AL-MANHAJ: Jurnal Hukum dan Pranata Sosial Islam
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Published By Omah Jurnal Sunan Giri, INSURI Ponorogo

2686-4819, 2686-1607

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 244-267
Achmad Baihaqi ◽  
Said Abadi

The author is interested in researching the practice of the marriage contract with the bride and groom who have limitations in pronouncing the contract (impaired), from practice in the field it is often the case that the marriage contract of the non-verbal bride is carried out by a representative but without a clear power of attorney, it is not entirely wrong. Because sometimes both parties believe that there will be no dispute in the appointment of representatives. The bride and groom base the implementation of their marriage contract on the encouragement of the community, clerics, customs, and indeed an agreement between the two parties. The approach method used in this paper is a juridical-normative approach in the study of fiqh. A juridical approach by examining legal rules and a normative approach in the study of fiqh is used in analyzing problems that occur in society. For provisions that require the granting of power in writing, basically it is not stipulated in the book of fiqh. In fact, fiqh explicitly stipulates that it can be in the form of words (عبارة) or in written form. There is nothing wrong with the provisions stipulated by the Compilation of Islamic Law, which are promulgated, following the rules of al-maslahah al-mursalah which have been explained or the concept in the book of Bughyah al-Mustarsyidn which says that government decrees which are not forbidden by the Shari'a must be obeyed physically and mentally. If it is against the Shari'a, such as obliging something that is haram, then it is enough to obey outwardly. In article 17 paragraph (3) of the KHI which reads "For the prospective bride and groom who suffers from speech impairment or deafness, consent can be stated in writing or signs that can be understood," so without a power of attorney there is nothing wrong or allowed. What is clear is that the marriage is still valid, the KUA does not require the speech-impaired bride and groom to make or show a power of attorney.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 222-243
Sisca Novalia ◽  
Khairuddin Khairuddin ◽  
Zuhraini Zuhraini

This study was made to analyze the implementation of the Decision of the Director General of Islamic Community Guidance Number DJ.II / 542 of 2013 concerning the Prenuptial Course at the Office of the Ministry of Religion in the City of Bandar Lampung and to determine the relevance of taking the Prenuptial Course to household harmony. This type of research uses Field Research, where researchers go directly to the field to obtain strong, objective and actual data. Researchers will go to the field to obtain authentic, accurate, detailed and in-depth data. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the Decree of the Director General of Guidance for the Islamic Community Number DJ.II / 542 of 2013 concerning prenuptial courses is quite effective. couples to reduce disputes in the family, divorce and conflict, so that they become provisions for realizing a peaceful, prosperous, safe, peaceful family and truly creating a sakinah mawadah warahmah family. After fulfilling the existing procedures, the bride and groom get a foundation book for the sakinah family and a certificate. However, if viewed from the level of effectiveness there are still several weaknesses, including the lack of availability of funding to cover all training needs, the seriousness of the participants is not optimal, the lack of attendance and the level of activity of participants in taking pre-marital training courses, and the continuity of pre-marital course activities that have not been optimally scheduled.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 203-221
Inayatul Syarifah

The purpose of this study is to determine the basis for consideration of religious court judges and religious high judges in granting or rejecting applications for inheritance cases that have been granted. This type of research is library research (library research), descriptive research using qualitative methods. Whereas the power of attorney to compare M. Fadlil Hadi's power of attorney to Dr. M. Yaman, S.H., M.H. and Ramid, S.H. The date February 9 2018 is invalid. The limitation of presenting a grant as an illustration of a case regarding a lawsuit for inherited land disputes that has been granted in terms of the Maslahah Mursalahah, is to respect and fulfill a sense of justice for other war experts, even though the jurists do not. KHI is based on consideration of benefit (providing benefits) and avoiding harm.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 180-202
Idrus Al-Ghifarry ◽  
A. Kumedi Ja'far ◽  
Liky Faizal

This research was made to analyze the urgency of the marriage agreement in marriage. To analyze the urgency of the marriage agreement in forming a sakinah family in the perspective of Islamic Family Law. This type of research is library research. This research is descriptive in nature, namely by using qualitative methods. The results of this study show that the urgency of the marriage agreement is that the marriage agreement has good benefits as a preventive measure in the event of a divorce because the marriage agreement will facilitate the distribution of assets. The urgency of the marriage agreement in forming a sakinah family in the perspective of Islamic family law, namely. First, to form a sakinah family, it is best if the prospective husband and wife make a marriage agreement which includes communication problems, personal and shared assets, biological needs (sex), economic problems, and appearance. Second, the marriage agreement includes a form of maslahah for married couples to achieve maqashid asy-syari'ah. Through a marriage agreement, what is the goal of the Shari'a, namely to achieve benefit can be realized or achieved.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 164-179
Marnita Marnita

The purposes of this research are; First, to analyze the flexibility of Islamic law related to Pandemic situations that contagious in every single country in the World. So, the world has new diligence in Fiqh named Pandemic Fiqh. Second, as is Pandemic Fiqh we need to review Ulama, Government Policy, and the application in public. The research method that used is qualitative research, with descriptive-analytic methods with a Literature Study approach accompanied with observations of what was happened in a community environment. The example of Pandemic Fiqh’s diligence in pure worship and not pure in an emergency like pandemic situations caused Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) that was experienced in Indonesia at this time. Indonesia’s Ulama issuing opinions and the Government made the regulations to break the chains of spreading the Covid-19. It has been proven that created varied opinions and views in the Indonesian Muslim community. So that one side raises the understanding of the policies. On the other side, they created different conflicts of perspectives and understandings. With Pandemic Fiqh, we can unite all of the perspectives and different applications in the Indonesian Muslim community.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 115-137
Afrohah Afrohah

People today we see a view that occurs among Muslims. This difference arises because of the arguments that are textually contradictory to one another, whether in the Koran, hadith or other arguments. The science of Ushul Fiqih discusses it in a special chapter, namely the Ta'arud Al Adillah chapter (Contradiction of the Dalil), which is a chapter that studies and examines textually contradicting arguments and then makes settlement steps or methods. There are a lot of Islamic legal experts who discuss Ta'arud Al Adillah, but to be more focused the author will only discuss the "Method of Solving the Contradiction of the Dalil in the Book of Jam'ul Jawami 'by Tajuddin as-Subuki" because this is very popular in Indonesia, many studied in Islamic boarding schools and many scholars. In his book, Al-Subky offers a method of managing Ta'arud al-Adillah (contradiction to the argument) which is different from the Hanafi and Shafi'i schools, namely; Al-Takhyir, Al-Tasaquth, Al-Tawaqquf, and al-Takhyir wa al-Tasaquth, without being obliged by the mujtahids to use the method in sequence but allowing him to choose between the four methods offered. This shows that al Subky started a change in the concept of Ushul Fiqih and was more moderate in deciding a problem. Dewasa ini kita sering melihat adanya perbedaan pandangan yang terjadi di antara umat Islam. Perbedaan itu muncul karena adanya dalil yang secara tekstual saling bertentangan satu sama lain, baik al Qur’an, hadits maupun dalil yang lain. Ilmu Ushul Fiqih membahasnya dalam bab Khusus yaitu bab Ta’arud Al Adillah (Kontradiksi Dalil), yaitu bab yang mengkaji dan meneliti dalil-dalil yang secara tekstual bertentangan dan kemudian membuat langkah-langkah penyelesaian atau metode pemecahan. Para Pakar hukum Islam yang membahas tentang Ta’arud Al Adillah sangatlah banyak, namun agar lebih terfokus penulis hanya akan membahas tentang metode Pemecahan Kontradiksi Dalil Dalam Kitab Jam’ul Jawami’ KaryaTajuddin as-Subuki karena  kitab ini sangat terkenal di Indonesia, banyak dikaji di pondok-pondok pesantren dan banyak disyarahi oleh para Ulama. Di dalam kitabnya itu, Al-Subky menawarkan metode pemecahan Ta‘arud al-Adillah (kontradiksi dalil) yang berbeda dengan Madzhab Hanafi dan madzhab Syafi’i , yaitu ; Al-Takhyir, Al-Tasaquth, Al-Tawaqquf ,  dan al-Takhyir wa al-Tasaquth, tanpa mengharuskan para mujtahid untuk menggunakan metode itu secara berurutan tetapi mempersilahkannya untuk memilih di antara empat metode yang ditawarkan. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa al Subky memulai sebuah perubahan dalam konsep Ushul Fiqih dan lebih moderat dalam memutuskan suatu permasalahan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-88
Feri Kurniawan ◽  
Abd. Qohar

Marriage isbat which has been considered a solution to the settlement of a marriage under the hands offered by the Act in order to protect the rights relating to his wife and children, while the isbat or isbat contensius is a solution given to people who will divorce with a marriage that is not in marriage. record it. This research method used is a qualitative method, a type of library research, with a normative juridical approach. Based on the results of the study found, that basically a divorce that can be done before the Religious Court is a divorce from a registered marriage. In the Gunung Sugih Religious Court Decision Number: 0333 / Pdt.G / 2018 / PA.Gns concerning the Application for Itsbat Marriage, accompanied by a Divorce Claim, the judge granted the divorce suit by ratifying the marriage license first. Granting divorce proceedings on the grounds of inattention to children, spending property generated by the wife as a plaintiff, and the defendant often acts violently against the plaintiff. The judge's judgment and decision is in accordance with the value of benefit, namely guarding offspring (hifz al-nasl) and protecting property (hifz al-mal), and protecting the soul (hifz al-nafs). Isbat nikah yang selama ini dianggap solusi penyelesaian perkawinan di bawah tangan yang ditawarkan Undang-Undang dalam rangka melindungi hak-hak yang berkaitan dengan istri dan anak, sedangkan gugat isbat atau isbat contensius adalah solusi yang diberikan kepada orang yang akan bercerai dengan perkawinan yang tidak di catatkan. penelitan  ini  metode  yang digunakan   adalah   metode kualitatif, jenis penelitian library research, dengan pendekatan yuridis normatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ditemukan, bahwa Pada dasarnya suatu perceraian yang dapat dilakukan di hadapan Pengadilan Agama merupakan perceraian dari perkawinan tercatat. Pada Putusan Pengadilan Agama Gunung Sugih Nomor : 0333/Pdt.G/2018/PA.Gns tentang Permohonan Itsbat Nikah disertai dengan Gugatan Cerai hakim mengabulkan gugatan cerai dengan mengesahkan itsbat nikah terlebih dahulu. Mengabulkan gugatan cerai dengan alasan kurang perhatiannya terhadap anak-anak, menghabiskan harta yang dihasilkan istri sebagai penggugat, dan tergugat sering melakukan kekerasan terhadap penggugat. Pertimbangan dan putusan hakim tersebut telah sesuai dengan nilai kemaslahatan yaitu menjaga keturunan (hifz al-nasl) dan menjaga harta (hifz al-mal), dan menjaga jiwa (hifz al-nafs).

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-114
Khusni Tamrin

Premarital health check-up is a preventive measure to avoid unwanted things, in order to form a family and produce perfect offspring. In this paper aims to discuss premarital health tests (premarital check up) perspective maqâshid al-syarî'ah. In this research the method used is a qualitative research method, the type of research research, with a philosophical approach and medical approach, the theory of al-shari'ah maqasid. Based on the results of the study it was found that, conducting pre-marital health tests it can be known earlier various possible illnesses suffered so that action can be taken earlier to prevent various difficulties that will come, this is in accordance with the theory of Saad ad-dzarî'ah or taking steps preventive from anything that can threaten. In the analysis of sharia maqasid, namely guarding religion (hifzh dîn), guarding the soul (hifzh nafs), guarding offspring (hifzh nasl), guarding reason (hizfh 'aql) and protecting wealth (hizfh mâl), pre-marital health tests in this case are more emphasized by guarding the soul (hifzh nafs) and guarding offspring (hifzh nasl). Pre-marital medical tests in the view of Maqâshid Al-Syarî'ah are recommended because they see the many benefits in the examination. Pemeriksaan kesehatan sebelum menikah (premarital check up) merupakan suatu tindakan preventif untuk menghindari hal yang tidak di inginkan, dalam rangka untuk membentuk keluarga dan menghasilkan keturunan yang sempurna. Dalam tulisan ini bertujuan untuk membahas tes kesehatan  pranikah (premarital check up) perspektif maqâshid al-syarî’ah. Pada  penelitan  ini  metode  yang digunakan   adalah   metode penelitian  kualitatif, jenis penelitian library research, dengan pendekatan filosofis dan pendekatan medis, teori maqasid al-syari’ah. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa, Melakukan tes kesehatan pra nikah maka dapat diketahui lebih awal berbagai kemungkinan penyakit yang di derita sehingga dapat diambil tindakan lebih dini untuk mencegah berbagai kesulitan yang akan datang, hal ini sesuai dengan teori saad ad-dzarî’ah atau pengambilan langkah preventif terhadap segala sesuatu yang dapat mengancam. Dalam analisa maqasid syariah yaitu menjaga agama (hifzh dîn), menjaga jiwa (hifzh nafs), menjaga keturunan (hifzh nasl), menjaga akal (hizfh ‘aql) dan menjaga harta (hizfh mâl), tes kesehatan pranikah dalam hal ini lebih ditekankan sesuai dengan menjaga jiwa (hifzh nafs) dan menjaga keturunan (hifzh nasl). Tes kesehatan pra nikah dalam pandangan Maqâshid Al-Syarî’ah dianjurkan karena melihat banyaknya manfaat di dalam pemeriksaan tersebut.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-34
Rika Nur Laili ◽  
Lukman Santoso

This research is based on the problem of isbat nikah request which was rejected by the Ponorogo Religious Court through a determination with case number 402 / Pdt.P /2018/PA.Po. The purpose of this research focuses on the study of the legal interpretation paradigm of judges for rejection of marriage wives which is then analyzed based on the perspective of critical legal studies. This type of research is normative legal research which includes library research with descriptive analysis method. While the data collection technique is a documentation analysis study. The findings of this study: first, the legal interpretation used by the panel of judges in this determination is a systematic interpretation. Meanwhile, the method used by the panel of judges in this case used grammatical interpretation. This can be seen from the basis of legal considerations that the judge rejected the request for marriage is the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad regarding the existence of a marriage guardian as narrated by Ibn Hibban, Article 20 and Article 23 KHI, Article 1 paragraph (2) PMA No. 30 of 2005, Article 2 paragraph ( 1) Law No. 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage. Second, from the perspective of critical legal studies, the panel of judges uses a posivistic paradigm, namely not making any legal breakthroughs. This happens because the law is deemed capable of answering cases, the judge then does not grant marriage requests in order to prioritize the value of legal certainty over the value of justice and the value of benefit. This judge's decision contradicts Gustav Radbruch's standard priority theory, which is the first priority order of justice, second benefit and third legal certainty. Penelitian ini berangkat dari problem permohonan isbat nikah karena menikah siri yang ditolak oleh Pengadilan Agama Ponorogo melalui Penetapan dengan nomor perkara 402/Pdt.P /2018/PA.Po. Tujuan penelitian ini memfokuskan kajian pada paradigma interpretasi hukum hakim atas penolakan isbat nikah yang kemudian dianalisis berdasarkan perspektif studi hukum kritis. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian hukum normatif yang termasuk studi kepustakaan (library research) dengan metode analisis deskriptif. Sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data adalah studi analisis dokumentasi. Temuan dari penelitian ini: pertama, Interpretasi hukum yang digunakan majelis hakim dalam penetapan ini adalah Interpretasi sistematis. Sedangkan metode yang digunakan majelis hakim dalam perkara ini menggunakan interpretasi gramatikal. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari dasar pertimbangan hukum hakim menolak permohonan isbat nikah adalah hadis Rasulullah tentang harus adanya wali nikah yang diriwayatkan oleh Ibnu Hibban, Pasal 20 dan Pasal 23 KHI, Pasal 1 ayat (2) PMA No 30 Tahun 2005,  Pasal 2 ayat (1) UU No 1 Tahun 1974 Tentang Perkawinan. Kedua, Dilihat dari perspektif studi hukum kritis, majelis hakim menggunakan paradigma posivistik yaitu tidak melakukan terobosan hukum. Hal ini terjadi karena undang-undang dianggap telah mampu menjawab kasus, hakim kemudian tidak mengabulkan permohonan isbat nikah demi mendahulukan nilai kepastian hukum daripada nilai keadilan dan nilai kemanfaatan. Keputusan hakim ini berseberangan dengan teori prioritas baku Gustav Radbruch yang dengan urutan prioritas pertama keadilan, kedua manfaat dan ketiga kepastian hukum.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-66
Fitra Rizal ◽  
Haniatul Mukaromah

Poverty is one of the macroeconomic problems that is a major concern, especially during the current pandemic. This study aims to describe the solutions offered by Islamic philanthropy (ZISWAF) to the problem of poverty caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methodology with content analysis techniques (content analysis) and library research. The results showed that ZISWAF is able to be a solution for the community to the problem of poverty that occurs. Efforts to alleviate poverty that can be done are to manage the funds that have been obtained from ZISWAF properly, with productive management. However, there must be some funds provided to the public that are consumptive in nature. If ZISWAF funds are managed properly and are productive, the hope is that these funds will not run out until whenever they are even able to develop so that their use will be bigger and wider. ZISWAF funds which are consumptive in nature will increase the demand and purchasing power of the community, so that the community will be more prosperous. Meanwhile, productive funds are able to increase investment activities and company productivity (business activities) so that it is able to increase the use of full labor (reduce unemployment) and ultimately improve community welfare so that poverty is reduced. This proves that Islamic philanthropy can be a solution to the problem of poverty. Kemiskinan merupakan salah satu masalah makroekonomi yang menjadi perhatian utama, khususnya pada masa pandemi saat ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memamparkan solusi yang ditawarkan oleh filantropi Islam (ZISWAF) atas masalah kemiskinan yang diakibatkan oleh pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik content analysis (analisis isi) dan riset kepustakaan (library research). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ZISWAF mampu menjadi solusi bagi masyarakat atas masalah kemiskinan yang terjadi. Upaya pengentasan kemiskinan yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan mengelola dana yang telah diperoleh dari ZISWAF dengan baik, dengan pengelolaan yang  produktif. Walaupun demikian harus ada sebagain dana yang diberikan kepada masyarakat yang bersifat konsumtif. Dana ZISWAF jika dikelola dengan baik dan bersifat produktif harapanya adalah dana tersebut tidak akan habis sampai kapanpun bahkan mampu berkembang sehingga pemanfaatanya akan semakin besar dan luas. Dana ZISWAF yang bersifat konsumtif akan meningkatkan permintaan dan daya beli masyarkat, sehingga masyarakat semakin sejahtera. Sedangkan dana yang bersifat produktif mampu meningkatkan kegiatan investasi dan produktifitas perusahaan (kegiatan bisnis) sehingga hal tersebut mampu meningkatkan penggunaan tenaga kerja penuh (mengurangi pengangguran) dan pada akhirnya meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat sehingga kemiskinan semakin berkurang. hal tersebut membuktikan bahwa filantropi Islam mampu menjadi solusi atas masalah kemiskinan.

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