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2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
Eny Lunarny ◽  
Wachidi Wachidi ◽  
Alexon Alexon ◽  
Johanes Sapri

The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of training methods and work ethic on students' work competencies. The focus of teaching implementation is observed using two training methods, namely: on the job training method using internship training and simulasi method using simulation. The initial work ethic of students is limited to low and high categories. This type of research is a quasi-experimental with a 2 × 2 factorial design. The research population is all students of class XI of the Hospitality Accommodation Department at SMK Negeri 7 Bengkulu City, totaling 123 people. The sample was selected using the intact group technique from four classes selected to be two learning classes as the experimental group. The selected class is drawn by lottery to determine the treatment of the internship training and simulasi methods. Each treatment group was grouped based on low work ethic and high work ethic. The research instrument is a work competency assessment sheet and student work ethic. The data analysis technique used is 2-way analysis of variance. The results of the study can be concluded that: (1) the average work competence of students using the internship training method is higher than those using the simulation method. (2) The average work competence of students who have a high work ethic is higher than students with a low work ethic. (3) There is an interaction effect between training methods and work ethic on the work competence of students. (4) Students with a high work ethic who take part in the internship training method have higher work competencies compared to the simulation method. (5) Students with a low work ethic who take part in the internship training method have lower work competencies than those using the simulation method.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (6) ◽  
pp. 610-615
Guillermo Charneco Salguero ◽  
Francisco García-Muro San José ◽  
Arturo Pérez Gosalvez ◽  
Jose Miguel Cárdenas Rebollo ◽  
Isabel Brígido Fernández ◽  

ABSTRACT Introduction: Isokinetics is a tool commonly used in professional soccer. There is ongoing debate among researchers as to the isokinetic reference values a player should have. Objectives: To determine the absolute peak torque (PT) and average work of professional soccer players in relation to their positions on the field, and to establish the reference values for these variables. Methods: Purposeful sampling was used to select 289 professional soccer players. The sample included 32 goalkeepers, 100 defenders, 98 midfielders, and 59 strikers. The participants were measured preseason. The players were asked to perform a 10-minute warm-up on an exercise bike, and then to perform 5 repetitions at low speed, 10 at medium speed, and 25 at high speed, with 30 to 40-s of rest between each set of repetitions. The contraction method was concentric-concentric in a dynamometer Isomed 2000. Results: The average age, weight, and height of the players was 21.9 years, 74.3 kilograms, and 1.8 meters, respectively. The goalkeepers presented higher PT at the 3 measured speeds, and the higher average work at 180°/s and 240°/s in relation to defenders and midfielders. The strikers presented higher average work at 240°/s in relation to midfielders, and higher PT in relation to the defenders and midfielders. Absolute values were shown and reference values were established. Conclusions: The goalkeepers and strikers were the players that showed the greatest differences in their favor in relation to the other positions. The peak torque values and average work were described in relation to the player's position on the field. This study resulted in the creation of a tool for health professionals working with professional soccer players, providing reference values for these players in relation to their position on the field that can be used as benchmarks, by health professionals, to optimize soccer players’ performance. Level of evidence II, Prospective comparative study.

2021 ◽  
Allan Fong ◽  
Mark Iscoe ◽  
Christine A Sinsky ◽  
Adrian Haimovich ◽  
Brian Williams ◽  

BACKGROUND Electronic health records (EHRs) have become ubiquitous in United States office-based physician practices. However, the different ways users engage with EHRs remains poorly characterized. OBJECTIVE The objective of this paper is to explore EHR usage phenotypes amongst ambulatory care physicians. METHODS We applied affinity propagation, an unsupervised clustering machine learning technique, to identify EHR user types amongst primary care physicians. RESULTS We identified four distinct clusters generalized across internal medicine, family medicine, and pediatric specialties. Two groups, or phenotype clusters, of physicians with higher-than-average work outside of scheduled hours ratios had varied EHR usage suggesting one group may have worked from home out of necessity while the other preferred ad hoc work hours. From the two remaining groups, one group represented physicians with lower-than-average EHR time. The last group represented physicians who spend the largest proportion of their EHR time documenting notes. CONCLUSIONS These findings demonstrate the utility of cluster analysis for exploring EHR phenotypes and may offer opportunities for interventions to improve EHR design and use to better support EHR users’ needs.

2021 ◽  
Eny Lunarny ◽  
Wachidi ◽  
Alexon ◽  
Johanes Sapri

The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of training methods and work ethic on students' work competencies. The focus of teaching implementation is observed using two training methods, namely: on the job training method using internship training and simulasi method using simulation. The initial work ethic of students is limited to low and high categories. This type of research is a quasi-experimental with a 2 × 2 factorial design. The research population is all students of class XI of the Hospitality Accommodation Department at SMK Negeri 7 Bengkulu City, totaling 123 people. The sample was selected using the intact group technique from four classes selected to be two learning classes as the experimental group. The selected class is drawn by lottery to determine the treatment of the internship training and simulasi methods. Each treatment group was grouped based on low work ethic and high work ethic. The research instrument is a work competency assessment sheet and student work ethic. The data analysis technique used is 2-way analysis of variance. The results of the study can be concluded that: (1) the average work competence of students using the internship training method is higher than those using the simulation method. (2) The average work competence of students who have a high work ethic is higher than students with a low work ethic. (3) There is an interaction effect between training methods and work ethic on the work competence of students. (4) Students with a high work ethic who take part in the internship training method have higher work competencies compared to the simulation method. (5) Students with a low work ethic who take part in the internship training method have lower work competencies than those using the simulation method.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 1221-1238
Anna V. Koteneva ◽  
Tatiana N. Berezina ◽  
Stanislav A. Rybtsov

The challenges of modern civilization resulted in the premature biological and psychological aging of professionals of working age. This phenomenon raises both medical and psychological problems associated with personality factors that affect psychobiological maturity and the rate of aging. The influence of religiosity and spirituality on biopsychological age remains the least studied area of psychology. Progress in this area will help to identify the components of religiosity—predictors of the aging rate of professionals. The sample included 295 people (148 women) aged 24 to 54 years (average age 31.7 years) and consisted of Christians (67.12%), Muslims (5.76%), Buddhists, deists, Shintoists, etc., (7.79%) and atheists (17.29%). The average work experience was 9 years. Using correlation analysis and methods of multivariate linear regression and t-test for independent samples, we found that the religiosity of professionals increases with natural aging and deterioration of their physical condition and does not depend on gender. Religiosity to a greater extent affects psychological age, the indicator of the psychobiological maturity of a professional and, to a lesser extent, biological age. Most of the indicators of religiosity are inherent in a person who is more mature in psychobiological terms. The biological age of professionals increases due to asthenic experiences, while gaining faith in God, unusual religious experiences and the existential meaning of life can reduce it. An increase in the spirituality of professionals is associated with a slowdown in the rate of biological aging.

E.E. Konnikova ◽  
A.G. Popova ◽  
N.I. Slugrov ◽  

Abstract: A statistical analysis of stabilometric study results of 50 male patients with vibration disease (VD) from the effects of general vibration (GV) (average work experience 26,7±6,2) has been carried out. The control group (CG) included 50 men who have not been exposed to the general vibration. The compared groups were comparable by age: the average age of patients with vibration disease was 56.34+5.15, patients of the control group-58.22+-7.05. The study of the support symmetry and equilibrium function was carried out using the Romberg test on the St-150 stabiloplatform (Biomera, Moscow) in a vertical stand with European installation of feet in the positions of open (OE) and closed eyes (CE). A comparative analysis of the parameters of support symmetry in patients with VD from GV revealed a statistically significant sagittal asymmetry in the phases of OE and CE than in individuals of CG. Among the balancing parameters, the most informative parameters of computer stabilometry in patients with VD from GV were: an increase in the area of the statokinesiogram, a decrease in energy efficiency in both phases of the study, and an increase in the speed of the statokinesiogram in phase with CE. Computer stabilometry can be recommended as an additional objective research method in the diagnosis of early stages of VD from GV to improve the quality of periodic medical examinations.

2021 ◽  
Marie Roxanne Sopp ◽  
Tanja Michael ◽  
Johanna Lass-Hennemann ◽  
Shilat Haim-Nachum ◽  
Miriam J. J. Lommen

Several studies have found evidence of altered cortisol levels in patients with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Based on these findings, it is assumed that these patients may show signs of cortisol dysregulation after trauma. Posttrauma cortisol levels are thus considered a potential biomarker of PTSD. However, longitudinal studies using indicators of long-term cortisol secretion (such as hair cortisol concentrations; HCC) are scarce. The current study investigated prospective associations between HCC and PTSD symptoms in a sample of Dutch firefighters taking into account varying levels of work-related trauma severity. In addition, we assessed posttraumatic sleep disturbances as a secondary outcome measure to investigate whether effects generalize to this frequent comorbidity of PTSD. Three hundred seventy-one Dutch firefighters with a mean of 14.01 years of work experience were included in the analyses. Baseline assessment included the collection of hair samples and the measurement of work-related trauma severity, PTSD symptoms, and sleep disturbances. PTSD symptoms and sleep disturbance were re-assessed after six and twelve months. Multilevel analyses indicate a significant positive correlation between HCC and baseline PTSD symptoms in those with average or above-average work-related trauma severity. A similar pattern was evident for posttraumatic sleep disturbances at baseline. Moreover, higher HCC predicted more posttraumatic sleep disturbances after 6 months in participants with above-average work-related trauma severity. No other associations emerged for PTSD symptoms or posttraumatic sleep disturbances at six or twelve months. As such, our study supports the existence of a cross-sectional association between HCC and trauma symptoms, which may vary for different levels of subjective trauma severity. The longitudinal stability of this association should be reinvestigated by future research.


In this study, the flagellar motility of a swimmer microorganism as a model of a human sperm cell, inside a two-dimensional channel as a model of the female reproductive tract containing a viscous fluid, is numerically investigated. The Navier–Stokes equations governing the fluid are coupled with the equations governing the models flagellum via applying a fluid–solid interaction approach and then solved using the finite element method. To stimulate the flagellum to move, a prescribed sinusoidal waveform is applied to it. The strain induced by this waveform along the flagellum initiates a continuous interaction between the flagellum and the fluid. The simulations are validated using data available in the literature. A very good agreement is seen between them. The results show that by decreasing the Young modulus of the flagellum as well as increasing the fluid viscosity, the swimming velocity of the model significantly decreases. It is found that for lower Young modulus of the flagellum, the effect of the fluid viscosity on the flagellar deformation is stronger. It is also found that for higher amplitude of the waveform applied to stimulate the flagellum, both the swimming velocity of the model and the average work rate are greater. Moreover, it is found that in a channel with a smaller height, the model swims at a higher speed and with a higher average work rate.

2021 ◽  
Vol 100 (5) ◽  
pp. 464-470
Olga Y. Ustinova ◽  
Nina V. Zaitseva ◽  
Vitalii G. Kostarev ◽  
Elena M. Vlasova ◽  
Alyona A. Vorobyova ◽  

Aim of the study. To analyze the patterns of the comorbidity pathology formation in employees occupied in oil production. Materials and methods. Observation group - 292 employees of the oil production enterprise (100% men). The average age was 39.4 ± 10.6 (20-65) years. Average work experience is 13.1 ± 9.6 (3-22) years. The comparison group included 65 employees working in the management of the enterprise. The average age is 40.2 ± 9.8 (20-65) years. Average work experience is 18.5 ± 9.5 (5-23) years. Observation group - 292 oil and gas production operators (OGP) - 100% men. The study involved a comprehensive research program, results analysis, and mathematical modeling. Results. It is typical for oil and gas production operators to be exposed to a complex impact of harmful production factors: industrial noise, the intensity of work, and physical overload combined with chemical factors. A prior occupational risk to the employees under mentioned working conditions was classified from low (moderate) risk to medium (significant) risk. The age of employees with developed comorbid pathology in the observation group was 31.7 ± 5.4 years, work experience in the specified working conditions was 4.6 ± 1.1 years; the age of workers in the comparison group was 35.4 ± 3.9 years, work experience was 7.4 ± 2.7 years. The results of functional studies have demonstrated a complex of abnormalities in workers with little expressed clinical symptomatology. Analysis of comorbid pathology showed an increase in n according to CIRS score, increasing the working experience among oil and gas operators. Conclusion. Comorbid pathology occurs in oil production workers within ten years of working experience under conditions of combined occupational and non-occupational factors. In the comorbid pathology development, both induced intrasystemic and intersystemic disorders significantly worsens the working life prognosis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 443-453
R. Kehinde ◽  
O. H. Abdulazeez

Supposed  is a finite set, then a function is called a finite partial transformation semigroup , which moves elements of  from its domain to its co-domain by a distance of  where . The total work done by the function is therefore the sum of these distances. It is a known fact that  and . In this this research paper, we have mainly presented the numerical  solutions of the total work done, the average work done by functions on the finite symmetric inverse semigroup of degree ,  and the finite full transformation semigroup of degree ,  as well as their respective powers for a given fixed time  in space. We used an effective methodology and valid combinatorial results to generalize the total work done, the average work done and powers of each of the transformation semigroups. The generalized results were tested by substituting small values of  and a specified fixed times  in space. Graphs were plotted in each case to illustrate the nature of the total work done and the average work done. The results obtained in this research article have an important application in some branch of physics and theoretical computer science

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