V. Vasylenko ◽  
M. Kuriata ◽  
V. Morozov ◽  
L. Lytvynets ◽  

Objective. The key factors identification in radiation dose formation in population of radiologically contaminated areas of Rivne oblast in the current period of accident through comprehensive radiation and hygienic monitoring in reference settlements in 2020 and estimation of their impact on dose formation were the study objectives. Materials and methods. Comprehensive radiation and hygienic monitoring of settlements in Rivne oblast (province) was provided in Stare Selo, Vezhytsia, Perekhodychi, and Drozdyn villages of Rokytne district, where the highest radiation doses were registered after the ChNPP accident. Studies were conducted in September 2020. Measurements (n=696, 318 adults, and 378 children) were performed using the whole body counters (WBC) to determine the internal radiation doses. The 48 samples of milk, 45 samples of potatoes and vegetables, and 35 samples of wild products were collected in local farms and measured for the 137Cs and 90Sr content. Residents of the studied settlements (n=229, 140 adults, and 89 children) were interviewed about the levels of consumption of staple foodstuffs. External radiation doses were evaluated in all the studied settlements. Mathematical, dosimetric, and radiochemical methods were applied. Results and conclusions. Annual effective radiation doses of the Rivne oblast population in 2020 were formed mainly due to internal radiation ones that not exceeded 1.24 mSv · year-1 in adults and 0.65 mSv · year-1 in children against the RCT criterion of 1 mSv · year-1. Further 1.2–1.9-fold decrease in the annual internal radiation doses vs. the results of WBC-monitoring in autumn of 2017 was registered in the surveyed settlements. The latter confirmed a time pattern of radiation levels gradual reduction at the current stage of Chornobyl accident since 2011. Intake of 137Cs with milk and wild mushrooms, which traditionally occupy a significant part of diet in the Rivne Polissya area and have consistently high levels of radioactive cesium contamination, remains a key factor of internal radiation dose forming in residents of the surveyed settlements of Rivne oblast. The Scientific Council meeting of NAMS approved the NRCRM Annual Report. Key words: radiologically contaminated territories, comprehensive radiation and hygienic monitoring, internal radiation dose, whole body counter, 137Cs and 90Sr content, food.

V. Vasylenko ◽  
G. Zadorozhna ◽  
M. Kuriata ◽  
L. Lytvynetz ◽  
... identificate the main factors and assess their impact on the formation of radiation doses to the population of radioactively contaminated areas of Kyiv region at the current stage of the accident based on complex radiation and hygienic monitoring in the reference settlements in 2019. Materials and methods. Comprehensive radiological and hygienic monitoring was carried out in eight settlements of Kyiv region – villages of Ragivka, Lygovyky, Mar’yanivka, Zelena Poliana of Polis’kyi district and villages of Hornostaipil, Dytiatky , Pisky, Karpylivka of Ivankiv district. The content of incorporated 137Сs was determined with direct measurement on whole body counters (WBC) samples of basic foodstuffs were collected to determine the content of radionuclides 90Sr and 137Сs, residents were interviewed about the levels of consumption of these products, and work was performed to estimate external radiation doses. Mathematical, dosimetric, radiochemical methods are used in the work. Results. There was a further decrease in annual doses of internal radiation in the surveyed settlements in 1.3 times, both in Polis’kyi district (0.041 mSv · year-1 in 2016, 0.030 mSv · year-1 in 2019) and in Ivankiv district (0.023 mSv · year-1 in 2016, 0.018 mSv · year-1 in 2019). It is possible to state a slowdown in the reduction of radiation doses compared to previous years: from 2010 to 2013, the annual doses of internal radiation in the surveyed settlements decreased by 1.8–2.4 times, from 2013 to 2016 – by 2.3–3.6 times. The content of 137Сs and 90Sr in milk and potatoes in the inspected settlements is lower than the permissible level of the Hygienic Standard HS and the use of these foods can not significantly affect the formation of the internal radiation dose. The content of 90Sr in milk samples in the settlements of Ivankiv district is in the range of 2.1–9.9 Bq · kg-1 (in 2016: 1.3–7.4 Bq · kg-1), which does not exceed the permissible level of 20 Bq · kg-1, but due to the dynamics needs further monitoring. The content of 137Сs in samples of dried mushrooms collected from residents of Kyiv region in 2019, as in previous years, is significantly (up to 100 times) higher than permissible level, and has a high uncertainty – from 1.4 kBq · kg-1 to 223.7 kBq · kg-1. Conclusions. It is established that the annual effective radiation doses of the population in the surveyed settlements in the current year are formed due to internal radiation doses that do not exceed 0.46 mSv · year-1 in Ivankiv district and 0.51 mSv · year-1 in Polis’kyi district, which below the RCT criterion 1 mSv · year-1. The main factor that forms the dose of internal radiation of the residents of the surveyed state of emergency of Kyiv region is the intake of 137Сs in the body with forest products, primarily mushrooms. Key words: internal dose, external irradiation; WBC-monitoring, 137Сs, 90Sr.

2010 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
James P Earls ◽  
Jonathon A Leipsic ◽  

Recent reports have raised general awareness that cardiac computed tomography (CT) has the potential for relatively high effective radiation doses. While the actual amount of risk this poses to the patient is controversial, the increasing concern has led to a great deal of research on new CT techniques capable of imaging the heart at substantially lower radiation doses than was available only a few years ago. Methods of dose reduction include optimised selection of user-defined parameters, such as tube current and voltage, as well as use of new technologies, such as prospective triggering and iterative reconstruction. These techniques have each been shown to lead to substantial reduction in radiation dose without loss of diagnostic accuracy. This article will review the most frequently used and widely available methods for radiation dose reduction in cardiac CT and give practical advice on their use and limitations.

Diagnostics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 118
Andreas S. Brendlin ◽  
Moritz T. Winkelmann ◽  
Phuong Linh Do ◽  
Vincent Schwarze ◽  
Felix Peisen ◽  

To evaluate the effect of radiation dose reduction on image quality and diagnostic confidence in contrast-enhanced whole-body computed tomography (WBCT) staging. We randomly selected March 2016 for retrospective inclusion of 18 consecutive patients (14 female, 60 ± 15 years) with clinically indicated WBCT staging on the same 3rd generation dual-source CT. Using low-dose simulations, we created data sets with 100, 80, 60, 40, and 20% of the original radiation dose. Each set was reconstructed using filtered back projection (FBP) and Advanced Modeled Iterative Reconstruction (ADMIRE®, Siemens Healthineers, Forchheim, Germany) strength 1–5, resulting in 540 datasets total. ADMIRE 2 was the reference standard for intraindividual comparison. The effective radiation dose was calculated using commercially available software. For comparison of objective image quality, noise assessments of subcutaneous adipose tissue regions were performed automatically using the software. Three radiologists blinded to the study evaluated image quality and diagnostic confidence independently on an equidistant 5-point Likert scale (1 = poor to 5 = excellent). At 100%, the effective radiation dose in our population was 13.3 ± 9.1 mSv. At 20% radiation dose, it was possible to obtain comparably low noise levels when using ADMIRE 5 (p = 1.000, r = 0.29). We identified ADMIRE 3 at 40% radiation dose (5.3 ± 3.6 mSv) as the lowest achievable radiation dose with image quality and diagnostic confidence equal to our reference standard (p = 1.000, r > 0.4). The inter-rater agreement for this result was almost perfect (ICC ≥ 0.958, 95% CI 0.909–0.983). On a 3rd generation scanner, it is feasible to maintain good subjective image quality, diagnostic confidence, and image noise in single-energy WBCT staging at dose levels as low as 40% of the original dose (5.3 ± 3.6 mSv), when using ADMIRE 3.

N. Gunko ◽  
O. Ivanova ◽  
K. Loganovsky ◽  
N. Korotkova ◽  

Background. Radiation accidents at the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant (USSR, 1986) and Fukushima-1 (Japan, 2011) have shown that global environmental contamination is an intervention in normal human life making negative effect on population health. These accidents highlighted a number of statutory and regulatory both with medical and social problems for individuals, who returned voluntarily for permanent residence in the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone i.e. a radiation-hazardous area (they are named the «self-settlers»). Objective: generalization of experience in the settlement of normative-legal, ecological-dosimetric and medicosocial life issues of population living in the Chornobyl NPP (ChNPP) Exclusion Zone («self-settlers»). Object and methods. The chosen problem is complex, necessitating the generalization of radiation-hygienic, medical-biological, socio-economic, demographic and sociological research results obtained by the national and foreign authors. A set of theoretical research and analysis of empirical data methods on the principles of interdisciplinary interaction was used; the systematic, legal, economic, medical-biological, demographic and retrospective-dosimetric approaches of research were applied. Results. It was shown that a part of population refused to evacuate or had returned for permanent residence to the radiation-hazardous lands after the ChNPP accident. In 1986–2009 the number of «self-settlers» ranged from 150 to 2,000 in different years. In 2021 – the 101 people. Those were mainly people of working age, mostly females, single people or widows/widowers. Рrevious medical and dosimetric studies have shown that long-term residence in the Exclusion Zone affects physical and mental health of «self-settlers» and causes atypical aging, including involvement of the central nervous system. According to calculations, the average effective total radiation dose accumulated by «self-settlers» for the first 3 years was 30 % of dose for the entire post-accident period, and the dose accumulated over 20 years was 54 % of the dose accumulated over 35 years. But the effective radiation doses accumulated in different periods after the accident differ significantly in residents of different Exclusion Zone settlements. This information needs further study in terms of the «radiation dose - health status» dependence. Conclusions. The effective radiation doses accumulated in different periods after the accident differ significantly in the residents of different Exclusion Zone settlements. Тhe average effective total radiation dose accumulated by «self-settlers» for the first 3 years was 30 % of the dose for the entire post-accident period, and the dose accumulated over 20 years was 54 % of the dose accumulated over 35 years. The Scientific Council meeting of NAMS approved the NRCRM Annual Report. Key words: Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant, Exclusion Zone, «self-settlers», radiation doses, health.

2016 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. 230-234
Wai-Yung Yu ◽  
Thye Sin Ho ◽  
Henry Ko ◽  
Wai-Yee Chan ◽  
Serene Ong ◽  

Introduction: The use of computed tomography (CT) imaging as a diagnostic modality is increasing rapidly and CT is the dominant contributor to diagnostic medical radiation exposure. The aim of this project was to reduce the effective radiation dose to patients undergoing cranial CT examination, while maintaining diagnostic image quality. Methods: Data from a total of 1003, 132 and 27 patients were examined for three protocols: CT head, CT angiography (CTA), and CT perfusion (CTP), respectively. Following installation of adaptive iterative dose reduction (AIDR) 3D software, tube current was lowered in consecutive cycles, in a stepwise manner and effective radiation doses measured at each step. Results: Baseline effective radiation doses for CT head, CTA and CTP were 1.80, 3.60 and 3.96 mSv, at currents of 300, 280 and 130–150 mA, respectively. Using AIDR 3D and final reduced currents of 160, 190 and 70–100 mA for CT head, CTA and CTP gave effective doses of 1.29, 3.18 and 2.76 mSv, respectively. Conclusion: We demonstrated that satisfactory reductions in the effective radiation dose for CT head (28.3%), CTA (11.6%) and CTP (30.1%) can be achieved without sacrificing diagnostic image quality. We have also shown that iterative reconstruction techniques such as AIDR 3D can be effectively used to help reduce effective radiation dose. The dose reductions were performed within a short period and can be easily achievable, even in busy departments.

Yong Li ◽  
Bingsheng Huang ◽  
Jun Cao ◽  
Tianqi Fang ◽  
Guoqing Liu ◽  

Abstract The radiation doses absorbed by major organs of males and females were studied from three types of dental X-ray devices. The absorbed doses from cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), panoramic and intraoral X-ray machines were in the range of 0.23–1314.85 μGy, and were observed to be high in organs and tissues located in or adjacent to the irradiated area, there were discrepancies in organ doses between male and female. Thyroid, salivary gland, eye lens and brain were the organs that received higher absorbed doses. The organ absorbed doses were considerably lower than the diagnostic reference level for dental radiography in China. The calculated effective radiation doses for males and females were 56.63, 8.15, 2.56 μSv and 55.18, 8.99, 2.39 μSv, respectively, when using CBCT, the panoramic X-ray machine and intraoral X-ray machine. The effective radiation dose caused by CBCT was much higher than those of panoramic and intraoral X-ray machines.

1972 ◽  
Vol 50 (6) ◽  
pp. 767-770
A. G. Scott ◽  
J. E. Guthrie

Aedes aegypti (L.) larvae were reared in solutions of 137Cs, 32P, and 90Sr + 90Y and the apparent concentration ratios of the individual radionuclides which were accumulated are reported. A consideration of the significance of accumulation to the internal radiation dose delivered to the larvae reveals that larvae reared in identical concentrations of a radionuclide did not receive the same dose, nor were they exposed to the greatest dose-rate at the same stage of development. The probable dose to larvae reared in radioactive solutions cannot be calculated solely from a knowledge of the radionuclide concentration in the rearing medium.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 27-35
Van Dung Nguyen ◽  
Dinh Thuan Dao ◽  
Hao Quang Nguyen

According to the United Nations Scientific Council on the Effects of Atomic Radiation(UNSCEAR), the global average dose level for the community is 2.4mSv/year. People living in the areas with high levels of radiation will cause adverse effects on their health. There are two main components that cause the dose of radiation, mainly due to the inhalation of radon and the extra dose of gamma radiation. The paper presents the results of assessment of natural effective radiation doses on the basis of the projected outpatient dosimetry in 70 households living in Mau and Mo village of Nam Xe, Phong Tho distrist, Lai Chau province.

V. Bebeshko ◽  
K. Bruslova ◽  
L. Lyashenko ◽  
T. Pushkariova ◽  

Objective: to establish the relationship between quantitative and qualitative parameters of peripheral blood cells (lymphocytes, neutrophilic granulocytes, monocytes, platelets) depending on the type of somatic diseases and annual internal radiation doses from 137Cs in children – residents of radiologically contaminated territories in the late period after the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant (ChNPP) accident. Materials and methods. There were 175 children included in the study comprising residents of radiologically contaminated territories (n = 79) aged from 4 to 18 years. Annual internal radiation doses in children from 137Cs ranged from 0.004 to 0.067 mSv. Certain blood parameters were assessed in a comparative mode in children having got the radiation doses up to 0.01 mSv and higher. The comparison group (n = 96) included children living in settlements not attributed to the radiologically contaminated ones. Incidence and type of somatic diseases and its impact on quantitative and qualitative changes in blood parameters (i.e. lymphocyte, neutrophilic granulocyte, monocyte, and platelet count) were studied. The cell size, state of nucleus, membranes and cytoplasm, signs of proliferative and degenerative processes were taken into account. Results. Incidence and type of somatic diseases in children did not depend on the annual internal radiation dose. Number of cases of monocytosis was significantly higher among the children exposed to ionizing radiation than in the comparison group (16.6 % vs. 7.3 %). There were, however, no correlation between these changes and radiation doses. Number of activated blood monocytes with cytoplasmic basophilia and residues of nucleoli in nuclei was higher in individuals with internal radiation doses > 0.01 mSv. A direct correlation between the qualitative parameters of monocytes and internal radiation doses was established (rs = 0.60; р < 0.001), as well as a direct correlation of different strength between qualitative parameters of blood cells, indicating their unidirectional pattern depending on the somatic morbid conditions. Regardless of annual internal radiation dose, there was an increase in the number of degenerative and aberrant cells vs. the comparison group (р < 0.05), which could be due to the role of non-radiation factors. Conclusions. Results of the assessment of quantitative and qualitative parameters of peripheral blood cells reflected the state of morbid conditions in children and are of a diagnostic value. The identified dose-dependent changes in monocyte lineage of hematopoiesis may be the markers of impact of long-term radionuclide incorporation with food in children living in environmentally unfavorable conditions after the ChNPP accident. Key words: annual internal radiation dose from 137Cs, children, peripheral blood, lymphocytes, neutrophilic granulocytes, monocytes, platelets, qualitative signs.

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