2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 330-342
Nawawi Marhaban ◽  
Lenni Lestari ◽  
Alfian Sani ◽  
Nur Baiti

This article discusses the existence of disability in shaping the professional attitude of the Qur'anic perspective. By preserving the story of Abdullah bin Ummi Maktum narrated in Surat 'Abasa, the Qur'an does not differentiate between normal people and those with disabilities, and not discriminate against one another. Not only acknowledging the existence of disability, the Qur'anic concept also explains how to behave and associate with them as being responsive and courteous, other dispensations that the Qur'an gives to disability. Although people with disabilities are not physically perfect, they have certain skills and skills that can be sharpened and developed, so that it can give birth to a professional attitude of work that does not see the physical.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 330-342
Nawawi Marhaban ◽  
Lenni Lestari ◽  
Alfian Sani ◽  
Nur Baiti

This article discusses the existence of disability in shaping the professional attitude of the Qur'anic perspective. By preserving the story of Abdullah bin Ummi Maktum narrated in Surat 'Abasa, the Qur'an does not differentiate between normal people and those with disabilities, and not discriminate against one another. Not only acknowledging the existence of disability, the Qur'anic concept also explains how to behave and associate with them as being responsive and courteous, other dispensations that the Qur'an gives to disability. Although people with disabilities are not physically perfect, they have certain skills and skills that can be sharpened and developed, so that it can give birth to a professional attitude of work that does not see the physical.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 296
Safri Sholehuddin ◽  
Dhika Ayu Syafira ◽  
Santoso Tri Raharjo ◽  
Nurliana C. Apsari

AbstrakNegara memiliki kewajiban bagi warganya untuk saling menghargai perbedaan satu sama lain, baik itu budaya, agama, maupun kondisi fisik antar sesama manusia. Di dunia ini memang tidak ada seseorang yang sempurna, namun ada masyarakat yang memamg tidak memiliki kondisi fisik layaknya orang normal. Mereka adalah para penyandang disabilitas, yang termasuk dalam masayarakat rentan, karena memiliki keterbatasan fisik sehingga merasa kesulitan terkait keberfungsian sosialnya. Disabilitas berasal dari kata disability atau disabilities yang artinya ketidakmampuan. Disabilitas sudah menjadi isu yang selalu didengar oleh masyarakat akan tetapi banyak pula masyarakat yang merasa tidak peduli dengan para penyandang disabilitas. Hanya ada sedikit masyarakat penyandang disabilitas yang mampu bekerja layaknya orang normal, karena mereka merasa sulit untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan apalagi dengan kondisi fisik yang dapat dikatakan tidak lengkap, mereka hanya bekerja sebagai pengemis dipinggir jalan yang selalu mencari belas kasihan dari masyarakat luar untuk memberinya uang demi melanjutkan kehidupan sehari-harinya. Namun tidak semua orang dengan disabilitas selalu menjadi seorang pengemis, mereka mampu melanjutkan hidup walaupun memiliki keterbatasan fisik, contohnya mencari pekerjaan yang layak bagi mereka dan tidak selalu meminta belas kahisan kepada masyarakat luas. Perusahaan seperti Alfamart selalu aktif dalam mengangkat para penyandang disabilitas sebagai karyawan mereka. Alfamart tidak hanya memperkerjakan 0,1% penyandang disabilitas dalam perusahaannya meliankan 0,4% dalam mengangkat para penyandang disabilitas menjadi para karyawannya dari tahun-ketahun. Sehingga sengan adanya CSR ini maka para penyandang disabilitas akan mampu menjadi seorang pekerja yang layak dan dapat menjalankan keberfungsian sosialnya dalam kelhidupan masyarakat.Kata Kunci: Cooperate Social Responsibility (CSR), Disabilitas, Kesempatan Kerja AbstractThe state has an obligation for its citizens to respect each other's differences, be it cultural, religious, or physical conditions between people. In this world there is no one who is perfect, but there are people who do not have physical conditions like normal people. They are people with disabilities, which are included in vulnerable communities, because they have physical limitations so they feel difficulties related to social functioning. Disability comes from the word disability or disabilities, which means disability. Disability has become an issue that is always listened to by the community but there are also many people who feel they don't care about people with disabilities. Only a few people with disabilities are able to work like normal people, because they find it difficult to get a job especially with physical conditions that can be said to be incomplete, they only work as beggars on the side of the road who are always looking for mercy from the outside community to give him money to continue his daily life. However, not all people with disabilities always become beggars, they are able to continue to live despite their physical limitations, for example finding decent work for them and not always asking for mercy from the wider community. Companies like Alfamart are always active in appointing persons with disabilities as their employees. Alfamart not only employs 0.1% of people with disabilities in his company, but only 0.4% in appointing people with disabilities as employees over the years. So with this CSR, persons with disabilities will be able to become decent workers and be able to carry out their social functioning in the life of the community.Keywords: Cooperate Social Responsibility (CSR), Disability, Job Opportunities

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Rizki Saga Putra ◽  
Yuni Novianti Marin Marpaung ◽  
Yudha Pradhana ◽  
Muhammad Ramelan Rimbananto

Being considered equal to normal people in general is a dream that people with disa-bilities really want to realize. The public's view of disability has constructed the stig-ma that people with disabilities are unable to move like normal people specifically relating to physical exercise.. The difficulty of dismantling the stigma that is already inherent and generalizing persons with disabilities with physical disability or mal-function becomes a particular challenge faced by persons with disabilities as a mi-nority group. This paper uses the constructivist paradigm as a point of view in look-ing at understanding the complexity of social construction. The phenomenological method used in this study will explore the perspective of individuals with disabilities through self-concept "me" as an object that is the result of community construction, try to be replaced with "I" as a subject that is reconstructed through the help of so-cial media with self-actualization amid physical limitations which is owned. This study found that messages through social media that contain hopes and big dreams which imply that people with disabilities also have physical abilities and expertise equivalent to normal people in general. Various attempts were made, even more so by utilizing social media as a means of proving to the world about "This Is Me"and “I Can Do Anything

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (Special1) ◽  
pp. 101-107
Siti Zawiah MD Dawal ◽  
Mirta W ◽  
Nur Syahirah A ◽  
Muhammad Suhairi A

An investigation on ablution workstations design for person with disabilities has been carried out in this study. The focused were on wheelchair user or person with lower-limb impairment in Malaysia. The objective of this research is to determine the most suitable ablution workstation for person with disabilities. One hundred wheelchair users which include 74 males and 26 females participated in the study.  The findings highlighted that the most suitable and preferred ablution workstation for person with disabilities is a separate design for washing hands and legs. The results also indicated that the noteworthy body parts that should be enhanced are arms, neck, trunk, and legs.  Therefore, it can be concluded that it is important to design an ablution workstation with correct anthropometric dimensions referring to the population under investigation taking into account their preferences and disabilities limitation. Thus, the innovation will bring equality between people with disabilities and physically normal people in future facilities design. The workstation will become one of the worthy social contributions to the population of Muslim disabilities especially in Malaysia.

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 159
Novriana Gloria Hutagalung

<b>Abstract</b> Making use of the haecceitas theory of Duns Scotus, this text critiques the statement that every person, and in fact everything created, and especially people with disabilities, have an individual uniqueness. This is based upon the uniqueness of the Triune God who is relational. “Normal” people have self control, can decide and make personal choices. They can stand on their own two feet, and they are not dependent on others. The individuality or personality of a disabled person is often reduced because the disabled person is regarded as one who cannot do “normal” activities without assistance. All living creatures are relational beings because they have been created by and in God who is relational. The Church witnesses, in the Athanasian Creed, to the belief that the Triune God is Three separate Persons while being One in Essence. <b>Keywords:</b> Disability, Uniqueness, Personality, Trinity <b>Abstrak</b> Dengan menggunakan teori haecceitas dari Duns Scotus, tulisan ini hendak mengulas kenyataan bahwa setiap manusia bahkan setiap ciptaan, secara khusus orang dengan disabilitas, memiliki ke-ini-an masing-masing yang bersumber dari ke-ini-an Allah Trinitas yang relasional. Seorang manusia yang ‘normal’ adalah orang yang menguasai diri, dapat memutuskan dan menentukan pilihan bagi diri, mandiri, dan tidak bergantung kepada orang lain. Individualitas ataupun kepribadian orang dengan disabilitas sering direduksi karena orang dengan disabilitas dianggap tidak dapat melakukan aktivitas secara ‘normal’ tanpa dibantu orang lain. Seluruh makhluk hidup adalah makhluk yang relasional karena diciptakan oleh dan dalam Allah yang relasional. Gereja menyaksikan iman, melalui Pengakuan Iman Athanasius, bahwa Allah Trinitas tidak bercampur dalam Tiga Pribadi (persona) dan tidak terpisah dalam Esensi-Nya (substantia). <b>Kata kunci:</b> Disabilitas, Ke-ini-an, Kepribadian, Komuni, Trinitas


Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) has been signed by Malaysian Government on 8 April 2008. It shows the desire and commitment of the Government of Malaysia to give recognition to the rights of People with Disabilities. The aim of this article is to review the rights to work for Persons with Disabilities under the Federal Constitution and Person with Disabilities Act 2008 in Malaysia. This study will use Legal studies as research methodology and it involved two types of method which is doctrine study of the law and socio-legal studies. The studies showed that the rights to work for PWDs in Malaysia stated as generally in the Federal Constitution and the rights has been detailed in Person With Disabilities Act 2008. The existence of the right to work exclusively under the Person With Disabilities Act 2008 makes those rights not only for normal people but it is also owned by the PWDs. However, the existence of legislation alone is not enough if followed by enforcement. Thus, the improvement in the law and its implementation should be further strengthened through several proposals suggested by this article. It is to ensure the rights of the PWDs to get the job be given serious attention by the community in line with the original purpose of Persons with Disabilities Act 2008 being created.

Melissa A. Pierce

In countries other than the United States, the study and practice of speech-language pathology is little known or nonexistent. Recognition of professionals in the field is minimal. Speech-language pathologists in countries where speech-language pathology is a widely recognized and respected profession often seek to share their expertise in places where little support is available for individuals with communication disorders. The Peace Corps offers a unique, long-term volunteer opportunity to people with a variety of backgrounds, including speech-language pathologists. Though Peace Corps programs do not specifically focus on speech-language pathology, many are easily adapted to the profession because they support populations of people with disabilities. This article describes how the needs of local children with communication disorders are readily addressed by a Special Education Peace Corps volunteer.

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