2012 ◽  
Vol 33 ◽  
Н. А. Овчаренко ◽  
А. В. Карпова

У статті розглядаються сучасні тенденції дослідження мети, змісту складу, завдань, методів вокальної підготовки майбутніх педагогів-музикантів, яка є важливим компонентом фахової підготовки студентів у вищих навчальних закладах музично-педагогічного спрямування. Ключові слова: вокальна підготовка, вокальна компетентність, постановка голосу, методи вокальної підготовки. Тhe main lines of research intention, content, structure, tasks, methods of future teachers-musicians vocal training are considered in this article, which is an important component of professional training students in higher education institutions of the musical-pedagogical direction. Key words: vocal training, vocal competence, voice development, vocal training methods.

Тетяна Григоренко

The article defines that in modern Ukrainian realities the teacher of Ukrainian language and literature of the new generation appears as a person who is aware of national, cultural and linguistic values, preserves and continues Ukrainian cultural and historical traditions, has creative personality, is a true patriot, professional teacher (active citizen of Ukraine), spiritual mentor. Accordingly, there is the demand to improve philology teachers’ professional training, taking into account different concepts, approaches and principles; ensuring a harmonious combination of purpose, content, structure, stages, forms, and methods of organization the educational and communicative environment of higher education institutions. Any system can function and develop successfully only under certain conditions, as well as the result of future philology teachers’ professional training in an educational and communicative environment.The optimal pedagogical conditions for future philology teachers’ training in the educational and communicative environment of higher education institutions have been identified: 1) increasing motivation and pedagogical reflection on the professional and communicative activities of future teachers of philology by means of interactive technologies; 2) the use of communicative learning strategies during the training of future teachers of philology; 3) improving the content and forms of practical training to gain experience in future professional and communicative activities; 4) creation of educational-methodical and educational-informational support of educational-communicative environment for training of teachers of philology. It was found that such pedagogical conditions would improve the educational and communicative environment, create a mechanism of mental activity of students, which will contribute to the accumulation of knowledge and life experience, as well as support studentsʼ intellectual efforts, stimulate cognitive and communicative activity. It has been confirmed that pedagogical conditions optimize the improvement of the educational process, the creation of such a mechanism of students' thought process, which will promote the accumulation of knowledge and life experience, as well as support studentsʼ intellectual efforts, stimulate cognitive and communicative activity.

Marianna Ostrovska

The introduction of the Concept of the New Ukrainian School, first of all the implementation of the competency paradigm in the school, brought the process of teacher training to one of the central places in higher education institutions. This problem became especially relevant with the introduction of the new Professional Standard for Teachers. This requires a review of ways to train future primary school teachers, taking into account the development of senior specialized school and the needs of the modern labor market in specialists who have developed general and professional competencies. The purpose of the article is to specify the methods and means of preparing future teachers for effective educational activities in the reforming primary school. Research methods used: analysis and synthesis of scientific literature (to clarify the basic concepts of research), systematization (in order to identify scientific approaches to solving this problem), theoretical generalization of research results (to formulate recommendations and conclusions). The article considers the current problems of training primary school teachers in higher education institutions to implement the main tasks of the Concept «New Ukrainian School», taking into account the new Professional Standard of Teachers.  It is shown that the training of a competent teacher in higher education institutions and his further effective innovative and humanistic educational activities at school is one of the leading tasks of education reform in Ukraine. The main attention is focused on the features of innovative educational activities of higher education institutions of pedagogical orientation in the training of teachers of the new generation and the role of disciplines of the psychological and pedagogical cycle in the system of professional training of future teachers.

Natalya Sultanova ◽  
Svitlana Bezushko

Today the issue of ensuring gender equality in Ukraine is becoming more and more relevant. The implementation of the principle of equal rights and opportunities at all levels of social life is a necessary precondition for the formation in the state of a civilized, parity society and its integration into the European educational space. Therefore, the main task, that the scientific community now solves, is the creation of a better world for all people, in which there will be no place for any inequality: class, gender, racial or ethnic. In this aspect, fundamental changes in the content of theoretical and methodological approaches in education are naturally occurring, purposes of teaching and upbringing of youth are outlined in a new way. The clarification of the essential features and content of such concepts as «gender»,»gender culture», «gender approach» has been described. The problem aspects of gender in education institutions have been determined on the basis of a general review of scientific publications.It has been emphasized the importance of specialists’ professional training in higher education institutions. The necessity of forming a gender culture of university students based on the idea of gender public policy has been substantiated. The clarification of the essential features and content of such concepts as «gender», «gender culture», «gender approach» has been described. The problem aspects of gender in education institutions have been determined on the basis of a general review of scientific publications. It has been emphasized the importance of specialists’ professional training in higher education institutions. The necessity of forming a gender culture of university students based on the idea of gender public policy has been substantiated. The issues of introducing and improving the practical training of students as future teachers and pedagogues have been analysed.The author has emphasized the possibility of students’ preparation with additional knowledge on gender issues.

Jie Liang

The article reveals the theoretical basis of understanding the meaning of the phenomenon "aesthetic culture of the teacher of artistic disciplines". The content of the concepts "culture", "aesthetic culture", "culturological preparation, aesthetic competence" are determined. The methodological basis of humanization of educational space of the pedagogical university is outlined by aesthetizing the professional training of future teachers of artistic disciplines. The determinants of the successful preparation of future teachers of artistic disciplines in higher education institutions are determined. Keywords: aesthetic culture, teacher of artistic disciplines, institution of higher education.

Olha Pavlenko

The article discusses the current state of professional training of engineers, in particular, electronics engineers in Ukrainian higher education institutions (HEIs) and explores best practices from US HEIs. The research outlines the features of professional training of electronics engineers and recent changes in Ukrainian HEIs. Such challenges for Ukrainian HEIs as lack of collaboration between higher education and science with industry, R&D cost reduction for HEIs, and downsizing the research and academic staff, the disparity between the available quality of human capital training and the demanded are addressed. The study attempts to identify successful practices of US HEIs professional training of engineers in order to suggest potential improvements in education, research, and innovation for training electronics engineers in Ukraine.

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