ◽  
Kamal Upreti ◽  
S. Venkatraman ◽  
J. Roselin Suganthi ◽  
Sridharan Kannan ◽  

2022 ◽  
Vol 354 ◽  
pp. 00028
Adrian Matei ◽  
Nicolae Ianc

According to the new classification method, salt mines and underground work or areas where methane has not been observed but for which methane has been observed in boreholes found in rock massifs are considered to be fire mines / mine areas or mining work. This new classification allows only the effective areas of exploitation to be maintained in the wire regime, the rest of the salt mine being considered non-wire. The purpose of this paper is to determine the rate of methane (explosive gas) and carbon dioxide (oxidizing gas) in the mining operations of the Tg-Ocna salt mine, given its classification.

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