scholarly journals Chemie von Weiterführende Schule und Enem Chemistry: Ein Lehrplanvergleich

Julia Santana Gortz ◽  
Salvador Rodrigues Taty ◽  
Amanda Alves Fecury ◽  
Carla Viana Dendasck ◽  
Euzébio de Oliveira ◽  

Die nationale Abiturprüfung (ENEM) ist eine Bewertung, die aus einem Aufsatz und Multiple-Choice-Fragen besteht. Diese Bewertung zielt darauf ab, das während der High School erworbene Wissen zu messen. Der Zweck dieses Artikels ist es, den Inhalt der Fragen der Chemiekomponente der Nationalen Abiturprüfung (ENEM) zwischen den Jahren 2014 bis 2018 mit dem Lehrplaninhalt des Kurses Technische Chemie an der Bundesanstalt Amapá (IFAP) zu vergleichen. . Die Forschung wurde unter Verwendung chemischer Fragen aus der nationale Abiturprüfung (ENEM) aus dem Super Professor (Software) -Programm durchgeführt. Die Inhalte, die in den drei Jahren des technischen Chemiekurses an der Bundesanstalt Amapá (IFAP) vermittelt wurden, erfüllen die Anforderungen der nationale Abiturprüfung (ENEM). Die Arbeitsbelastung reicht auch für die Entwicklung grundlegender und technischer Disziplinen aus. Die Inhaltsanalyse zeigt, dass es sich um einen technischen Kurs handelt, der fundiertes Wissen vermittelt, wodurch sich der Zuschuss für die Durchführung des ENEM erhöht. Dieser Inhalt wird durch Theorie und auch durch eine große praktische Erfahrung (Labor) gebildet. Praktisches Wissen hilft enorm bei der Fixierung des Lernens und liefert Wissen, um die Inhalte zu diskutieren.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 276-287
The Vinh Tran ◽  
Tran Kim Thanh ◽  
Tran Manh Tuong ◽  
Vu Anh Linh Duy

In Vietnam, since 2015, the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam has decided to abolish university entrance exams and advocates the use of high school graduation exam results of candidates for admission to go to universities. The 2015 and 2016 exam questions for the Math exam are the essay questions. From 2017 up to now, the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam has applied the form of multiple-choice exams for Mathematics in the high school graduation exam. There are many mixed opinions about the impact of this form of examination and admission on the quality of university students. In particular, the switch from the form of essay examination to multiple-choice exams led the entire Vietnam Mathematical Association at that time to send recommendations on continuing to maintain the form of essay examination for mathematics. The purposes of this article are analysis and evaluation the effects of relevant factors on the academic performance of advanced math students of university students, and offer solutions to optimize university entrance exam. The data set was provided by Training Management Department and Training Quality Control and Testing Laboratory of the University of Finance – Marketing. This dataset includes information about math high school graduation test scores, learning process scores (scores assessed by direct instructors), and advanced math course end test scores of 2834 students in courses from 2015 to 2019. Linear and non-linear regression machine learning models were used to solve the tasks given in this article. An analysis of the data was conducted to reveal the advantages and disadvantages of the change in university enrollment of the Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training. Tools from the Python libraries have been supported and used effectively in the process of solving problems. Through building and surveying the model, there are suggestions and solutions to problems in enrollment and input quality assurance. Specifically, in the preparation of entrance exams, the entrance exam questions should not exceed 61-66 % of multiple choice questions.

1961 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 106-106

This compact manual written by the Executive Secretary and the Director of Testing Services of the National Board of Medical Examiners presents in eight brief chapters the methods used by the Board in preparing its objective tests. There is also an appendix containing a sample test that could provide helpful practice to someone about to be exposed for the first time to this type of examination. That such practice is desirable is evident from the fact that foreign students who have previously encountered only essay-type examinations will on the average earn significantly lower grades on a multiple-choice examination than a comparably educated group of American students who have been exposed many times in high school, college and medical school to the techniques of objective testing.

2014 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-21 ◽  
Kathleen B. McDermott ◽  
Pooja K. Agarwal ◽  
Laura D'Antonio ◽  
Henry L. Roediger ◽  
Mark A. McDaniel

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 122-138
Husnani Aliah

The research aimed at finding out information about the preparation of constructing teacher-made tests in Enrekang, the quality of English teacher-made test according to item analysis, and the level cognitive domain of the teacher-made test. The test quality was determined after it was used in school examination test. This research employed survey research using descriptive method. The researcher analyzed the data and then described the research finding quantitatively. The population of this research was the teachers who teach in ninth grade at junior high schools in Enrekang. This research applied simple random sampling technique by taking four different schools as sampel. The results of analysis show preparation that junior high school teachers follow in constructing teacher-made tests in Enrekang is divided into five main parts. In preparing the test, the procedures were considering tests’ materials and proportion of each topic, choosing to check the item bank that match to syllabus and indicators, or preparing test specification. In writing test, teachers’ procedures were re-writing chosen test item from internet and textbook, re-writing items that was used before and allowing the other teachers to verify it, combining items from item bank and text book, or making new item. While in analyzing a test, the procedures used by the teachers were analyzing and revising test based on its item difficulty, predicting the item difficulty and revising the test, or doing nothing to analyze the test. About the timing in preparing the test, there are three out of five teachers who need only one week to construct multiple choice tests. Besides, there are two out of five teachers who need two weeks to construct multiple choice tests. While the teachers have different ways in providing test based on students’ ability. Moreover, the item analysis shows that no test is perfectly good. It was found that almost all tests need to be revised. It was also found that there were only three categories works in all tests based on the cognitive domain of the test namely knowledge, comprehension, and application categories. There was no item belong to analysis, synthesis, and evaluation categories.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 69
Lisa Puspitasari ◽  
Budi Astuti ◽  
Masturi Masturi

This study aims to analyze the increase in students' activeness and conceptual understanding after the guided Project Based Learning (PjBL) model is applied. The research method used was a pre-experimental one group pretest-postest design. The research instruments included test and non-test instruments. The test instrument in this study was a reasoned multiple choice. The non-test instrument uses student activeness observation sheets. Students' activeness and conceptual understanding were analyzed using the N-Gain test. The significance of increasing students' activeness and understanding of concepts was analyzed using the Wilcoxon mathced pairs test. The results of the data analysis showed that the students' activeness and conceptual understanding of the Momentum, Impulse, and Collision material after being applied to guided PjBL experienced a low increase with N-Gain of 0.20 and 0.22. The results of the significance test of students' activeness and conceptual understanding were obtained values of 0.041 and 0.000 (<0.050). Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that the implementation of the guided Project Based Learning model was able to significantly increase the activeness and understanding of students' concepts in the material Momentum, Impulse and Collision at Nurul Islami High School.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (6) ◽  
pp. 147
Abolfazl Shirban Sasi ◽  
Toshinari Haga

Learning Japanese has become very common amongst Taiwanese high school and university students, ranking thesecond most sought for language. A concise study of the likeable activities in a typical language class for theTaiwanese students seems to be quite useful. Therefore, the present study has concentrated on the senior high schoolstudents’ opinion about the ideal Japanese class. Subjects in this research were 478 students (181 boys, and 297 girls)in nine private schools in three counties. The instrument was a 10-item multiple-choice Chinese questionnaire basedon Littlewood (2010). The findings illustrated that females and males had similar opinions concerning thecommunicative language activities in an ideal Japanese class. They revealed much more differences related tonon-communicative activities, though. Moreover, both boys and girls displayed the highest interest in a relaxed classatmosphere, and the lowest interest in the usage of smartphones in the activities in the class.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Caraka Putra Bhakti ◽  
Agus Ria Kumara ◽  
Nindiya Eka Safitri

<p><strong><em></em></strong><strong><em>Abstrak</em></strong><br />Bimbingan dan konseling komprehensif sebagai bagian integral pendidikan memiliki peran penting dalam pengembangan potensi siswa guna menghadapi kehidupan MEA yang kompleks. Guru BK hendaknya memahami konsep teoritis dan praksis bimbingan dan konseling komprehensif di sekolah. Ironisnya, beberapa guru BK belum paham tentang hal tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat pemahaman guru BK SMP tentang program bimbingan dan konseling komprehensif. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan subjek guru BK SMP se-Kabupaten Gunungkidul, DIY sejumlah 44 orang. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa tes pemahaman jenis <em>multiple choice, </em>dengan teknik analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata pemahaman guru bimbingan dan konseling tentang program bimbingan dan konseling sebesar 50 poin dan tertinggi sebesar 100 poin. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa belum semua guru BK SMP di Kabupaten Gunungkidul memiliki pemahaman yang baik tentang program bimbingan dan konseling komprehensif.</p><p><strong>K</strong><strong>ata kunci</strong>: bimbingan dan konseling, komprehensif, pemahaman</p><p><strong> </strong><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong><br />Comprehensive guidance and counseling as an integral part of education has an important role to develop of student potential in order to face the complex life of AEC. Guidance and counseling teachers should understand the theoretical and practical concepts of guidance and counseling comprehensive in schools. Ironically, some of the guidance and counseling teachers do not understand about it. The purpose of this research is to determine the level of the guidance and counseling teacher’s understanding about comprehensive guidance and counseling program. The method used is quantitative descriptive which the subjects are guidance and counseling teacher in Junior High School in Gunungkidul District, DIY. The number of subject in this resserch are of 44 people. This research is <em>multiple choice tests</em> type<em>,</em> with descriptive analysis techniques. The results showed that the average of guidance and counseling teachers understanding about guidance and counseling program was 50 points and the highest was 100 points. This shows that not all guidance and counseling teachers in Junior High School in Gunungkidul have a good understanding of the comprehensive guidance and counseling program.</p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: guidance and counseling, comprehensive, understanding</em>

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (4-1) ◽  
pp. 139-143
Waode Ade Sarasmita Uke ◽  

Abstract Today, technological development has given a new lease of life in language learning and teaching field. Particularly in terms of evaluation, some schools in Indonesia conduct national examination using computer-based test. Traditionally, testing in a class involves paper-based test which is familiar to students. A substantial number of studies have been conducted to compare both of the tests. The researcher investigated what activities were performed by the students throughout the tests, what kind of multiple choice tests the students prefer to do, and what the positive and negative side of those tests. This study presents a wonder share quiz creator (WSQC) program to facilitate the teachers to design a test. The data was collected by questionnaire, interview, observation, and quiz. In this study, the authors concluded that students in senior high school of Kendari prefer paper-based test for national examination.

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