2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 202-209
Kelvin Hennry Loudry Malelak ◽  
I Made Dwi Ardiada ◽  
Gerson Feoh

Under normal conditions, undergraduate or undergraduate students from a university can complete their studies for 4 years or 8 semesters. In fact, many students complete their study period of more than 4 years. Is known that in fact in the 2015/2016 academic year there were 744 people who were accepted as students. Of the 744 people who were accepted, 405 people had completed a study period of about 4 years and the remaining 39 people completed their studies for 5 years and 300 of them did not continue their studies. Based on the problem on, so This study implements a classification that can help Dhyana Pura University in predicting the length of study for students who are currently studying in various study programs at Dhyana Pura University. The author's method serves in the classification to predict long student study period is the Naive Bayes algorithm. By using the Java-based Rapid Miner tool to classify graduation data. Then the implementation of data mining which is divided into 968 training data and 193 data testing data with naive Bayes has succeeded in obtaining an accuracy rate of 100% which also has very good parameters.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 77-88
Nur Isnaini Parihah ◽  
Sari Hartini ◽  
Juarni Siregar

The birth rate is something that can affect the increase in population growth. Large population is a burden for development. According to Malthus's Theory which states that a large population growth is not the welfare that is obtained but rather poverty will be encountered if the population is not well controlled. The number of baby births in Tridaya Sakti Village is increasing every year. Therefore Data Mining using the Naive Bayes algorithm can help in the calculation of predicting infant birth rates in Tridaya Sakti Village. Data Mining in predicting the number of infant birth rates aims to determine the number of infant birth rates for the coming year using the Naive Bayes algorithm. By looking at the prediction patterns of each variable and testing training data on testing data. It is hoped that the Naive Bayes algorithm can solve the problem in Tridaya Sakti Village in handling and overcoming the calculation of infant birth rates and can help the Tridaya Sakti Village in regulating population growth in the coming years. The results obtained from the data that have been taken and calculated by Data Mining using the Naive Bayes algorithm produce an information that can be used as a reference to find out the number of births. Performance and time in data processing are more effective and efficient as well as more accurate and accurate predictions of the number of baby births.   Keywords: Naive Bayes, Birth of a Baby, Prediction   Abstrak   Angka kelahiran merupakan suatu hal yang dapat mempengaruhi peningkatan pertumbuhan penduduk. Jumlah penduduk yang besar merupakan beban bagi pembangunan. Menurut Teori Malthus yang menyatakan bahwa pertumbuhan jumlah penduduk yang besar bukanlah kesejahteraan yang didapat tapi justru kemelaratan akan ditemui bilamana jumlah penduduk tidak dikendalikan dengan baik. Jumlah angka kelahiran bayi di Desa Tridaya Sakti setiap tahunnya semakin bertambah. Maka dari itu Data Mining dengan menggunakan algoritman Naive Bayes dapat membantu dalam perhitungan memprediksi angka kelahiran bayi di Desa Tridaya Sakti. Data Mining dalam memprediksi jumlah angka kelahiran bayi bertujuan untuk mengetahui jumlah angka kelahiran bayi tahun yang akan mendatang mengunakan algoritma Naive Bayes. Dengan melihat pola prediksi dari setiap variabel dan melakukan pengujian data training terhadap data testing. Diharapkan algoritma Naive Bayes ini dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan di Desa Tridaya Sakti dalam menangani dan mengatasi perhitungan angka kelahiran bayi dan dapat membantu pihak Desa Tridaya Sakti dalam mengatur pertumbuhan jumlah penduduk tahun yang akan mendatang. Hasil yang diperoleh dari data yang sudah diambil dan dihitung dengan Data Mining mengunakan algoritam Naive Bayes menghasilkan sebuah informasi yang dapat digunakan sebagai acuan untuk mengetahui jumlah angka kelahiran bayi. Kinerja dan waktu dalam proses pengolahan data lebih efektif dan efesien serta dari prediksi jumlah kelahiran bayi lebih tepat dan akurat. Kata Kunci: Naive Bayes, Kelahiran Bayi, Prediks  

Desi Ratna Sari ◽  
Dedy Hartama ◽  
Irfan Sudahri Damanik ◽  
Anjar Wanto

This research aims to classify in determining student satisfaction with teaching methods at STIKOM Tunas Bangsa. Data obtained from the results of the 2015 and 2016 semester student questionnaires were odd, with a sample of 80 students. Attributes used are 4, namely communication (C1), Building learning atmosphere (C2), Assessment of students (C3) and delivery of material (C4). The method used in this study is the Naïve Bayes Algorithm and is processed using RapidMiner studio 5.3 software to determine student satisfaction with teaching methods. Training data used 100 data while testing data used in manual calculations as much as 5 data. From the results of data testing the five data expressed satisfaction with the way teaching lecturers at STIKOM Tunas Bangsa. While the training data that is processed with RapidMiner has an accuracy of 92.00%. With this analysis, it is expected to be able to help higher education institutions to evaluate the performance of lecturers, especially in evaluating one of the three triharma colleges, namely the teaching method of lecturers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 443
Azahari Azahari ◽  
Yulindawati Yulindawati ◽  
Dewi Rosita ◽  
Syamsuddin Mallala

<p class="Abstrak">Prediksi  kelulusan  dibutuhkan  oleh  manajemen  perguruan  tinggi  dalam  menentukan kebijakan  preventif  terkait  pencegahan  dini  kasus drop  out. Lama masa studi setiap mahasiswa bisa disebabkan dengan berbagai faktor.  Dengan  menggunakan <em>data mining</em> algoritma <em>naive bayes</em> dan <em>neural network</em> dapat  dilakukan  prediksi  kelulusan  mahasiswa di  STMIK  Widya  Cipta  Dharma (WiCiDa) Samarinda . Atribut yang digunakan yaitu, umur saat masuk kuliah, klasifikasi kota asal Sekolah Menengah Atas, pekerjaan ayah, program studi, kelas, jumlah saudara, dan Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK). Sampel mahasiswa yang lulus dan <em>drop-out</em> pada tahun 2011 sampai 2019 dijadikan sebagai data <em>training</em> dan data <em>testing</em>. Sedangkan angkatan 2015–2018 digunakan sebagai data target yang akan diprediksi masa studinya. Sebanyak 3229 mahasiswa, 1769 sebagai data <em>training</em>, 321 sebagai data <em>testing</em>, dan 1139 sebagai data target. Semua data diambil dari data mahasiswa program strata 1, dan tidak mengikut sertakan data mahasiswa D3 dan alih jenjang/transfer.  Dari data <em>testing </em>diperoleh tingkat akurasi hanya 57,63%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan banyaknya kelemahan dari hasil prediksi <em>naive bayes</em> dikarenakan tingkat akurasi kevalidannya tergolong tidak terlalu tinggi. Sedangkan akurasi prediksi <em>neural network</em> adalah 72,58%, sehingga metode alternatif inilah yang lebih baik. Proses evaluasi dan analisis dilakukan untuk melihat dimana letak kesalahan dan kebenaran dalam hasil prediksi masa studi.</p><div><div><p><em><strong>Abstract</strong></em></p><p class="Abstract"><em>Graduation predictions are required by the higher education institution preventive policies related to the early prevention of drop-out cases. The duration of study, for each student can be caused by various factors. By using the data mining algorithm Naive bayes and neural network, the student graduation in STMIK Widya Cipta Dharma (WiCiDa) can be predicted. The attributes used are as follows: age at admission, classification of cities from high school, father’s occupation, study program, class, number of siblings, and grade point average (GPA). Samples of students who graduated and dropped out between year 2011 and 2019 were used as training data and testing data. While the year class of 2015to 2018 is used as the target data, which will be predicted during the study period. According to the data mining algorithm Naive bayes, there are 3229 students; 1769 as training data, 321 as testing data, and 1139 as target data. All data is taken from students enrolled in undergraduate program and does not include data on diploma students and transfer student. From the testing data, an accuracy rate only 57.63%. The other side, prediction accuracy of the neural network is 72.58%, so this alternative method is the best chosen. The research results show the many weaknesses of the results of prediction of Naive bayes because the level of accuracy of its validity is not high. The evaluation and analysis process are conducted to see where the errors and truths are in the results of the study period predictions.</em></p><p><em><strong><br /></strong></em></p></div></div>

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 640
Mulkan Azhari ◽  
Zakaria Situmorang ◽  
Rika Rosnelly

In this study aims to compare the performance of several classification algorithms namely C4.5, Random Forest, SVM, and naive bayes. Research data in the form of JISC participant data amounting to 200 data. Training data amounted to 140 (70%) and testing data amounted to 60 (30%). Classification simulation using data mining tools in the form of rapidminer. The results showed that . In the C4.5 algorithm obtained accuracy of 86.67%. Random Forest algorithm obtained accuracy of 83.33%. In SVM algorithm obtained accuracy of 95%. Naive Bayes' algorithm obtained an accuracy of 86.67%. The highest algorithm accuracy is in SVM algorithm and the smallest is in random forest algorithm

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-48 ◽  
Arya Kusuma ◽  
De Rosal Ignatius Moses Setiadi ◽  
M. Dalvin Marno Putra

Tomatoes have nutritional content that is very beneficial for human health and is one source of vitamins and minerals. Tomato classification plays an important role in many ways related to the distribution and sales of tomatoes. Classification can be done on images by extracting features and then classifying them with certain methods. This research proposes a classification technique using feature histogram extraction and Naïve Bayes Classifier. Histogram feature extractions are widely used and play a role in the classification results. Naïve Bayes is proposed because it has high accuracy and high computational speed when applied to a large number of databases, is robust to isolated noise points, and only requires small training data to estimate the parameters needed for classification. The proposed classification is divided into three classes, namely raw, mature and rotten. Based on the results of the experiment using 75 training data and 25 testing data obtained 76% accuracy

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Riska Wibowo ◽  
Henny Indriyawati

Abstract. Becoming one of the society health problems in the world, hepatitis is an inflammation liver disease caused by a virus, bacterial infection, chemical substances including drugs and alcohol. In this research, for the dataset of hepatitis having high dimensionality, its value for each attribute was calculated using weight information gain method. Then, the attributes were selected by using top-k methods and were classified by using Naïve Bayes Algorithm respectively. This research showed that 9 out of 20 attributes had chosen to be the highest top-9 with an accuracy rate of 85.57%. Later on, this research can be useful for a consideration in a decision making process for various subjects related to feature selection and Naïve Bayes Algorithm method and also for predicting hepatitis.Keywords: data mining, weight information gain, Naïve Bayes algorithmAbstrak. Penyakit hepatitis merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat di dunia. Penyakit hepatitis merupakan penyakit peradangan hati yang disebabkan oleh virus, infeksi bakteri, zat-zat kimia termasuk obat-obatan dan alkohol. Pada penelitian ini, dataset hepatitis yang memiliki data berdimensi tinggi akan dihitung nilai bobot dari masing-masing atribut menggunakan metode weight information gain. Setelah dihitung nilai bobot dilakukan pemilihan atribut, atribut yang dipilih menggunakan metode top-k. Kemudian dilakukan klasifikasi menggunakan algoritme Naïve Bayes. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari 20 atribut, terpilih top-9 tertinggi dengan nilai akurasi 85.57%. Dengan adanya penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pertimbangan dan pengambilan keputusan pada berbagai bidang yang berkaitan dengan metode feature selection, algoritme Naïve Bayes, dan di dalam memprediksi penyakit hepatitis.Kata Kunci: data mining, weight information gain, algoritma Naïve Bayes

SinkrOn ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-20
Antonius Yadi Kuntoro

Abstract — The current Governor of DKI Jakarta, even though he has been elected since 2017 is always interesting to talk about or even comment on. Comments that appear come from the media directly or through social media. Twitter has become one of the social media that is often used as a media to comment on elected governors and can even become a trending topic on Twitter social media. Netizens who comment are also varied, some are always Tweeting criticism, some are commenting Positively, and some are only re-Tweeting. In this research, a prediction of whether active Netizens will tend to always lead to Positive or Negative comments will be carried out in this study. Model algorithms used are Decision Tree, Naïve Bayes, Random Forest, and also Ensemble. Twitter data that is processed must go through preprocessing first before proceeding using Rapidminer. In trials using Rapidminer conducted in four trials by dividing into two parts, namely testing data and training data. Comparisons made are 10% testing data: 90% Training data, then 20% testing data: 80% training data, then 30% testing data: 70% training data, and the last is 35% testing data: 65% training data. The average Accuracy for the Decision Tree algorithm is 93.15%, while for the Naïve Bayes algorithm the Accuracy is 91.55%, then for the Random Forest algorithm is 93.41, and the last is the Ensemble algorithm with an Accuracy of 93, 42%. here. Keywords — Decision Tree, Naïve Bayes, Random Forest, Set, Twitter.  

Titin Winarti ◽  
Henny Indriyawati ◽  
Vensy Vydia ◽  
Febrian Wahyu Christanto

<span id="docs-internal-guid-210930a7-7fff-b7fb-428b-3176d3549972"><span>The match between the contents of the article and the article theme is the main factor whether or not an article is accepted. Many people are still confused to determine the theme of the article appropriate to the article they have. For that reason, we need a document classification algorithm that can group the articles automatically and accurately. Many classification algorithms can be used. The algorithm used in this study is naive bayes and the k-nearest neighbor algorithm is used as the baseline. The naive bayes algorithm was chosen because it can produce maximum accuracy with little training data. While the k-nearest neighbor algorithm was chosen because the algorithm is robust against data noise. The performance of the two algorithms will be compared, so it can be seen which algorithm is better in classifying documents. The comes about obtained show that the naive bayes algorithm has way better execution with an accuracy rate of 88%, while the k-nearest neighbor algorithm has a fairly low accuracy rate of 60%.</span></span>

Yessi Jusman ◽  
Widdya Rahmalina ◽  
Juni Zarman

Adolescence always searches for the identity to shape the personality character. This paper aims to use the artificial intelligent analysis to determine the talent of the adolescence. This study uses a sample of children aged 10-18 years with testing data consisting of 100 respondents. The algorithm used for analysis is the K-Nearest Neigbor and Naive Bayes algorithm. The analysis results are performance of accuracy results of both algorithms of classification. In knowing the accurate algorithm in determining children's interests and talents, it can be seen from the accuracy of the data with the confusion matrix using the RapidMiner software for training data, testing data, and combined training and testing data. This study concludes that the K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm is better than Naive Bayes in terms of classification accuracy.

Delisman Laia ◽  
Efori Buulolo ◽  
Matias Julyus Fika Sirait

PT. Go-Jek Indonesia is a service company. Go-jek online is a technology-based motorcycle taxi service that leads the transportation industry revolution. Predictions on ordering go-jek drivers using data mining algorithms are used to solve problems faced by the company PT. Go-Jek Indonesia to predict the level of ordering of online go-to drivers. In determining the crowded and lonely time. The proposed method is Naive Bayes. Naive Bayes algorithm aims to classify data in certain classes. The purpose of this study is to look at the prediction patterns of each of the attributes contained in the data set by using the naive algorithm and testing the training data on testing data to see whether the data pattern is good or not. what will be predicted is to collect the data of the previous driver ordering, which is based on the day, time for one month. The Naive Bayes algorithm is used to predict the ordering of online go-to-go drivers that will be experienced every day by seeing each order such as morning, afternoon and evening. The results of this study are to make it easier for the company to analyze the data of each go-jek driver booking in taking policies to ensure that both drivers and consumers or customers.Keywords: Go-jek Driver, Data Mining, Naive Bayes

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