scholarly journals Integrating maize and triticale in grass/clover based dairy systems: examining yields and autumn soil nitrate levels

J.B. Pinxterhuis ◽  
H.C. De Boer ◽  
N.J.M. Van Eekeren ◽  
M.W.J. Stienezen

To establish N-efficient crop rotations with perennial ryegrass/white clover, maize and triticale, a 9-year field experiment was executed on an organic experimental farm in the Netherlands. Crop rotations with different levels of slurry (dairy effluent from the free-stall barn, average dry matter content of 7%) application were tested for dry matter (DM) yield, N yield, soil mineral N in autumn, soil organic matter and soil organic N. Maize cropping and slurry application both increased annual DM yield. However, the second year of grass/ clover following maize, maize itself and slurry applications each resulted in higher soil mineral N in autumn, increasing the risk of nitrate leaching losses. A rotation of 4 years of grass/clover, 2 years of maize and 1 year of triticale resulted in relatively high average annual DM production (12 t DM/ha/year) for Dutch conditions, with a higher potential N leaching loss in 2 out of 7 years. Keywords: crop rotation, grass clover, maize, triticale, N efficiency, soil mineral N

2020 ◽  
Vol 255 ◽  
pp. 107863 ◽  
Xiaogang Yin ◽  
Kurt-Christian Kersebaum ◽  
Nicolas Beaudoin ◽  
Julie Constantin ◽  
Fu Chen ◽  

1987 ◽  
Vol 109 (1) ◽  
pp. 141-157 ◽  
T. M. Addiscott ◽  
A. P. Whitmore

summaryThe computer model described simulates changes in soil mineral nitrogen and crop uptake of nitrogen by computing on a daily basis the amounts of N leached, mineralized, nitrified and taken up by the crop. Denitrification is not included at present. The leaching submodel divides the soil into layers, each of which contains mobile and immobile water. It needs points from the soil moisture characteristic, measured directly or derived from soil survey data; it also needs daily rainfall and evaporation. The mineralization and nitrification submodel assumes pseudo-zero order kinetics and depends on the net mineralization rate in the topsoil and the daily soil temperature and moisture content, the latter being computed in the leaching submodel. The crop N uptake and dry-matter production submodel is a simple function driven by degree days of soil temperature and needs in addition only the sowing date and the date the soil returns to field capacity, the latter again being computed in the leaching submodel. A sensitivity analysis was made, showing the effects of 30% changes in the input variables on the simulated amounts of soil mineral N and crop N present in spring when decisions on N fertilizer rates have to be made. Soil mineral N was influenced most by changes in rainfall, soil water content, mineralization rate and soil temperature, whilst crop N was affected most by changes in soil temperature, rainfall and sowing date. The model has so far been applied only to winter wheat growing through autumn, winter and spring but it should be adaptable to other crops and to a full season.The model was validated by comparing its simulations with measurements of soil mineral N, dry matter and the amounts of N taken up by winter wheat in experiments made at seven sites during 5 years. The simulations were assessed graphically and with the aid of several statistical summaries of the goodness of fit. The agreement was generally very good; over all years 72% of all simulations of soil mineral N to 90 cm depth were within 20 kg N/ha of the soil measurements; also 78% of the simulations of crop nitrogen uptake were within 15 kg N/ha and 63% of the simulated yields of dry matter were within 25 g/m2 of the amounts measured. All correlation coefficients were large, positive, and highly significant, and on average no statistically significant differences were found between simulation and measurement either for soil mineral N or for crop N uptake.

1999 ◽  
Vol 133 (3) ◽  
pp. 263-274 ◽  

In four field experiments, the effects of single nitrogen (N) applications at planting on yield and nitrogen uptake of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) was compared with two or three split applications. The total amount of N applied was an experimental factor in three of the experiments. In two experiments, sequential observations were made during the growing season. Generally, splitting applications (up to 58 days after emergence) did not affect dry matter (DM) yield at maturity and tended to result in slightly lower DM concentration of tubers, whereas it slightly improved the utilization of nitrogen. Maximum haulm dry weight and N content were lower when less nitrogen was applied during the first 50 days after emergence (DAE). The crops absorbed little extra nitrogen after 60 DAE (except when three applications were given). Soil mineral N (0–60 cm) during the first month reflected the pattern of N application with values up to 27 g/m2 N. After 60 DAE, soil mineral N was always around 2–5 g/m2. The efficiency of N utilization, i.e. the ratio of the N content of the crop to total N available (initial soil mineral N+deposition+net mineralization) was 0·45 for unfertilized controls. The utilization of fertilizer N (i.e. the apparent N recovery) was generally somewhat improved by split applications, but declined with the total amount of N applied (range 0·48–0·72). N utilization and its complement, possible N loss, were similar for both experiments with sequential observations. Separate analysis of the movement of Br− indicated that some nitrate can be washed below 60 cm soil depth due to dispersion during rainfall. The current study showed that the time when N application can be adjusted to meet estimated requirements extends to (at least) 60 days after emergence. That period of time can be exploited to match the N application to the actual crop requirement as it changes during that period.

2004 ◽  
Vol 84 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-48 ◽  
Martin H. Chantigny ◽  
Denis A. Angers ◽  
Candido Pomar ◽  
Thierry Morvan

Isotopic labelling can help improve our knowledge of the fate of manure N in agroecosystems. Our objective was to investigate the labelling dynamics of excreta N by feeding a pig with a 15N-enriched diet (2.808 atom % 15N) and to establish the implications of using the labelled excreta for N cycling studies. Pig urine and feces were collected and pooled each day for 20 d following the start of 15N-feeding. Each of the 20 excreta samples were analyzed for pH, dry matter content, C and N contents, and 15N distribution between the mineral and organic N pools. Sub-samples of each excreta sample were incubated for 84 d, and the 15N abundance of N mineralized after 7, 21 and 84 d of incubation was determined. The 15N concentration in pig excreta increased sharply during the first 3 d of 15N-feeding and slowly thereafter. The 15N concentration in excreta decreased rapidly when an unlabelled feed was served after 12 d of 15N-feeding. On the first day and after 9 d of 15N-feeding, the mineral and the organic N pools of the collected excreta had similar 15N content. However, from day 2 to 9 of 15N-feeding, the 15N abundance of excreta mineral N was 0.1 to 0.3 atom % lower than in the organic N pool. During incubation of the excreta samples, the 15N content of the mineralized N was 0.1 to 0.4 atom % lower after 84 d than after 21 d of incubation, indicating a heterogeneous distribution of 15N between the rapidly and the slowly mineralizable N pools of pig excreta. Despite some heterogeneity, the measured differences in 15N enrichment among the various excreta N pools were generally less than 15% for the first 9 d of 15N-feeding, and less than 5% afterwards. The labelled excreta were thus considered appropriate for short-term studies on the fate of manure N in the soil-plant system, especially for excreta collected after 9 d of 15N-feeding. Key words: 15N labelling, animal feeding, swine manure, pig slurry

1959 ◽  
Vol 52 (3) ◽  
pp. 348-351 ◽  
P. H. Cooper ◽  
C. Tyler

1. An experiment has been described in which pigs were fed rations containing four different levels of cellulose, each ration being fed successively at three different levels of water intake. The cellulose levels were superimposed on a highly digestible basal ration.2. It appears that altering the level of water intake, while keeping the ration constant, has only a very limited effect on the level of faecal dry-matter percentage, and on the pattern of variation therein.3. Further evidence is cited in support of the theories, advanced in a previous paper, relating to the influence of fibrous cellulose on water relationships in the digesta and faeces.

1998 ◽  
Vol 7 (5-6) ◽  
pp. 553-567 ◽  

Seven field trials at four research sites were carried out to study the effect of incorporation time of different plant materials on soil mineral N content during two successive seasons. Annual hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth), red clover (Trifolium pratense L.), westerwold ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam. var. westerwoldicum) and straw residues of N-fertilized spring barley (Hordeum vulgare) were incorporated into the soil by ploughing in early September, late October and the following May, and by reduced tillage in May. Delaying incorporation of the green manure crop in autumn lessened the risk of N leaching. The higher the crop N and soil NO3-N content, the greater the risk of leaching. Incorporation in the following spring, which lessened the risk of N leaching as compared with early autumn ploughing, often had an adverse effect on the growth of the succeeding crop. After spring barley, the NO3-N content of the soil tended to be high, but the timing of incorporation did not have a marked effect on soil N. With exceptionally high soil mineral N content, N leaching was best inhibited by growing westerwold ryegrass in the first experimental year. ;

1999 ◽  
Vol 8 (4-5) ◽  
pp. 423-440 ◽  
R. TANNI ◽  

The role of plant growth regulators (PGR) in nitrogen (N) fertilization of spring wheat and oats (CCC), fodder barley (etephon/mepiquat) and oilseed rape (etephone) in crop rotation was studied in 1993–1996 on loamy clay soil. Carry over effect of the N fertilization rates (0–180 kg ha-1 ) was evaluated in 1997. N fertilization rate for the best grain/seed yield (120–150 kg ha-1 ) was not affected by PGRs. The seed and N yields of oilseed rape were improved most frequently by recommended use of PGR. The yields of oats were increased in 1995–96. Even though PGR effectively shortened the plant height of spring wheat, the grain yield increased only in 1995. N yield of wheat grains was not increased. Response of fodder barley to PGR was insignificant or even negative in 1995. The data suggest that PGRs may decrease some N leaching at high N rates by improving N uptake by grain/seeds, if the yield is improved. The carryover study showed that in soils with no N fertilization, as well as in soils of high N rates, N uptake was higher than in soils with moderate N fertilization (60–90 kg ha-1 ), independent of PGRs. According to soil mineral N contents, N leaching risk is significant (15–35 kg ha-1 ) only after dry and warm late seasons. After a favourable season of high yields, the N rates did not significantly affect soil mineral N contents. ;

1983 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-101 ◽  
D. M. Oosterhuis ◽  
J. Chipamaunga ◽  
G. C. Bate

SUMMARYThree levels of nitrogen (N) were applied to cotton grown in irrigated field trials at two locations in Zimbabwe in 1978. Dry matter (DM) production, total uptake and distribution of N among vegetative and reproductive components, and soil mineral-N contents were recorded about every 14 days. About 60% of total DM was produced, and 40% of total N taken up, between 10 and 16 weeks after sowing. Most N was present in vegetative parts, particularly leaves and branches, during early growth but, later, it accumulated in buds, flowers and bolls. At maturity, seeds and lint contained 42% of total above-ground plant N. N concentrations were similar in sympodial and mainstem leaves, petioles and branches. Inorganic N applied at sowing had little effect on plant N, but when given after 10 weeks it increased the N content of leaves, stems, branches, petioles and bolls.

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