Application of Statutes of Limitations to Islamic Banking: The Case of Malaysia

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 56-69
Aishath Muneeza ◽  
Zakariya Mustapha

Limitations of action designate extent of time after an event, as set by statutes of limitations, within which legal action can be initiated by a party to a transaction. No event is actionable outside the designated time as same is rendered statute-barred. This study aims to provide an insight into application and significance of Limitations Act 1950 and Limitation Ordinance 1952 to Islamic banking matters in Malaysia as well as Shariah viewpoint on the issue of limitation of action. In conducting the study, a qualitative research methodology is employed where reported Islamic banking cases from 1983 to 2018 in Malaysia were reviewed and analysed to ascertain the application of those statutes of limitations to Islamic banking. Likewise, relevant provisions of the statutes as invoked in the cases were examined to determine possible legislative conflicts between the provisions and the rule of Islamic law in governing the right and limitation of action in Islamic banking cases under the law. The reviewed cases show the extent to which statutes of limitations were invoked in Malaysian courts in determining validity of Islamic banking matters. The limitation provisions so referred to are largely sections 6(1)(a) and 21(1) Limitations Act 1953 and section 19 Limitation Ordinance 1953, which do not conflict with Shariah viewpoint on the matter. This study will prove invaluable to financial institutions and their customers alike in promoting knowledge and creating awareness over actionable event in the course of their transactions.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 396-406
Chaibou Issoufou ◽  
Naziruddin Abdullah

Purpose of Study: In the modern Islamic financial products and services, legal guarantee is becoming increasing important in the structuring of products, particularly those used in the investments. As a result of the increasing importance of the concept of guarantee, this paper specifically revisits the conceptual analyses of legal guarantee in Islamic law with a view to providing the basis for the use of this concept in structuring relevant Shari‘ah-compliant products. Methodology: The study adopts a comparative legal analysis of the views of classical Muslim jurists. The researchers examine the principles relating to guarantee, such as the meaning of guarantee, its authority, its pillars and conditions. Other principles include modes of guarantee and its objective.  The paper also examines the principles and terms of guarantee necessitates an assessment of the effect of the guarantee contract on the contracting parties, particularly whether the guarantor has the right of recourse to the guaranteed person for a refund. The researchers adopt qualitative research methodology to analyse and examine the data. Results: It was found that although guarantee is permissible in Islamic law, it is not absolute. In fact, to make it more Islamically acceptable or Shari’ah compliant there are other terms and conditions that the contract has to fulfil especially by the guarantor, guaranteed person as well as guaranteed asset. Results: Legal Guarantee is permissible in Islamic law to prevent harm that may happen to the traders and investors, and protect the public interest.  Classical and contemporary Muslim scholars’ views are that guarantee is not limited to guarantee for debt, but extended to the guarantee for other commercial transactions like guarantee of future liability and physical punishment.  Guarantee has its own pillars and conditions, which should be met in order for a guarantee contract to be a valid one. The researchers suggest to conduct empirical research in order to have a clear picture on the concept of legal guarantee for structuring Islamic financial products.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Nayli Suroya

This article explains the development of the French government system and the division of executive power between President de la République and Premier Ministre after the change from the fourth constitution to the fifth constitution of the republic. This research applies a qualitative research methodology using a historical approach. The results of this study show that France is one of four countries implementing a mixed government system. The President and the Prime Minister, who are the executive authorities, should both lead the country. The role of the President and the Prime Minister may seem similar, but it is not the same. The President has the authority to elect the Prime Minister. Based on article 8 of the fifth constitution, the President has the right to elect and appoint the Prime Minister and terminate him/her if the concerned person declares his/her resignation from his/her government.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 89
Abdul Sani

‘Pasugihan’ of Banjar people (getting wealth by unusual ways) intended in this paper is three prototypes. First, the wealthy Banjar people (wealth and money). But, they get it through the ‘left-way’, which maintains genies (genie mating), spirits (tuyul), stealth swine (Babi ngepet), usues Kuyang oil, and etc. Second, they take the wealth through the ‘right-way’, which gets the wealth by doing Islamic ritual, such as fasting and reading sura Waqiah, doing Dhuha prayer, reading sura Alfatihah, even combining with Lailatul Qadr. This group also includes its own myth in society’s view of Banjar people. Third, the rich people who gets the wealth mythology irrational and rational. Most of this paper is the result of qualitative research methodology by relying interview techniques.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-24
Fitra Rizal

Copyright infringement is the use or adverse action done by another party to the creator or copyright holder. This study aims to discuss critically how Islam views infringement in copyright. This research uses a qualitative research methodology using a descriptive-interpretative library research approach. The results showed that in the concept of religion and the State all forms of use of property rights of others without the permission of the official owner is a crime and sin. Such is the case in the case of copyright infringement. Copyright infringement in Islam is strictly prohibited because of the element of deception, is another form of theft, kills the creativity and the spirit of thinking of the inventors of the work, and violates the goal of Islamic law which is to damage the mind. Pelanggaran hak cipta merupakan pemanfaatan atau dan tindakan merugikan yang dilakukan pihak lain terhadap pencipta atau pemegang hak cipta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membahas secara kritis bagaimana Islam memandang pelanggaran dalam hak cipta. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kepustakaan (library research) deskriptif-interpretatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam konsep agama dan Negara segala bentuk penggunaan hak milik orang lain tanpa seizin pemilik resmi merupakan sebuah kejahatan dan dosa. Hal tersebut seperti yang terjadi dalam kasus pelanggaran hak cipta. Pelanggaran hak cipta dalam Islam sangat dilarang karena  adanya unsur pembohongan, merupakan bentuk lain dari tindakan pencurian, membunuh kreatifitas dan semangat berfikir para penemu karya, dan melanggar tujuan syariat Islam yaitu merusak akal (hasil karya).

2020 ◽  
Vol V (IV) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Sadia Tabassum ◽  
Bakht Munir ◽  
Omar Mahmood Wattoo

The most significant and all-encompassing purpose of punishments in Islamic law is to make the offender repent and mend his ways. For this purpose, Islamic law provides various provisions both at the preconviction as well as post-conviction stages. With qualitative research methodology and Islamic injunctions, this research aims to examine, at the pre-conviction stage, provisions about repentance and expiation on the part of the offender, suspension of punishment in case of voluntary surrender, probation after repentance and surrender and payment of compensation to the victims of the offence. At the post-arrest and conviction stage, Islamic law provides various relaxations and creates space for repentance and reform, which include obliteration of the punishments of apostasy and blasphemy, considering denial by the accused of the commission of the offence, obliteration of the hudud and qisas punishments, and obliteration of the siyasah punishments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 118-130
Akla Rizka Alamsyah Alamsyah ◽  
Yaser Amri

Kehadiran Qanun Nomor 11 Tahun 2018 tentang Lembaga Keuangan Syariah berimplikasi pada perkembangan bank syariah di Aceh. Dengan diundangkannya Qanun Lembaga Keuangan Syariah mengharuskan lembaga keuangan yang beroperasi di Aceh berdasarkan prinsip syariah. Akibatnya, bank konvensional di Aceh melakukan konversi menjadi bank syariah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pendapat pro dan kontra dari masyarakat terkait implementasi Qanun Nomor 11 Tahun 2018 pada perbankan yang beroperasi di Aceh. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan metode pengumpulan data dari studi literatur atau pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pihak yang mendukung konversi bank konvensional menjadi syariah didasarkan pada keinginan untuk menjalankan syariat Islam secara kaffah. Sedangkan pihak yang kontra menolak implementasi dari qanun tersebut dikarenakan kekurangan bank syariah dalam penyediaan fasilitas dan jasa yang sesuai kebutuhan dan terjangkau serta lemahnya persepsi dan tingkat literasi masyarakat mengenai perbankan syariah.   The presence of Qanun Number 11 of 2018 concerning Islamic Financial Institutions has implications for the development of Islamic banks ini Aceh. With the promulgation of the Qanun on Sharia Financial Institutions, it requires financial institutions operating in Aceh to be based on sharia principles. As a result, convesional banks in Aceh converted into Islamic banks. This study aims to determine the opinions of the pro and contra of the public regarding the implementation of Qanun No. 11 Of 2018 in conventional banks operating in Aceh. This research is a descriptive qualitative research with the method of collecting data from literature studies. The results shower that those who supported the converion of conventional banks to Sharia were based on the desire to implements Islamic Law in a kaffah manner. Meanwhile, those sho oppose the implementation of the qanun are due to the lack of Islamic banks in providing facilities and services that are suitable and affordable as well as the weak perception and level of public literacy regarding Islamic banking.

Badruddin Hj Ibrahim

This paper deals with the role of wasi in the administration of minor’s property under the provision of codified Islamic law in Malaysia. The focus of the discussion is on the power of wasi in managing minor’s property under his legal authority. The question is: To what extent the provision of the Islamic law that is codified in Malaysia prescribes the duties and powers of wasi in relation to the management of minor’s property? Further, what is the safeguard that has been taken by the legal provisions in order to ensure that the minor’s property is well managed and is not infringed and embezzled by the wasi? The research adopts qualitative research methodology which focuses on an examination of the statutory provisions on the role of wasi, including his duties and powers and control in the administration of minor’s property. The paper also discusses the appointment of wasi, his position and his condition in administering minor’s property and the situation where the wasi is removed from his office. It is found that there is the inadequacy of the law in relation to the role of wasi in the administration of minor’s property. In addition to that, some provisions require further clarification and elaboration. Finally, the research found that there are still rooms for improvement with regards to codified Islamic law relating to the role of wasi in the administration of minor’s property.  Keywords: Wasi, Administration, Minor’s property, Islamic law, Malaysia.    Abstrak Kertas kerja ini adalah berkaitan dengan peranan wasi dalam pentadbiran harta kanak-kanak di bawah peruntukan undang-undang Islam yang dibukukan di Malaysia. Fokus perbincangan adalah tentang kuasa wasi dalam menguruskan harta kanak-kanak di bawah pengawasan undang-undang seorang wasi. Persoalannya, sejauh manakah peruntukan Undang-undang Islam yang telah dibukukan di Malaysia menggariskan tugas-tugas dan kuasa wasi berkaitan dengan pengurusan harta kanak-kanak. Seterusnya, apakah perlindungan yang diambil oleh peruntukan undang-undang untuk memastikan harta kanak-kanak diuruskan dengan baik dan tidak dilanggar dan diselewengkan oleh wasi. Penyelidikan ini menggunakan kaedah penyelidikan kualitatif yang memfokuskan kepada kajian peruntukan undang-undang tentang peranan wasi termasuklah tugas-tugas dan kuasa wasiserta pengawalannya di dalam pentadbiran harta kanak-kanak. Kertas kerja ini juga membincangkan tentang perlantikan wasi, kedudukan serta syarat-syarat dalam mentadbir harta kanak-kanak serta keadaan bilamana wasi dilucutkan dari jawatannya. Hasil penyelidikan mendapati bahawa peruntukan undang-undang yang ada adalah tidak mencukupi dalam mentadbir harta kanak-kanak. Sebagai tambahan, terdapat juga peruntukan undang-undang yang memerlukan penjelasan dan penerangan. Akhirnya, penyelidikan ini mendapati masih ada ruang untuk penambahbaikan bagi peruntukan undang-undang Islam yang telah dibukukan berkaitan dengan pentadbiran harta kanak-kanak. Kata Kunci: Wasi, Pentadbiran, Harta kanak-kanak, Undang-undang Islam, Malaysia.

Abdulazeem Abozaid

Purpose: The aim of this paper is to critically review the position of Shariah and contemporary ijtihād on penalty provisions in financial commitments. It is also to show that some relevant fiqh resolutions have dealt differently with similar issues despite the absence of any grounds for such differentiation and to show how penalty provision in contracts has been expanded to include what cannot be accommodated by Shariah principles. All this necessitates a review of those stances, as they may have both unnecessarily burdened the Islamic finance industry and challenged some Shariah principles. Methodology: This paper employs a qualitative research methodology that adopts textual and fiqh comparative analysis approaches. The methodology also incorporates a macro perspective for treating the subject by analyzing the issues being examined from the perspective of Maqāṣid al-Shariah (Shariah objectives) in consideration of existing market practices and needs. Findings: This study primarily indicates that penalties or compensation provisions in contracts are accepted if they are intended to prevent actual harm rather than for gain, because profiting merely through stipulation is forbidden in Islamic law. Originality: Although this paper addresses an issue that has been addressed before, it acquires significance and value by setting the basis for what constitutes a valid penalty provision in Islamic finance and by showing areas of conflict and inconsistency in some of the contemporary stands on the matter, thus necessitating a review of these stances.

Muhamad Rafiqi

Pregnancy and bleeding throughout pregnancy are the two entities that cannot be separated. The implication of this issue leads to differences of thought, understanding and interpretation of the Islamic law, and affect the consequences of ibadah, worship to God. Although there are many resources that explores about this issue, but the understanding among parturient is seen inconclusive. Therefore, this article will discuss the condition of antepartum haemorrhage as well as the implications of it to Islamic law. This study uses a qualitative research methodology by analysing primary and secondary documents such as the classical books as well as academic writings in the journals. The findings of the study indicate that there are differences or argument regarding the implication to Islamic law and related with current issue. In addition, this article has also found that there are implications on the ibadah of parturient if the issues are not resolved due to differences of argument. Therefore, this article suggests for improvement in part of knowledge and understanding toward the issue of antepartum haemorrhage in order to ensure consistency in worship towards God.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 183-206
Azizah Mohd ◽  
Badruddin Hj Ibrahim ◽  
Siti Zainab Abd Rashid

Islamic law is primarily based on the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (s.a.w). Due to the changes in place and time, there are occasions where new cases may not have clear and direct principles from the Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (s.a.w). Accordingly, solutions for new cases require the exercise of ijtihad and application of fatwa in establishing new rulings. This study deals with selected maslahah based fatwas on issues relating to family law in Malaysia. The study is undertaken in order to provide an overview on the issuance of maslahah based fatwa relating to family law issues, so that sound new rulings could be established for the benefit of the whole nation. Focus is made on fatwas that have been issued relating to child marriages, legitimacy of children and ascription of paternity, jointly acquired property and suckling relationships. In Malaysia, family matters fall under the jurisdiction of the state. Therefore, if a new case arises and it requires a legal opinion, a State based fatwa will be issued. The study adopts a qualitative research methodology based on available library-based materials. State fatwas are also referred to and examined. Finally, the article suggests improvements to the exercise of ijtihad and the issuance of fatwa in Malaysia.

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