scholarly journals Penyuluhan Tentang Imunisasi di Puskesmas Rawat Inap Kemiling Bandar Lampung

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (5) ◽  
pp. 1155-1159
Festy Ladyani ◽  
Sri Maria Puji Lestari ◽  
Khairunisa Firdani ◽  
Resti Arania ◽  
Neno Fitriyani ◽  

ABSTRAK Tingkat kesehatan pada bayi perlu mendapatkan perhatian mengingat bayi atau anak sebagai penerus Bangsa. Imunisasi merupakan suatu strategi yang efektif dan efisien dalam meningkatkan derajat kesehatan nasional. Alasan beberapa bayi tidak mendapatkan imunisasi lengkap yaitu karena alasan informasi, motivasi dan situasi. Alasan informasi berupa kurangnya pengetahuan ibu tentang kebutuhan, kelengkapan, dan jadwal imunisasi, ketakutan akan imunisasi dan adanya persepsi salah yang beredar di masyarakat tentang imunisasi. Dan yang paling berpengaruh yaitu ketidaktahuan ibu tentang penting nya imunisasi, ketidaktahuan ibu tentang waktu yang tepat untuk imunisasi dan ketakutan akan efek samping dari imunisasi. Berdasarkan survey pendahuluan menunjukkan beberapa posyandu di wilayah puskesmas rawat inap kemiling tidak terdapat poster imunisasi yang mempengaruhi kurangnya pengetahuan ibu tentang imunisasi. Tujuan dari penyuluhan ini yaitu memberikan informasi tentang pentingnya imunisasi pada anak. Kata Kunci : Penyuluhan, Imunisasi, Anak ABSTRACT The level of health in infants needs attention considering that babies or children are the successors of the Nation. Immunization is an effective and efficient strategy in increasing the national health status. The reason some babies do not get complete immunization is due to information, motivation, and circumstances. The reasons for the information were in the form of the mother's lack of knowledge about immunization needs, completeness, and schedule, fear of immunization, and the wrong perception circulating in the community about immunization. And the most influential thing is the mother's ignorance about the importance of immunization, the mother's ignorance about the right time for immunization, and fear of side effects of immunization. Based on the preliminary survey, it shows that several posyandu in the inpatient health center area of Kemiling do not have immunization posters which affects the lack of knowledge of mothers about immunization. The purpose of this counseling is to provide information about the importance of immunization in children. Keywords: Counseling, Immunization, Children

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 128-135
Bahjatun Nadrati ◽  
Zuhratul Hajri ◽  
Sri Suharti

ABSTRACT: THE ANKLE BRACHIAL INDEX  AMONG PATIENTS WITH TYPE 2 DIABETES  IN WEST LOMBOK-INDONESIABackground: Diabetes spreads throughout the provinces in Indonesia. One of them in the Province of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), the prevalence of DM diagnosed is 0.9% of the total population. Peripheral vascularization disturbance that occur in people with DM need to be known from the beginning. One effort to determine the existence of disorders peripheral vascularization is by examining the ankle brachial index (ABI).Purpose: To determine the description of the value of the Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) of people with DM in the DM group.Methods: Descriptive study with a population of 25 patients with a total sampling technique. The instrument used is the observation sheet.Results: Most women with DM were as many as 17 patients (68%), most people with DM at the age of 46 - 55 years (68%), the value of ABI with DM with normal interpretations of the right ABI 22 patients (88%) and left ABI 23 patients (92%), right borderline perfusion ABI occurred at the age of 56 - 65 years as many as 2 patients (66.7%), borderline perfusion left ABI occurred at the age of 56-65 years as many as 2 patients (100%), borderline perfusion Right ABI occurred in 2 female respondents (66.7%), borderline perfusion left ABI occurred in female respondents as many as 2 patients (100%).Conclusion: In an effort to improve the health status of the community, especially DM persons, it is expected that the Gunung Sari Health Center in West Lombok Regency can control people with DM in participating in the Puskesmas program, especially DM. Keywords: Ankle Brachial Index  (ABI), Type 2 Diabetes   Pendahuluan: Penyakit diabetes menyebar diseluruh provinsi di Indonesia. Salah satunya di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB), prevalensi DM yang sudah terdiagnosis adalah 0,9% dari jumlah total penduduk. Gangguan vaskularisasi perifer yang terjadi pada penyandang DM perlu diketahui dari awal. Salah satu upaya untuk mengetahui adanya gangguan vaskularisasi perifer adalah dengan melakukan pemeriksaan ankle brachial index (ABI).Tujuan : Mengetahui gambaran nilai Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) penyandang DM pada kelompok penyandang DM.Metode : Penelitian deskriptif dengan populasi 25 pasien dengan teknik pengambilan sampel total sampel. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah lembar observasi.Hasil penelitian: Penyandang DM terbanyak dialami oleh perempuan yaitu sebanyak 17 pasien (68%), penyandang DM terbanyak pada usia 46 – 55 tahun (68%), nilai ABI penyandang DM dengan interpretasi normal ABI kanan 22 pasien (88%) dan ABI kiri 23 pasien (92%), borderline perfusion ABI kanan terjadi pada usia 56 – 65 tahun yaitu sebanyak 2 pasien (66,7%), borderline  perfusion ABI kiri terjadi pada usia 56-65 tahun sebanyak 2 pasien (100%), borderline  perfusion ABI kanan terjadi pada responden perempuan sebanyak 2 pasien  (66,7%), borderline  perfusion ABI kiri terjadi pada responden perempuan sebanyak 2 pasien  (100%).Simpulan: Dalam upaya untuk meningkatkan derajat kesehatan masyarakat khususnya penyandang DM diharapkan Puskesmas Gunung sari Kabupaten Lombok Barat, dapat mengontrol penyandang DM dalam mengikuti program puskesmas khususnya DM.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 185-192
Elidahanum Husni ◽  
Rima Jumeini Cahayu

Medicine is a substance that can be used to cure diseases. Behind its benefits, drugs can turn into poisons if not used correctly and adequately. Many people who do not know how to get, use, store and dispose of the right medicine so that counseling is needed to understand this and prevent/minimize the occurrence of side effects and toxic effects of the drug. Nagari Mungka people also do much self-medication before deciding to go to a doctor or a health center. To be able to carry out self-medication correctly, the public must get accurate information so that they can determine the type and amount of drugs needed. To protect the public from the dangers of using drugs that are not appropriate and incorrect, it is necessary to be given socialization about medication access-usage-storage-disposal education and its application in everyday life. Education about Medication access-usage-storage-disposal was conducted to the community of Nagari Mungka in Lima Puluh Kota District in July 2019, attended by 16 participants. The material provided includes how to medication access-usage-storage-disposal the right medicine and through education methods. The counseling that has been done has succeeded in increasing the Nagari Mungka community's knowledge about the types of drugs on the market, various types of drug preparations, how to use drugs, to store and dispose of expired drugs.

Ikhsan Fuady ◽  
Rangga Saptya MP

<p align="center"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p><em>Pemanfaatan game dikalangan remaja memiliki peran yang efektif sebagai wadah untuk hiburan. Tetapi pemanfaatan game tidak tepat memiliki efek samping game terhadap kehidupan sehari hari remaja, mulai dari kurang bersosialIsasi hingga perilaku kekerasan dikalangan remaja. Penyuluhan terhadap remaja bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman kepada remaja tentang variasi game berdasarkan rating pengguna, maupun cerdas dalam manajemen penggunaan game dalam kehidupan remaja sehari hari. Pengetahuan remaja tentang varian/ragam game berdasarkan rating relatif rendah sebagaian besar pemengetahuannya tersebar pada kategori sangat rendah dan rendah yaitu sebesar 65 persen. Metode edukasi dan sosialisasi ini adalah dengan beberapa tahapan. Tahap pertaman tim pengabdian memberikan edukasi dan diskusi tentang beragam bentuk game, karakteristik, serta karakteristik pengguna game yang tepat. Selanjutnya beberapa permainan dan kuis untuk meingkatkan literasi remaja tentang pemanfaatan game secara bijak. Kegiatan penyuluhan ini mampu meningkatkan pemahaman para remaja dalam mengenali game yang baik digunakan, hal ini dapat dilihat dari peningkatan pengetahuan remaja relatif signifikan sebelum dan sesudah penyuluhan.</em></p><p><strong>Kata kunci<em>:</em></strong><strong><em> </em></strong><strong><em>Edukasi, Game, Penyuluhan </em></strong></p><p align="center"><em> </em></p><p align="center"><strong>Abstract</strong> </p><p><em>The use of games among teenagers has an effective role as a forum for entertainment. But the improper use of games has the side effects of games on the daily lives of adolescents, ranging from lack of socialization to violent behavior in adolescents. Counseling against adolescents aims to provide understanding to adolescents about the variety/variance of games based on user ratings, as well as being smart in managing game use in daily teenage life. Teenagers' knowledge about game variants/based on the rating is relatively low, most of the knowledge is spread in the very low and low categories, which is 65 percent. The method of education and outreach is by several stages. The first stage of the dedicated team provided education and discussion about various forms of games, characteristics, and characteristics of the right game user. Furthermore, some games and quizzes to improve teen literacy about game use wisely. This counseling activity can increase the understanding of teenagers in recognizing games that are well used, this can be seen from the relatively significant increase in adolescent knowledge before and after counseling.</em></p><p><strong>Keywords<em>:</em></strong><em> <strong>Education, Games, Counseling</strong></em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. e237622
Osama Mosalem ◽  
Anas Alsara ◽  
Fawzi Abu Rous ◽  
Borys Hrinczenko

A 57-year-old Southeast Asian woman with a remote history of adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) of the right labium superius oris (upper lip) presented to the hospital with vague epigastric pain. On workup, she was found to have multiple pleural nodules. Histopathology confirmed the diagnosis of metastatic ACC. After 8 months of active surveillance, evidence of disease progression was found and the patient was started on pembrolizumab. Follow-up after starting pembrolizumab showed stable disease with no significant side effects.

2021 ◽  
pp. 263246362097804
Vanita Arora ◽  
Pawan Suri

Anatomy and physiology are the basis of human body functioning and as we have progressed in management of various diseases, we have understood that physiological intervention is always better than an anatomical one. For more than 50 years, a standard approach to permanent cardiac pacing has been an anatomical placement of transvenous pacing lead at the right ventricular apex with a proven benefit of restoring the rhythm. However, the resultant ventricular dyssynchrony on the long-term follow-up in patients requiring more than 40% ventricular pacing led to untoward side effects in the form of heart failure and arrhythmias. To counter such adverse side effects, a need for physiological cardiac pacing wherein the electrical impulse be transmitted directly through the normal conduction system was sought. His bundle pacing (HBP) with an intriguing alternative of left bundle branch pacing (LBBP) is aimed at restoring such physiological activation of ventricles. HBP is safe, efficacious, and feasible; however, localization and placement of a pacing lead at the His bundle is challenging with existing transvenous systems due to its small anatomic size, surrounding fibrous tissue, long-learning curve, and the concern remains about lead dislodgement and progressive electrical block distal to the HBP lead. In this article, we aim to take the reader through the challenging journey of HBP with focus upon the hardware and technique, selective versus nonselective HBP, indications and potential disadvantages, and finally the future prospects.

Victor Duque ◽  
Carolina de la Pinta ◽  
Ciriaco Corral ◽  
Carmen Vallejo ◽  
Margarita Martin ◽  

Abstract Introduction: Choroidal metastases are the most frequent intraocular secondary tumours, with a prevalence of 2–7% according to the literature. Our aim was to review a clinical case of choroidal metastasis. We present a case of a 63-year-old male patient diagnosed in 2018 with lung adenocarcinoma cT4N0M1. The patient had three metastases in the brain, which were successfully treated with radiosurgery (RS). The patient was treated with chemotherapy with pemetrexed–cisplatin schedule. Five months after diagnosis, the patient presented with decreased vision in the right eye. After ophthalmologic evaluation, he was diagnosed with a right choroidal metastasis, which was treated with external beam radiotherapy with 20 Gy in five fractions, resulting in improved visual acuity and a complete clinical and radiological response. The patient took part in a clinical trial that continued with systemic chemotherapy. Twenty-two months after radiotherapy to the eye, the patient has good visual acuity without any side effects. Conclusions: Choroidal metastasis treated with radiotherapy achieves good local control, with limited side effects, allowing an improvement in visual acuity and consequently, an improvement in the patient´s quality of life.

2021 ◽  
Vol 53 (06) ◽  
pp. 355-363
Mara Băetu ◽  
Cristina Alexandra Olariu ◽  
Gabriel Moldoveanu ◽  
Cristina Corneci ◽  
Corin Badiu

AbstractCalcitonin (CT) stimulation tests have great value and could help to: differentiate thyroid causes of elevated CT apart from non-thyroid sources, determine whether the patients with slightly elevated basal CT could/could not be candidates for surgery, and indicate the right moment for prophylactic thyroidectomy in children with MEN syndromes when with normal basal CT. This triggered the requests for development of CT stimulation tests, taking into consideration their safety and aimed us to write a systematic review of literature regarding the rationale, technical issues, and side effects of CT stimulating tests used for diagnosis of MTC. After a thorough review of the literature, we classified the reported side effects by severity, as defined by United States Food and Drug Administration. A statistical analysis was performed using IBM SPSS Statistics version 20. Various side effects were noticed during stimulation tests that differ by intensity, duration and severity, depending on types of substances and protocols used. The side effects after pentagastrin test were significantly more severe than those reported after calcium stimulation test (p=0.0396). There are also significant gender-specific differences in side effects induced by stimulation tests. In conclusion, we recommend performing Ca CT stimulation test when needed, considering preventive evaluation of some clinical, instrumental, and biochemical aspects of each patient. Precise instructions should be followed before a stimulation test and furthermore continuous cardiac monitoring is essential during and after the test to minimize the possibility of a serious event.

Pedro Ángel Latorre-Román ◽  
Juan Manuel Carmona-Torres ◽  
Ana Isabel Cobo-Cuenca ◽  
José Alberto Laredo-Aguilera

Background. Many studies have shown a relationship between physical functioning and health status in older people. Aim. The purpose of this study was to analyze the temporal trends of physical activity (PA), ability to walk, weight status, self-perceived health, and disease or chronic health problems in people over 65 years from 2009 to 2017, using the European Health Survey in Spain and the National Health Survey in Spain. Methods. This study included 13,049 older people: 6026 (2330 men and 3696 women; age (mean, SD (Standard Deviation)) = 75.61 ± 7.11 years old) in 2009 and 7023 (2850 men and 4173 women; age (mean, SD) = 76.01 ± 7.57 years old) in 2017. Results. In 2017, older people exhibited lower values of moderate PA (p < 0.001), a lower number of hours of walking per week (p < 0.001), and worse self-perceived health status (p < 0.001) compared to 2009. These differences are maintained when comparing the sexes. Compliance with PA recommendations was 27.9% and 6.1% (chi-squared = 352.991, p < 0.001) in 2009 and 2017, respectively. There were no significant differences in weight status between older people in 2009 and 2017. In 2017, older people had significantly high percentages of disease or chronic health problems (p < 0.05), number of diseases (p < 0.001), severe difficulty walking 500 m without assistance (p < 0.05), and severe difficulty going up or down 12 stairs. Conclusions. From 2009 to 2017, Spanish older people worsened their PA levels and perception of their health status, and they increased their disease levels, which could be associated with the worsening of ability to walk in 2017.

Curationis ◽  
1980 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
V. Ehlers

A committee was set up in Britain in 1975 under the Chairmanship of Mrs Peggy Jay to look into the staffing of mental handicapped residential care in the National Health Service. Part of the task was to consider the Briggs Committee’s recommendation that “… a new caring profession for the mentally handicapped should emerge gradually”. The findings and recommendations of the committee were however radical and far-reaching, involving an enormous shift in financial resources and causing much concern and outcry from the nursing profession which considered the new category of care given as a threat to their existence.

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