Çatışma ve Göç Kültürü Modeli Bağlamında Göç Romanı Okuması: Yüksel Pazarkaya’nın Savrulanlar’ı

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-106
Ali Tilbe ◽  
Kamil Civelek

Göç olgusu genel bir bakışla; insanların ekonomik, toplumsal, siyasal ya da ekinsel çok değişik nedenlerle yerleşik uzamlarından başka bir uzama yerleşmek için yaptıkları devinimler olarak tanımlanabilir. Bu tanıma en uygun devinimlerden birisi de altmışlı yıllarda başlayan ve günümüzde de karşılıklı olarak süreğen ekinsel bir nitelik kazanan Türklerin Almanya’ya ulusötesi göçüdür. Bu bildiride İbrahim Sirkeci ve Jeffrey H. Cohen’in Çatışma ve Göç Kültürü Modeli temelli geliştirdiğimiz göç yazını inceleme yöntembilimi yaklaşımıyla çağdaş Türk-Alman yazarlardan Yüksel Pazarkaya’nın Savrulanlar adlı romanını incelemeyi erek ediniyoruz. Roman, iki ülke arasında arafta kalan insanların ekinsel ve toplumsal uyum ve yeni bir kimlik edinmek için vermiş oldukları savaşımı, yıllar sonra gurbette bir trende karşılaşan iki askerlik arkadaşının yeniden kurulan dostluklarını ve aile öykülerini çarpıcı bir biçimde betimlemektedir.ABSTRACT IN ENGLISHAnalysis of Yüksel Pazarkaya’s Novel Titled Savrulanlar in the Context of Conflict Model of Migration and Cultures of Human MobilityIn general terms, the migration phenomenon can be described as human mobility which occurs for the purpose to settle at a different location from the permanent one due to economic, social, political or cultural reasons. Transnational migration of Turks through Germany, which has started in sixties and has been perpetuated mutually and obtained a cultural characteristic, is one of the most appropriate types of mobility that fits this description. In this presentation, we aim to examine Savrulanlar, which is written by Yüksel Pazarkaya, a contemporary Turk-German author, by employing the approach of migration literature examination methodology that we have developed on the basis of İbrahim Sirkeci and Jeffrey H. Cohen’s Conflict Model of Migration and Cultures of Human Mobility. The novel portrays the struggle of people who try to gain a new identity and their endeavour for cultural and social adaptation, along with the friendship of two army friends who met on train in abroad after many years, as well as their family stories conspicuously.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 319-342
Ibrahim Sirkeci ◽  
Deniz Eroglu Utku

Türkiye uluslararası göç yazınına sonradan girmiş eski bir göç ve göçmen ülkesidir. Özellikle 19. yüzyıl sonundan itibaren yaşanan uluslararası nüfus hareketlerinin önemli bir kısmı, şiddetli çatışmalar karşısında yerinden olan nüfusların sınır aşan hareketleri olarak gerçekleşmiştir. Bu çalışmada, Suriyelilerin 2011 tarihinde Türkiye’ye yönelik kitlesel akınları ile yeniden tartışılmaya başlanan kitlesel akın kavramı, çatışma eksenli bir kuramlaştırılma üzerinden ele alınmaktadır. Bu bağlamda Türkiye’nin deneyimlediği tüm göç hareketleri değil, sadece kitlesel akınlar incelenmektedir. Teorik arka planını Çatışma ve Göç Kültürleri Modeline dayandırdığımız bu çalışmada insan hareketliliğinin öncelikle hedef ülkenin çekiciliği değil, kaynak  ülkelerdeki çatışmaların motive edici rolü vurgulanmaktadır. Bu bağlamda çatışmaların makro düzeyde Göçün 3KA’sı olarak ifade ettiğimiz, Katılım, Kalkınma ve Kitle Açıklarının insani güvensizlik kaynağı olduğunu ve bunların kitlesel akınları yönlendirdiğini tartışıyoruz. Böylelikle bu çalışmada, yaygın olarak “ani ve öngörülemez” olarak tanımlanan kitlesel akınların aslolarak öngörülebilir olduklarına işaret eden ve biriken insani güvensizlik algısına dikkat çekerek, kitlesel akın tanımını yeniden tartışmaya açmaktayız. ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH Understanding Mass Movements to Turkey in Reference to the Conflict Model of Migration and 3Ds Despite entering the international migration literature more recently, Turkey has long been an emigration and immigration country. International population movements to Turkey, especially movements at the end of the 19 century, was mostly by those who lost their houses because of the intensive conflicts happening in the origin countries. We discuss mass migrations to Turkey with reference to the Conflict Model of Migration. We argue that conflicts in places of origin are primarily important in mass migration movements. We look at the sources of conflict and insecurity classified into the 3Ds (Democratic Deficit, Development Deficit and Demographic Deficit) to explain human mobility. Thus, we argue that mass population movements that are often described as “sudden” and “unpredictable” can in fact be predictable if cumulative human insecurity factors are taken into account. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 175-184
Onur Kemal Bazarkaya

Orta Çağdan hemen sonra gelen Yeni Çağın başlarındaki bilimsel tartışmalarda şarlatanlar çok büyük bir önem taşırdı; çünkü o dönemde söz sahibi olan bilim insanları onları olumsuz örnekler olarak görür ve bu olumsuzlukları kullanarak bilim için ideal ölçütler saptarlardı. Bilimde bu şekilde “negatif figür” (Hole Rößler) olarak gösterilen şarlatanlar, edebiyatta daha çeşitli ve kompleks biçimlerde ortaya çıkmakta, hatta kimi zaman karizmatik kişilikler olarak tasvir edilmektedir. Bu durum özellikle şarlatan figürünün yoğun bir şekilde sahnelendiği Alman Edebiyatında 18. yüzyılın sonlarında, 19. yüzyılın başlarında görülmektedir. Aynı zamanda söz konusu devirde yazılmış eserlerdeki şarlatanların neredeyse hiçbirinin yerleşik yaşam insanı olmadığı göze çarpmaktadır. Bitmeyen yolculukları gibi bu bağlamda sürekli kıyafet değiştirmeleri ve rol yapmaları da onların kişiliklerine esrarengiz bir hava katmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Christoph Martin Wieland, Friedrich Schiller ve Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’ye ait eserlerdeki şarlatan karakterinin farklı işlevleri irdelenecektir. Çalışmanın sonucunda şimdiye kadar gözardı edilmiş şarlatan figürüyle birlikte Göç Edebiyatı kapsamındaki araştırmalara yeni bir bakış açısı kazandırmak hedeflendirmektedir.ABSTRACT IN ENGLISHCharlatan Traveller and Migration Literature: A Reading with the Conflict Model At the beginning of modern times, charlatans emerged as of great importance to the scientific discourse of those spokesmen of the scholar community who use them as negative examples and thus define ideal standards for their profession. Charlatans were seen as “negative figures” (Hole Rößler) in science; however, the way they were judged in literature was more complex and varied, and, in some texts, they even seem congenial and charismatic. This phenomenon can be noticed in German literature especially around 1800 when the charlatan figure is used very often. Moreover, it is conspicuous that charlatans in literary depictions of this period generally have no home and travel around constantly. Furthermore, the fact that they change their clothing and camouflage permanently offers to their identity a mysterious dimension. In the field of studies designated as ,Literature and Migration’, this paper aims to provide interpretative perspectives and, in this respect, examines the issue concerning the poetic functions of charlatan travellers as rendered textually in a number of relevant passages chosen from the works of Christoph Martin Wieland, Friedrich Schiller, and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-13
Katherine Kirk ◽  
Ellen Bal

AbstractThis paper explores the relationship between migration and integration policies in the Netherlands, diaspora policies in India, and the transnational practices of Indian highly skilled migrants to the Netherlands. We employ anthropological transnational migration theories (e.g., Ong 1999; Levitt and Jaworsky 2007) to frame the dynamic interaction between a sending and a receiving country on the lives of migrants. This paper makes a unique contribution to migration literature by exploring the policies of both sending and receiving country in relation to ethnographic data on migrants. The international battle for brains has motivated states like the Netherlands and India to design flexible migration and citizenship policies for socially and economically desirable migrants. Flexible citizenship policies in the Netherlands are primarily concerned with individual and corporate rights and privileges, whereas Indian diaspora policies have been established around the premise of national identity.

1998 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-24 ◽  
Jobn PiIling

This essay studies Beckett's first novel, Dream 0f Fair to middling Women (written 1931-32, posthumously published in 1992), in the light of a notebook donated to the Beckett International Foundation by' the Samuel Beckett Estate. The notebook contains a mass of unsourced jottings, some of which surface verbatim in Dream, and all of which, to a greater or lesser degree, contributed to the composition of the novel. Some specimen pages of the notebook are shown, in spite of their fragmentary appearance, to have specific (and sometimes unexpected) sources in, the books that Beckett was reading. On this basis, and in more general terms, new light is cast on Beckett's compositional technique in Dream.

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 278-311 ◽  
Elsie Seckyee Ho (何式怡) ◽  
Lan-hung Nora Chiang (姜蘭虹)

In this age of transnational migration, family structures and relationships are transformed as a result of family members living in two or more countries. Over the past three decades, the international migration of Chinese from East Asia to Australia and New Zealand is an example of the global phenomenon of transnationalism, where families employ bi- or multi-local strategies to meet the needs of family members at different stages of their life cycle. Despite this growing trend towards transnationalism, the care of older people in transnational settings has received little attention in studies on migration, transnationalism and care. Older members are in need of help and care when their children and other younger relatives change residence to other countries. In the case of older people who have followed their adult children to live in another country, the need for help and care can arise or increase when the health of the older migrants deteriorates, often making it necessary for other overseas family members to go between countries for the care of their elderly relatives.This paper is based on 80 in-depth interviews with Chinese families in Australia and New Zealand where adult children are providing care to their aged parents living in Taiwan, the People’s Republic of China and Hong Kongsar. The study explores the transnational care-givers’ attitudes towards filial piety, and how filial responsibilities are performed through transnational care-giving. The findings offer insight into the ageing experience of elderly Chinese people in transnational contexts, and stimulates new thinking on broader issues of global human mobility and transnational aged care amongst contemporary Chinese families.隨著全球化與跨國移民的興起,家庭結構與家庭關係因家庭成員分散在不同國家而改變,東亞華人因為移民紐西蘭與澳洲而影響家庭結構並改變家庭關係就是一個例子。過去三十年東亞華人移民到紐西蘭及澳洲的數量大幅增加,家庭成員運用雙方或多方的在地策略,來滿足他們在不同生命階段中的需求;雖然跨國主義普遍發生於各國,但相關長者照顧的研究並未受到重視。當年輕子女離家後,年長父母隨著健康的惡化,生活協助與健康照顧的需求跟著產生,有些父母會隨著子女移往移民國,有些則留在當地由其他親友或移民子女來回奔波照顧。本研究透過深入訪談八十位居住澳洲與紐西蘭的台灣、香港及大陸移民,了解他們如何照顧居住在母國的年長父母。研究探索了跨國照顧者對孝道的看法,以及如何透過跨國照顧來盡孝道。研究結果從跨國移民脈絡中爬梳華人長者的老化經驗,擴展當代全球華人移動議題的討論視野並為跨國長者照顧議題注入新的看法。 (This article is in English).

2000 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 51
Amaia Ibarrán Bigalondo

The difficult social and cultural situation that the Chicano community has suffered after the signing of theTreaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848, has been overtly manifested in the Literature produced by its writers. Themes such as the social and economical conditions of the members of the Chicano community, schooling and housing, the situation of the workers in the fields, portrayals of the first organized political movements, family and domestic relationships etc., are widely found in the Literature written by Chicano authors. Chicanas, on their part, also use the novel for vindicatory purposes. Their body of Literature also deals with subjects that account for their constrained existence as members of an oppressed gender and ethnic group. The first Chicano novels are, in general terms, therefore, "adult" novels even though Monserrat Fontes¿ First Confession is one of the exceptions in which childhood and children's voices are portrayed in a novel, a thematic analysis of the novel demonstrates that many of the most recurrent themes of the female novel are present in this story.

Likhomanova N.O.

The purpose of the research is to define “family narrative” term; to analyze its structure as well as typological features in “Bukova Zemlya” [Beech Land]. Panorama-novel covering 225 years” by M. Matios published in 2019.Methods have been designed in compliance with the key principles of narratology (particularly, works by Roland Barthes, Gérard Genette, Yury Lotman, Vladimir Propp, Wolf Schmid, etc), the inter-relation of narration types as well as the implemented forms of memory’s reproduction.Results. The author of the research has suggested a definition of “family narrative” term as a form of transformation of cultural, historical and communicative memory. The author has identified and analyzed its structure, key functions, typological and individual features using “Bukova Zemlya” novel by M. Matios. The text of the novel is built as a linear narrative of four families during 225 years in XVIII-XX centuries at the territory of Bukovyna (currently, in the South-West of Ukraine). According to G. Genette’s typology, the impartiality of the story is achieved via conducting a narration on behalf of a heterodiegetic narrator in an extradiegetic situation. Combination of a family and a historical narratives is typologically manifested through detailed descriptions of ancestry trees; family stories; ethnography-styled descriptions of customs and every-day living of Hutsuls [an ethnic group living in Caprathian mountains of Ukraine or nearby]. The author also mentions well-known historical figures, uses testimonies of the individuals who lived in those times found in archive sources on the First World War, protests, rallies and riots in 1918; describes the events of the Second World War, anti-Soviet Resistance in Bukovyna and finishes the novel with the events of the War in Donbas in 2014. Following the classification approach by G. Genette, M. Matios applies an internal focalization of a plural type. In particular, the views of the various characters are presented from the perspective of a heterodiegenetic narrator. For example, one of the novel’s chapters describes a cross-cutting theme of war simultaneously both as viewed by a peasant, Dariy Berehovchuk, and by an ambassador, Nikolay Vasylko. The family narrative includes specific typology features as “sine qua non” components of the plot: birth, marriage, re-location (home/village/city/home country), hardships (diseases, famines, the Holocaust, wars), death. The author’s specific elements of her view upon the family narrative include the themes of Land, the God and belief, Language, Ethnicity (including the topic of multiple ethnic groups living in Bukovyna). The novel also has such popular elements for a family narrative as images of twins (or twin strangers) and some borrowed traditional features of folk epic tales: cases of “magical recognition” and “magical prophecy” for a future of a kin.Conclusions. The family narrative of M. Matios’ novel includes both typology and individual features. It is built in compliance with the structure of the internal focalization of plural type. The narration is presented as conducted by a heterodiegentic narrator in a extradiegenetic situation. Hence, an impartiality of a narration and a subjectivity of a discourse in present time provides for realization of “I”-presence of a reader and avoiding idealization and mythologization of a family narrative, which are quite traditional for it.Key words: narration, heterodiegenetic narrator, historical narrative, cultural memory, communicative memory. Мета – визначити поняття «родинний наратив», проаналізувати його структуру та типологічні ознаки у творі М. Матіос «Букова земля. Роман-панорама завдовжки у 225 років» (2019).Методи дослідження формуються відповідно до основних положень наратології (праці Р. Барта, Ж. Женетта, Ю. Лотмана, В. Проппа, В. Шміда та ін.), взаємозв’язку типу нарації і втілених форм репродукції пам’яті.Результати. У процесі дослідження було запропоновано дефініцію поняття «родинний наратив» як форми трансформації культурної, історичної та комунікативної пам’яті. Визначено та проаналізовано його структуру, основні функції, типологічні та індивідуальні ознаки на прикладі роману М. Матіос «Букова земля». Зазначено, що текст побудований у формі лінійного наративу історії чотирьох родів протягом 225 років на території Буковини XVIII–XXI століть. Об’єктивність викладу досяга-ється, за типологією Ж. Женетта, завдяки нарації від імені гетеродієгетичного наратора в екстрадієгетичній ситуації. Типо-логічною ознакою є поєднання родинного та історичного наративів, що демонструється через детальний опис родоводів, сімейних історій, етнографічного опису побуту та звичаїв гуцулів, згадок про відомих осіб, використання свідчень сучасників з архівних джерел подій Першої світової війни, протестів, мітингів і заворушень 1918 р., подій Другої світової війни, істо-рії антирадянського опору на Буковині та завершення оповіді роману подіями війни на Донбасі у 2014 р. За класифікацією Ж. Женетта, в романі використано внутрішню фокалізацію множинного типу, а саме подаються погляди різних персонажів із точки зору гетеродієгетичного наратора. Наприклад, наскрізна тема війни в одному з епізодів роману одночасно описується з погляду селянина Дарія Береговчука і посла Николая Василька. Типологічними ознаками родинного наративу є і неодмінні складники сюжету: народження, одруження, зміна місця (дому/села/міста/батьківщини), випробування (хвороби, голод, голо-кост, війна), смерть. Виразними елементами авторського погляду на родинний наратив стали теми землі, Бога і віри, мови, національності (зокрема, і тема багатонаціональної буковинської землі). У романі присутні і такі поширені елементи родин-ного наративу, як образи близнюків (або двійників), а також запозичені усталені ознаки сюжетів народного епосу – епізоди чарівного упізнання і магічного передбачення майбутнього роду.Висновки. Родинний наратив роману М. Матіос містить типологічні та індивідуальні ознаки, формується відповідно до структури внутрішньої фокалізації множинного типу. Нарація подається у викладі гетеродієгетичного наратора в екстрадієге-тичній ситуації. Таким чином, об’єктивність оповіді та суб’єктивність дискурсу теперішнього часу дає змогу втілитися ефекту «я»-присутності читача та уникнути традиційної для родинного наративу ідеалізації та міфологізації.Ключові слова: нарація, гетеродієгетичний наратор, історичний наратив, культурна пам’ять, історична пам’ять, комуні-кативна пам’ять.

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