scholarly journals Problemy związane z tzw. konstrukcją ciągłości przestępstwa w odniesieniu do instytucji prawa karnego procesowego – res iudicata oraz zakazu ne bis in idem

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-29
Przemysław Krawczyk

Przemysław Krawczyk discusses the impact of institutions related to the continuity of a crime on the substantive validity of judgments in criminal cases and the ne bis in idem prohibition that flows from it. The study presents the views of doctrine and judicature which treat the scope of the validity of substantive judgment in relation to conduct (acts) committed in the conditions of continuity. It should be noted at the outset that positions on this issue tend to be diametrically different. Moreover, Krawczyk points out how important it is to set temporal limits to the continuity of an offence. This issue is of considerable importance from the point of view of the substantive validity of a ruling issued in a criminal trial, because incorrect or insufficiently precise delimitation of these limits may result in a violation of some fundamental principles of criminal law, both substantive and procedural.

1947 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 330-348 ◽  
H. Lauterpacht

The cause célèbre of King v. William Joyce, subsequently reported as Joyce v. Director of Public Prosecutions, was concerned to a large extent with matters of interest for international law, and it is mainly from this point of view that it is proposed to discuss it in the present article. Obviously the case is also of considerable importance both for criminal law, in so far as it is concerned with the crime of treason, and for constitutional law inasmuch as it bears directly on the question of the nature and the obligations of allegiance. However, it is probable that the case books which will claim it most insistently will be those of international law. For the decision in Rex v. Joyce is not only an authority on certain aspects of allegiance owed by aliens and of the right of a State to assume jurisdiction over acts committed by aliens abroad. It sheds light on such questions as the nature of diplomatic protection of citizens, the right of a State to protect diplomatically persons who are not its citizens, the obligation of allegiance of so-called protected persons, and some others. Not all these questions were judicially answered, but they loomed large in argument and imparted to the proceedings the complexion of a case concerned predominantly with international law. In view of this it may be pertinent to preface this article by drawing attention to a point which appears to be a mere matter of terminology but which, it is believed, raises an issue of wider significance.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 96-105

Investigation of crimes against justice in Ukraine is among topical problems of miscarriage of justice. Hundreds of criminal cases are recorded as a crime in the Official Register in Ukraine but only a few have been brought to the court. In this article we try to approach this problem in three ways: from the point of view of criminal law, criminal procedure and criminalistic measures of counteraction to miscarriage of justice. Such an approach helps to demonstrate problems of investigator, prosecutor and judge at different stages of criminal proceeding. Special attention is paid to specific regulation of the issues of criminal proceedings against a certain category of persons, including judges. Mistakes of representatives of law enforcement bodies become visible as a result of analyzing of real criminal cases. Such an analysis is aimed to disclose the problem of counteraction to miscarriage of justice in Ukraine.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 178
Wildan Tantowi

<p>Abstract<br />Corrutiption is categorized as an extraordinary crime, the eradicting must also be done  seriously. This article examines the criminal law policy of imposing the death penalty for corruptors during the covid-19 Pandemic. The Covid Pandemic in Indonesia as a national non-natural disaster which has been a serious concern of the government. In the event of corruption cases occur during the Covid-19 Pandemic, such criminal cases should be tackled in an extraordinary and special way because the impact of Covid-19 Pandemic has affected all sectors of life. Considering the Covid-19 Pandemic, it is appropriate if Indonesia is currently categorized under certain conditions. It means that this condition implies that if a criminal act of corruption occurs during the Covid-19 Pandemic, law enforcers can prosecute or impose a death penalty for corruption perpetrators as stipulated in Article 2 paragraph (1) and (2) of the Corruption Eradication Law. This research used the normative legal method which is carried out through literature study and used the statue approach to find out what weaknesses can lead to juridical problems with the enforcement of the death penalty against corruptors in Indonesia and to analyze the urgency of criminal law policy n the imposition of the death penalty for corruptors during the Covid-19 Pandemic.<br /><br /></p><p>Abstrak<br />Tindak pidana korupsi dikategorikan sebagai extraordinary crime, Pemberantasan tindak  pidana korupsi  juga harus dilakukan dengan cara yang luar biasa. Artikel ini mengkaji tentang kebijakan hukum pidana penjatuhan sanksi pidana mati terhadap koruptor pada masa Pandemi Covid-19 . Pandemi Covid-19 di Indonesia ditetapkan sebagai bencana non-alam nasional yang telah menjadi perhatian serius dari pemerintah. Apabila terjadi tindak pidana korupsi pada masa Pandemi Covid-19 ini, maka penanggulangan tindak pidana korupsi tersebut harus dilakukan secara luar biasa dan khusus. Mengingat dampak dari Pandemi Covid-19 ini telah mempengaruhi segalam macam sektor kehidupan. Melihat kondisi Pandemi Covid-19 sudah selayaknya apabila Indonesia saat ini dikategorikan dalam kondisi keadaan tertentu. Artinya dari kondisi tersebut berimplikasi apabila terjadi tindak pidana korupsi pada masa Pandemi Covid-19 penegak hukum dapat menuntut atau menjatuhkan pidana mati bagi pelaku korupsi sebagaimana telah diatur dalam Pasal 2 ayat (1) dan (2) Undang-Undang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan dalam artikel ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif yang dilakukan melalui studi kepustakaan dan dipadukan dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan yang nantinya tujuan dari penulisan artikel untuk mengetahui kelemahan-kelemahan apa saja yang dapat memunculkan sebuah problematika yuridis terhadap penegakan hukuman pidana mati kepada koruptor di Indonesia dan menganalisis urgensi<br />kebijakan hukum pidana di Indonesia dalam penjatuhan pidana mati kepada koruptor pada  masa Pandemi Covid-19.<br /><br /></p>

Tjahyo Kusumo

ABSTRAKPerkembangan dan pembaharuan hukum pidana sudah meningkat dengan adanya penerapan penggabungan hukum dalam penyelesaian kasus tindak pidana. Perumusan masalah:Bagaimana penerapan konsep lex spesialis sistematis pada penegakan hukum tindak pidana korupsi di bidang Pertambangan Dikaitkan Dengan Ajaran Perbarengan Dalam Hukum Pidana? Bagaimana kepastian hukum penerapan konsep lex spesialis sistematis pada penegakan hukum tindak pidana korupsi di bidang Pertambangan dari sudut pandang keadilan ? Bagaimana implikasi hukum penerapan konsep lex spesialis sistematis pada penegakan hukum tindak pidana korupsi di bidang Pertambangan dalam pembaharuan hukum pidana?Tujuan Penelitian Untuk menjelaskan penerapan konsep lex spesialis systematis pada penegakan hukum tindak pidana korupsi di bidang Pertambangan Dikaitkan Dengan Ajaran Perbarengan Dalam Hukum Pidana Untuk menjelaskan kepastian hukum penerapan konsep lex spesialis systematis pada penegakan hukum tindak pidana korupsi di bidang Pertambangan dari sudut pandang keadilan.Untuk menjelaskan implikasi hukum penerapan konsep lex spesialis systematis pada penegakan hukum tindak pidana korupsi di bidang Pertambangan dalam pembaharuan hukum pidana Jenis penelitian hukumnya adalah secara normatif . Kesimpulan Penerapan konsep lex spesialis sistematis pada penegakan hukum tindak pidana korupsi di bidang Pertambangan Dikaitkan Dengan Ajaran Perbarengan Dalam Hukum Pidana terdapat dalam beberapa dakwaan yang terhadap terdakwa yang diperiksa pada persidangan. Hal ini dapat dilihat pada contoh kasus putusan Nomor: 16/Pid.Sus-PK/2018/PT.DKI dengan kronologinya: Terdakwa Nur Alam selaku Gubernur Sulawesi Tenggara didakwa sebagai yang melakukan, menyuruh melakukan perbuatan yang secara melawan hukum melakukan perbuatan memperkaya diri sendiri atau orangt lain atau suatu korporasi yang merugikan keuangan Negara atau perekonomian Negara. Kepastian hukum penerapan konsep lex spesialis systematis pada penegakan hukum tindak pidana korupsi di bidang Pertambangan dari sudut pandang keadilan yaitu bahwa Kebijakan hukum pidana melalui implementasi asas kekhususan sistematis (systematische specialiteit) merupakan upaya penting dalam harmonisasi dan sinkronisasi antar undang-undang yang terkandung sanksi pidana didalamnya, baik itu yang bersifat pure criminal act ataupun hukum pidana administrasi (administrative penal law). Asas kekhususan sistematis terdapat pada pasal 14 UU Tipikor. Interpretasi terhadap pasal ini tidak seragam sehingga seringkali mengakibatkan terjadinya kriminalisasi kebijakan pejabat. Sehingga masih belum mencapai keadilan. Implikasi hukum penerapan konsep lex spesialis sistematis pada penegakan hukum tindak pidana korupsi di bidang Pertambangan dalam pembaharuan hukum pidana bahwa penegak hukum, JPU dan hakim,baik di tingkat pertama, banding, maupun kasasi, dalam menyikapi perkara pidana yang mempertemukan dua ketentuan hukum pidana khusus secara sistematis.ABSTRACTThe development and renewal of criminal law has increased with the application of the incorporation of law in the resolution of criminal cases. Formulation of the problem: How is the application of the concept of a systematic lex specialist on law enforcement of criminal acts of corruption in the field of Mining Associated with the Doctrine of Reform in Criminal Law? What is the legal certainty of the application of the concept of a systematic lex specialist on law enforcement for criminal acts of corruption in the Mining field from the point of view of justice? What are the legal implications of applying the concept of a systematic lex specialist to law enforcement for corruption in the field of Mining in the renewal of criminal law?Research Objectives To explain the application of the concept of systematic lex specialists in law enforcement for corruption in the Mining field Attributed to the Doctrine of Reform in Criminal Law To explain the legal certainty of the application of the concept of systemic specialist lex in law enforcement for corruption in the mining field from the perspective of justice. legal implications of the application of the concept of systematic specialist lex in law enforcement for criminal acts of corruption in the field of Mining in the renewal of criminal law The type of legal research is normative.Conclusion The application of the concept of systematic lex specialists to law enforcement of criminal acts of corruption in the field of Mining Associated with the Doctrine of Collaboration in Criminal Law is contained in a number of charges against the defendants examined at trial. This can be seen in the example of case ruling Number: 16 / Pid.Sus-PK / 2018 / PT.DKI with its chronology: Defendant Nur Alam as the Governor of Southeast Sulawesi was charged as the one who committed, ordered to do an act that unlawfully commits an act of enriching oneself or any other person or corporation that is detrimental to the State's finances or the State's economy. Legal certainty The application of the concept of systematic specialist lex to law enforcement of corruption in the mining sector from the perspective of justice is that the criminal law policy through the implementation of the principle of systematic specificity (systematische specialiteit) is an important effort in the harmonization and synchronization between the laws contained in criminal sanctions therein , both those that are pure criminal act or administrative criminal law. The principle of systematic specificity is found in article 14 of the Corruption Law. The interpretation of this article is not uniform so it often results in the criminalization of official policies. So it still hasn't reached justice. Legal implications of the application of the concept of a systematic lex specialist on law enforcement for criminal acts of corruption in the Mining sector in the renewal of criminal law that law enforcement, prosecutors and judges, both at the first level, appeals, and cassation, in addressing criminal cases that bring together two specific criminal law provisions systematic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 48-56
T. V. Klenova

The article is devoted to the institution of criminal liability for attacks on the honor and dignity of the individual. The article, using the historical method, examines the stages of development of this institution and the features of protecting the honor and dignity of the individual from the point of view of the values of a modern democratic state. The author analyses the impact of explicit and implicit criminal policy objectives on the ways to protect the honor and dignity of the individual. Particular attention is paid to the criminalization and decriminalization of libel and slander. The research is aimed at identifying the problems of targeting in changes in the institution of criminal liability for attacks on honor and dignity, when the relevant criminal law norms are replaced by administrative law norms. The author seeks to depoliticize the protection of the personal right to honor and dignity on the basis of the principle of equality of citizens before the law. The current Russian criminal legislation is mainly aimed at protecting the honor and dignity of persons in connection with their social accessories. Within the protective concept of criminal law, the author of the article justifies the conclusion that the right of anyone who has suffered from slander or insult to achieve the truth and state censure of the perpetrator is guaranteed. Such a view will also be interesting to researchers of the criminal process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-58
Wildan Tantowi ◽  
N.G.A.N Ajeng Saraswati ◽  
Viola Sekarayu Gayatri

This research examines the problems arising from the criminal law policy of imposing the death penalty for corruptors during the Covid-19 pandemic. C. Law Number 31 of 1999 which has been amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning the Eradication of Corruption Crimes is one of the weapons to fight corruption in Indonesia, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic as a national non-natural disaster which has been a serious concern of the government.  In the event of corruption cases occur during the Covid-19 pandemic, such criminal cases should be tackled in an extraordinary and special way because the impact of Covid-19 pandemic has affected all sectors of life, one of which is the economy. Considering the Covid-19 pandemic, it is appropriate if Indonesia is currently categorized under certain conditions. It means that this condition implies that if a criminal act of corruption occurs during the Covid-19 pandemic, law enforcers can prosecute or impose a death penalty for corruption perpetrators as stipulated in Article 2 paragraph (1) and (2) of the Corruption Eradication Law. This research used the normative legal method which is carried out through literature study with the aim of writing the article to find out what weaknesses can lead to juridical problems with the enforcement of the death penalty against corruptors in Indonesia and to analyze the urgency of criminal law policy n the imposition of the death penalty for corruptors during the Covid-19 pandemic.

2021 ◽  
pp. 82-92
Vladimir N. Safonov ◽  

Problem Statement. The inconsistency of judicial practice in criminal cases of abandonment in danger remains an urgent theoretical, legal and practical problem that needs doctrinal coverage. The second premise of the study is the inconsistency of the established judicial practice in cases of this category with the principles of the criminal law-legality, justice, guilt. Goals and Objectives of the Study, Research Methods. The goal is to provide a theoretical explanation and practical suggestions for optimizing judicial practice in cases of this category. The study is carried out in the tradition of a dialectical approach to the content and essence of any social phenomenon, in the coordinates of which the state of the phenomenon under consideration is determined by the content and the ratio of the factors forming this phenomenon. From this point of view, the current practice of reviewing criminal cases on the most dangerous type of abandonment of an unauthorized person in danger, which resulted in his death, is subjected to research. The research methods are systematic, historical, logical, comparative, and proper – legal. Results and Summary Conclusions. The article presents a picture of the contradictory judicial practice in criminal cases of abandonment in danger, and provides a cross-section of theoretical views on the problem under consideration. The main focus is on the consideration of leaving the victim in danger, resulting in his death. It is argued that the reason for the different qualifications of abandonment in danger, associated with the onset of serious consequences (causing harm to the health or death of the victim), is due to the disregard by law enforcement officers of the understanding of this act as a single mechanism of criminal behavior, including the uniqueness of the objective signs of the act with their reflection in the consciousness of the perpetrator. The conclusion is made about the need for a systematic approach to the legal assessment of the phenomenon of abandonment in danger with the subsequent causing of death. In addition to the stability of judicial practice, the author believes that this would lead to a more precise adherence to the principles of criminal law: legality, justice, and guilt. The same principles would be more consistent with the qualification activities of law enforcement entities as a component of the State’s criminal law policy.

2016 ◽  
pp. 91-115 ◽  
I. Chetverikova

During the presidency of Dmitry Medvedev in 2008-2012 the Russian economy still remained highly regulated, so almost every economic activity could be recognized by the enforcement agencies as illegal. Under pressure of business some liberal reforms were launched in the criminal law and criminal procedure law related to economic crimes. The reforms were supposed to protect entrepreneurs from unwarranted prosecution and wrong conviction, and to make punishment less punitive. Using the data on 2 million defendants prosecuted for economic and property crimes in Russian criminal courts in 2009-2013, the paper examines how policy change affected the judicial decision making in criminal cases. Quasi-experimental design is used to test the impact of policy change on conviction and sentencing decisions. The results suggest that sentencing practices became more lenient rather due to the general changes in criminal law than the changes related specifically to economic offenders.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (9) ◽  
pp. 0-0
Александра Боярская ◽  
Aleksandra Boyarskaya

The article discusses current issues of differentiation of criminal proceedings. The character of the impact of criminal law on procedural form of summary court proceedings. The author successively examines the substantive basis of summary court proceedings of Russian criminal trial: a special order of the trial, a special procedure for the trial at the conclusion of the pre-trial agreement, judicial procedure under Art. 226.9 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, as well as in criminal cases of private prosecution. The author concludes that the specific substantive basis is not peculiar to each of these procedures. Legislators did not specify the substantive grounds of procedure under Sec. 40.1 Code of Criminal Procedure. The court proceedings under Art. 226.9 CPC RF does not have its own substantive basis. The article concludes that all above said demonstrates the destruction of classical chords, according to which the differentiation of criminal law determines the differentiation of criminal procedural law in sphere of differentiation of criminal procedural form. Nowadays, on the contrary, the differentiation of the criminal procedure is carried out more rapidly and dictates the transformation of criminal procedural law. The article also analyzes the causes and symptoms of this trend of development of modern legislation.

1962 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
pp. 169-257 ◽  
J. Green

The term geo-sciences has been used here to include the disciplines geology, geophysics and geochemistry. However, in order to apply geophysics and geochemistry effectively one must begin with a geological model. Therefore, the science of geology should be used as the basis for lunar exploration. From an astronomical point of view, a lunar terrain heavily impacted with meteors appears the more reasonable; although from a geological standpoint, volcanism seems the more probable mechanism. A surface liberally marked with volcanic features has been advocated by such geologists as Bülow, Dana, Suess, von Wolff, Shaler, Spurr, and Kuno. In this paper, both the impact and volcanic hypotheses are considered in the application of the geo-sciences to manned lunar exploration. However, more emphasis is placed on the volcanic, or more correctly the defluidization, hypothesis to account for lunar surface features.

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