scholarly journals Impact of Corporate Culture, Division of Labour, Organizational Structure Toward Job Performance PT. XYZ

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 134
Raston Sitio ◽  
Charles V Sianipar ◽  
Rodeyar Pasaribu ◽  
Parel Naibaho ◽  
Dessy Merhandrie

The urgency of this research was to get the impact of corporate culture, division of labour and organizational structure toward employee job performance of PT. XYZ. This study will get variables which have the most dominant influence on job performance. The study used primary data obtained directly from respondents. The technique of collecting data used questionnaires that distributed to 124 respondents who were selected to be the research samples from 179 population of PT. XYZ employees using the Slovin formula, the margin of error is 5% with a Likert scale. The data is processed and tabulated. The stages of this research are concept analysis, literature study, distribution of questionnaires, tabulation then analyzed. The technique of data analysis is linear multiple regression with data processing using SPSS. The study conducted four months starting from June to October 2020 at the PT. XYZ Company which is located in West Jakarta. The scale used in the questionnaire is a Likert scale. The results of this study show that the relationship between corporate culture, division of labour and organizational structure at PT. XYZ is not too significant for job performance. The impact is very varied, namely, the influence of corporate culture is quite significant, it is in contrast the impact caused by the division of labour and organizational structure which is very insignificant.

2017 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 244-262 ◽  
Ra’ed Masa’deh ◽  
Rifat Shannak ◽  
Mahmoud Maqableh ◽  
Ali Tarhini

Purpose This is an empirical study of knowledge management performance (KMP) at a university and the purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between knowledge management process (KMPR), KMP and job performance (JP). Design/methodology/approach The data were collected using a questionnaire, as the instrument for the primary data collection, with total collected back responses of 207 from university lecturers who have actually participated. Structural equation modeling technique was used to fully analyze the data in order to determine what level of the relationship between knowledge management (KM) and JP existed. Findings The main findings were related to confirming the two main hypotheses of the research that were related to testing if there were relationships between the KMPR (represented by seven surrogate measures, namely, knowledge identification, knowledge creation, knowledge collection, knowledge organizing, knowledge storage, knowledge dissemination and knowledge application) and KMP, as well as if the KMP was related to the JP. Originality/value This paper focuses on investigating the actual role of KM at a university, which is assumingly a knowledge factory. Contrary to the conventional wisdom that presumes the importance of KM and specially when there is no proper KM regiment in place, the paper reports the limited influence KM has on staff JP. It is one of the few studies that fills the gap in the literature concerned with the relationship between KM and JP and perhaps the first to provide insights about the KM intricacies at a Jordanian University.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 144-151
Noora Ahmed Lari ◽  

The State of Qatar has implemented several family policies in order to improve the wellbeing of Qatari families and ensure fair distribution of development benefits for both men and women. However, there is a linkage between female employment outside the home and instability in the marriages of Qatari families. This paper investigates the impact of female employment on marital stability, based on the results of primary data collected in Qatar, a questionnaire that consisted of several sections such as challenges in the workplace, supervisor, family and spouse relations, work motivation and performance. Of the 824 questionnaires that were returned, 807 were completed and valid for analysis. Regression analysis and an ANOVA test have been used to test the relationship between the variables. The results of the research have produced mixed findings about how wives’ employment increases marital instability and have yielded few significant differences on mean scores of discuss on work demands, insufficient time together, housework, financial matters, communication, relatives and rearing children. The results indicates that in general Qatar working women face several challenges in relation to their marital life as part of cultural and social constraints.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 26-41
Colin Agabalinda ◽  
Alain Vilard Ndi Isoh

The study investigated the direct effects of financial literacy (knowledge, skills, and attitudes) on financial preparedness for retirement and the moderating effect of age among the small and medium enterprises in Uganda. Primary data was collected from a sample of n = 380 selected from the SME workforce. Descriptive analysis was run on SPSS, while validity and reliability of the measurement items yielded satisfactory composite reliability scores and average variance explained (AVE) scores for all items. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was used to test the hypotheses and multi-group analysis conducted to test for the moderating effect of age on the relationship between financial literacy and retirement preparedness. The results revealed that knowledge and skills were significant predictors of retirement preparedness. However, ‘attitude' was not a significant predictor, and age had no moderating effect on the relationship between the study variables. These findings present practical implications for policymakers and financial educators in a developing country context.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 42
Nasreddin Ramadhan Dukhan ◽  
Norhisham Mohamad ◽  
Asbi B Ali

This study aims to test the influence of the senior management’s support as a moderating variable on the relationship between the independent factors (Training, Empowerment, Motivation and Communication) and the dependent variable (Performance of Employees). (SEM-AMOS) is used to test the impact of the moderating variable. Where it is depended on the method of sampling or analysis of what is known as multiple-groups analysis. The paragraphs of the senior management’s support variable are collected and divided into two groups according to the mean of the total paragraphs. In addition, according to the relative weights given to the paragraphs of the questionnaire, using a five- point’s Likert scale: 1= strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree. The first group consisted of the grades less than the mean and it is considered as the group which is non-supporters of the existence of support. While the second group consisted of the grades higher than the mean and considered as the group which is a supporter of the existence of support. The study found that the model of study in the presence of the support of the senior management’s is appropriate for the second group and inappropriate in light of the lack of support by the senior management’s support for the first group.

2016 ◽  
Vol 70 (1) ◽  
pp. 119-145 ◽  
Andrew Li ◽  
Jessica Bagger ◽  
Russell Cropanzano

We draw on gender role theory to examine the relationships among employee-rated work–family conflict, supervisor perceptions of employee work–family conflict, employee gender and supervisor-rated job performance. We found that the relationship between employee-rated work–family conflict and supervisor perceptions of employee conflict varied based on both employee gender and the direction of conflict under consideration. Specifically, the relationship between the two rating sources (employee and supervisor) was stronger for male employees when conflict was considered. However, the relationship between the two rating sources was stronger for female employees when family-to-work conflict was considered. Supervisor perceptions of employee work–family conflict were negatively related to employee job performance ratings. More generally, we found support for a moderated mediation model such that the relationship between employee-rated work–family conflict and job performance was mediated by supervisor perceptions of employee work–family conflict, and the effect was moderated by employee gender. Implications for research and practice are discussed.

2018 ◽  
Vol 30 (8) ◽  
pp. 592-612 ◽  
Amro Alzghoul ◽  
Hamzah Elrehail ◽  
Okechukwu Lawrence Emeagwali ◽  
Mohammad K. AlShboul

Purpose This study aims at providing empirical evidence pertaining to the interaction among authentic leadership, workplace harmony, worker's creativity and performance in the context of telecommunication sector. These research streams remain important issues and of interest as the world continues to migrate toward a knowledge-based economy. Design/methodology/approach Applying structural equation modeling, this study diagnosed the impact of Authentic leadership (AL) on employees (n = 345) in two Jordanian telecommunication firms, specifically, how it shapes workplace climate, creativity and job performance. The study also tests the moderating role of knowledge sharing in the model, as well as the mediating role of workplace climate on the relationship between AL and positive organizational outcomes. Findings The empirical result suggests that AL positively influences workplace climate, creativity and job performance; workplace climate positively influences creativity and job performance; workplace climate mediates the relationship between AL and creativity, and job performance; and knowledge sharing behavior moderates the relationship between AL and workplace climate. Originality/value This study highlights the magnificent power of AL and knowledge sharing, not only in shaping the workplace atmosphere but also in delineating how these variables stimulate creativity and performance among employees. The implications for research and practice are discussed.

Vebionita Megi Putri ◽  
Delfi Eliza

Children are generations or descendants as a result of the relationship between men and women, whether in marriage or not. Early childhood is an individual who is experiencing a period of very rapid growth, even though now the entire world is experiencing the Covid-19 pandemic, it is not an obstacle to children's development and growth. With the pandemic, the government is implementing learning at home, the use of technology media is the main key in online learning. This study aims to describe the impact of using gadgets in early childhood in the aspects of language development. This research was conducted using the literature study method in which journals, books and other sources reinforce this research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-19
Benedictus Simangunsong ◽  
Felisianus N. Rahmat

                                                                        Abstrak Budaya memainkan peran yang sangat penting dalam politik karena menjadi cerminan masyarakat dalam menentukan sikap dan pilihan politik atau membentuk karakteristik masyarakat dalam berpolitik. Contoh dari hubungan antara budaya dan politik bisa tergambarkan pada isu kekerabatan  pada pilkada Manggarai Barat 2020 yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini. Fenomena kekerabatan yang dimaksud adalah adanya kecenderungan dari masyarakat Manggarai Barat pada umumnya untuk memilih pemimpin yang seasal atau karena faktor kekerabatan dan kekeluargaan atau dikenal sebagai budaya lonto leok yang masih kuat mempengaruhi kehidupan masyarakat termasuk politik. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma interpretif dengan metode penelitian Fenomenologi. Adapun pengumpulan data penelitian dilakukan dengan data primer yaitu melakukan wawancara mendalam dan dokumentasi serta data sekunder berupa studi kepustakaan. Wawancara dilakukan kepada para informan yang melakukan lonto leok menjelang Pilkada Mabar Tahun 2020 dan juga pada pilkada-pilkada sebelumnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa makna kekerabatan dalam budaya lonto leok pada proses pilkada di Manggarai Barat adalah kebersamaan dan ketergantungan. Sementara peran budaya lonto leok dalam proses politik adalah pada saat pengambilan keputusan dan menumbuhkan ikatan kekerabatan.   Kata kunci: Budaya, Politik, Kekerabatan, Lonto Leok, fenomenologi, makna kekerabatan                                                                   Abstract   Culture plays a very important role in politics because it reflects the everyday life of society in determining political attitudes and choices or shaping the characteristics of society in politics. One of them many examples about the relationship between culture and politics can be illustrated in the issue of kinship in the 2020 West Manggarai regional election discussed in this study. The kinship phenomenon in question is the tendency of the West Manggarai community in general to choose leaders who are in the same kinship and it is known as the lonto leok culture which still strongly influences people's life, including politics. This study uses an interpretive paradigm with phenomenological research methods. The research data collection was carried out with primary data, namely conducting in-depth interviews and documentation and secondary data in the form of literature study. Interviews were conducted with informants who conducted lonto leok ahead of the 2020 Mabar Pilkada and also in the previous pilkada. The results showed that the meaning of kinship in the lonto leok culture in the election process in West Manggarai was togetherness and dependence. Meanwhile, the role of lonto leok culture in the political process is at the time of making decisions and fostering kinship ties.   Keywords: Culture, Politics, Kinship, Lonto Leok, phenomenology, meaning of kinship  

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Vijay Kumar Shrotryia ◽  
Kirti Saroha ◽  
Upasana Dhanda

PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to shed light on the relationship between organizational commitment (OC) and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) as mediated by employee engagement (EE). The impact of different facets of OC (affective, continuance and normative) and EE (alignment, affectiveness and action-orientation) is examined with respect to OCB.Design/methodology/approachInsights from the literature underpin the hypotheses on how EE mediates the relationship between OC and OCB. Primary data using survey questionnaire were collected from 881 permanent employees of Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) in India. Hayes' model 4 has been used for the mediation analysis.FindingsThe analyses show that only one facet of OC- affective commitment and the alignment and action-orientation dimensions of EE positively affect OCB. The relationship between OC and OCB is fully mediated by EE.Practical implicationsThe results imply that engaging employees is pivotal for effectively fostering citizenship behavior among employees. Organizations should be willing to implement strategies and interventions which enhance the emotional experience of employees to foster a sense of belongingness with the organization and engage them.Originality/valueThe paper draws on a unique data set of a prestigious organization in India to provide insights with substantial degree of generalizability into the relationship between OC, OCB and EE, whilst applying a comprehensive definition of these constructs. It is the first study to examine the inter-relationship among different facets of these constructs.

Eman Alaqeli ◽  
Ainas Altarhuni ◽  
Nidaal Almabrook

Background and objectives. The relationship between leadership styles and job performance draws considerable attention from recent researchers. The main objective of this study was to determine the impact of leadership style (autocratic, democratic, and laissez-faire) on job performance from nurse’s points of view at Benghazi Medical Centre. Method. This study was a descriptive questionnaire-based study conducted on 100 nurses working at Benghazi Medical Centre, Libya. To analyze the data (mean, standard deviation, ANOVA test were used. Furthermore, multiple regressions and Pearson correlation were used to determine whether a relationship exists between the independent and dependent variables. Result. Of 100, only 60 questionnaires were completed, giving a response rate of 60%. The findings of this study indicated that democratic was the most dominantly used in the hospital, followed by the autocratic and laissez-faire leadership styles. Whereas, the laissez-faire leadership style had a strong positive and significant impact on performance (R2= .333; P < 0.01). Conclusion. Laissez-faire leadership style positively affected nurses’ performance. Future research that might be relevant to be further explored are worth.

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