scholarly journals Aspek Hukum dalam Penyelenggaraan Bisnis Perhotelan

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 1033
Hernawati RAS ◽  
Dani Durahman

The development of the law as part of a national development known as law reform is carried out thoroughly and integratedly. The hospitality business is growing rapidly as the economy develops, within the restrictions on the scope of the Hotel's business, there is a legal device that regulates the permit and protection of consumers. Hospitality businesses that do not have amdal permits Environmental law enforcement can be done by sanctioning administrative sanctions. Administrative sanctions, settlement of environmental issues outside the court and even criminal sanctions have been stipulated in Law No. 32 of 2009. The aspect of protection to Hospitality Consumers must be in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 8 of 1999, hospitality business must provide legal certainty in providing protection to consumers where currently there are still many hotels that do not provide information about consumer rights and obligations and the development of social responsibility (social responsebility). 

Acta Comitas ◽  
2017 ◽  
pp. 137
Ida Ayu Md Dwi Sukma Cahyani ◽  
Yohanes Usfunan ◽  
I Nyoman Sumardika

Notary Authority is very important for the parties who make an agreement under the civil law. In performing their duties, notaries are required to maintain their accuracy and prudence, in order to provide justice, without any discrimination, thus providing legal certainty and the protection of human rights of the parties concerned. Under the provisions of Article 63 of the Law on Notary, there has been obscurity and vacuum of norms. The said obscurity of norm is about the certainty of protocols’ submission of notaries which have been overdue as specified on the provisions of Article 63 of Law on Notary Position. The vacuum of norms also mean the lack of certainty about who is responsible for the notary protocols, the absence of the regulations related to who should receive the protocols and the lack of sanctions against the notary who has been designated to receive the protocol by the Regional Supervisor Assembly but was not willing to accept the protocol. These provisions give rise to legal issues namely: what  the legal consequences of Notary Protocols that have not been submitted after the deadline for submission and how the provisions of sanctions against the notary who is not willing to accept the protocols. The type of research used in this thesis was a normative legal research because of the obscurity and the vacuum of norms. The legal materials collection techniques used were a literature study and a card system. To analyze the legal materials, it was used descriptive techniques, interpretation, construction and argumentation theories and concepts associated with the relevant legal issues. The results showed that the Notary Protocol Submission to the recipient of the protocols which have passed the submission deadline resulted in some juridical consequences. The consequences include: Incidence of doubt, the uncertainty associated with the filing of the protocol the Notary. The lack of certainty associated with the accountability to the possibility of loss and destruction of the protocols of Notary. Other consequences that arise are if the parties concerned are unable to obtain a copy of their certificates back in the event of the onset of a dispute between the parties. If the notaries proved to have violated, they can be subject to sanctions. The sanctions that may be imposed on the Notaries if they make any violations are the administrative sanctions, civil penalties and criminal sanctions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 334
Emilia Fitriana DEWI ◽  
Agus MULYA ◽  
Achmad GHAZALI ◽  

The ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) currently requires diverse economic agreements and laws across the region because it moves in a robust multilateral connection based on political, industry, welfares, services, and especially migrant workers. Indonesia, as the largest provider of migrant workers, should have been prepared to deal with the cases of migrant workers. There is a need to build up consensus and appropriate Indonesian labor laws, such as the establishment of multi-partite bodies for purposes of recognition in the ASEAN Economic Community. Thus, this paper attempts to analyze the current existing labor laws in Indonesia. External desk research was employed in this study as the methodology. The results found that the several laws do not meet the needs of the Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers concerning the Placement and Protection of Indonesian Workers Abroad. There has not yet provided proportional tasks and authority between the Central Government, Regional Governments, and the private sector. The implementation of the Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers requires strict supervision and law enforcement. The supervision including protection before work, during work, and after work, and law enforcement should accommodate the administrative sanctions and criminal sanctions.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 143-149
Rama Sari Atiwiz Purba ◽  
Ridho Mubarak ◽  
Rafiqi Rafiqi

Immigration is a form of legal action that is marked by the arrival or presence of foreigners in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia and the departure of Indonesian citizens to the territory of other countries by using or not having immigration travel documents. The method of this research is normative juridical, which is using Library Research. Legal arrangements regarding foreign nationals to Indonesia without going through immigration official inspection are outlined in Article 8 and Article 9 of Law No. 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration and also in Article 3, Article 20 and Article 21 of Government Regulation Number 31 of 2013 concerning Regulations for the Implementation of Law Number 6 of 2011 concerning Immigration and Minister of Law and Human Rights Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 8 of 2014 concerning Passports Ordinary And Travel Letters Like Passports. Law enforcement against criminal offenses of Foreign Citizens to Indonesia without going through the examination of immigration officials then the perpetrators may be subject to administrative sanctions and criminal sanctions, the perpetrators who enter the territory of Indonesia without going through immigration officials have violated Article 113 of Law No. 6 of 2011 concerning immigration and sentenced to six months imprisonment

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (5) ◽  
pp. 2091
Zsalzsabella Putri Moudzie

AbstractThe rise of pharmaceutical business actors, in this case, is a pharmacy, in selling concoction drugs without a doctor's prescription in several regions in Indonesia causing losses in consumers. Consumer protection is regulated in Act Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection, then consumer rights in the health sector are recognized by Act Number 36 of 2009 concerning Health. Both of these regulations require that at least the consumer is guaranteed his right to use the drug, including comprehensive information related to the drug obtained at the Pharmacy. This is not heeded by a number of pharmacies in Indonesia who pack concoction drugs in plastic packages and do not meet the information standards that must be listed. BPOM as an institution that is given authority in law enforcement for drug distribution that is not in accordance with standards can take product withdrawal as well as administrative sanctions against business actors. In addition, the Consumer Protection Act provides a platform for consumers who are disadvantaged to be able to file liability through the Consumer Dispute Resolution Agency (BPSK).Keywords: BPOM; BPSK; Compounding Drugs; Consumer Protection.AbstrakMaraknya pelaku kegiatan usaha kefarmasian, dalam hal ini adalah apotek, dalam menjual obat racikan tanpa resep dokter di beberapa daerah di Indonesia menimbulkan kerugian-kerugian dalam diri konsumen. Perlindungan konsumen diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 tentang Perlindungan Konsumen, kemudian mengenai hak konsumen dalam bidang kesehatan diakui oleh Undang-Undang Nomor 36 Tahun 2009 tentang Kesehatan. Kedua peraturan tersebut mengharuskan setidaknya konsumen terjamin hak nya dalam penggunaan obat, termasuk pula informasi lengkap terkait obat yang didapatkan di Apotek. Hal ini tidak diindahkan oleh beberapa apotek di Indonesia yang mengemas obat racikan dalam kemasan plastik dan tidak memenuhi standar informasi yang harus dicantumkan. BPOM sebagai lembaga yang diberi kewenangan dalam penegakan hukum terhadap peredaran obat yang tidak sesuai dengan standar dapat melakukan tindakan penarikan produk serta sanksi administratif kepada pelaku usaha. Selain itu, UU Perlindungan Konsumen memberikan wadah bagi konsumen yang dirugikan untuk dapat mengajukan pertanggung gugatan melalui Badan Penyelesaian Sengketa Konsumen (BPSK).Kata Kunci: BPOM; BPSK; Obat Racikan; Perlindungan Konsumen.

Tjahyo Kusumo

ABSTRAKPerkembangan dan pembaharuan hukum pidana sudah meningkat dengan adanya penerapan penggabungan hukum dalam penyelesaian kasus tindak pidana. Perumusan masalah:Bagaimana penerapan konsep lex spesialis sistematis pada penegakan hukum tindak pidana korupsi di bidang Pertambangan Dikaitkan Dengan Ajaran Perbarengan Dalam Hukum Pidana? Bagaimana kepastian hukum penerapan konsep lex spesialis sistematis pada penegakan hukum tindak pidana korupsi di bidang Pertambangan dari sudut pandang keadilan ? Bagaimana implikasi hukum penerapan konsep lex spesialis sistematis pada penegakan hukum tindak pidana korupsi di bidang Pertambangan dalam pembaharuan hukum pidana?Tujuan Penelitian Untuk menjelaskan penerapan konsep lex spesialis systematis pada penegakan hukum tindak pidana korupsi di bidang Pertambangan Dikaitkan Dengan Ajaran Perbarengan Dalam Hukum Pidana Untuk menjelaskan kepastian hukum penerapan konsep lex spesialis systematis pada penegakan hukum tindak pidana korupsi di bidang Pertambangan dari sudut pandang keadilan.Untuk menjelaskan implikasi hukum penerapan konsep lex spesialis systematis pada penegakan hukum tindak pidana korupsi di bidang Pertambangan dalam pembaharuan hukum pidana Jenis penelitian hukumnya adalah secara normatif . Kesimpulan Penerapan konsep lex spesialis sistematis pada penegakan hukum tindak pidana korupsi di bidang Pertambangan Dikaitkan Dengan Ajaran Perbarengan Dalam Hukum Pidana terdapat dalam beberapa dakwaan yang terhadap terdakwa yang diperiksa pada persidangan. Hal ini dapat dilihat pada contoh kasus putusan Nomor: 16/Pid.Sus-PK/2018/PT.DKI dengan kronologinya: Terdakwa Nur Alam selaku Gubernur Sulawesi Tenggara didakwa sebagai yang melakukan, menyuruh melakukan perbuatan yang secara melawan hukum melakukan perbuatan memperkaya diri sendiri atau orangt lain atau suatu korporasi yang merugikan keuangan Negara atau perekonomian Negara. Kepastian hukum penerapan konsep lex spesialis systematis pada penegakan hukum tindak pidana korupsi di bidang Pertambangan dari sudut pandang keadilan yaitu bahwa Kebijakan hukum pidana melalui implementasi asas kekhususan sistematis (systematische specialiteit) merupakan upaya penting dalam harmonisasi dan sinkronisasi antar undang-undang yang terkandung sanksi pidana didalamnya, baik itu yang bersifat pure criminal act ataupun hukum pidana administrasi (administrative penal law). Asas kekhususan sistematis terdapat pada pasal 14 UU Tipikor. Interpretasi terhadap pasal ini tidak seragam sehingga seringkali mengakibatkan terjadinya kriminalisasi kebijakan pejabat. Sehingga masih belum mencapai keadilan. Implikasi hukum penerapan konsep lex spesialis sistematis pada penegakan hukum tindak pidana korupsi di bidang Pertambangan dalam pembaharuan hukum pidana bahwa penegak hukum, JPU dan hakim,baik di tingkat pertama, banding, maupun kasasi, dalam menyikapi perkara pidana yang mempertemukan dua ketentuan hukum pidana khusus secara sistematis.ABSTRACTThe development and renewal of criminal law has increased with the application of the incorporation of law in the resolution of criminal cases. Formulation of the problem: How is the application of the concept of a systematic lex specialist on law enforcement of criminal acts of corruption in the field of Mining Associated with the Doctrine of Reform in Criminal Law? What is the legal certainty of the application of the concept of a systematic lex specialist on law enforcement for criminal acts of corruption in the Mining field from the point of view of justice? What are the legal implications of applying the concept of a systematic lex specialist to law enforcement for corruption in the field of Mining in the renewal of criminal law?Research Objectives To explain the application of the concept of systematic lex specialists in law enforcement for corruption in the Mining field Attributed to the Doctrine of Reform in Criminal Law To explain the legal certainty of the application of the concept of systemic specialist lex in law enforcement for corruption in the mining field from the perspective of justice. legal implications of the application of the concept of systematic specialist lex in law enforcement for criminal acts of corruption in the field of Mining in the renewal of criminal law The type of legal research is normative.Conclusion The application of the concept of systematic lex specialists to law enforcement of criminal acts of corruption in the field of Mining Associated with the Doctrine of Collaboration in Criminal Law is contained in a number of charges against the defendants examined at trial. This can be seen in the example of case ruling Number: 16 / Pid.Sus-PK / 2018 / PT.DKI with its chronology: Defendant Nur Alam as the Governor of Southeast Sulawesi was charged as the one who committed, ordered to do an act that unlawfully commits an act of enriching oneself or any other person or corporation that is detrimental to the State's finances or the State's economy. Legal certainty The application of the concept of systematic specialist lex to law enforcement of corruption in the mining sector from the perspective of justice is that the criminal law policy through the implementation of the principle of systematic specificity (systematische specialiteit) is an important effort in the harmonization and synchronization between the laws contained in criminal sanctions therein , both those that are pure criminal act or administrative criminal law. The principle of systematic specificity is found in article 14 of the Corruption Law. The interpretation of this article is not uniform so it often results in the criminalization of official policies. So it still hasn't reached justice. Legal implications of the application of the concept of a systematic lex specialist on law enforcement for criminal acts of corruption in the Mining sector in the renewal of criminal law that law enforcement, prosecutors and judges, both at the first level, appeals, and cassation, in addressing criminal cases that bring together two specific criminal law provisions systematic.

SASI ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 230
Sherly Adam ◽  
Reimon Supusepa ◽  
Jacob Hattu ◽  
Iqbal Taufik

This study aims: 1. To determine and analyze law enforcement against violations of health protocols during the Covid-19 pandemic in Ambon City. 2. To find out and analyze the application of sanctions for violations of health protocols committed by the community during the Covid-19 pandemic in Ambon City. This research was conducted using a normative juridical research using a statutory approach, a conceptual analysis approach which is a descriptive study of qualitative analysis. The results of this study indicate that Law Enforcement against violations of health protocols during the Covid 19 pandemic in Ambon City is carried out based on statutory regulations, by limiting Community Activities (PKM), Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) as a form of law enforcement against health protocol violations. during the Covid 19 pandemic in Ambon City through socialization in preventing the spread of the Covid 19 virus and Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) by applying sanctions against offenders. However, law enforcement against violations of health protocols has not been carried out properly. This is due to the fact that health protocol violations are still occurring in Ambon city. 2. Imposing sanctions for violations of health protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ambon city which is regulated in the Ambon City Mayor's Regulation on PSBB by applying written warning sanctions, administrative sanctions, social sanctions and criminal sanctions to violators. However, the application of sanctions against violators has not provided a deterrent effect on health protocol violators.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Haris Budiman

Guarantee legal certainty and economic stability is very important to keep the movement of the economy of a country. The formulation of the problem formulated a point of issue is how the environmental law enforcement in Indonesia on a case study of forest fires in Indonesia and How to influence environmental law enforcement to economic growth in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to determine the environmental law enforcement in Indonesia on a case study of forest fires in Indonesia and How to influence environmental law enforcement to economic growth in Indonesia. This research could be useful in a practical and theoretical. The method used by the researchers are using a normative juridical approach. The results of the study Enforcement of Environmental Law in relation to the Criminal Law which is related substance of Law in Article 69 paragraph (1) letter H Law No. 32 of 2009 on the Protection and Environmental Management includes about a ban on land clearing by burning and action against the perpetrators for enforce the law and environmental law enforcement to economic growth in Indonesia affected by three (3) aspects, namely Products of law, justice system and political risks are always changing. Conclusions of law enforcement carried out by the legislation in force and the factors that influence economic growth is necessary to be noticed is the commitment of the highest officials responsible to the reciprocation of a country. Recommendation law enforcement must be carried out according the legislation without seeing the background of the company or individual that legal certainty to invest guaranteed and the reformulation of Article 69 paragraph (1) letter H Law No. 32 of 2009 on the Protection and Environmental Management.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 139-148
Sahat Maruli Tua Situmeang

ABSTRACT   Application sanctions for the perpetrators of environmental crime whether committed by individuals and carried out by the corporation can be executed by means of administrative law, civil law or through criminal law. Of some sanctions in its application should be through a thorough and careful assessment in accordance with the characteristics, objectives and benefits of the application of sanctions. In this study, the authors conducted a study on the application of sanctions for perpetrators of environmental crimes, either in the form of administrative sanctions, and sanctions in the form of a court decision which is done through a civil action or criminal sanctions proposed by puitusan court investigator, so they will know particularly the effectiveness of any sanctions to be imposed criminal sanctions against the perpetrators of environmental crimes. The research method used in this research using normative juridical research method, by studying legal norms that exist that can be used as a guide for the implementation of laws that already exist. Through this study, the researcher has an opinion that the sanctions that are considered most effective to be applied to the perpetrators of environmental crime and the enforcement of environmental laws, namely by means of administrative law with the form of sanctions to freeze and / or revoke the business license of each corporation who have committed crimes environment.   Keywords: Environmental Crimes, Penalties Law, Environmental Law Enforcement   ABSTRAK   Penegakan hukum bagi para pelaku kejahatan lingkungan hidup telah diatur dalam bentuk sanksi sebagaimana yang telah dimuat dalam Undang-undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2009 Tentang Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup.  Penerapakan sanksi bagi para pelaku kejahatan lingkungan hidup  baik yang dilakukan oleh perorangan maupun yang diakukan oleh korporasi dapat dijalankan melalui sarana hukum adminstrasi, hukum perdata maupun melalui hukum pidana. Dari beberapa sanksi yang telah diatur dalam Undang-undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2009 tersebut dalam penerapannya haruslah melalui suatu kajian secara seksama dan cermat sesuai dengan karakteristik, tujuan dan manfaat dari penerapan sanksi tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas dari suatu sanksi, terlebih sanksi pidana yang akan dijatuhkan terhadap para pelaku kejahatan lingkungan hidup melalui metode penelitian yuridis normatif,  yaitu dengan mempelajari norma-norma hukum yang ada yang dapat digunakan sebagai suatu  panduan untuk terlaksananya undang-undang yang telah ada. Melalui penelitian ini, peneliti  memiliki suatu pendapat bahwa penerapan sanksi yang dianggap paling effektif  untuk diterapkan bagi para pelaku kejahatan lingkungan hidup dan dalam rangka penegakan hukum lingkungan yaitu melalui sarana hukum administrasi dengan bentuk sanksi membekukan dan/atau mencabut ijin usaha setiap korporasi yang melakukan kejahatan lingkungan. Kata kunci : Kejahatan Lingkungan Hidup, Sanksi Hukum, Penegakan Hukum Lingkungan

SASI ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 38
Sahat Maruli Tua Situmeang

This study aims to determine the regulations regarding the legal protection of the use of personal data in an effort to provide legal certainty to the public and the role of law enforcers in preventing criminal acts of misuse of personal data in the future from the perspective of criminal law reform through normative juridical research methods. Based on the results of the research, it shows that in order to create legal certainty, it is necessary to establish a law that regulates specifically, clearly, structured and comprehensively regarding the protection of personal data and harmonizes existing laws and regulations governing personal data protection as well as clear mechanisms related to coordination between enforcers. law. In this regard, the researcher proposes that there should be the formation of norms regulating criminal sanctions in their enforcement as a deterrent effect as well as reconstruction and reformulation of norms in the regulations regarding personal data protection that are currently in effect.

2020 ◽  
Vol 202 ◽  
pp. 06033
Dewi Fatmawaty ◽  
Hartuti Purnaweni ◽  
Yanuar Luqman

The economic growth of the City of Semarang is influenced by the development of the manufacturing/ construction industry and construction has an effect on increasing pollution and/ or environmental damage. For this reason, one of the Government's efforts to provide protection and living environment management for its citizens is through environmental law enforcement. The main objective of law enforcement in cases of pollution and/ or environmental damage is to restore the environmental ecosystem and to improve the quality of the environment. Administrative legal instruments are considered the most appropriate for this purpose, because the characteristics of administrative sanctions are preventive through supervision and licensing and are repressive through the application of administrative sanctions. This study aims to find out how the enforcement of environmental law through administrative law, how the implementation of administrative sanctions as one of the instruments of law enforcement for environmental administration and inhibiting factors in its application. This research uses the literature method by studying books, laws and regulations and other written materials related to the discussion material.

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