ПРАВОВАЯ ПРИРОДА АДМИНИСТРАТИВНОЙ ЮСТИЦИИ РФ: НАПРАВЛЕНИЯ РАЗВИТИЯ, ПРОБЛЕМНЫЕ АСПЕКТЫ, ПУТИ ИХ РЕШЕНИЯ И ПРАКТИКА ПРАВОПРИМЕНЕНИЯ// Humanitarian and Socio-Economic Sciences Journal 4(15), 2019/ OEAPS Inc.(Open European Academy of Public Sciences); Chief Editor Flora Bertrand - Oxford, UK. 14.05.2019: OEAPS Inc., 2019. - PP. 18-32.

2019 ◽  
Илья Андреевич Влазнев ◽  
Алексей Александрович Гречкин

В данной статье авторами рассматриваются особенности правовой природы административной юстиции Российской Федерации. Проводится оценка и сопоставление административной юрисдикции России и США. Проанализирована статистика поступивших исковых заявлений в России за последние семь лет. Исследуются некоторые особенности, связанные с административной юстицией Российской Федерации в области её развития, а также правоприменения. Отдельно представлены мнения и высказывания ученых о проблемных аспектах, и показаны альтернативные способы их решения.This article discusses the features of the legal nature in the administrative justice of the Russian Federation. The administrative jurisdiction of Russia and the USA is assessed and compared. The statistics of the received claims in Russia for the last seven years is analyzed. Some features connected with administrative justice of the Russian Federation in the field of its development, and also law enforcement are investigated. Opinions and statements of scientists about the problem aspects are presented separately, and alternative ways of their solution are shown.

Anatolii Yugov ◽  
Sergey Belykh

The Constitution, as the main universal and comprehensive legal document, establishes fundamental principles and defines the legal basis for development of public and state life in all politically significant spheres, serves as a guarantor of legitimacy and order, gives a boost to the development of society. The special political and legal nature of the constitution, the issues of its operation and the mechanism of its implementation are of great importance. In accordance to the authors’ approach, the mechanism of implementation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation includes the following components: 1) entry of the constitution into legal force; 2) its functions; 3) constitutional algorithm of unity and differentiation of public authority; 4) forms of implementation; 5) ways of implementation; 6) subjects of implementation; 7) objects of implementation; 8) institutions for modernization; 9) guarantees of implementation. The authors conclude that the modern scientific ideas of a rational mechanism of implementation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation contribute to solving the issues of economic and cultural development of the Russian society, help creating favorable conditions for proper law enforcement, strengthening legitimacy and order.

2019 ◽  
Ксения Евгениевна Добрынина

В данной статье рассмотрены изменения законодательства Российской Федерации в сфере строительства жилья, выделены проблемные аспекты долевого строительства жилья и его поэтапной замены на проектное финансирование. В ходе анализа были выявлены позитивные и негативные последствия внедрения в России проектного финансирования строительства жилья. А так же сделаны выводы о том, к чему могут привести рассматриваемые изменения в законодательстве.This article examines the changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of housing construction, highlights the problematic aspects of shared housing construction and its phased replacement for project financing. The analysis revealed the positive and negative consequences of introducing project financing of housing construction in Russia. As well as conclusions about what the changes in the legislation in question may lead to.

Ольга Васильевна Коростылёва

В статье рассматриваются правовые и организационные вопросы, возникающие при исполнении мер пресечения, которые в соответствии с уголовно-процессуальным законодательством исполняют уголовно-исполнительные инспекции Федеральной службы исполнения наказаний (ФСИН России). Автор исследует исторически сложившиеся традиции исполнения мер пресечения и выявляет несоответствие в задачах, возложенных на ФСИН России, в связи с необоснованным расширением круга обязанностей сотрудников уголовно-исполнительных инспекций, вынужденных исполнять, кроме наказаний без изоляции от общества и иных мер уголовно-правового характера, еще и меры пресечения. В этой связи в теоретическом и прикладном аспектах актуальность и определенный интерес представляет статья, посвященная рассмотрению практики применения мер уголовно-процессуального принуждения уголовно-исполнительными инспекциями. Существенной новизной настоящей работы является отражение современных проблем применения следующих мер пресечения: домашний арест, запрет определенных действий, залог при возложении на подозреваемого/обвиняемого соблюдать запреты в соответствии с ч. 6 ст. 105.1 Уголовно-процессуального кодекса Российской Федерации, основным контролирующим органом - федеральным органом исполнительной власти, осуществляющим правоприменительные функции, функции по контролю и надзору в сфере исполнения уголовных наказаний в отношении осужденных, а именно - уголовно-исполнительными инспекциями. Определяющее значение в обосновании позиции автора играет тот факт, что согласно руководящим нормативным правовым актам исполняемые сегодня уголовно-исполнительными инспекциями меры пресечения, за исключением домашнего ареста, не имеют должного законодательного закрепления. Кроме выделенных проблем, автором предложены пути их решения, которые были получены в ходе системного анализа действующего уголовно-процессуального и уголовно-исполнительного законодательства. The article deals with the legal and organizational issues that arise in the execution of preventive measures, which, in accordance with the criminal procedure legislation, are executed by the criminal Executive inspections of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia. The author examines the historical traditions of execution of preventive measures, and identifies inconsistencies in the tasks assigned to the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in connection with the unjustified expansion of the range of duties of employees of criminal Executive inspections, forced to perform, in addition to punishments without isolation from society and other measures of a criminal legal nature, also preventive measures. In this regard, in theoretical and applied aspects, the article devoted to the review of the practice of applying measures of criminal procedural coercion by criminal Executive inspections is relevant and of some interest. A significant novelty of this work is the reflection of modern problems of applying the following preventive measures: house arrest, prohibition of certain actions, bail when assigning a suspect / accused to comply with prohibitions in accordance with Pt. 6 of Art. 105.1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, the main controlling body-the Federal Executive authority that performs law enforcement functions, functions of control and supervision in the field of execution of criminal penalties against convicted persons, namely, criminal Executive inspections. The author's position is based on the fact that according to the guiding normative legal acts, the preventive measures implemented by the criminal Executive inspections today, with the exception of house arrest, do not have a proper legislative basis. In addition to the identified problems, the author suggests ways to solve them, which were obtained in the course of a systematic analysis of the current criminal procedure and criminal enforcement legislation.

T. A. Darbinyan

The problem of the lack of a clear understanding of the legal nature of the employee's job description in the legislation and law enforcement practice is considered. The priority is given to the conditions of the labor contract regarding the labor function in relation to the job description, including disputes related to the establishment and change of the employee's duties. The employee's labor duties are considered as a structural element of the labor contract. The right of the employer to determine the labor obligations of the employee at his own discretion is substantiated. At the same time, the criteria restricting this right are singled out. Based on the example of law-enforcement practice, the specifics of applying qualification directories in determining the employee's duties are also considered. It is proposed to make clarifications of some norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, namely of Art. 21 and 22, with an indication of the establishment of work responsibilities by the employer. These measures will make it possible to avoid collisions that arise in connection with the definition and establishment of the employee's work duties.

2021 ◽  
A.S. Blankov ◽  
O. B. Vinogradova ◽  
Orlova Y. R. Orlova Y. R.

The article defines the legal nature of the environmental protection activities of law enforcement agencies. The bodies carrying out activities for the protection of the environment within the framework of the implementation of the law enforcement function are systematized according to their own functionality into four groups: the general law enforcement bodies (internal affairs of the Russian Federation); the law enforcement agencies that resolve issues related to encroachment on public relations in relation to a specific natural object (specialized agencies); the bodies implementing control and supervisory activities in this area (prosecutorial bodies of Russia); and, finally, the judicial authorities.

2019 ◽  
Анастасия Эдуардовна Скляднева

Данная статья посвящена проблемам правового регулирования международной защиты прав интеллектуальной собственности. Рассматриваются международный, наднациональный и национальный уровни регулирования защиты интеллектуальных прав и их влияние на законодательство Российской Федерации.This paper focuses on the problems of legal regulation of international protection of intellectual property. International, supranational and national levels of regulation of intellectual property protection and their impact on the legislation of the Russian Federation are considered.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (12) ◽  
pp. 70-80
Yu. V. Brisov

Good faith (bona fides) is presented in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation as a general principle and presumption. In resolving corporate disputes, the courts are governed by general principles of good faith. However, corporate relations have a specificity due to, inter alia, the variety of corporate forms. It can be assumed that the application of good faith provisions should also vary taking into account the characteristics of corporate patterns, the types and forms of corporate relations, subjective internal corporate circumstances. Common law countries have developed a system of good faith elements and special tests to apply the required requirement of good faith according to the context. A special place is given to fiduciary relations as a product of bona fides. The author has carried out a comparative analysis of the provisions of the Plenums of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the law enforcement practice of Germany, the USA, Great Britain and Canada on the issues of good faith in the consideration of corporate disputes. Special attention is paid to the interrelation between corporate ethics and law. Examining a number of key cases from the law-enforcement practice of the courts of the Anglo-American system of law, the author substantiates the possibility of applying special tests, namely, objective and subjective good faith tests, to regulate matters related to the application of the rules of good faith from the Civil Code and special laws in dealing with corporate disputes. Special attention is paid to the role of courts and permissible discretion in the formation of standards of enforcement of blanket norms and general principles of law in corporate relations.

Thi Hoan Nguyen

The relevance of this article is substantiated by the absence of unified approach toward comprehension of the legal nature of public easement. Insufficient regulation of easement relations in civil legislation of the Russian Federation (easement is mentioned in just four articles of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) entails the problems in law enforcement practice. One of such problems is the absence of universal classification of easements that would ensure unity of the mechanism for regulating easement relations, which affords grounds for amending the current Russian legislation. The attempt to systematize easements suggested by the real right reform is polemical and yet to be approved. The subject of this research on the basis of comparative legal analysis is the provisions of the types of easements and peculiarities of the implementation in the Russian and Vietnamese law. The novelty lies in carrying out a comprehensive comparative legal analysis of the types of easements in the Russian and Vietnamese law. The conclusion is made on the gap in the mechanism of regulation of easement relations in the Russian legislation. The need is substantiated for the systemic construction of easement norms in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The author makes recommendations for the improvement of the provisions on easement in the reform, and outlines the vector of development of this institution in the current legislation of Vietnam. The theoretical and practical value of this work gives an in-depth perspective on the civil law of the Russian Federation and Vietnam.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (10) ◽  
pp. 36-43
O. V. Brezhnev

The paper is devoted to the problems concerning the legal nature, normative regulation and the procedure for the implementation of the institute of preliminary constitutional review in the Russian Federation. Although the exercise of this type of constitutional control ensurs the prevention of the detected violations, it also carries certain risks associated with the limited time frame of its implementation, impossibility of taking into account interpretation of the contested norm in law enforcement, etc. The author demonstartes permissible forms of the use of preliminary control in the activity of the bodies of constitutional justice in Russia (when checking the constitutionality of international agreements and treaties of the Russian Federation, evaluating constitutional amendments, etc.). The author also investigates the practice of implementing the relevant powers. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the legal positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation that stipulate the limits of the implementation of preliminary judicial constitutional review. The paper examines the issue of the powers of constitutional (charter) courts of constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the area under consideration.

Lex Russica ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 73 (3) ◽  
pp. 45-54
I. V. Tymoshenko

In June 2019, the official website of the Government of the Russian Federation published the Concept of the New Code of Administrative Offences, the enactment of which is planned for 1 January 2021. This Concept indicates that the factors that reduce the effectiveness of the existing Administrative Code of the Russian Federation include, among other things, problems in law enforcement at the stages of initiation and consideration of cases of administrative offenses, contains general guidelines for reforming the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation and highlights certain challenging issues that need to be resolved in its forthcoming modernization. At the same time, it does not seem to address all the issues that need to be addressed. Thus, the analysis of administrative-jurisdictional practice of the first instance shows that the protocol on administrative offense is considered by subjects of administrative jurisdiction ( extrajudicial, quasi-judicial, and judicial) as one of the types of evidence in the case of an administrative offence. Moreover, it is not uncommon that such a record is the only evidence on the basis of which an administrative penalty is imposed. And the analysis of administrative and jurisdictional practice of the second and subsequent instances (up to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation) allows us to conclude that this approach is justified and quite legitimate. But is it really true? And to what extent is it lawful and legitimate to consider the protocol on an administrative offense as evidence in the case of an administrative offense? This paper is devoted to searching for answers to these questions through the prism of understanding of the functional purpose and juridical (lawful) nature of this type of administrativejurisdictional acts.

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