Sosio Informa ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
Gunawan Gunawan

Community preparedness in Disaster management is a case study in the southern slopes of Mount Merapi, Cangkringan, Sleman District. This study aims to answer the question: 1) how to build a Community response preparedness; 2) how the existence of the Community preparedness. Data and information gathered from multiple sources with techniques: a) study the documentation; b) in-depth interviews; c) observation; and d) Focused Group Discussions (FGD). From a qualitative descriptive analysis be revealed that people on the slopes of the volcano, generally have a problem-solving method (coping strategy) and the value of the underlying behavior of people in touch with nature. Society and government have united to achieve human welfare. Cangkringan Action is evidence of; 1) the seriousness of the state in Disaster Risk Reduction; 2) consistency and accountability of the Republic of Indonesia for the ASEAN agreement, the Asian nations and peoples of the world in Disaster Risk Reduction Cangkringan Community preparedness model can be replicated in other locations that have a high enough level of vulnerability. However, within the Framework of the model replication, allocation of time and energy of the Community need to be considered. Mountainside communities generally do not have a fixed income, so they need to be compensated for the time and effort that should be productive for themselves and their families to participate invarious programs taken up.Keywords: community, preparedness, management, disaster.Kesiapsiagaan masyarakat dalam penanggulangan bencana merupakan penelitian kasus di lereng gunung Merapi bagian selatan di Kecamatan Cangkringan, Kabupaten Sleman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab persoalan: 1) bagaimana respon masyarakat dalam membangun kesiapsiagaan; 2) bagaimana eksistensi kesiapsiagaan masyarakat. Data dan informasi dihimpun dari beberapa sumber dengan teknik;a) studi dokumentasi; b) wawancara mendalam; c) observasi; dan d) diskusi kelompk terarah. Dari analisis deskriptif kualitatif terungkap bahwa masyarakat di lereng gunung berapi, umumnya mempunyai metode pemecahan masalah (coping strategy) dan nilai yang mendasari perilaku masyarakat berhubungan dengan alam. Masyarakat dan pemerintah telah bersatu untuk mencapai kemaslahatan manusia. Aksi Cangkringan merupakan bukti; 1) keseriusan negara dalam pengurangan risiko bencana; 2) konsistensi dan pertanggungjawaban Negara Republik Indonesia atas kesepakatan ASEAN, Asian dan bangsa bangsa dunia dalam pengurangan resiko bencana. Model kesiapsiagaan masyarakat di Cangkringan dapat direplikasi di lokasi lain yang mempunyai tingkat kerawanan cukup tinggi. Namun dalam kerangka replikasi model tersebut, alokasi waktu dan tenaga dari masyarakat perlu dijadikan bahan pertimbangan. Masyarakat lereng gunung umumnya tidak mempunyai pendapatan tetap, sehingga mereka perlu kompensasi atas waktu dan tenaga yang seharusnya produktif untuk diri dan keluarganya tersita untuk mengikuti berbagai program.Kata Kunci: kesiapsiagaan, masyarakat, penanggulangan bencana

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 1199-1206
Iskra Simova ◽  
Tsvetelina Petrova ◽  
Rositsa Velichkova ◽  
Detelin Ganchev Markov ◽  
Milka Uzunova ◽  

Disasters caused by natural phenomena or human activities often occur in the Republic of Bulgaria. Their social and economic consequences can have a significant adverse effect on the development of the country and its economic growth, therefore disaster risk reduction is very important for sustainable development. This paper presents an overview of the main natural and man-made hazards in Bulgaria. A descriptive analysis of the critical disasters in Bulgaria for the time periods of 2003-2008 and 2010–2016 is made. The survey is based on the classification of the hazards. Existing statistical data is reviewed and analysed and, as a consequence, recommendations are proposed.

Dwirahmadi ◽  
Rutherford ◽  
Phung ◽  

Climate change-related extreme events such as floods have and will continue to present a great challenge to disaster risk management. There is a pressing need to develop a robust management strategy via enhancing the resiliency of the community, particularly in the context of complex urban environments, like Jakarta. Resilience is conceptualized within specific contexts and uniquely tailored to the targeted setting, yet research regarding the operational concept of a flood-resilient community in the context of Jakarta remains limited. This paper will elaborate this operational concept through understanding the desirable features and influential barriers of a flood-resilient community through the lenses of three main stakeholder groups: disaster risk reduction (DRR), climate change adaptation (CCA), and development. It will also discuss the ways in which the synergies that exist across these groups can be enhanced. Both quantitative and qualitative approaches were applied in this study, and multiple sources of data were used. The findings indicate that these groups share common views regarding the importance of human aspects being central to resilience building efforts. We argue there is an urgent need to shift the flood resilience building paradigm towards building community resilience from the people and to apply a collaborative governance approach to facilitate effective partnership between the actors involved.

Rahsidi Sabri Muda ◽  
Mohd Ramzi Mohd Hussain ◽  
zawati Tukiman ◽  
Fatin Shahira Abdullah

Dam disaster occurrences are an unexpected event that occurs suddenly without warning. It has become very alarming, resulting in a catastrophic break followed by a flood wave at high speed with considerable loss of life and catastrophic damages to infrastructure and the environment. Given these circumstances, the community preparedness for disaster risk reduction (DRR) is important to strengthen disaster response strategies. It helps the community to understand the situations to face disaster and interact with present conditions with efficient manners. The research aims to investigate the community awareness and preparedness and the effectiveness of the DRR program toward dam-related disaster. In this research, two dams in Cameron Highland have been selected as sites study: Sultan Abu Bakar (SAB) Hydroelectric Scheme and its vicinity in Lembah Bertam; and Susu Dam and its vicinity in Pos Telanok. The research utilised questionnaire surveys as a data collection method, where Statistical Package Software SPSS Version 25 was used to analyse data. The finding indicates that an integrated community-based program is an effective approach to increase people's preparedness for the disaster. The result can assist local agencies and dam owners in formulating strategies for future DRR programs. Identifying these pertinent factors enables a greater understanding of the community's preparedness for disaster risk reduction (DRR) in both dams of Cameron Highlands.

2021 ◽  
pp. 83-108
Peter Medway ◽  
Stephen Flood ◽  
Dug Cubie ◽  
Martin Le Tissier

AbstractThis chapter critically assesses the integration of climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction with a special focus on the Irish policy and governance context. The chapter first presents a comprehensive overview of the Irish policy environment for climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction including its current level of integration. Analysis of alignment with global and regional drivers of integration is then considered. Next, drawing on empirical research conducted with multidisciplinary experts across the Republic of Ireland, the chapter employs the SHIELD model, developed by the EU-funded ESPREssO project, which outlines six pathways to enhance integration across the domains of climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction. The pathways comprise of sharing knowledge, harmonising capacities, institutionalising coordination, engaging stakeholders, leveraging investments and developing communication. Findings of stakeholder focus groups and survey responses highlight the challenges and opportunities for impactful integration between climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction in Ireland from a practitioner perspective across the six SHIELD pathways. Finally, conclusions from the study indicate the importance of governance, management and coordination of systems for climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction; the sequencing of policy-making, planning and research; and the significance of specificity in relation to use of the six SHIELD pathways.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 317-331 ◽  
Irasema Alcántara-Ayala ◽  
Anthony Oliver-Smith

Abstract Early warning systems (EWSs) are widely considered to be one of the most important mechanisms to prevent disasters around the globe. But as disasters continue to affect countries where EWSs have already been implemented, the striking disaster consequences have led us to reflect on the focus, architecture, and function of the warning systems. Since the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami there has been a rapid rise in the promotion and use of EWSs to minimize disaster losses and damage. However, few researchers have addressed the question of their acceptability as an adaptive measure to the existing exposure conditions. EWSs are far more linked to emergency response and humanitarian crises and accepted technological interventions as solutions than they are to explicitly advance integrated analysis, disaster risk reduction, and policy making. A major flaw of EWSs is that the term “early” has been essentially used in reference to the speed of hazard onset, founded on a physicalist perspective that has encouraged a considerable dependence on technology. In this article we address the need for a clear understanding of the root causes and risk drivers of disaster risk creation, as advanced in the FORIN (forensic investigation of disasters) approach, as a prerequisite for the development of more articulated EWSs that could contribute to disaster risk reduction through policy making and practice, based on integrated and transdisciplinary management, in the interest of sustainable development, and human welfare and well-being.

2021 ◽  
Vol 63 (3) ◽  
pp. 25-42
Vladimir Cvetković ◽  
Marko Nikolić

Starting from the decision theory that explains the ways of decision making, the subject of research is to examine the role and importance of social networks in different phases of integrated risk management (mitigation, preparedness, response, recovery) from disasters in the Republic of Serbia. Using the method of multi-stage random sampling, 143 adult citizens in the area of the city of Belgrade were surveyed. From the rich treasury of data obtained, the survey results show that one third of respondents would pass on information about disasters even if they are not sure whether such information is accurate or true, which can cause serious implications in the process of disaster risk management. The conducted research opens new research questions and actualizes various thematic frameworks within which all dimensions and factors influencing the use of social networks i n the process of disaster management, i.e. processes of direct or indirect disaster risk reduction, should be examined in more detail. The implications of the research are very important, starting from the fact that decision-makers in Serbia must pay special attention to the accelerating industrialization and development of modern technologies that can be used to save more lives in a shorter period of time.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-136
Lino Z. Sumbillo Jr. ◽  
Dennis V. Madrigal

Disaster risk reduction and management apply whenever naturally caused disaster or calamity strikes.  The reason for this management approach is to minimize injuries and mortalities. A large part of the globe experiences increased risks to natural disasters and calamities, including the Philippines, affecting even schools as well. With that, the Republic Act 10121, known as the "Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010," was passed and enacted into law. The utilization of education to build resiliency was given priority. Section 14 of the Act tasked the DepEd, CHED, and TESDA to incorporate DRRM in the school curricula, both public and private, including Catholic schools such as the Augustinian Recollect schools. Thus, this study ascertains the extent of the practice of DRRM measures of Augustinian Recollects schools in Negros Island. The focus of the assessment includes the four thematic areas: prevention and mitigation, preparedness, response, and rehabilitation, and recovery. Also, it explores the relationship between the practice of DRRM measures and the schools' demographic in size, DRRM budget allocation, location, and population.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Reno Nurdiyanto ◽  
Ulil Khasanah ◽  
Faizal Kristanto ◽  
Pujianto Pujianto

Textbooks are one of the learning resources that are widely used by students and teachers. Analyzing the contents of a textbooks is a way that can be done to assess the quality of the book. This research aims to determine the content of the revised K-13 science textbook grade VII SMP/MTs which is appropriate for integrated disaster risk reduction learning in schools. The emphasized disaster is a disaster that often occur in Indonesian. This research used document analysis method. Data were collected based on a systematic review of documents and supporting evidence in the form of research on disaster risk reduction in science learning in SMP / MTs. Data were analyzed by using descriptive analysis based on research focus. This research was conducted by analyzing two books from the government and non-government. The result of research shows that there are 19.05% sub material in the science books from the government and 17.2% of non-government that integrated disaster risk reduction. From the result, it can be seen that the content in grade VII SMP / MTs science textbooks on disaster risk reduction is still lack, so it is necessary to add content related to disaster mitigation to the science book grade VII SMP / MTs.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 19-30
Ichwan Muis ◽  
Khairil Anwar

This research is aimed to describe handling model toward disaster-prone and vulnerable condition in Tugumukti Village through community preparedness in the effort of Community-based disaster risk reduction. It is an approach to encourage local community in managing disaster risk. This approach is expected to create an independent community and have abilities in managing disaster risk. Preparedness is one important part in reducing disaster risk which demands ability and community participation especially people who live in the disaster-prone area. This research used qualitative action research where the researcher is the research instrument. The action research requires the researcher to do direct practice in the community as the subject being studied. In knowing preparedness in Tugumukti Village based on preparedness framework to disaster developed by LIPI in collaboration with Unesco/ISDR (2006) that is (1) attitude and knowledge system, (2) Policy and Manual, (3) Emergency Planning, (4) Alert System and (5) Resource Mobilization.The research about community preparedness initiated by tested the community preparedness model conducted in three-month practicum, such as (1) ground motion socialization, (2) the installation of banners about landslide (3) 1000 tree planting in landslide area, and (4) drainage channels improvement. Community preparedness model which have been tested in the research is the initial model. The result of the initial model through the interview, FGD and researcher analysis based on preparedness framework toward disaster, then generated that trialing the early models is only just at the stage of the first parameter that is the knowledge and attitudes, while for the other parameters are still said to be less. Based on that, it is necessary to improve the model. In improving the model, participatory action plan formulated by the implementation of the activities through (1) The formation of disaster management community (KMPB), (2) construction and installation evacuation route and meeting point (3) Beras perelek activation, (4) KMPB account making, (5) KMPB post construction, (6) early warning manufacture, (7) disaster equipment procurement, and (8) Training for landslide emergency response simulation.

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