scholarly journals The taking of Western/Euro Mathematics as reappropriation/repair

Revemop ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. e202003
Peter Appelbaum ◽  
Charoula Stathopoulou

Reorienting ethnomathematics away from reclaiming or celebrating epistemologies lost to colonialization, we propose the need to position local knowledges as the authorities that re appropriate Western Mathematical traditions in the service of local cultures and concerns. Drawing from several post-colonial novels in which a divided world and clash of traditions is at the center of character, plot, politics, and the human condition (Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake, Nuruddin Farah’s North of Dawn) applying the work of Ligia (Lichio) Lopez, on the construction of indigeneity as a form of coloniality, we urge the application of a metaphor in order to understand and interpret mathematics education through the prism of ethnomathematics. Can one enjoy the privileges of western civilization and yet perceive resistance in this acculturation process as a positive action of affirmation? What are the corresponding costs for any choice? What about students — mostly out of mainstream — at school that very often are confronting a similar dilemma?Keywords: Ethnomathematics. Coloniality. Mathematics Education. Post-Colonial. Reappropriation/Repair.La toma de las Matemáticas Euro/Occidentales como reapropiación/reparación Reorientando las Etnomatemáticas, lejos de recuperar o celebrar las epistemologías perdidas por la colonización, proponemos la necesidad de posicionar el conocimiento local como las autoridades que reorientan las tradiciones matemáticas occidentales al servicio de las culturas y preocupaciones locales. Basado en varias novelas poscoloniales en las que un mundo dividido y un conflicto de tradiciones están en el corazón del carácter, la trama, la política y la condición humana (El homónimo escrito por Jhumpa Lahiri, El amanecer del norte escrito por Nuruddin Farah) y al aplicar el trabajo de Ligia (Lichio) López en la construcción de la indigeneidad como una forma de colonialidad, instamos al uso de una metáfora para comprender e interpretar la educación matemática a través del prisma de la Etnomatemática. ¿Alguien puede disfrutar de los privilegios de la civilización occidental y aún percibir la resistencia en este proceso de aculturación como una acción de afirmación positiva? ¿Cuáles son los costos correspondientes para cualquier elección? ¿Qué pasa con los estudiantes — especialmente fuera del sistema convencional — en la escuela que a menudo enfrentan un dilema similar?Palabras clave: Etnomatemáticas. Colonialidad. Educación Matemática. Poscolonial. Reapropiación/Reparación.A Tomada da Matemática Euro/Ocidental como reapropriação/reparoReorientando a Etnomatemática, longe de recuperar ou celebrar epistemologias perdidas pela colonização, propomos a necessidade de posicionar os conhecimentos locais como as autoridades que reorientam as tradições matemáticas ocidentais a serviço das culturas e das preocupações locais. Com base em vários romances pós-coloniais, nos quais um mundo dividido e um conflito de tradições estão no centro do personagem, da trama, da política e da condição humana (O Xará escrito Jhumpa Lahiri, O Norte do Amanhecer escrito por Nuruddin Farah) e, aplicando a obra de Ligia (Lichio) Lopez, na construção da indigeneidade como uma forma de colonialidade, instigamos a utilização de uma metáfora para entender e interpretar a educação matemática por meio do prisma da Etnomatemática. Alguém pode usufruir os privilégios da civilização ocidental e ainda assim perceber a resistência nesse processo de aculturação como uma ação positiva de afirmação? Quais são os custos correspondentes para qualquer escolha? E os alunos — principalmente fora do sistema convencional — na escola que, muitas vezes, enfrentam um dilema semelhante?Palavras-chave:Etnomatemática. Colonialidade. Educação Matemática. Pós-colonial. Reapropriação/Reparo.

2021 ◽  
Vol 41 ◽  
pp. 243-260
Nadejda Ivanova ◽  

The novels Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe and The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri approach an acute and sensitive problem of the effects of colonization and of the self-exiled emigrant man. Each of the protagonists of these two novels expresses an upheaval, an inner cultural conflict. It turns out that their destiny is in a close connection with their images and emotional valences, strongly fed by a collective imaginary, by the deep reality of collective life. Thus, adherence and communication with the archetypal resources of the native community, with the essential that precedes the human condition, proves to be a vital necessity, of overwhelming importance for our protagonists.

2015 ◽  
Vol 20 ◽  
pp. 85
Vanessa Kaiser

<p>A juicio de Tocqueville, la igualdad implica dos tendencias en la democracia; una impulsa directamente a los hombres a la independencia y otra los conduce a la servidumbre, a una igualación que cabe denominar homogeneidad. El artículo tiene por objeto avanzar –desde el pensamiento arendtiano– en el estudio de la homogenización denunciada por Tocqueville. El argumento se divide en dos partes. En la primera, sostiene que la igualdad propiamente política ha colapsado bajo las dinámicas de la homogenización desatada tras el auge de lo social y la consecuente destrucción de la esfera pública denunciados por Arendt. Estamos, en el marco de su teoría, ante la igualdad de los modernos, la cual implica la destrucción de la condición humana de la pluralidad. Luego, en la segunda parte, se explica el vínculo entre la pluralidad, cuya realización está dada por la igualdad, en el primer sentido que le da Tocqueville, y la esfera pública. La tesis plantea que este vínculo es elaborado por Arendt en La condición humana, donde sostiene que la pluralidad es una conditio per qam de la vida política, un rasgo exclusivo del actor político u hombre de acción, la más elevada de las tres condiciones que componen la vita activa.</p><p>Palabras clave: igualdad, libertad, servidumbre, espacio público, Tocqueville, Arendt.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p><em>THE HUMAN PLURALITY AS A CONDITIO PER QUAM OF POLITICAL LIFE</em></p><p><em>According to Tocqueville, equality involves two trends in democracy; one drives men directly to independence and the other leads to servitude, to an equalization that may be called homogeneity. The aim of the article is to advance the study of Tocqueville’s homogenization through Hanna Arendt’s thinking. The argument is divided into two parts. In the first part it argues that actual political equality has collapsed under the homogenisation unleashed after the rise of the social and the consequent destruction of the public sphere denounced by Arendt. In the context of her theory, we are facing “modern equality”, which involves the destruction of the human condition of plurality. Then in the second part, the link between plurality, whose realization is given by ‘equality’ in the first sense that Tocqueville describes, and the public sphere, is explained. The thesis argues that this link is worked by Arendt in her book The Human Condition, which states that plurality is conditio per quam from political life, an exclusive feature of the political actor or man of action, the highest of the three conditions that make the vita activa.</em></p><p><em>Keywords: equality, freedom, servitude, public space, Tocqueville, Arendt.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p> </p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 34 (71) ◽  
pp. 679-704
Diogo Bogéa

A condição humana e a condição docente: das ilusões de onipotência ao reconhecimento do desamparo Resumo: Partindo do princípio de que todo processo educacional é aberta ou veladamente guiado por uma determinada maneira de se compreender o ser humano, procuramos nesse artigo colocar em questão os ideais de “humano”, e consequentemente, de humano-professor, que a tradição ocidental nos legou. Em seguida, tentamos indicar alguns caminhos para repensarmos contemporaneamente o que significa ser humano e, por conseguinte, o que significa ser professor. Enquanto os antigos ideais insistem em projeções de poder e invulnerabilidade ao assumir uma essência imaterial para o humano, apostamos numa concepção de humano encarnado, afetivo e desejante que envolve, em contrapartida, a disposição para assumirmos o irremediável desamparo e a incontornável vulnerabilidade que são intrínsecos à condição humana. Palavras-chave: condição humana; ilusões de onipotência; desamparo The human condition and the teacher condition: from the illusions of omnipotence to the recognition of helplessness Abstract: Assuming that every educational process is openly or veiled guided by a certain way of understanding the human being, we seek in this article to question the ideals of "human," and consequently of human-teacher, that the Western tradition bequeathed to us. Next, we try to indicate some ways to rethink contemporaneously what it means to be human and, therefore, what it means to be a teacher. While the old ideals insist on projections of power and invulnerability by assuming an immaterial essence for the human, we bet on an incarnate, affective and desiring human conception that involves, on the other hand, the disposition to assume the irremediable helplessness and the unavoidable vulnerability that are intrinsic to the human condition. Keywords: human condition; omnipotence illusions; helplessness La condición humana y la condición docente: de las ilusiones de omnipotencia al reconocimiento del desamparo Resumen: A partir del principio de que todo proceso educativo es abierto o veladamente guiado por una determinada manera de comprenderse el ser humano, buscamos en ese artículo plantear en cuestión los ideales de "humano", y consecuentemente, de humano-profesor, que la tradición occidental en legó. A continuación, intentamos indicar algunos caminos para repensar contemporáneamente lo que significa ser humano y, por lo tanto, lo que significa ser profesor. Mientras los antiguos ideales insisten en proyecciones de poder e invulnerabilidad al asumir una esencia inmaterial para lo humano, apostamos en una concepción de humano encarnado, afectivo y deseante que envuelve, en contrapartida, la disposición para asumir el irremediable desamparo y la ineludible vulnerabilidad que son intrínsecos a la condición humana. Palabras clave: condición humana; ilusiones de omnipotencia; desamparo Data de registro: 20/05/2020Data de aceite: 02/10/2020

Alistair Fox

The analysis in this chapter focuses on Christine Jeffs’s Rain as evidence of a shift that had occurred in New Zealand society whereby puritan repression is no longer perceived as the source of emotional problems for children in the process of becoming adults, but rather its opposite – neoliberal individualism, hedonism, and the parental neglect and moral lassitude it had promoted. A comparison with Kirsty Gunn’s novel of the same name, upon which the adaptation is based, reveals how Jeffs converted a poetic meditation on the human condition into a cinematic family melodrama with a girl’s discovery of the power of her own sexuality at the core.

Paragraph ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 42 (1) ◽  
pp. 76-90
Damiano Benvegnù

From Hegel to Heidegger and Agamben, modern Western philosophy has been haunted by how to think the connections between death, humanness and animality. This article explores how these connections have been represented by Italian writers Tommaso Landolfi (1908–79) and Stefano D'Arrigo (1919–92). Specifically, it investigates how the death of a nonhuman animal is portrayed in two works: ‘Mani’, a short story by Landolfi collected in his first book Il dialogo dei massimi sistemi (Dialogue on the Greater Harmonies) (1937), and D'Arrigo's massive novel Horcynus Orca (Horcynus Orca) (1975). Both ‘Mani’ and Horcynus Orca display how the fictional representation of the death of a nonhuman animal challenges any philosophical positions of human superiority and establishes instead animality as the unheimlich mirror of the human condition. In fact, in both stories, the animal — a mouse and a killer whale, respectively — do die and their deaths represent a mise en abyme that both arrests the human narrative and sparks a moment of acute ontological recognition.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 454-473
Rachel Zellars

This essay opens with a discussion of the Black commons and the possibility it offers for visioning coherence between Black land relationality and Indigenous sovereignty. Two sites of history – Black slavery and Black migration prior to the twentieth century – present illuminations and challenges to Black and Indigenous relations on Turtle Island, as they expose the “antagonisms history has left us” (Byrd, 2019a, p. 342), and the ways antiblackness is produced as a return to what is deemed impossible, unimaginable, or unforgivable about Black life.While the full histories are well beyond the scope of this paper, I highlight the violent impossibilities and afterlives produced and sustained by both – those that deserve care and attention within a “new relationality,” as Tiffany King has named, between Black and Indigenous peoples. At the end of the essay, I return briefly to Anna Tsing’s spiritual science of foraging wild mushrooms. Her allegory about the human condition offers a bridge, I conclude, between the emancipatory dreams of Black freedom and Indigenous sovereignty.  

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 111-124
Alexander Pschera

"Neben der Industrie hat die Digitalisierung auch die Natur ergriffen. Die Tatsache, dass Tausende von Tieren mit GPS-Sendern aus- gerüstet und überwacht werden, erlaubt, analog zur Industrie 4.0 auch von einer Natur 4.0 zu sprechen. Dieses Internet der Tiere verändert den Begriff, den der Mensch von der Natur hat. Er transformiert die Wahrnehmung vor allem der Natur als etwas fundamental An- deren. Neben den vielen kulturellen Problematisierungen, die das Internet der Tiere mit sich bringt, lassen sich aber auch die Umrisse einer neuen, ganz und gar nicht esoterischen planetarisch-post-digitalen Kultur aufzeigen, die die conditio humana verändert. In addition to industry, digitalization has also taken hold of nature. The fact that thousands of animals are provided and monitored with GPS transmitters allows to speak of nature 4.0 by way of analogy to industry 4.0. This internet of animals changes our idea of nature. Most of all, it transforms the perception of nature as something fundamentally other. Beside the many cultural problems that the internet of animals implies, it can also outline a new, not at all esoteric planetary post-digital culture that is about to change the human condition. "

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