scholarly journals Komparasi Data Mining Naive Bayes dan Neural Network memprediksi Masa Studi Mahasiswa S1

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 443
Azahari Azahari ◽  
Yulindawati Yulindawati ◽  
Dewi Rosita ◽  
Syamsuddin Mallala

<p class="Abstrak">Prediksi  kelulusan  dibutuhkan  oleh  manajemen  perguruan  tinggi  dalam  menentukan kebijakan  preventif  terkait  pencegahan  dini  kasus drop  out. Lama masa studi setiap mahasiswa bisa disebabkan dengan berbagai faktor.  Dengan  menggunakan <em>data mining</em> algoritma <em>naive bayes</em> dan <em>neural network</em> dapat  dilakukan  prediksi  kelulusan  mahasiswa di  STMIK  Widya  Cipta  Dharma (WiCiDa) Samarinda . Atribut yang digunakan yaitu, umur saat masuk kuliah, klasifikasi kota asal Sekolah Menengah Atas, pekerjaan ayah, program studi, kelas, jumlah saudara, dan Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK). Sampel mahasiswa yang lulus dan <em>drop-out</em> pada tahun 2011 sampai 2019 dijadikan sebagai data <em>training</em> dan data <em>testing</em>. Sedangkan angkatan 2015–2018 digunakan sebagai data target yang akan diprediksi masa studinya. Sebanyak 3229 mahasiswa, 1769 sebagai data <em>training</em>, 321 sebagai data <em>testing</em>, dan 1139 sebagai data target. Semua data diambil dari data mahasiswa program strata 1, dan tidak mengikut sertakan data mahasiswa D3 dan alih jenjang/transfer.  Dari data <em>testing </em>diperoleh tingkat akurasi hanya 57,63%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan banyaknya kelemahan dari hasil prediksi <em>naive bayes</em> dikarenakan tingkat akurasi kevalidannya tergolong tidak terlalu tinggi. Sedangkan akurasi prediksi <em>neural network</em> adalah 72,58%, sehingga metode alternatif inilah yang lebih baik. Proses evaluasi dan analisis dilakukan untuk melihat dimana letak kesalahan dan kebenaran dalam hasil prediksi masa studi.</p><div><div><p><em><strong>Abstract</strong></em></p><p class="Abstract"><em>Graduation predictions are required by the higher education institution preventive policies related to the early prevention of drop-out cases. The duration of study, for each student can be caused by various factors. By using the data mining algorithm Naive bayes and neural network, the student graduation in STMIK Widya Cipta Dharma (WiCiDa) can be predicted. The attributes used are as follows: age at admission, classification of cities from high school, father’s occupation, study program, class, number of siblings, and grade point average (GPA). Samples of students who graduated and dropped out between year 2011 and 2019 were used as training data and testing data. While the year class of 2015to 2018 is used as the target data, which will be predicted during the study period. According to the data mining algorithm Naive bayes, there are 3229 students; 1769 as training data, 321 as testing data, and 1139 as target data. All data is taken from students enrolled in undergraduate program and does not include data on diploma students and transfer student. From the testing data, an accuracy rate only 57.63%. The other side, prediction accuracy of the neural network is 72.58%, so this alternative method is the best chosen. The research results show the many weaknesses of the results of prediction of Naive bayes because the level of accuracy of its validity is not high. The evaluation and analysis process are conducted to see where the errors and truths are in the results of the study period predictions.</em></p><p><em><strong><br /></strong></em></p></div></div>

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 77-88
Nur Isnaini Parihah ◽  
Sari Hartini ◽  
Juarni Siregar

The birth rate is something that can affect the increase in population growth. Large population is a burden for development. According to Malthus's Theory which states that a large population growth is not the welfare that is obtained but rather poverty will be encountered if the population is not well controlled. The number of baby births in Tridaya Sakti Village is increasing every year. Therefore Data Mining using the Naive Bayes algorithm can help in the calculation of predicting infant birth rates in Tridaya Sakti Village. Data Mining in predicting the number of infant birth rates aims to determine the number of infant birth rates for the coming year using the Naive Bayes algorithm. By looking at the prediction patterns of each variable and testing training data on testing data. It is hoped that the Naive Bayes algorithm can solve the problem in Tridaya Sakti Village in handling and overcoming the calculation of infant birth rates and can help the Tridaya Sakti Village in regulating population growth in the coming years. The results obtained from the data that have been taken and calculated by Data Mining using the Naive Bayes algorithm produce an information that can be used as a reference to find out the number of births. Performance and time in data processing are more effective and efficient as well as more accurate and accurate predictions of the number of baby births.   Keywords: Naive Bayes, Birth of a Baby, Prediction   Abstrak   Angka kelahiran merupakan suatu hal yang dapat mempengaruhi peningkatan pertumbuhan penduduk. Jumlah penduduk yang besar merupakan beban bagi pembangunan. Menurut Teori Malthus yang menyatakan bahwa pertumbuhan jumlah penduduk yang besar bukanlah kesejahteraan yang didapat tapi justru kemelaratan akan ditemui bilamana jumlah penduduk tidak dikendalikan dengan baik. Jumlah angka kelahiran bayi di Desa Tridaya Sakti setiap tahunnya semakin bertambah. Maka dari itu Data Mining dengan menggunakan algoritman Naive Bayes dapat membantu dalam perhitungan memprediksi angka kelahiran bayi di Desa Tridaya Sakti. Data Mining dalam memprediksi jumlah angka kelahiran bayi bertujuan untuk mengetahui jumlah angka kelahiran bayi tahun yang akan mendatang mengunakan algoritma Naive Bayes. Dengan melihat pola prediksi dari setiap variabel dan melakukan pengujian data training terhadap data testing. Diharapkan algoritma Naive Bayes ini dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan di Desa Tridaya Sakti dalam menangani dan mengatasi perhitungan angka kelahiran bayi dan dapat membantu pihak Desa Tridaya Sakti dalam mengatur pertumbuhan jumlah penduduk tahun yang akan mendatang. Hasil yang diperoleh dari data yang sudah diambil dan dihitung dengan Data Mining mengunakan algoritam Naive Bayes menghasilkan sebuah informasi yang dapat digunakan sebagai acuan untuk mengetahui jumlah angka kelahiran bayi. Kinerja dan waktu dalam proses pengolahan data lebih efektif dan efesien serta dari prediksi jumlah kelahiran bayi lebih tepat dan akurat. Kata Kunci: Naive Bayes, Kelahiran Bayi, Prediks  

2020 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-22 ◽  
Jaqueline de Moraes ◽  
Jones Luís Schaefer ◽  
Jacques Nelson Corleta Schreiber ◽  
Johanna Dreher Thomas ◽  
Elpidio Oscar Benitez Nara

Purpose This paper aims to propose a structured model based on a data mining algorithm that can calculate, based on business association (BA) attributes, the probability of micro and small enterprises (MSEs) becoming a new member of a BA. Another goal is the probability of a BA attracting new members. Design/methodology/approach As a methodological procedure, the authors used the Naive Bayes data mining algorithm. The collected data were analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively and then used to define the model, which was tested randomly, while allowing for the possibility of future validation. Findings The findings suggest a structured model based on a data mining algorithm. The model can certainly be used as a management tool for BAs concentrating their efforts on those businesses that are certainly potential new recruits. Further, for an MSE, it serves as a means of evaluating a BA, indicating the possible advantages in becoming a member of a particular association. Research limitations/implications This paper is not intended to be generalized, considering that it only analyzes the BAs of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. In this way, when applying this model to other situations, the attributes listed here can be revised and even modified to adapt to the situation in focus. Practical implications The use of the proposed model will make it possible to optimize the time of BA managers. It also gives MSE greater reliability in choosing BA. Social implications Using this model will provide better decision-making and better targeting, thus benefiting both the BAs and the MSEs, which can improve their management and keep jobs. Originality/value This paper contributes to the literature because it is the first to connect BAs, MSEs and Naive Bayes. Also, this study helps in better management for BA managers in their daily activities and provides a better choice of BA for MSE managers. Also, this study contextualizes BAs, MSEs and data mining in an objective way.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 202-209
Kelvin Hennry Loudry Malelak ◽  
I Made Dwi Ardiada ◽  
Gerson Feoh

Under normal conditions, undergraduate or undergraduate students from a university can complete their studies for 4 years or 8 semesters. In fact, many students complete their study period of more than 4 years. Is known that in fact in the 2015/2016 academic year there were 744 people who were accepted as students. Of the 744 people who were accepted, 405 people had completed a study period of about 4 years and the remaining 39 people completed their studies for 5 years and 300 of them did not continue their studies. Based on the problem on, so This study implements a classification that can help Dhyana Pura University in predicting the length of study for students who are currently studying in various study programs at Dhyana Pura University. The author's method serves in the classification to predict long student study period is the Naive Bayes algorithm. By using the Java-based Rapid Miner tool to classify graduation data. Then the implementation of data mining which is divided into 968 training data and 193 data testing data with naive Bayes has succeeded in obtaining an accuracy rate of 100% which also has very good parameters.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 140-148
Hermanto Hermanto

Currently, the problem of college failure, its on-time graduation, and the factors that cause it is still an interesting research topic (C. Marquez-Vera, C. Romero and S. Ventura, 2011). This study compares three data mining classification algorithms namely Naive Bayes, Decision Tree and K-Nearest Neighbor to predict graduation and dropout risk for students to improve the quality of higher education and the most accurate algorithms to use Prepare graduation and dropout prediction Student studies. The best algorithm for predicting graduation and dropout is the decision tree with the best accuracy value of 99.15% with a training data ratio of 30%. Keyword : Data Mining; Algoritma Naive Bayes; Decision Tree; K-Nearest Neighbor; Predict Graduation; Drop Out.

2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1930-1935
Wu Jianhui ◽  
Su Yu ◽  
Shao Hongbo ◽  
Yin Sufeng ◽  
Xue Ling ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 53
Derisma Derisma ◽  
Fajri Febrian

Abstrak: Kanker payudara merupakan jenis kanker yang sering ditemukan oleh kebanyakan wanita. Di Indonesia Kanker payudara menempati urutan pertama pada pasien rawat inap di seluruh rumah sakit. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah melakukan diagnosis penyakit kanker payudara berbasis komputasi yang dapat menghasilkan bagaimana kondisi kanker seseorang berdasarkan akurasi algoritma. Penelitian ini menggunakan pemrograman orange python dan dataset Wisconsin Breast Cancer untuk pemodelan klasifikasi kanker payudara. Metode data mining yang diterapkan yaitu Neural Network, Support Vector Machine, dan Naive Bayes. Dalam penelitian ini didapat algoritma klasifikasi terbaik yaitu algoritma Kernel SVM dengan tingkat akurasi sebesar  98.9 % dan algoritma terendah yaitu Naive Bayes senilai 96.1 %.   Kata kunci: kanker payudara, neural network, support vector machine, naive bayes   Abstract: Breast cancer is a type of cancer that mostly found in many women. In Indonesia, breast cancer ranks first in hospitalized patients at every hospital. This study aimed to conduct a computation-based diagnose of breast cancer disease that could produce the state of cancer of an individual based on the accuracy of algorithm. This study used python orange programming and Wisconsin Breast Cancer dataset for a modeling and application of breast cancer classification. The data mining methods that were applied in this study were Neural Network, Support Vector Machine, dan Naive Bayes. In this study, Kernel SVM’s algorithm was the best classification algorithm of breast cancer disease with 98.9 % accuracy rate and Naïve Beyes was the lowest with 96.1 % of accuracy rate.   Keywords: breast cancer, neural network, support vector machine, naive bayes

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-101 ◽  
Edi Sutoyo ◽  
Ahmad Almaarif

The quality of students can be seen from the academic achievements, which are evidence of the efforts made by students. Student academic achievement is evaluated at the end of each semester to determine the learning outcomes that have been achieved. If a student cannot meet certain academic criteria that are stated by fulfilling the requirements to continue his studies, the student may have the potential to not graduate on time or even Drop Out (DO). The high number of students who do not graduate on time or DO in higher education institutions can be minimized by detecting students who are at risk in the early stages of education and is supported by making policies that can direct students to complete their education. Also, if the time for completion of student studies can be predicted then the handling of students will be more effective. One technique for making predictions that can be used is data mining techniques. Therefore, in this study, the Naive Bayes Classifier (NBC) algorithm will be used to predict student graduation at Telkom University. The dataset was obtained from the Information Systems Directorate (SISFO), Telkom University which contained 4000 instance data. The results of this study prove that NBC was successfully implemented to predict student graduation. Prediction of the graduation of these students is able to produce an accuracy of 73,725%, precision 0.742, recall 0.736 and F-measure of 0.735.

Panny Agustia Rahayuningsih

Penyakit Kanker merupakan sepuluh besar penyakit pembunuh di dunia. Kanker merupakan penyakit yang ganas dan sulit disembuhkan jika penyebarannya sudah terlalu luas. Akan tetapi, pendeteksian sel kanker sedini mungkin dapat mengurangi resiko kematian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memprediksikan tingkat kematian dini kanker pada penduduk Eropa dengan menggunakan 5algoritma klasifikasi yaitu: Desecion Tree, Naïve Bayes, k-Nearset Neighbour, Random Forest dan Neural Network dari algoritma tersebut algoritma mana yang dianggap paling baik untuk penelitian ini. Pengujian dilakukan dengan beberapa tahapan penelitian antara lain: dataset (pengumpulan data), pengolahan data awal, metode yang diusulkan, pengujian metode menggunakan 10-fold cross validation, evaluasi hasil dan uji beda t-test. Nilai alpha yang digunakan adalah 0.05. jika probabilitasnya >0.05 maka H0 diterima. Sedangkan jika probabilitasnya <0.05 maka Ho ditolak.Hasil dari penelitian yang mendapatkan performe terbaik dengan nilai akurasi sebesar 98,35% adalah algoritma Neural Network. Sedangkan, hasil penelitian menggunakan uji t-test algoritma dengan model terbaik yaitu: algoritma Random Forest dan Neural Network, algoritma Naïve Bayes lumanyan baik, algoritma Desecion Tree cukup baik dan algoritma yang kurang baik adalah algoritma K-Nearset Neighbour (K-NN).

Desi Ratna Sari ◽  
Dedy Hartama ◽  
Irfan Sudahri Damanik ◽  
Anjar Wanto

This research aims to classify in determining student satisfaction with teaching methods at STIKOM Tunas Bangsa. Data obtained from the results of the 2015 and 2016 semester student questionnaires were odd, with a sample of 80 students. Attributes used are 4, namely communication (C1), Building learning atmosphere (C2), Assessment of students (C3) and delivery of material (C4). The method used in this study is the Naïve Bayes Algorithm and is processed using RapidMiner studio 5.3 software to determine student satisfaction with teaching methods. Training data used 100 data while testing data used in manual calculations as much as 5 data. From the results of data testing the five data expressed satisfaction with the way teaching lecturers at STIKOM Tunas Bangsa. While the training data that is processed with RapidMiner has an accuracy of 92.00%. With this analysis, it is expected to be able to help higher education institutions to evaluate the performance of lecturers, especially in evaluating one of the three triharma colleges, namely the teaching method of lecturers.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (3.4) ◽  
pp. 13
Gourav Bathla ◽  
Himanshu Aggarwal ◽  
Rinkle Rani

Data mining is one of the most researched fields in computer science. Several researches have been carried out to extract and analyse important information from raw data. Traditional data mining algorithms like classification, clustering and statistical analysis can process small scale of data with great efficiency and accuracy. Social networking interactions, business transactions and other communications result in Big data. It is large scale of data which is not in competency for traditional data mining techniques. It is observed that traditional data mining algorithms are not capable for storage and processing of large scale of data. If some algorithms are capable, then response time is very high. Big data have hidden information, if that is analysed in intelligent manner can be highly beneficial for business organizations. In this paper, we have analysed the advancement from traditional data mining algorithms to Big data mining algorithms. Applications of traditional data mining algorithms can be straight forward incorporated in Big data mining algorithm. Several studies have analysed traditional data mining with Big data mining, but very few have analysed most important algortihsm within one research work, which is the core motive of our paper. Readers can easily observe the difference between these algorthithms with  pros and cons. Mathemtics concepts are applied in data mining algorithms. Means and Euclidean distance calculation in Kmeans, Vectors application and margin in SVM and Bayes therorem, conditional probability in Naïve Bayes algorithm are real examples.  Classification and clustering are the most important applications of data mining. In this paper, Kmeans, SVM and Naïve Bayes algorithms are analysed in detail to observe the accuracy and response time both on concept and empirical perspective. Hadoop, Mapreduce etc. Big data technologies are used for implementing Big data mining algorithms. Performace evaluation metrics like speedup, scaleup and response time are used to compare traditional mining with Big data mining.  

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